--- Log opened Thu Jul 05 00:00:01 2018 --- Day changed Thu Jul 05 2018 00:00 < Alexander-47u> what i was looking for is actual keyboard simulation, one that would work for example with a adobe flash app 00:01 < jim> Alexander-47u, right, exactly what it would have to be: a paste command that generated keyboard events 00:07 < zapotah> Alexander-47u: keepass does that 00:08 < Alexander-47u> orlly?? 00:08 < Alexander-47u> thats interesting 00:08 < Alexander-47u> thanks for the headsup 00:08 < zapotah> auto-type 00:08 < Alexander-47u> will test it later 00:08 < Alexander-47u> hope it also takes very long strings 00:08 < zapotah> havent found a limit yet 00:09 < zapotah> i guess there is but dunno 00:09 < Alexander-47u> but are you sure thats keyboard simulation? 00:09 < Alexander-47u> and not just to clipboard 00:37 < dot0x01> o/ 00:38 < Alexander-47u> what interval would '09,39 ' be at the beginning of a crontab line? 00:39 < revel> The first one's for minutes, afaik, and it's on minutes 9 and 39, so... Once every 30 minutes? 00:40 < Alexander-47u> 9 minutes 39 seconds? 00:40 < Alexander-47u> 9,39 * * * * root [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] 00:40 < revel> No. "the 9th and 39th minute". 00:41 < revel> Of every hour, since the rest are asterisks. 00:41 < revel> So, 0:09, 0:39, 1:09, 1:39, 2:09 etc. 00:41 < Alexander-47u> ah oke i understand 00:41 < Alexander-47u> what does the -x stand for :P 00:42 < revel> Check `man test` 00:42 < revel> Seems like it just tests if a file is executable. 00:43 < revel> [] is test. 00:44 < Alexander-47u> ah oke, thanks 00:44 < Alexander-47u> does it actually execute or just test? 00:44 < revel> Just checks the permissions and returns true if they're there and false otherwise. 00:46 < Alexander-47u> thanks 01:06 < Cork> is it possible to bind mount over a file/folder and still have access to the "original" file? 01:07 < phanes> Cork: not really; what are you trying to do 01:07 < jim> Cork, which original file? the one you mounted? 01:08 < Cork> jim, mounted over 01:08 < Cork> i have a system i don't want to modify, and would want to "wrap" a bash script to filter its output 01:08 < Cork> the file is called from another script on the system though 01:09 < jim> what's the name of that original file? 01:09 < Cork> so i wanted to do something like bind mount over it with a new file that calls the same file and greps the output 01:09 < Cork> /usr/bin/os-prober 01:10 < phanes> not really; you could have a user script that is found first in path with the same name and calls the other by absolute path 01:10 < Cork> ya... 01:10 < phanes> e.g. export PATH="/home/Cork/overrides:$PATH" in ~/.bashrc 01:12 < Cork> i could also copy the original to the external system before bind mounting over it i guess 01:15 < Cork> O_o 01:15 < Cork> why was he banned? 01:15 < lnnb> Cork: the question is a little confusing, you might be able to bind mount the directory somewhere else, then bind mount over it esentially moving the accesible location. i've never tried this 01:16 < Cork> lnnb, ya, i've tried that, but seams like bind is lika a symlinc so the first bind will just point to the new replacement 01:17 < Cork> lnnb, full explanation: os-prober sinse later kernels will see the provisioning system 01:17 < Cork> so i need to filter that system out from it when i run grub-mkconfig 01:18 < Cork> but as i am bootstrapping systems i don't want to leave any changes behind 01:18 < Cork> so preferable not touch those files at all 01:19 < jim> Cork, so you want to bind mount over a file in order to disable that particular executable's functionality? 01:19 < Cork> jim, no, i want to filter out the match for /dev/vda1 that is the provitioning system 01:19 < lnnb> Cork: it works here, mkdir stash, mkdir testa, mkdir testb, touch testa/filea, touch testb/fileb, mount --bind testa stash, mount --bind testb testa 01:19 < Cork> but leave any other systems it find intact 01:20 < lnnb> stash will contain filea, testa will contain fileb 01:21 < Cork> lnnb, except check stash 01:21 < Cork> it will be testb 01:21 < lnnb> what kernel are you using 01:21 < jim> the main thing, I think, is that the mount points can be directories, I don't think they can be files (but time marches on, and so does progress, maybe it is possible now) 01:21 < Cork> lnnb, don't have the kernel number, but it starts happening from debian 9 01:22 < lnnb> uname -a 01:22 < jim> or -r 01:22 < Cork> ya, will have to start it first one min 01:22 < jim> either of those identify the running kernel] 01:23 < jim> could you tell us what uname -r says? 01:23 < jim> it's a short string, no need to pastebin it 01:25 < Cork> lnnb, 4.9.0-6 01:25 < lnnb> and you just tried again to verify you didn't make a mistake last time? 01:26 < jim> that sounds like the stock kernel that comes with debian 9 01:26 < Cork> jim, it is 01:26 < storge> it does sound like a stock kernel 01:26 < lnnb> it's working here on 4.14, don't recall having any isues with bind mount on 4.9 either 01:26 < Cork> no bind mount works 01:27 < Cork> but try this: echo "a" > a; echo "b" > b; echo "c" > c; mount --bind a c; mount --bind b a; cat c 01:27 < Cork> cat c will be "b" not "a" 01:28 < jim> ok, that looks like bind mounting over a file, not a dir 01:28 < Cork> ya, i don't want to replace the entire /usr/bin :D 01:29 < Psi-Jack> Hmm, what are you actually trying to do? end result-wise? 01:30 < Cork> i would want to have /mnt/olg-os-prober from /mnt/system/usr/bin/os-prober and replace /mnt/system/usr/bin/os-prober with /mnt/os-prober-wrapper 01:30 < lnnb> cat c shows a here 01:31 < Cork> and have /mnt/os-prober-wrapper call and grep -v /mnt/org-os-prober' 01:31 < Cork> basically 01:31 < wyseguy> anyone know ffmpeg well? 01:31 < Psi-Jack> Cork: Umm... 01:31 < Cork> oh, and without modifying /mnt/system/* 01:32 < Psi-Jack> And why are you even using /mnt like that at all? :p 01:32 < Cork> bootstrapping systems 01:32 < lnnb> i think the better question is why does debian stock kernel have broken bind mount, or are you SURE you're using it correctly? 01:33 < Cork> i'm ten from a script chrooting into /mnt/system and calling grub-mkconfig 01:33 < Cork> and currently it blows up cause it detects the sysprep system so grub.conf is broken 01:33 < lnnb> is it some kind of wacky filesystem? 01:33 < Cork> no 01:33 < Cork> ext4 01:34 * lnnb goes to find his 4.9 ISO 01:34 < Cork> the sysprep has worked find without this for about 2 years without this 01:34 < Cork> but when the sysprep debian updated to deb9 eveything broke 01:34 < Cork> and ubuntu and a new install of arch has the same problem now 01:35 < Cork> the core problem is that /proc/mountes won't see the outer systems mount (/dev/vda1) so os-prober will list it as a third system 01:36 < Cork> we currently hack around it by chmod -x /usr/bin/os-prober 01:37 < Cork> but that won't work reliably 01:51 < lnnb> Cork: also works fine on 4.9.40 in qemu 01:53 < wyseguy> I'm streaming live to youtube and running into some errors with my ffmpeg command. I'm connected a GoPro hero6 black with camera suite on my mac and then running ffmpeg, video works but is super pixelated and then has issues. here are 2 screenshots. https://imgur.com/a/PjhHech and here is the one with the command running. https://imgur.com/a/03NS328 Any ideas? 01:54 < Psi-Jack> wyseguy: Okay. But macOS isn't exactly supported here. 01:55 < Cork> lnnb, https://paste.debian.net/plain/1032126 01:55 < wyseguy> has nothing to do with macos, command line is unix 01:55 < Cork> lnnb, the inner system is the exact same driver 01:55 < Cork> -r 01:55 < Psi-Jack> wyseguy: This is ##linux, not #any-unix-command-compiled-on-any-os. 01:55 < Psi-Jack> wyseguy: You'll get more specific help on ffmpeg in #ffmpeg 01:56 < wyseguy> thanks 01:56 < wyseguy> no one was posting in there but they just did 01:56 < Cork> lnnb, so if you run os-prober after the grep it finds the vda1 in 4.9 but not in 3.16 01:56 < toothe> Hi all. Anyone know if IOMMU works now? 01:57 < toothe> more specifically, if it doesn't kill your HDMI audio? 01:59 < lnnb> Cork: i'm not really worried about that i don't know what any of that means, i'm worried about why your bind mount is broken 02:00 < lnnb> https://i.imgur.com/EeIkJMx.jpg 02:00 < Cork> hmm wow... 02:00 < Cork> ok will try again (tried it a lot of times before....) 02:02 < oiaohm> lnnb: I see exploiting bind mount overlayering. 02:02 < lnnb> exploiting? 02:03 < Cork> lnnb, https://paste.debian.net/plain/1032127 02:04 < lnnb> Cork: thats 4.9 ? 02:04 < oiaohm> Cork: those are individual files right. Please try with directories. 02:05 < Cork> that was 3.16 actually; one min let me reboot to 4.9 02:05 < lnnb> maybe someone broke userspace ;) 02:05 < Cork> same 02:06 < lnnb> very strange 02:06 < oiaohm> Cork: there have been particular Linux kernels where bind mount on files did not work as expceted. 02:06 < Cork> oiaohm, ya, but folder bind mount doesn't help me i'm affraid 02:07 < Cork> hmm but... 02:10 < Cork> ah no a folder mount and one file mount didn't work either 02:11 < Cork> lnnb, btw i get the same behavior on stock archlinux and debian9 kernels (3.16 and 4.9 for debian) 02:11 < lnnb> Cork: well find someone that can confirm this 02:11 < Cork> so it looks like a fairly common behaviour 02:11 < lnnb> and then send me both your configs 02:12 < lnnb> i build my own kernels and have very abnormal config, so it could be a bug 02:12 < Cork> lnnb, i've confirmed it on 3 separate machines if tht is enough 02:12 < lnnb> it's not enough unless someone else can confirm it 02:14 < lnnb> shouldn't be too hard since there are 2200 users here 02:15 < blinksy> openvpn command not found -- how do i launch openvpn? 02:15 < blinksy> i rebooted my vps 02:18 < oiaohm> Cork: I am on debian and I am noticing extra mounts seam to be created. 02:27 < storge> blinksy: is it installed 02:30 < blinksy> yes it's installed asshole 02:32 < blinksy> don't bother replying if it's to troll, storge 02:32 < autopsy> Oh woah! What an ass. 02:32 < autopsy> Is it inztalled lolz. 02:32 < ayecee> that escalated quickly 02:33 < autopsy> Yeah with me here it will. 02:33 < ayecee> lol look at me everyone, i'm important 02:33 < nik> how can i disable a thinkpad touchpad without doing it in xorg? 02:34 < nik> disabling via bios is not responding 02:34 < nik> because it's just a flag for windows OS 02:34 < ][_R_][> Disable the module? 02:34 < autopsy> nik blacklist the module. 02:34 < nik> how can I check the module? sorry for so many questions 02:37 < autopsy> nik, maybe it's input_polldev 02:37 < autopsy> nik use lsmod 02:37 < nik> thank you 02:40 < autopsy> Ok. 02:44 < MidTwitter> anyone recommend a good email client for linux that can only download the last say 50 messages from an email server when syncing? 02:45 < autopsy> MidTwitter, seamonkey mail. 02:45 < autopsy> MidTwitter, or pine I guess too. 02:46 < Sveta> is it intentional that you're not in #seamonkey at moznet, then? 02:46 < MidTwitter> autopsy: thx 02:46 < autopsy> It is. 02:46 < autopsy> Very. Bad. 02:47 < autopsy> Sveta, I just kid. I didn't know there was a moznet. 02:47 < autopsy> Sounds like fun though. 02:47 < Sveta> yes, it has sea monkeys friends, autopsy :) 02:48 < autopsy> Ah no doubt. I'll check it out later then. 02:48 < autopsy> I'm a sea monkey friend for sure. 02:51 < royal_screwup21> To open up the IDE, I've got to type "bash /opt/clion-2018.1.5/bin/clion.sh" -- so I tried to put this in my bashrc: alias clion ="bash /opt/clion-2018.1.5/bin/clion.sh". But when opening a new terminal session, I got an error: alias clion ="bash /opt/clion-2018.1.5/bin/clion.sh"; How do I fix this? 02:53 < royal_screwup21> err never mind 02:54 < autopsy> royal_screwup21, use alias clion='/path/to/clion.sh'; 02:54 < royal_screwup21> autopsy: yeah the space around '=' ha 02:54 < autopsy> royal_screwup21, yeah. 02:54 < royal_screwup21> I'm curious as to why it's like that in bash 02:55 < autopsy> royal_screwup21, only the birds know. 02:55 < autopsy> Spaces have bearing thats why. 02:56 < royal_screwup21> hm not sure I completely understand - will have to read up on it 02:57 < autopsy> royal_screwup21, there's #bash channel. They'll tell you why. 03:05 < ryouma> traditionally, stdout is buffered while stderr is not. if you do command 2>&1, does that make stderr buffered? 03:14 < nekoseam> Hmm...the most I do is write a pdf using LaTeX and Vim, what are some reasons might I use emacs? 03:15 < Sveta> nekoseam: vim is fine for this purpose. 03:19 < ][_R_][> nekoseam: vim and emacs can both write text files just fine. Use whichever you're more comfortable with. 03:22 < my_mind> hey 03:24 < my_mind> i have a avrg750lcd UPS plugged into a kubuntu desktop, it's recognized in the battery section of the system settings 03:24 < my_mind> I was wondering if I could make the pc shut down on low battery 03:24 < autopsy> my_mind, yeah you can configure that in power manager. 03:26 < autopsy> my_mind, jest dew eet. 03:27 < my_mind> autopsy: thabnks. there is a tab on power settings window that says "On low battery" and an option to add a script 03:27 < my_mind> but it doensn't specify the battery percentage 03:27 < autopsy> my_mind, systemctl poweroff -i 03:28 < autopsy> my_mind, or systemctl halt -i 03:28 < autopsy> my_mind, oh no percentage no big deal I think it's 15% 03:29 < my_mind> cool 03:29 < autopsy> my_mind, you might google Gnome Extensions too that may have a low bagttery shut off plugin available. 03:29 < autopsy> If you're using Gnome that is. 03:29 < my_mind> kde 03:29 < autopsy> Ah. 03:30 < my_mind> the new one is so awesome 03:31 < autopsy> The Gnome 3.26 is too. 03:31 < autopsy> my_mind, why KDE? 03:32 < my_mind> cause it has dolphin, really smooth classy appearance, it's fast.. all the other distros look like 2005 to me 03:33 < gentoouser|a> hi Linux world! 03:33 < my_mind> i meant DE 03:33 < my_mind> gentoouser|a: 'sup 03:33 < autopsy> gentoouser|a, Are you a Gentoo User? 03:33 < mgolisch> i have not used any DE for atleast a decade or so 03:34 < gentoouser|a> yes 03:34 < gentoouser|a> based on gentoo 03:34 < autopsy> mgolisch, gawd man. 03:34 < ryouma> i don't thnink kde can do what fluxbox does, so i hav enot checked it out 03:34 < autopsy> mgolish how are you ircing? 03:34 < mgolisch> weechat 03:34 < ryouma> autopsy: emacs rcirc 03:34 < my_mind> i love weechat 03:34 < autopsy> Hah. I bet. 03:35 < autopsy> EmacsIRC 03:35 < gentoouser|a> did you heard about the EU Copyright law? 03:36 < ryouma> ls 03:36 < my_mind> gentoouser|a: reading about it now 03:36 < gentoouser|a> wikipedia italy is close 03:36 < gentoouser|a> wikipedia italy is closed 03:37 < Sveta> yes, i heard of it 03:37 < autopsy> gentoouser|a, what is it about? 03:37 < gentoouser|a> a new directive 03:38 < ][_R_][> 11 and 13? 03:38 < gentoouser|a> yea 03:38 < gentoouser|a> so today is the day 03:39 < gentoouser|a> the vote is today 03:39 < my_mind> https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Comunicato_3_luglio_2018/en 03:40 < triceratux> https://phys.org/news/2018-07-wikipedia-countries-eu-law-protest.html 03:41 < gentoouser|a> there's a petition about 700k people are already voted 03:42 < twainwek> happy freedom everyone 03:42 < twainwek> freedom day* 03:43 < PsychoBoB> guys 03:43 < my_mind> twainwek: apparently Wikipedia italy didn't get the memo 03:43 < PsychoBoB> i`m using deepin 03:43 < triceratux> o noooes 03:43 < PsychoBoB> but my keyboard wireless dont work fine 03:43 < PsychoBoB> why ? 03:44 < my_mind> i've been using linux for 2 years and i've never heard of Deepin 03:44 < autopsy> Needs a reciever. 03:44 < PsychoBoB> I WIN 03:44 < PsychoBoB> is it the layout of keyboard just 03:45 < autopsy> I've never heard of Deepin either. 03:45 < PsychoBoB> my_mind, i use linux for 10 years =) 03:45 < PsychoBoB> it's normal 03:45 < PsychoBoB> you are young boy, have much things to learn 03:45 < my_mind> LOL 03:45 < PsychoBoB> =) 03:45 < PsychoBoB> S2 03:46 < my_mind> galaxy S2? 03:46 < autopsy> Galaxy S3. 03:46 < autopsy> Simple two. 03:46 < autopsy> Needs an R134A 03:47 < autopsy> LOLZ 03:47 < PsychoBoB> S2 03:47 < PsychoBoB> my heart 03:47 < PsychoBoB> to you 03:47 < autopsy> Yeah right get outta here man. 03:47 < autopsy> S2 is not a heart. 03:48 < my_mind> autopsy: this? https://www.google.com/search?q=r134a&client=ubuntu&hs=ptG&channel=fs&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwipkrHZ64bcAhXrpVkKHQRVBaUQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1440&bih=798&dpr=1#imgrc=VRnPDgE77LB2nM: 03:48 < autopsy> my_mind, R134a yep yep One of those to huff on. 03:50 < my_mind> I'll get it for you, i'm your 4th of july secret santa, it'll cost you 23 dollars plus tax. 03:50 < my_mind> amazon prime 03:50 < autopsy> my_mind, thats a good price for a 5 gallon? 03:50 < autopsy> Prime Tyme! 03:51 < my_mind> if you say so 03:56 < my_mind> i just found out that if your amazon prime trial expired 12 months ago, you can sign up for another trial 03:56 < autopsy> my_mind, man thats a good service. 03:56 < my_mind> sign up for a 30 day trial every 12 months 03:56 < autopsy> I use Ebay not Amazona. 03:57 < PsychoBoB> guys 03:57 < Toadisattva> ebay > amazon 03:57 < PsychoBoB> where I can to improve my english 03:57 < my_mind> amazon has amazing deals, fast shipping and no easy returns, plus item reviews. impossible to beat 03:57 < PsychoBoB> I need it 03:58 < autopsy> PsychoBoB, here of course. 03:58 < my_mind> *and easy returns 03:58 < autopsy> PsychoBoB, but it has to be Linux related. 03:58 < Toadisattva> ebay usually has better prices and I don't need to spend $25 to get free shippping :P 03:58 < autopsy> Yeah no threshold. 03:59 < my_mind> if you get a computer from amazon and install linux on it, then it's "Linux-related" 03:59 < autopsy> I buy 9 dollar items on Ebay. 03:59 < my_mind> autopsy: me too 03:59 < gentoouser|a> i want to be like mark zuckerberg lol how can i ? :D 03:59 < autopsy> Yeah. 03:59 < my_mind> autopsy: but i buy the serious stuff from amazon 03:59 < Toadisattva> first you gotta have rich parents to send you to harvard 03:59 < autopsy> my_mind, like what? 03:59 < my_mind> and then you gotta drop out 03:59 < Toadisattva> then you gotta steal someone elses idea pass it off as your own and pay them off to shutup abotu it when they sue you 04:00 < gentoouser|a> hehe 04:00 < my_mind> and then you gotta drop out 04:00 < my_mind> lo 04:00 < autopsy> You gotta? 04:00 < autopsy> Gotcha. 04:00 < my_mind> yeah no point in staying 04:00 < gentoouser|a> i gotta 04:00 < Toadisattva> well I mean tim leary was a harvard professor 04:00 < gentoouser|a> :P 04:00 < Toadisattva> pretty sure dropping out is mandatory 04:00 < autopsy> Gotta go ya gotta go. 04:01 < my_mind> of course. college sux anyways 04:01 < autopsy> College suks the ballz.. 04:01 < my_mind> who needs a piece of paper that tells you learned stuff 04:01 < autopsy> Not me not green. 04:02 < my_mind> l; 04:02 < gentoouser|a> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFFs9UgOAlE 04:02 < autopsy> Riders on the Storm. 04:02 < my_mind> oops typo. i should have gone to college 04:02 < gentoouser|a> look 04:02 < gentoouser|a> :) 04:02 < autopsy> gentoouser|a, what is it? 04:02 < my_mind> NSFW 04:02 < gentoouser|a> mark @ 2005 04:03 < my_mind> sfw? 04:03 < gentoouser|a> wth 04:03 < autopsy> Wat? 04:03 < autopsy> lol oopsie. 04:03 < my_mind> i'll risk it 04:03 < autopsy> Made a booboo. 04:03 < autopsy> NSFW definitely. 04:04 < my_mind> too late 04:04 < gentoouser|a> sorry 04:04 < my_mind> i clicked it. :( 04:04 < autopsy> Ah man did you mess your britches again? 04:04 < my_mind> i don't know that word. you must be an aussie 04:05 < autopsy> I learned it from a 63 year old biker. 04:05 < my_mind> was he riding a BMX? LOL 04:05 < autopsy> LOLfao. 04:06 < autopsy> No. 04:06 < autopsy> He rides Harleys. 04:06 < my_mind> i'm on fire today 04:06 < autopsy> Me too don't get your head too far up the pipe. 04:06 < my_mind> my fav is Iron 883 04:06 < autopsy> I don't know Harleys. 04:06 < autopsy> I know Linux. 04:07 < my_mind> https://www.harley-davidson.com/content/dam/h-d/images/motorcycles/my18/sportster/iron-883/gallery/dom/sportster-iron-883-gallery-1.jpg?impolicy=myresize&rw=1137 04:07 < my_mind> its a freakin BEAUT 04:07 < autopsy> my_mind, wow thats all. 04:08 < my_mind> i wish i could ride harleys. i can't ride motorcycles :( 04:08 < my_mind> i tried 04:09 < autopsy> Yeah I don't ride. 04:09 < autopsy> I lost my 1981 Chrome Mongoose. 04:10 < my_mind> road bike? 04:10 < autopsy> my_mind, road bike yes 20 inch. 04:10 < my_mind> lol 04:10 < autopsy> Hah wat? 04:10 < my_mind> 20 inch? 04:11 < autopsy> Yeah man. 04:11 < autopsy> 20 big inches. 04:11 < autopsy> Front and back. 04:11 < autopsy> I'm not old like you. 04:11 < my_mind> i have a Cannondale Catalyst 4 04:11 < autopsy> Oh ok. Never heard of it. 04:11 < my_mind> google it 04:12 < autopsy> my_mind, nah. 04:12 < my_mind> it's a Hardtailed MTB 04:12 < autopsy> Ok. 04:12 < my_mind> https://www.trekbicyclesuperstore.com/images/library/zoom/cannondale-catalyst-2-copy-238774-11.jpg 04:13 < autopsy> my_mind, not Linux related sorry. 04:13 < autopsy> I don't know anyting. 04:13 < autopsy> I know how to pass kernel parameters. 04:14 < my_mind> I've been using linux for 2 years now and I still can't get myself to install a distro on a server for a small business 04:15 < my_mind> I wish I could get some courage and install Debian on a server, and virtualize some windows machines 04:15 < my_mind> would make backups a breeze 04:15 < jim> why not just try it, see how it goes 04:15 < autopsy> my_mind, I've been using Linux since 1995. 04:16 < sauvin> 1997 here. 04:16 < blinksy> try alcohol my_mind 04:16 < jim> where is this server machine located? 04:16 < autopsy> Alcohol sux nutz. 04:17 < my_mind> I always go with windows server, it's like second nature to me. Linux has always been a side project for me 04:17 < autopsy> sauvin, thats quite a while. 04:17 < sauvin> "Windows" and "Server". What an oxymoron. 04:17 < autopsy> Yeah really. 04:17 < jim> my_mind, have you ever operated linux as a server? 04:18 < autopsy> jim, nah he doesn't seem to be interested. 04:18 < Sapphirus> my_mind, this is ##linux. Just a reminder of what channel you're saying this in. 04:18 < my_mind> jim: i've experimented with it and virtualization 04:18 < autopsy> Yeah get tha freaks out. 04:19 < autopsy> jim are you always behind a computer? 04:19 < my_mind> i'm here because I like learning linux, no matter how much i prefer windows, Linux is always better 04:19 < my_mind> see, I'm not good at expressing myself 04:20 < jim> my_mind, so, I think that for a server that your work depends on, it is better to go with what you know well (even if it's the dreaded darth microsoft (what a name for a star wars character...) 04:20 < autopsy> Star wars alkright! 04:20 < autopsy> Not Linux related Jim. 04:21 < sauvin> Darth Klippie! 04:21 < Sapphirus> my_mind, One way of getting used to it, would be to dualboot it on a laptop or something. 04:21 < my_mind> jim: exactly, I can fix almost anything on windows. But fixing linux is a million times more fun 04:21 < jim> yeah I know... but, he might as well be successful, rather than risk his job on simple mistakes 04:22 < Sapphirus> To be honest, tweaking and debugging issues on Linux is far simpler opposed to doing the same on Windows 10. 04:22 < Sapphirus> lol 04:22 < my_mind> jim: my laptop has been runing Kubuntu for 2 years 04:22 < Sapphirus> One is agonizingly painful and the other is actually workable. 04:23 < jim> my_mind, what if you ran a machine at your home that functions as various types of servers 04:23 < my_mind> good idea 04:23 < Sapphirus> Have you ever thought of doing the inverse? Running Windows in a VM and using Linux as your primary OS? 04:24 < jim> maybe in 6 months of setting that up, you can try bringing it into work 04:24 < Sapphirus> Though, I do realize, jumping into such is not for everyone. 04:24 < my_mind> Sapphirus: i never had to do that 04:24 < my_mind> i'll try it 04:25 < Sapphirus> my_mind, most simplistic if you don't need Windows for GPU-bound applications. 04:25 < jim> yes, I tend to agree.,,, ease into it, keep track of what your needs at work are and see if you can set up something that could serve those needs on the home server 04:26 < my_mind> hmm 04:27 < my_mind> most offices I worked at didn't really need windows server. they needed an app server and a NAS 04:28 < my_mind> but they used windows server instead, with ADDS. If I build a linux machine with Lubuntu, I could run the NAS on the host, and run the app server on a windows 10 CM 04:28 < my_mind> *VM 04:29 < my_mind> the "NAS" would be using samba 04:30 < flashpoint> in places where torrents are VERBOTEN do you get in trouble for getting it? or in trouble for seeding 04:33 < gentoouser|a> 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 04:33 < gentoouser|a> 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 04:33 < my_mind> gentoouser|a: no thanks 04:34 < sauvin> gentoouser|a, take a pill. 04:34 < autopsy> 666 04:34 < my_mind> sauvin: blue or red 04:35 < sauvin> Be original. Take a cerulean or crimson one. 04:45 < dannylee> happy fourth of july 04:47 < autopsy> Happy 4th of July! 04:47 < PsychoBoB> autopsy, 04:47 < PsychoBoB> We’ve = We have? 04:47 < autopsy> dannylee 04:47 < dannylee> hi 04:47 < autopsy> PsychoBoB, we have yes. 04:47 < PsychoBoB> and what is the past of have? 04:47 < PsychoBoB> has ? 04:47 < autopsy> Had 04:47 < autopsy> Had one. 04:48 < PsychoBoB> hmm 04:48 < PsychoBoB> and future? 04:48 < autopsy> Past tense. 04:48 < PsychoBoB> We'll have? 04:48 < autopsy> Haves. 04:48 < autopsy> We'll have yes. 04:48 < PsychoBoB> nice! 04:48 < autopsy> We will have. 04:48 < PsychoBoB> or just we haves? 04:48 < autopsy> We haves works too. 04:48 < autopsy> We will have is more correct. 04:48 < PsychoBoB> both are correct? 04:49 < autopsy> We'll have one. 04:49 < autopsy> English is very refined. 04:49 < PsychoBoB> got it 04:50 < PsychoBoB> portuguese is more hard to learn 04:50 < PsychoBoB> burocratic 04:51 < autopsy> Yeah I can imagine. 04:51 < PsychoBoB> I know the basic of english 04:51 < PsychoBoB> I can read a few words 04:51 < autopsy> Basics of english. 04:51 < PsychoBoB> And write too 04:51 < gentoouser|a> 6/8 04:51 < PsychoBoB> but yet is poor 04:51 < autopsy> 6 divided by 8 is: 04:51 < sauvin> 0.75. 04:52 < sauvin> The difficulty of learning a foreign language is at least partially a function of the nature of the learner's native language and how different it is from the language being learned. 04:53 < sauvin> Example: Spanish-speaking people might eventually just think of Portuguese as just being a bizarre dialect. That same Spanish-speaking person might have the very devil with something like Tibetan. 04:54 < sauvin> I think it's absurd to say that "X is harder to learn than Y" in an international forum without some kind of common *native* language to use as a basis for such comparision. 04:54 < sauvin> Comparison, even. 04:55 < autopsy> Comparing apples to oranges. 04:55 < sauvin> Exactly. 04:56 < sauvin> Another example: native speakers of 6502 assembly language might find lisp a bit tough to grasp. 04:56 * sauvin hides 04:56 < my_mind> I did something stupid 04:56 < lnnb> ohhnoooo 04:57 < autopsy> oh noes 04:57 < autopsy> my_mind, wat was it? 04:57 < my_mind> I put a shut down command in a script that runs when the betters is low 04:57 < autopsy> my_mind, you were supposed to. 04:57 < my_mind> Now when I log in, the PC shuts down 04:57 < autopsy> my_mind, oh crap. 04:58 < my_mind> Yeah 04:58 < autopsy> my_mind, use rd.break at the kernel parameters in Grub then use the rescue shell to delete the script. 04:59 < my_mind> I don’t know where the script is. I put the shutdown command in the script box of the low battery power window 05:00 < sauvin> "low battery power window"? 05:00 < autopsy> my_mind, ok still try to get X up from the rescue shell. 05:00 < autopsy> KDE 05:01 < PsychoBoB> autopsy, 05:01 < PsychoBoB> why my wireless on notebook get a minimal signal 05:02 < PsychoBoB> and my phone get a maximun 05:02 < autopsy> PsychoBoB, module issues. 05:02 < PsychoBoB> understand ? 05:02 < autopsy> PsychoBoB, what kernel are you running? 05:02 < PsychoBoB> I'm using deepin 05:03 < PsychoBoB> autopsy, 05:03 < PsychoBoB> see it 05:03 < PsychoBoB> https://ibb.co/eED9Ey 05:03 < PsychoBoB> my signal 05:06 < PsychoBoB> autopsy, ? 05:06 < [R]> PsychoBoB: its all the spyware taking up your signal 05:07 < autopsy> PsychoBoB, I don't know about Deepin. 05:08 < my_mind> autopsy: I logged in to the tty2 05:08 < my_mind> Can I find the script from here? 05:08 < Dr_Coke> triceratux I installed linux mint 19 with cinnamon 05:08 < autopsy> my_mind, Ok try startx 05:09 < autopsy> my_mind, yeah what did you name it. do updatedb && locate nameOfScript 05:09 < my_mind> PC turned off 05:09 * triceratux holds his breath waiting for the verdict 05:09 < autopsy> my_mind, oh really? 05:09 < my_mind> After I typed starts 05:09 < triceratux> Dr_Coke: aaaaaand ? 05:10 < autopsy> my_mind, yeah ok. 05:10 < my_mind> Startx 05:10 < autopsy> my_mind, hum. 05:11 < my_mind> What’s the directory of power settings? Maybe I can reset them? 05:12 < PsychoBoB> not true [R] 05:12 < [R]> what's not true? 05:14 < my_mind> I put a shut down script in the low battery power settings, now my pc shuts down on login 05:14 < PsychoBoB> about the spyware 05:14 < PsychoBoB> I need to update my firmware, i believe 05:14 < my_mind> Is there a way to access the power settings from cli? 05:14 < PsychoBoB> How I can discover what is my wireless package 05:15 < [R]> PsychoBoB: if you say so... 05:16 < my_mind> ‘ACk 05:16 < PsychoBoB> I'll to install the sinaptic 05:16 < PsychoBoB> to search the driver 05:16 < PsychoBoB> is a good way ? 05:20 < my_mind> autopsy: what’s the command to search the content of text files 05:20 < my_mind> I’m thinking I’ll find the file that has the shut down command and delete the line 05:22 < my_mind> Anyone? 05:23 < PsychoBoB> my_mind, grep ? 05:23 < PsychoBoB> grep -ir 'text' file 05:23 < PsychoBoB> just grep 05:23 < PsychoBoB> -i to case sensitive 05:23 < PsychoBoB> and -r recursive 05:23 < my_mind> Thanks 05:24 < my_mind> But I’m looking for the file 05:24 < PsychoBoB> ? 05:24 < autopsy> my_mind, grep fileHere.txt 05:24 < my_mind> I’m looking for the command I put in the script box of power settings 05:24 < autopsy> my_mind, grep "string" fileHere.txt 05:25 < my_mind> I don’t know what the file is called though 05:26 < autopsy> my_mind, grep "string" $(locate power) 05:27 < Dr_Coke> triceratux sorry lol 05:27 < Dr_Coke> It's not bad 05:27 < Dr_Coke> I haven't noticed that much different but I did notice gtk looks better 05:28 < triceratux> np. yep works for me 05:28 < triceratux> they announced the upgrader thingy today. its in the blogs 05:28 < my_mind> autopsy: too many files 05:29 < Dr_Coke> oh really 05:29 < my_mind> damn... one little mistake and now the whole computer is unusable. 05:29 < Dr_Coke> I just got rid of 18.3 and installed 19 05:30 < Dr_Coke> I think it probably is a great update 05:30 < Dr_Coke> just haven't been using it much 05:31 < Dr_Coke> I been using macos again 05:31 < lnnb> noooooooooo 05:31 < Dr_Coke> lol 05:33 < triceratux> Dr_Coke: youll be amazed when Lubuntu 18.10 LXQt comes out. no more lxde. fully Qt based lightweight desktop. noone will run manjaro or mint or macos ever again 05:33 < autopsy> my_mind, grep "string" $(locate power) | more 05:33 < Dr_Coke> lmao triceratux 05:33 < autopsy> my_mind, go down the list with d 05:34 < Dr_Coke> is there any screenshots of it yet triceratux ? 05:35 < my_mind> What file am I looking for? 05:36 < autopsy> my_mind, I am not totally sure either. 05:37 < triceratux> Dr_Coke: keep in mind 18.10 is dailies under development but its been release quality for a few releases already http://i.imgur.com/B7Ex51z.jpg 05:38 < my_mind> I just want to get rid of the command I put in the power settings 05:38 < my_mind> I thought everything could be done from terminal 05:39 < autopsy> my_mind, https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/powerdevil/index.html 05:39 < autopsy> PowerDevil I guess files related to PowerDevil. 05:40 < ForexTraderNYC> hy 05:41 < autopsy> my_mind, charge the battery some. 05:41 < autopsy> my_mind, so the power isn't below the level. 05:42 < my_mind> It’s a UPS 05:42 < my_mind> It’s always at 100% 05:42 < autopsy> my_mind, that doesn't make much sense. 05:43 < lnnb> sup ForexTraderNYC, hows the market treating you? 05:43 < my_mind> I’m using a desktop with a AVRG750 05:43 < ForexTraderNYC> o its fine 05:43 < ForexTraderNYC> msg 600 yestrday 05:43 < ForexTraderNYC> im bck after 5month brk 05:43 < my_mind> I’ll just reinstall the PC again 05:44 < autopsy> my_mind, sorry. 05:44 < my_mind> I have backups 05:44 < autopsy> Ok. 05:44 < lessthan0> is it normal that LVM is always on an extended partition sda5? 05:44 < my_mind> It’s not your fault 05:44 < lessthan0> it makes sense to me that it should be sda2 05:44 < lessthan0> and the bootloader on sda1 05:45 < autopsy> lessthan0, there are physical volumes then logical volumes which contain physical volumes. 05:45 < autopsy> lessthan0, chainloading? 05:45 < lessthan0> yes I understand there can be only 4 partitions in one physical volume 05:45 < lessthan0> in the MBR 05:45 < lessthan0> I understand a fair bit 05:45 < autopsy> Yes. 05:45 < lessthan0> LVM is new to me 05:46 < lessthan0> I wanted to make it a bit cleaner 05:46 < lessthan0> I think there is a chance the installer is doing a sloppy job 05:46 < autopsy> lessthan0, might as well not mess with it. 05:46 < autopsy> lessthan0, what distro? 05:46 < lessthan0> debian 9 05:46 < sauvin> lessthan0, you can have only four primary partitions in a DOS MBR. If one of those partitions is an "extended" partition, though, you can have piles of partitions in it. 05:46 < autopsy> Oh yeah OK. 05:47 < lessthan0> I tried dd zeros and it still does it 05:47 < lessthan0> I think the installer prefers it that way 05:47 < lessthan0> but I don't see why it can't setup LVM container in a secondary partition 05:48 < lessthan0> it always puts LVM container in the extended sda5 05:48 < autopsy> sda5 is the volume group. 05:48 < lessthan0> yes 05:49 < lessthan0> it is not possible to put a VG on sda2 as a secondary partition 05:49 < lessthan0> ? 05:49 < lessthan0> is there a rule that it MUST me on an extended/logical partition? 05:49 < Dr_Coke> triceratux looks pretty good man 05:50 < Dr_Coke> but it doesn't have much detail to the file menu edit menu etc area 05:50 < lessthan0> I also think it is kinda deceiving that the installer does not tell you what it is doing 05:50 < Dr_Coke> and the the little icons like save and open 05:50 < lessthan0> it just says #1 #5 05:50 < Dr_Coke> I always wondered is qt working on this 05:51 < lessthan0> no mention of creating sda2 in the installer till you check it later 05:53 < triceratux> Dr_Coke: yeah its nothing special but it does the job more comprehensively than lxde. & it means theres finally a lightweight DE that works well with KDE apps 05:54 < lessthan0> unfortunately all my fav apps are gnome now 05:54 < triceratux> it is a little too late its true 05:54 < triceratux> "kde apps" arent really a thing anymore :) 05:55 < lessthan0> I see there are some jobs available for qt embedded devs 05:55 < lessthan0> not sure if that would be a fun and rewarding thing to work on 05:56 < lessthan0> there are companies with proprietary qt stuff built over 10 years that all needs to be maintained 05:57 < Dr_Coke> triceratux yeah most apps are gtk based aren't they 05:57 < Dr_Coke> but it looks good 05:57 < Dr_Coke> and hopefully the detail and icons will improve 05:57 < Dr_Coke> for the menu bars 05:57 < Dr_Coke> and tool bars 05:58 < Dr_Coke> I haven't liked KDE for a long time this is a nice alternative 06:05 < lessthan0> I used KDE when red hat was a baby 06:07 < [R]> i miss kde 1.2 06:14 < taaperotassu> How do you guys keep up with all the changelogs and changes in different softwares? Like I normally just go to their site etc. But wondering if there are more efficient ways? RSS or sumthing? 06:17 < boingolov> taaperotassu: I find it most efficient to just ignore them until something breaks ;) 06:19 < storge> the ease of keeping up with it all is directly proportional to how much you give a crap about it 06:19 < quint> taaperotassu: I don't know that I see that being very useful, since every project tends to have a different philosophy on what constitutes a release 06:19 < storge> oh look, libcups2 update. DONT CARE. Press Y to install 06:20 < boingolov> taaperotassu: probably the most sane thing to do is stage updates. i.e., for centos spacewalk isn't a bad idea. that way you can update a dev environment first, roll that to qa, then prod 06:20 < boingolov> or if you can use docker, that's way easier 06:26 < sdge> is there a way to find how long the service has been running? 06:26 < sdge> any init.d service? 06:28 < boingolov> ps should give you a hint. if the service makes a pid file, the date on it should also be a hint. but I'm not sure otherwise 06:28 < Bashing-om> sdge: under systemd ' systemctl status ' . 06:29 < boingolov> Bashing-om: I'm guessing sysv init 06:29 < boingolov> oh, that is sysv 06:29 < boingolov> heh 06:31 < sdge> Bashing-om: right, can i not get only the time the service has been running? 06:33 < Bashing-om> sdge: Not that I know much .. but I know of no other . 06:40 < toothe> anyone know if Linux's IOMMU works without breaking HDMI's audio? 06:41 < toothe> has that been fixed? 06:41 < ayecee> vague question is vague 06:41 < toothe> that's vague? 06:41 < ayecee> yes 06:41 < toothe> Hm...so, Linux has the IOMMU feature, which, if you enable, breaks HDMI's audio out. 06:41 < ayecee> does it always do that? 06:42 < toothe> I don't know the specifics, but its a known documented issue. 06:42 < ayecee> does it depend on particular hardware? 06:42 < oerheks> it is BIOS IOMMU, not linux 06:42 < toothe> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCI_passthrough_via_OVMF#No_HDMI_audio_output_on_host_when_intel_iommu_is_enabled 06:42 < toothe> they have a remediation there, but it didn't work for me. 06:42 < toothe> intel CPUs, I imagine. 06:42 < ayecee> see, this is why it's vague 06:43 < toothe> perhaps I don't understand why its vague... 06:43 < ayecee> let me try an analogy. 06:43 < ayecee> so, fords have a seatbelt feature, which if you enable, breaks the radio. does anyone know if that's fixed? 06:44 < lnnb> toothe: does the iommu work when you are not using a "V"M 06:44 < toothe> hm...that doesn't seem related to me. 06:44 < ayecee> it's not. it's an analogy. 06:44 < toothe> err, meaning I don't see how that applies. 06:44 < toothe> lnnb: so, IOMMU works. 06:44 < toothe> its that it kills HDMI audio out. 06:44 < ayecee> for everyone? 06:44 < toothe> I think its certain CPUs. I don't know the details, honestly. 06:44 < toothe> I only have 1 computer. 06:45 < ayecee> see, it's the kind of question that makes more questions than it could answer. 06:45 < toothe> ayecee: I typically know when I'm being vague, but I really didn't think I was there. 06:45 < toothe> not trying to be difficult. 06:45 < lnnb> do you really need audio passthru ? 06:45 < ayecee> the question is essentially, does anyone know if this particular problem that i have not fully described is solved? 06:45 < lnnb> i mean not to minimize the issue 06:46 < toothe> lnnb: I don't. I'm doing PCI passthrough. 06:46 < lnnb> but legitimately wondering if you need the added performance 06:46 < ayecee> a problem that very few people have 06:46 < toothe> ayecee: Its sufficiently common that there's documentation on it...in the kernel, no less. 06:46 < ayecee> neat. let's take a poll then on how many people this affects. 06:46 < toothe> well no, it isn't in the kernel. 06:47 < toothe> Another source: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/1428121 06:47 < ayecee> when i turn the left turn signal on in a 1979 gremlin, the windshield wipers don't work. 06:47 < ayecee> has that been solved? 06:47 < toothe> I imagine most IOMMU wasn't really designed for desktop systems. 06:47 < lnnb> i imagine it's designed for every system using the insane PCI bus 06:48 < lnnb> just poorly implemented for reasons 06:48 < toothe> and since its closely tied to the CPU, and my graphics card is on the CPU, it screws up the video rendering/audio? Who knows. 06:48 < ShalokShalom> hi there 06:48 < lnnb> sup ShalokShalom 06:49 < toothe> just wondering if anyone followed this fairly old bug and if it was fixed in a recent kernel. I dunno where to search and I *just* upgraded Linux Mint ot 5.15 06:49 < ayecee> i guess you're counting on someone having your particular problem (rare), for which the remediation doesn't work (rare), and to be here (rare), and to understand what you're asking (rare), and to know the answer offhand. 06:49 < toothe> I see... 06:49 < toothe> ayecee: well...lets just drop it then. I take your point about vague questions and I'll try to do better next time. 06:49 < toothe> it may very well be directly tied to my hardware. 06:49 < ayecee> ok 06:50 < toothe> I just don't know...I haven't purchased a new computer in like 8 years. 06:50 < ShalokShalom> I just build DKMS and there is no /usr/lib/modules 06:50 < toothe> no...5 years. Something like that. 06:50 < lnnb> what's dkms? should be /lib/modules 06:50 < ShalokShalom> thanks 06:51 < ShalokShalom> oh, Arch uses symlinks and I ported their PKGBUILD to our distro, which does not so 06:51 < oerheks> " If you are using Intel's IOMMU and experience glitches and/or skips" >> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting 06:52 < toothe> i swear, Arch is like the new slackware. 06:52 < toothe> and it has everything...i've even used it for an OpenBSD issue 06:52 < toothe> the wiki, that is. 06:54 < oerheks> :-) 06:54 < ShalokShalom> yep, the Wiki 06:55 < ShalokShalom> I can use most of it from another distro and that one in Gentoo is nice as well 06:55 < ShalokShalom> again.. hope they are holding a gazillion of backups now :P 06:56 < ayecee> toothe: to be fair, vague was probably not the right word 06:56 < toothe> ayecee: oh? perhaps it needs to be narrowed down? 06:56 < ayecee> maybe obscurbe would be better 06:56 < toothe> yes...true. 06:56 < ayecee> obscure, too 06:57 < ayecee> "obscure question is obscure" would probably have been taken differently :) 06:57 < toothe> ayecee: You are seriously awesome. 06:57 < ayecee> well, thanks 06:57 < toothe> I've seen you here for a while. 06:58 < ayecee> it's a hard habit to break 06:58 < ayecee> XD 07:03 < toothe> um...ban that person. 07:04 * ayecee gets the pitchforks 07:05 < toothe> I want to do IOMMU passthrough because I want to/do some driver dev 07:05 < toothe> For FreeBSD - and my personal machine is Linux. 07:05 < ayecee> nice 07:05 < toothe> but..i also like to watch YouTube. 07:13 < my_mind> Something weird going on during kubuntu install 07:13 < my_mind> There is no option to pick primary or logical partition 07:14 < toothe> w00t w00t! Linux Mint has copy/paste in HTML!! 07:14 < boingolov> my_mind: gpt? 07:15 < my_mind> Yes 07:15 < matsaman> toothe: wha? 07:15 < matsaman> my_mind: shouldn't matter, GNU/Linux doesn't care about primary & logical 07:15 < toothe> the gnome-terminal now does copy-paste in HTML. 07:16 < toothe> err, just copy in HTML. I like that feature. 07:16 < matsaman> does wha? 07:16 < matsaman> gnome-terminal has had copy & paste for ages 07:16 < toothe> but not copy-paste in HTML 07:16 < toothe> or rather, copy in HTML (pardon, not paste) 07:20 < my_mind> Now I have an error saying unable to install grub in /dev/sda 07:21 < matsaman> toothe: I promise you not a soul knows what you're talking about 07:22 < matsaman> my_mind: for Kubuntu's automated installer? 07:22 < my_mind> No 07:23 < my_mind> Manu 07:23 < my_mind> Manual 07:23 < matsaman> dunno why you'd be doing that 07:23 < my_mind> Install got killed. I’m back in the live section 07:24 < matsaman> my_mind: is there stuff on the storage already that you're keeping? 07:24 < my_mind> No 07:24 < my_mind> Empty drive 07:24 < my_mind> No partition 07:24 < matsaman> empty? How was it made empty? 07:25 < my_mind> I wiped it with parted magic 07:26 < matsaman> why've you chosen the "manual" way? 07:27 < my_mind> I wanted a bigger swap partition and a separate home partition 07:29 < matsaman> mm, okay, what's grub say exactly? 07:46 < notmike> Just, uh, fork bomb that shit 07:46 < notmike> That'll teach it 07:50 < kartikay> Hi guys! I need some help... 07:50 < kartikay> I have a process running as root 07:50 < my_mind> I have 2 unallocated SSDs and one HDD. I’m installing Linux on one of the SSDs sdc. I customized the partitions. Now at the bottom it’s asking me where to install boot loader 07:50 < kartikay> root 529 0.0 0.9 23620 8868 v0- I 07:37 0:00.06 Xvnc :1 -desktop X -httpd /usr/local/share/tightvnc/... 07:50 < my_mind> Should I install it in sdc? 07:51 < kartikay> How do I connect to it? I have the vnc password but I don't know how to connect 07:51 < matsaman> kartikay: vncviewer? 07:51 < my_mind> How much storage does boot loader need? 07:52 < matsaman> my_mind: boot loader historically goes into the first device seen by the mobo, but with some effort you can put it most anywhere 07:52 < kartikay> matsaman: vncviewer is not installed on that system and it's not exposing any ports 07:52 < matsaman> my_mind: so little, most of the time, it isn't even worth worrying about 07:52 < matsaman> kartikay: you want to connect to a VNC session without a viewer, or... ? 07:53 < kartikay> I think i would have to somehow set up a ssh tunnel and connect using vncviewer on my own laptop 07:53 < my_mind> So I’ll leave it in sda 07:53 < kartikay> the machine on which the vnc server is running, i have ssh access to that 07:53 < kartikay> but that machine isn't exposing the vnc port 07:53 < my_mind> Even though that’s a drive I want to use for storage? 07:54 < GodOfSea> Hi !! 07:55 < my_mind> How much space does boot loader take? And is it possible to accidentally delete boot loader ? 07:55 < my_mind> Unless it’s write protected 07:56 < GodOfSea> I intentionally deleted the bootloader once 07:56 < GodOfSea> It was a paim 07:56 < kartikay> so would something like this work ... ssh -L localhost:vncport:(myip):5901 (user@serverip) 07:56 < kartikay> What is the syntax? it's a bit confusing 07:57 < my_mind> GodOfSea: ok, Poseidon 07:57 < kartikay> also, how do I find the port on which this Xvnc process is running? 07:58 < GodOfSea> yeah my_mind it took me a while to fix it 07:58 < matsaman> kartikay: what makes you think it's not exposing a port? 07:59 < matsaman> my_mind: you won't even notice it, but 07:59 < kartikay> I ran nmap on that machine and it shows only 22/ssh and 80/http 07:59 < matsaman> my_mind: it's also easy to re-order your drives so your OS drive is first 07:59 < matsaman> kartikay: why's it important to connect to? 08:00 < kartikay> matsaman: I need root access on that machine and I can get that by connecting to vnc, I have been given vnc root password 08:00 < GodOfSea> is there a way to run a service that takes a look at the logs and whenever there's a 500 Internal error it sends an email ? 08:01 < GodOfSea> kartikay CTF ? 08:01 < kartikay> HackTheBox actually 08:01 < kartikay> GodOfSea: 08:01 < matsaman> kartikay: did you try using vncviewer yet? 08:02 < kartikay> matsaman: I tried remmina but as I said, i don't know which port to connect to 08:02 < matsaman> are you like, trying to remote into a box whose VNC is configured by someone who needs lots of help with their box and doesn't know how to, for example, get VNC setup? 08:02 < MNav> hello again 08:02 < matsaman> kartikay: you don't have to specify a port 08:02 < matsaman> MNav: hi 08:02 < MNav> how are you? 08:03 < matsaman> okay, y tu? 08:03 < kartikay> matsaman: ok wait a min ... i'll try something 08:03 < MNav> what 08:03 < MNav> are you spanish? 08:04 < matsaman> no, porque? 08:04 < kartikay> matsaman: it says "vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused" 08:04 < matsaman> kartikay: before you type a password? 08:04 < kartikay> from my pc, and vncviewer isn't available on the server 08:04 < kartikay> yes, before i get to type the password 08:05 < matsaman> have you tried just ssh'ing in with the password you were given, as user 'root'? 08:05 < matsaman> because that'd be simpler than trying to figure out some unicorn VNC config 08:05 < kartikay> no, its a vnc only password 08:05 < matsaman> why can't they like, give you a less ridiculous way to remote in? 08:05 < MaximB> Hello, I am looking for a free, simple to install and manage, ftp server with web-gui for Linux. what can you recommand? 08:06 < matsaman> MaximB: a web GUI, really? 08:06 < MNav> matsaman: why are you talking in spanish? 08:06 < matsaman> webUIs are almost exclusively a one way ticket to unmaintained massive security holes 08:06 < matsaman> MNav: quoi? 08:07 < MNav> what 08:07 < GodOfSea> MaximB: its a bad idea 08:07 < matsaman> GUI aside, though, you only need openssh running 08:07 < MNav> hey guys what do you think about the last version of firefox? 08:08 < matsaman> 'last' isn't a version 08:08 < MNav> 61 08:08 < matsaman> compared to what 08:08 < MNav> the last versions 08:08 < matsaman> ... 08:09 < matsaman> I'm not really sure 08:09 < MNav> anyone except the 61 08:09 < matsaman> most of my installs are still using version 56, because the only reason to have ever used Firefox was for extensions 08:09 < MNav> well 08:09 < MNav> I used the 61 today 08:09 < thebigj> I am new to GNU/Linux development. My task is to prepare raw disk (.iso) for SD card. 08:09 < MNav> it's terrible 08:10 < matsaman> thebigj: for what in general? 08:10 < matsaman> MNav: sounds about right 08:10 < matsaman> MNav: try iceweasel 08:10 < MNav> I don't use debian 08:10 < kartikay> thebigj: use the dd command 08:10 < thebigj> At present, the script formats, partition to SD card. 08:10 < matsaman> MNav: that's irrelevant 08:10 < matsaman> thebigj: no I mean, what're you up to, setting up a raspberry pi? 08:10 < MNav> but I use the iceweasel brand extension 08:10 < thebigj> kartikay: 'dd' I did. I want to make it as a part of CI tool. 08:11 < matsaman> you can use dd (and just about anything else) with ci 08:11 < thebigj> matsaman: Yes, we have customised https://blog.hypriot.com/ and using rootfs of it. 08:11 < MNav> I'm using firefox version 48 right now 08:11 < MNav> it's the best in my opinion 08:11 < thebigj> matsaman: The script for writing SD card is too large and every time a dev has to write it. 08:12 < MaximB> matsaman: GodOfSea client demands web-gui 08:12 < kartikay> Ok, getting back to my original question .. I figured out I can set up an ssh tunnel like this ssh -L localhost:1337:localhost:80 user@(serverip) 08:12 < matsaman> thebigj: need a better dev to make a better script, then, but 08:12 < thebigj> matsaman: Which I think can be reduced to raw disk image and the task of preparing the SD card is transfered to non-dev fellow 08:12 < kartikay> Now how do I get the port numbers? 08:12 < matsaman> thebigj: you are also literally wasting your time putting up with ARM nonsense 08:12 < matsaman> _and_ docker 08:13 < MNav> man, I'm gonna quit 08:13 < MNav> bye 08:14 < matsaman> I can't even really tell what hypriot is for 08:14 < matsaman> I want to guess it's some massively overengineered setup to pirate things within docker on a raspberry pi, because... I don't know you must hate yourselves 08:15 < GodOfSea> kartikay: nmap ? port scan ? 08:15 < matsaman> spend $30-40 more and get an x86, skip the docker, you will be able to do all the same potentially copyright-infringing things without thousands of hours down the drain 08:15 < kartikay> GodOfSea: nmap shows ssh and http ... seems like the Xvnc process is set to localhost-only 08:16 < GodOfSea> kartikay: are you able to ssh in the box ? 08:16 < kartikay> GodOfSea: yes, i have ssh access to the user account 08:16 < GodOfSea> Did you run port scan on all 65355 ports ? 08:17 < kartikay> I think i did, let me check again 08:17 < GodOfSea> kartikay: is it root ? 08:18 < kartikay> GodOfSea: I don't have the root ssh credentials, i have only user. but the Xvnc process is running as root and I have its password 08:20 < GodOfSea> interesting 08:21 < kartikay> Ok ... I ran sockstat and got these two lines 08:21 < kartikay> root Xvnc 529 1 tcp4 *:* 08:21 < kartikay> root Xvnc 529 3 tcp4 *:* 08:21 < GodOfSea> did you try vncconnect ? 08:23 < GodOfSea> Whats the 4th column kartikay ?? 08:24 < kartikay> Hey I did it!! 08:24 < GodOfSea> with what ? 08:24 < kartikay> ssh -L localhost:5901:localhost:5901 user@server worked 08:24 < kartikay> then connected to loaclhost:5901 with remminna 08:24 < kartikay> and got root! .. Another challenge solved on hackthebox :) 08:24 < GodOfSea> vncconnect would have worked too 08:25 < kartikay> Thanks, btw, for your help! 08:25 < GodOfSea> Cool! 08:25 < GodOfSea> is there a way to run a service that takes a look at the logs and whenever there's a 500 Internal error it sends an email ? 08:35 < kerframil> GodOfSea: there are various log watching applications available. tenshi, for instance. 08:42 < GodOfSea> kerframil: hey man 08:43 < kerframil> GodOfSea: greetings 09:10 < pathrocle> i have a beaglebone device and i want to use a webinterface made in django to let the user configure lan settings... how can i do that better? is there a library that i can use or smthing? 09:21 < amosbird> How can I create a ultimate usb bootable disk that contains a bunch of rescue tools and multiple OS images for installation ? 09:21 < ewrh3> hi how to check for the heap ? 09:26 < iflema> "the" 09:27 < FightingFalcon> is there a way to find the total size of all the files in a linux system? 09:28 < michaelrose> du -hs / 09:28 < michaelrose> prefaced with sudo 09:28 < epicmetal> or just df 09:28 < notmike> Df 09:28 < michaelrose> much better less time 09:29 < notmike> Gaaayyy 09:32 < luke-jr> FightingFalcon: note you need --apparent-size if you want the file sizes rather than space used on disk 09:34 < epicmetal> I thought Mint was meant to be noob friendly 09:34 < quint> Is there a utility that can parse the header information in an iso 9660 file? 09:35 < epicmetal> Check out the terminology on the welcome page https://distrowatch.com/images/slinks/mint.png 09:35 < epicmetal> snapshots, drivers, kernels 09:35 < epicmetal> with no real definitions 09:39 < jhodrien> noob friendly isn't in their summary of what mint is. "The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use." 09:39 < jhodrien> Technical language doesn't have to go against principals of being easy to use. 09:40 < epicmetal> i guess it's just the reputation then 09:40 < epicmetal> fair call 09:41 < jhodrien> It all depends on the views of the consumer. It's not comfortable if you're not comfortable with the language. 09:42 < epicmetal> i didn't think to check their own claims though 09:42 < epicmetal> so, nice call with regards to that 09:44 < pingfloyd> linux isn't noob friendly 09:45 < m00dy> pingfloyd: true 09:47 < jhodrien> pingfloyd: I don't think that's fundamentally true at all. I've got a windows 10 laptop that keeps on trying to install a feature update, takes two hours and multiple reboots, hits 83% and then needs to be hard reset, before it unwinds the whole process and goes back to the old version. Then says it's got a new feature update it'd like to install. 09:47 < jhodrien> Is *that* noob friendly? 09:48 < pingfloyd> that's what noobs are used to 09:48 < jhodrien> That's not the same thing. 09:48 < pingfloyd> an OS that does it for you on its own terms 09:49 < pingfloyd> which reminds me of this monstrous update for the windows 10 vm I installed recently 09:49 < jhodrien> Consistency of experience was thrown out a long while ago. Something like an Atari ST delivers a much more consistent and user friendly experience than a modern OS. 09:50 < pingfloyd> computers didn't do nearly as much back then 09:50 < michaelrose> consistency is overrated 09:50 < pingfloyd> they were simpler 09:50 < pingfloyd> they also came with decent manuals back then 09:50 < jhodrien> You could connect to a network, print, use removable media and hard disks. Hook up to your MIDI keybaord. 09:50 < pingfloyd> been able to do that even since before the ST 09:51 < jhodrien> Sure, but that's still quite a lot of what a modern machine does. 09:51 < jhodrien> They were single user. 09:51 < pingfloyd> the amiga was better anyway 09:51 < pingfloyd> could do even more than the ST 09:51 < jhodrien> It had better graphics. 09:51 < pingfloyd> and better video 09:51 < pingfloyd> all around 09:51 < pingfloyd> remember the video toaster? 09:51 < jhodrien> Not a lot in it between an STe and a 500 surely? 09:52 < pingfloyd> 500 was pretty much the entry level amiga 09:52 < pingfloyd> repackaging of the 1000 with a few features omitted 09:52 < jhodrien> There wasn't a lot better than that before you hit a 1200 was there? 09:52 < pingfloyd> the 2000 was the one to get if you could afford it 09:53 < pingfloyd> amiga started with the 1000, then later had the 500 and 2000 at the same time 09:53 < quint> A noob friendly OS is one that is the most widely supported by software vendors offering licensed products, and hardware drivers. 09:53 < quint> It's about support. 09:53 < jhodrien> Yeah, but that's like saying the Mega ST was the one to get. Nobody did. 09:53 < pingfloyd> a lot of people had 1000s and 500s 09:53 < jhodrien> quint: But linux as a whole is in a relatively good place there compared to 20 years ago. 09:53 < pingfloyd> but if you were going to do video editing, you'd get the 2000 09:53 < jhodrien> http://www.amigahistory.plus.com/sales.html 09:53 < pingfloyd> and a few other peripherals 09:54 < jhodrien> Figures here would suggest not. 09:54 < jhodrien> (assuming Germany were reasonably representative) 09:54 < jhodrien> 2000 sold more than I'd have expected. 09:56 < pingfloyd> the c64 was as hard at its version of BASIC 09:56 < pingfloyd> *hard as 09:57 < pingfloyd> the thing is the floppy disk drives were computers in themselves for it. They had their own DOS. 09:57 < pingfloyd> later on GEOS came a long though 09:57 < pingfloyd> and gave the c64 a gui 09:58 < pingfloyd> GEOS had a kernal (purposefully misspelled) 09:59 < post-factum> yeah, "kernal" 09:59 < pingfloyd> was in the C64 roms 10:00 < quint> jhodrien: I'll agree, but I mean the first choice among vendors will always be easier to use for the majority of people. Windows is so easy to use now, my computer illiterate friend managed to install windows 10 fresh, and installed all of his motherboard drivers. Personally, I just can't stand to use windows unless it's for compatibility reasons. Don't even have it installed anywhere right now to be honest. 10:01 < pingfloyd> quint: you can just talk to cortana now 10:01 < pingfloyd> quint: so you can practically be retarded and use win 10 now 10:01 < pingfloyd> you could literally use it and be illiterate 10:01 < jhodrien> Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade on my machine replaced the bluetooth drivers with ones that didn't work, leaving me with no keyboard or mouse. 10:02 < quint> lol pingfloyd 10:02 < jhodrien> webcam stopped working, because logitech deliberately broke their old cameras. 10:02 < pingfloyd> the lengths MS goes to in order to get users to use their spyware 10:02 < epicmetal> these win10 major updates are a major pain 10:02 < pingfloyd> when you're fleecing people's information, adding all that noob layering, is no problemo 10:02 < quint> Yeah. There's a bill gates quote about that move somewhere out there. 10:03 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: mine keep failing, because the computer goes to sleep 10:03 < epicmetal> i had a win10 update break the ability to click the taskbar 10:03 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: even the computer gets tired of waiting for it to download 10:04 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: strange, i'd have thought it'd inhibit sleep 10:04 < pingfloyd> I have win 10 in a vm, so if it messes up, I'll just chuck it 10:04 < epicmetal> i just have a second laptop 10:04 < epicmetal> vms are a pain for me 10:04 < pingfloyd> I have debian on both of my laptops 10:04 < pingfloyd> one has win 7 in a vm, the other has win 10 vm 10:05 < pingfloyd> only reason they have them, is they're OEM licenses 10:05 < epicmetal> i've got win10 1803, and the linux laptop is in a limbo state with no working OS... 10:05 < quint> pingfloyd: https://www.reuters.com/article/microsoft-china/microsoft-tackles-china-piracy-with-free-upgrade-to-windows-10-idUSL2N0WJ2N220150318 10:05 < jhodrien> HP G62 laptop I have you need to clean reinstall to get it to apply feature updates. 10:05 < quint> If that's not a clear indication of their motive, I don't know what is 10:05 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: so you can run oem windows in a vm? 10:05 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: i.e. legally 10:06 < epicmetal> probably a bad question to ask, nevermind 10:06 < pingfloyd> quint: It's like a drug dealer making the first hit free 10:06 < epicmetal> i'm trying to escape systemd so my next install will be void, but if that gets hard... then... who knows 10:06 < pingfloyd> once the chinese get dependent on Windows, they'll start charging them. 10:07 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: Windows knows if it is in a VM 10:07 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: even knows which VM 10:08 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: if you're not supposed to, they shouldn't let you 10:08 < epicmetal> does cortana tell you that you can run ubuntu on windows if it detects a linux host? ;) 10:08 < pingfloyd> if that makes MS feel butthurt, that's their problem 10:09 < quint> pingfloyd: and on top of getting them hooked.. selling metadata to advertising firms, then also giving zero days to intelligence agencies 10:09 < pingfloyd> that reminds me of the next thing I want to do to win 10 -- remove cortana. 10:09 < quint> but that's a whole other ball of wax 10:09 < epicmetal> currently downloading xubuntu just so i can have a working system without thinking 10:09 < pingfloyd> quint: yeah, so basically they double dip 10:09 < pingfloyd> quint: they make money off the info they're swindling, and then charge for the platform that does it. 10:10 < karstenk> Hello! rkhunter gives me some warnings. One is "Port number: UDP:36081 is being used by /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres" What to think about? 10:10 < pingfloyd> their users are now paying to give their info to the MS 10:11 < epicmetal> they're paying to get stuff done 10:11 < rory> karstenk: It's a warning that a process is using some outbound UDP connectivity - if you are running postgres you should expect this and can disregard the warning 10:11 < epicmetal> linux is still a pain in the keister for business use 10:11 < karstenk> rory thanks 10:11 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: you mean because of MS Office 10:11 < quint> pingfloyd: also subsidiaries, majority shareholders, and partners 10:12 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: not just that, there's a bunch of other papercuts 10:12 < NoCode> https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum/tree/master/Kvantum -- Themes look really cool. https://www.opendesktop.org/browse/cat/123/order/latest 10:12 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: e.g. slow pdf rendering for major pdf viewers 10:12 < epicmetal> weird filemanager quirks 10:12 < epicmetal> performance issues 10:12 < epicmetal> bugs 10:12 < amosbird> Hi, what is Microsoft basic data partition 10:13 < quint> I tried to use libreoffice to collaborate with people using MS office.. on a 200MB document. 10:13 < quint> protip: never do that. 10:13 < pingfloyd> just do that crap in a vm 10:13 < quint> had to install the exact identical version of office 10:14 < pingfloyd> about the only reason I even have windows around is for support 10:14 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: kvm/libvirt has its own annoyances, e.g. hardcoded minimum display resolution which is too big for small laptops 10:14 < pingfloyd> most jobs require windows solutions 10:14 < epicmetal> there's apparently workarounds but i couldn't get them working for the life of me 10:14 < epicmetal> not to mention choppy vm sound 10:14 < epicmetal> things like that 10:14 < NoCode> I've never used Windows 8+. 10:15 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: you want install the virtio drivers 10:15 < epicmetal> i tried, believe me i tried 10:15 < FightingFalcon> is it necessary to install ntp? 10:15 < epicmetal> oh wait, maybe windows worked... but with linux vms i had issues 10:15 < pingfloyd> another option is vbox 10:15 < epicmetal> meh 10:15 < epicmetal> i just like having two laptops 10:15 < epicmetal> one i leave alone and always works 10:16 < epicmetal> the other is a playground 10:16 < NoCode> How long have you been using Linux? 10:16 < epicmetal> a long long time 10:16 < NoCode> ah 10:17 < epicmetal> started in the 90s 10:17 < NoCode> 15 or so years here. 10:18 < NoCode> I'd say 10 without Windows. 10:18 < NoCode> Though, I did have a brief period of W7 for a long while 10:18 < epicmetal> i was running without windows for years, but there's always pain 10:18 < epicmetal> got over it 10:19 < quint> I remember about 15 years ago, strongly wanting to learn to use linux.. flip flopping between full linux and full windows, always encountering something I didn't quite understand in linux, getting frustrated, distro hopping, etc. 10:20 < NoCode> I'd never switch over to Windows now. Too used the evironment. I'd miss a lot of positives Linux has. 10:20 < pingfloyd> I went sink or swim with Debian 10:21 < NoCode> I use Debian for my VPS, Ubuntu for desktop 10:22 < pingfloyd> sink or swim is the way to go, because you learn tons and tons 10:22 < NoCode> yea 10:22 < pingfloyd> in the beginning you're completely lost. 10:22 < pingfloyd> first hurdle is editing text files with the editors available 10:23 < NoCode> Then the excitement begins after you finally get used to it and there's a lot to discover 10:23 < pingfloyd> having used dos and other OSes like it though, I was fairly comfortable with the CLI 10:23 < pingfloyd> had to learn the endless idiosyncrasies of the shell though 10:24 < pingfloyd> once you're got shell and editing down, you've made a big stride. 10:24 < NoCode> I dualbooted for a while until I was competent with the desktop. Then removed Windows. 10:24 < pingfloyd> everything else is pretty much more reading 10:24 < epicmetal> the hardest part is driver bugs 10:25 < epicmetal> or hardware optimisation 10:25 < epicmetal> that'll make a newb cry 10:25 < pingfloyd> that's another thing, that I learned early one that isn't needed as much. Compiling the kernel. 10:25 < pingfloyd> s/one/on/ 10:25 < epicmetal> i used to do that 10:25 < pingfloyd> used to make static kernels 10:26 < NoCode> Don't really have a need to compile kernels here. Never learned. 10:26 < pingfloyd> for a while I was stuck on an old system, and that made a huge difference. 10:26 < FightingFalcon> is it necessary to install ntp? 10:26 < geirha> Hm... is git.kernel.org down? 10:27 < NoCode> isn't ntp time server synchronization? 10:27 < NoCode> yep 10:27 < pingfloyd> FightingFalcon: no 10:27 < NoCode> why not install it? 10:27 < quint> FightingFalcon: not really, but it certainly is nice to know your time is in sync. 10:27 < pingfloyd> FightingFalcon: but it will help keeping from falling out of sync in time 10:28 < pingfloyd> NoCode: one reason might you're running a guest. 10:28 < pingfloyd> NoCode: you only need the host to sync 10:29 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: it's not even kernel compliation, it's things like xorg tearing 10:29 < epicmetal> or spending two weeks tweaking fonts 10:29 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: that's always a problem with xorg 10:30 < epicmetal> it's not if you configure it right 10:30 < geirha> looks like it's responding now. Really slow though 10:30 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: it's a constant symptom of a fundamental flaw in its architecture 10:30 < epicmetal> but then you get some compositor regression so videos randomly stop plaing 10:30 < epicmetal> playing* 10:30 < pingfloyd> hence why wayland was started 10:30 < epicmetal> sure but you can have a tear free experience if you configure it and are lucky 10:30 < pingfloyd> if you are lucky 10:31 < pingfloyd> some drivers implemented a hack to work around it 10:31 < NoCode> I think soon I want to get a vm going and learn how to install Arch, and mess around with that. 10:32 < NoCode> Or Fedora, or maybe some other distro unpopular distro 10:33 < epicmetal> Fedora is good until you want to write RPM spec files 10:33 < epicmetal> Arch is good until you realise systemd depresses you 10:33 < elichai2> Hey, Is it possible to write kernel modules in Rust? 10:35 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: and Arch worships systemd 10:37 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: as do all major distros 10:37 < epicmetal> runit revolution when? 10:38 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: they don't worship it like arch does 10:38 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: what do you mean? 10:38 < pingfloyd> except maybe redhat and fedora 10:38 < epicmetal> debian certainly bowed before the king 10:39 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: arch adopts everything systemd as soon as they can 10:39 < epicmetal> oh i see 10:40 < epicmetal> that's not been my experience though, e.g. you have to turn stuff on if you want it 10:40 < pingfloyd> debian taking the stance to switch over to systemd as the default, was complete BS. 10:40 < epicmetal> i agree 10:40 < pingfloyd> such political BS 10:40 < epicmetal> i used to actually want debian to switch, because back then i liked gnome3 10:40 < epicmetal> not that i was involved at all, just a spectator 10:41 < pingfloyd> it had been one of the longest supporters of sysv init before that 10:41 < FightingFalcon> is it necessary to install unbound dns server if im using postfix/dovecot for email server and nginx for web site server?? 10:41 < epicmetal> yeah i used to run it back in the day 10:41 < pingfloyd> adding it was fine, but changing default from sysv to systemd was pure BS 10:41 < epicmetal> it should have been runit, pingfloyd 10:41 < pingfloyd> and you can't even simply replace systemd with sysv in it 10:41 < pingfloyd> you have to use devuan to do it right 10:41 < epicmetal> i thought you could switch 10:42 < epicmetal> yeah i tried devuan 10:42 < epicmetal> i wonder how usable the sid version of devuan is 10:42 < pingfloyd> switching isn't as easy as they try to make it sound 10:42 < epicmetal> pingfloyd: didn't it come down to one person deciding somehow? 10:42 < notmike> Switching easy cuz 10:42 < pingfloyd> that's because of systemd being so rooted into userland 10:42 < epicmetal> oh right 10:43 < epicmetal> well yeah i'll be trying voidlinux next when i have the energy 10:43 < epicmetal> their documentation ain't as good as arch's 10:43 < pingfloyd> all the more reason the default shouldn't have changed. 10:43 < notmike> pingfloyd: do you systemd 10:43 < epicmetal> systemd console output and clearing is gross 10:44 < epicmetal> the way program output is hidden is gross 10:44 < epicmetal> the stupid 90 second reboot hangs are gross 10:44 < epicmetal> it's just nasty 10:44 < epicmetal> yes, i know you can change the timeout 10:44 < pingfloyd> there was a bug at one point where systemd wouldn't wait long enough and would wipe out your bash history 10:45 < epicmetal> oh dear 10:45 < pingfloyd> it was a race condition that would trigger in rare conditions 10:45 < pingfloyd> so you might be fine for a long time and them boom, history gone 10:45 < pingfloyd> I ran into that one 10:45 < epicmetal> linux has become windows 10:45 < pingfloyd> was so pissed 10:45 < epicmetal> luckily, some distros are true linux 10:46 < pingfloyd> history is such a pivotal file for shell usage 10:46 < pingfloyd> ^R saves so much typing 10:47 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: I think systemd takes linux dists more in the same direction as Windows management 10:47 < epicmetal> it's not just systemd 10:47 < pingfloyd> I know 10:47 < epicmetal> dbus annoys me too 10:47 < pingfloyd> but systemd is leading the way there 10:47 < epicmetal> polkit written in js 10:47 < epicmetal> ugh 10:47 < epicmetal> yeah true 10:48 < epicmetal> you basically want Linux kernel, certain bits of GNU, and the rest BSD 10:49 < pingfloyd> wonder how long before ubuntu has a symlink named services linked to systemctl. 10:49 < epicmetal> you mean service, like redhat has? 10:49 < pingfloyd> services like services.msc 10:50 < pingfloyd> like this: https://www.coretechnologies.com/blog/images/services-main-window-1052x573.png 10:51 < pingfloyd> could practically be a systemctl gui front-end 10:51 < epicmetal> the gui front ends are the least of the concern 10:51 < oiaohm> epicmetal: lot of people look at systemd and go windows should try SMF under solaris some time. 10:52 < oiaohm> epicmetal: I more see systemd as attempt to copy SMF and its not as refiened yet still with the teeth like early SMF. 10:52 < pingfloyd> epicmetal: okay. net start 10:53 < epicmetal> i never really used solaris, although it has the coolest OS name ;) 10:54 < pingfloyd> is smf proprietary? 10:54 < pingfloyd> oiaohm: does smf stomp all over unix tenet like systemd does? 10:55 < oiaohm> pingfloyd: smf is open source but only supports solaris. : https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E36784_01/html/E36820/svcstart.html All the enable services stuff in systemd lines up with SMF. 10:56 < oiaohm> pingfloyd: yes the first version of SMF run the core service as PID1. These days there is a stub on PID1 to keep unix people happy redirectly everything to the PID for the SMF service. 10:56 < pingfloyd> that makes more sense 10:57 < oiaohm> pingfloyd: there is a lot more direct feature matches from SMF to systemd than systemd to windows. 10:57 < pingfloyd> because pid 1 should be minimal and other daemons exist for a reason. 10:57 < oiaohm> SMF uses solaris zones to track services where systemd use Linux cgroups. 10:57 < oiaohm> Again both platform locked teches. 10:58 < oiaohm> pingfloyd: remember the first version of SMF PID 1 was not minimal. 10:58 < oiaohm> pingfloyd: SMF half grew out of it. Systemd has not yet. 11:00 < oiaohm> Really SMF not having stop and start and restart services is kind of a pain. So to stop a service on SMF you have to full disable it then enable it. 11:00 < ivegotasthma> pingfloyd, nice nick 11:02 < sh1ro> he must have registered it back when solaris was still a thing 11:02 < qswz> what's the default vm.max_map_count ? 11:03 < qswz> I'm trying to install a big fat elasticsearch which recommend adding vm.max_map_count=262144 in /etc/sysctl.conf 11:04 < oiaohm> pingfloyd: I know where some of the problem comes from that made people think systemd was windows. Notice that web svcstart SMF command tool is svcs. That looks a lot like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svchost.exe but svchost on windows makes systemd look well behaved. 11:04 < kerframil> qswz: this may not be a fixed default, but it's showing up as 65530 on my systems. 11:04 < qswz> System32.exe has stopped working 11:04 < qswz> kerframil: ok thanks 11:08 < qswz> sudo sysctl -a | grep vm.max_map_count 11:22 < de-vri-es> hmm, is there an equivalent of dup(fd) that sets CLOEXEC? I see dup3(oldfd, newfd, flags), but that requires me to specify a value for newfd 11:22 < de-vri-es> or is there a value that indicates the kernel to choose a new fd number? 11:22 < de-vri-es> I'm afraid not, since it's not in the manpage :[ 11:24 < kubast2> How can I compsize / ? 11:25 < kubast2> as in the /dev/mapper/rootfs-rootfs btrfs partition 11:25 < kubast2> instead of rootfs-rootfs + rootfs-var + homefs-home 11:25 < de-vri-es> ah, I see fcntl can dup with cloexec set 11:25 < de-vri-es> that's a relief 11:26 < kubast2> from what I remember compsize / doesn't return disk usage and size of uncompressed data 11:30 < ivegotasthma> sh1ro, solaris, more like...heh...solarwas 11:47 < henry18710> I just installed arch and /wc 11:47 < henry18710> \wc 12:20 < sh1ro> ivegotasthma: and so we say so long solaris you were good while you were sun property 12:22 < pingfloyd> remember when oracle killed off open solaris? 12:22 < jim> isn't solaris open source now? 12:22 < pingfloyd> no 12:22 < pingfloyd> open solaris was 12:22 < MrElendig> there is a fork, but it is pretty much dead 12:23 < Pentode> oh its dead alright 12:23 * Pentode pokes open solaris 12:23 < sh1ro> it's very dead, when oracle touches a thing it kills it good and dead 12:24 < jim> why is mysql alive? 12:24 < MrElendig> jim: because some companies are paying oracle half a billion a year 12:24 < MrElendig> outside those few users it is pretty much dead, everyone have moved to mariadb 12:24 < MrElendig> everyone else* 12:24 < jim> for -mysql-?! 12:25 < sh1ro> it's one of the three elven code trunks along with zfs and java, too good to be killed by even oracle just serverly wounded 12:25 < pingfloyd> pay half a billion instead of migrate to mariadb 12:25 < MrElendig> pretty much just legacy customers that are using oracle mysql™ now 12:25 < pingfloyd> sounds like some terrible decisions being made at those companies 12:25 < Lope> I like duckduckgo. But it's slow as fuck compared to google. 12:25 < Lope> Any ideas? 12:25 < sh1ro> keep using ddg 12:25 < Lope> Like completing a search can sometimes take at least 10 seconds on DDG 12:25 < pingfloyd> pay half a billion to give someone (Oracle in this case) even more control over you 12:26 < Lope> Google is less than a second 12:26 < jim> Lope, please watch your language while you're here 12:26 < Lope> I could tolerate DDG if it was like 3-4 seconds 12:26 < sh1ro> Lope: uh that's just you dude 12:26 < pingfloyd> ddg works fine here 12:26 < sh1ro> yeah, 2 secconds for a random search here 12:27 < pingfloyd> probably an issue with your isp 12:27 < sh1ro> inb4 comcast 12:27 < pingfloyd> comcast is always bad 12:27 < MrElendig> test ipv4 vs ipv6 12:28 < Lope> pingfloyd, I'm in south africa 12:28 < Lope> pingfloyd, but that shouldn't add a 10 second delay 12:29 < sh1ro> probably a lack of nearby servers 12:29 < Lope> pingfloyd, just did a random DDG search, 7 seconds 12:29 < MrElendig> ip over hippo tend to be slow 12:29 < MrElendig> but atleast it is not bouncing all over the place like the ip over kangaroo in australia 12:29 < Lope> MrElendig, ipv6 is antichrist 12:29 < sh1ro> and dangerous, those fat bastards kill hundreds per year, they're a menace 12:30 < MrElendig> Lope: no, ipv6 is sort of nice, it is just all the isps that suck 12:30 < Lope> MrElendig, ipv6 is a spy tool 12:30 < MrElendig> (also, it really shows that it was designed in the 90's) 12:30 < sh1ro> wut 12:30 < MrElendig> no it isn't 12:30 < Lope> ipv6 is bad for privacy 12:30 < MrElendig> no 12:30 < MrElendig> not any more than v4 12:31 < sh1ro> i mean, i'm curious ellaborate 12:31 < sh1ro> you're totally wrong but this should be entertaining 12:31 < Lope> just google something like "ipv6 privacy problem" 12:31 < MrElendig> you can nat it if you don't want to expose your ip (which wouldn't do much anyway) 12:31 < Lope> I'm busy 12:31 < MrElendig> Lope: most of those applies to v4 too 12:32 < MrElendig> really, v6 is just different, not worse, in that regard 12:32 < sh1ro> so you saw a headline that ipv6 was somehow bad for privacy and thus current misconception 12:32 < pingfloyd> this is what came up with first hit https://iapp.org/news/a/2011-09-09-facing-the-privacy-implications-of-ipv6/ 12:34 < MrElendig> if you are talking about slaac, it asumes that the mac is actually unique, and that the privacy extensions doesn't exist 12:34 < sh1ro> from 7 years ago? before i load that into tor is it a bug? 12:34 < ivegotasthma> sh1ro, lunaris is a good name for a fork 12:36 < Lope> MrElendig, sh1ro oh, I don't really know much about it, but this article seems to work towards clearing up the concern raised: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2014/12/ipv6-privacy-addresses-provide-protection-against-surveillance-and-tracking/ 12:36 < MrElendig> Lope: see my previous line 12:37 < sh1ro> yeah this seems like a nonissue 12:37 < MrElendig> sidenote: most isps uses dhcpv6 instead of slaac too 12:37 < MrElendig> quite a few uses NAT too 12:38 < sh1ro> the only real problem with ipv6 has been code designed for ipv4 sloppily ported to v6 and the bugs that follow 12:38 < MrElendig> sh1ro: there are a lot of problems with v6, a lot of them due to it being designed in the 90's 12:38 < MrElendig> sh1ro: so a lot of the same mistakes as with v4 12:39 < MrElendig> still an overall improvement over v4 though 12:39 < sh1ro> yeah no real new problems though just the same ones we've always had 12:39 < Lope> why do people use NAT with ipv6? 12:39 < Lope> waste not want not? 12:39 < MrElendig> see the ccc ipv6 security talk 12:40 < sh1ro> i can think of firewalling strategies that would either not work or be very weird without NAT 12:41 < Lope> I imagine SIP will suck less with IPv6 12:41 < Lope> SIP sucks so badly when NAT is involved. 12:41 < Lope> SIP is such a piece of shit protocol when NAT is involved. 12:41 < Lope> The tragedy is that SIP hasn't been updated to cope with NAT. 12:42 < Lope> And everyone still ducking uses it. 12:42 < Lope> oh, I almost succeeded at not upsetting jim with the language. 12:43 < flashpoint> do they use it because it's standard 12:43 < flashpoint> if so I probably use it? 12:43 < flashpoint> I use what the wiki says is "normal" 12:45 < jim> Lope, I'm not upset (or offended)... it's a channel rule that I have to support... in your case, I figure that you'll get it after enough reminders, and you;ll break the habit 12:46 < jim> in any case you only did it once and that's not excessive 12:46 < Lope> alrighty 12:46 < jim> (but it bought you a reminder :) 12:48 < searedvandal> the worst thing with ipv6 is the addresses 12:49 < sh1ro> ivegotasthma: larrycancerous would be better 12:52 < limbo_> :: makes it easier 12:52 < MrElendig> searedvandal: if only someone would have invented something that let you enter human readable text instead of ip addresses directly 12:52 < MrElendig> but sadly no one have done that yet in DPRK 12:53 < searedvandal> yeah, if only.. 12:53 < sh1ro> why would they need to? they're perfectly content using a /8 for the whole country 12:53 < supernovah> is there a simple way to use the output from a file and choose wehther or not to print it based on if it (which is multiline) contains a pattern determined via grep or similar 12:54 < supernovah> the output from a find*, I've already piped it into xargs and gotten the output I want, but I want to filter it on each thing xargs calls 12:54 < supernovah> eg: find . | xargs -I {} /bin/bash -c 'some script {}' | 12:55 < supernovah> or: find . | xargs -I {} /bin/bash -c 'some script {} | ' 12:57 < Triffid_Hunter> supernovah: bash -c 'some script {} | grep ..' perhaps 12:59 < supernovah> yea I realised that actually does what I expected lol, I'm an idiot 13:01 < MaximB> hey, what ftp/sftp with web-gui is there? tried a few but no luck... what can you recommand? (and yes I really do need web-gui) 13:01 < MrElendig> don't use ftp 13:01 < MaximB> what shall i use MrElendig ? 13:01 < MrElendig> but if you want that horrible mess, you could combine it with webmin or any random management panel 13:01 < MrElendig> MaximB: depends on the use case 13:02 < MrElendig> what are you planning to use ftp for? 13:02 < MaximB> need to share files with users, that users would be able to upload files too 13:02 < MaximB> just like regular ftp 13:02 < MaximB> but on web gui 13:02 < MrElendig> ssh, or webapp 13:02 < MrElendig> the later if the users are idiots 13:02 < MaximB> yes, they are 13:02 < MrElendig> webapp then 13:02 < MaximB> webapp 13:02 < limbo_> does it need ftp? 13:03 < MaximB> but what app/server can you recommand? it needs to be free, simple and on linux 13:03 < MrElendig> eg something like owncloud 13:03 < MrElendig> or some simple upload form 13:04 < MaximB> i tried it, but it uses smtp, and I don't want emails at all 13:04 < MaximB> just user:pass 13:04 < limbo_> MaximB: nginx + some webapp for uploading, and an autoindex root in the ftp root 13:04 < spartacle> hey all.. does anyone if its possible for postfix to authenticate with a relay host using SSL certs, instead of username/passwords? I can't find any options to do this 13:05 < MaximB> i wnt something simple to install and manage 13:05 < limbo_> e.g. https://github.com/nejdetckenobi/gimme-that 13:17 < BluesKaj> Howdy folks 13:22 < autopsy> BluesKaj, hello. 13:23 < BluesKaj> Hi autopsy 13:26 < MaximB> limbo_: tried it, it's nice but it only let the users send files to the machine, not share and see the files 13:26 < searedvandal> spartacle, http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html 13:43 < limbo_> MaximB: do you know whaty an autoindex is? 13:43 < limbo_> Install nginx and use the autoindex directive, with a file for your login details. 13:44 < limbo_> Put the root of that location whereever the files get uploaded. 13:44 < limbo_> people can download/share those links. 13:52 < MaximB> limbo_: but i want the admin user to be able to create new users that then could also upload files, and all from the web gui 13:53 < [PHB]> Howto. Enable/disable ports...? I'm noob in that. Not block IPs. 13:55 < searedvandal> MaximB, check out pydio 13:59 < MaximB> searedvandal: thanks, but this is over the top way too much, they just need to create users and upload/download files. not msg, edit and coloborate 14:01 < pingfloyd> sftp 14:07 < simpledoc> Hey! im creating a initramfs from scratch and I get this error message while booting: 14:07 < simpledoc> modprobe: 'kernel/arch/x86/crypto/crc32c-intel.ko.xz' : No such device 14:07 < jim> [PHB], example? 14:07 < [PHB]> Nah, I'll look it up later. 14:07 < simpledoc> what does it mean? 14:08 < jim> simpledoc, it looked for, and could not find, a device 14:09 < simpledoc> jim: please help me get rif of this issue. I wanna know what kinnda device and crc32c-intel.ko.xz is just a crypto module i guess 14:10 < simpledoc> jim: and modprobe should insert it cause its there in the kernel/arch/x86/crypto/crc32c-intel.ko.xz location 14:10 < jim> simpledoc, first thing i'm gonna do, is throw "crc32c-intel.ko.xz" into google 14:11 < simpledoc> jim: good idea :) 14:12 < jim> I thought so... except I'm not finding anything I understand 14:13 < Raed> simpledoc: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=210673 14:13 < searedvandal> MaximB, yeah, I understand. lots of solutions out there for web based stuff, but most of it has lots of different features one may not need. UPste is another one I have bookmarked that I've not tried yet, but that seems to be the most pure file upload/download web based solution I've come across so far. at least that fills the requirements you have. 14:13 < simpledoc> Raed: hey thank you dude! fortunately im already on the page 14:13 < Raed> simpledoc: Ah, ok. Not working? 14:14 < simpledoc> Raed: i think im missing some other crc32c* modules :P 14:14 < Raed> simpledoc: Could be. 14:14 < simpledoc> i'm gonna use them now 14:14 < simpledoc> thank you so much guys 14:19 < jim> simpledoc, didn;t get many results with crc32c-intel.ko.gz but I did get more results with crc32c-intel.ko 14:20 < epicmetal> "scanning the CD-ROM" -- how cute 14:32 * protext thinks dogs can do ESP 14:35 < h3> hi i am working with lvms, i have created a logical volumes using lvcreate, after that created the filesystem and mounted it.. now if i do lvextend, it says extended but when i do df -h it doesnt show the increase in number 14:36 < epicmetal> [777]: if they have better senses than us, then from our perspective, they can 14:36 < section1> h3 you have to resize the FS 14:37 < nazarewk> can i chmod a+x only files which have executable permission on u? 14:37 < h3> section1: what is the command to resize the fs? 14:38 < jim> h3, what kind of fs is it in there? 14:38 < h3> jim: its ext4 14:38 < Dan39> nazarewk: huh? only thing that matters is if you have write permission on that file 14:38 < jim> the command is resize2fs 14:39 < enhance> h3, resize2fs /path/to/lv 14:39 < section1> don't forget to umount the FS first..ext4 don't support online resizing. 14:39 < ananke> section1: it does. for growing 14:39 < enhance> section1, you can extend ext4 online 14:39 < Dan39> section1: it supports growing live 14:39 < section1> ah ok. 14:40 < h3> section1: jim enhance lets say i want to resize the root volume, is it doable without unmounting? 14:40 < section1> sorry i was sure that don't have that. 14:40 < enhance> h3, yes you can 14:41 < enhance> h3, in the future you can also pass the -r flag to lvextend and it will extend the filesystem and logical volume at the same time 14:41 < h3> enhance: what are the steps involved, same as lvextend and resize2fs 14:41 < enhance> h3, yeah lvextend with -r or lvextend then resize2fs 14:41 < enhance> if you do it separately make sure you do the lv first 14:42 < nazarewk> Dan39: i want to chmod g=u but just for x permission 14:42 < nazarewk> ok i think i came up with it 14:42 < nazarewk> chmod a=u,og-x file 14:43 < Dan39> you can do a=u? news to me 14:43 < nazarewk> well... it works :D 14:43 < Dan39> indeed you can 14:43 < nazarewk> set all permissions to user permissions then drop execution 14:44 < nazarewk> or in my case i wanted to drop writes 14:47 < backandforth> Hi, does the make command have to be ran as sudo? 14:48 < jhodrien> That question doesn't really make sense. 14:48 < sneep> no 14:48 < jhodrien> If you're planning on doing a make install to put things into system locations, yes. 14:48 < peetaur> backandforth: you should never run make with sudo 14:48 < jim> backandforth, no, just like gcc can be run as user 14:48 < jhodrien> But as a rule, that's a sign you're doing things wrong. 14:48 < drzacek> Hello there 14:48 < peetaur> for building, you use an unprvileged user and things like fakeroot; for installing you don't use make 14:48 < jim> hi 14:49 < h3> i have a root volume of type xfs and some unused lvms i see when i do lvs 14:49 < h3> now how to add those lvs to the root volume 14:49 < jhodrien> unused lvms ? 14:50 < h3> jhodrien: meaning the lvms thats not mounted to any location 14:50 < drzacek> I need to load a module during boot. Depending on situation (on what hardware it runs), I either need to load it with or without parameters. I put the module name into /etc/modules, when I load without params - loads fine. But when I add params it fails. Why? 14:50 < jhodrien> h3: Language is import. 14:50 < jhodrien> LVs ? 14:50 < jhodrien> Well, you can delete them and grow your root LV if that's what you want to do? 14:50 < drzacek> When I load the same module by hand (sudo modprobe modname modparam=value1 modparam2=valuex etC) it also works 14:50 < h3> jhodrien: i dont want to delete that 14:50 < h3> i want to just grow the root volume little bit 14:51 < jim> h3, first you would delete them, then, the space they occupied will go back into the vg... then you can lvextend the / vol 14:51 < jhodrien> So do you want the unused LVs or not? 14:51 < h3> jim: in this case there will be a downtime right? 14:51 < jhodrien> No. 14:51 < jim> no, but before you do anything, answer jhodrien's question 14:51 < h3> so when i do lvs, i dont see / which means thats not a root volume 14:52 < h3> jhodrien: yes i want unused LVs added to / 14:52 < jhodrien> Does lvs show where they're mounted? I don't think it does. 14:52 < jhodrien> No, you don't add LVs to anything. 14:52 < h3> jhodrien: those lvs are not mounted to anything 14:52 < jim> h3, before you do that, could you do: lvs | nc termbin.com 9999 14:52 < jhodrien> You'd be best understanding what you've currently got a bit better. 14:53 < jhodrien> Equally, you may already have free space in the VG. 14:53 < h3> jhodrien: yes 14:53 < jhodrien> What does vgs show? 14:53 < backandforth> peetaur: How do I use fakeroot for installing? 14:54 < h3> vgs shows free 492 14:54 < jhodrien> 492 with some units? 14:55 < jhodrien> If that's the case, you can expand your root volume without touching any of the other LVs. 14:55 < h3> jhodrien: 492M 14:55 < h3> jim: http://termbin.com/hq7t 14:55 < jim> h3, could you please do: (vgs ; echo '=======' ; lvs) | nc termbin.com 9999 14:56 < peetaur> backandforth: you should probably use your distro's packaging thing which will use those if it needs them 14:56 < jim> actually you can shorten that to: vgs | nc termbin.com 9999 14:57 < h3> jim: http://termbin.com/xnq7 14:58 < jim> ok, you have three lvs named dev1 dev2 dev3 allocated from vg dev, which has 492 free 14:58 < h3> jim: sure 14:59 < jim> do you want to get rid of lvs dev1,2,3? 14:59 < h3> jim: no i want to add the space of 2lvs(dev2 and dev3) to the root volume 14:59 < h3> root volume is not an lv yet 15:00 < jim> oh ok 15:00 < jim> so you don't want dev2 and dev3? 15:01 < h3> can we add dev2 and dev3 to the root volume 15:01 < jim> you need to make an lv for the root vol firstr 15:01 < h3> jim: how do we do that? 15:01 < h3> using lvcreate? 15:01 < jim> could you do: df -h / | nc termbin.com 9999 15:02 < jim> yes 15:02 < jim> let's see how much stuff you got in there first 15:03 < jim> you can't get rid of your / partition yet 15:03 < h3> http://termbin.com/wvqks 15:03 < jim> do you boot legacy? or uefi? 15:04 < h3> how do i check. i dont think its uefi.. these are aws vms, could you check how you check what boot process it is 15:04 < jim> you have 8g on the current root partition (which you should NOT get rid of yet) 15:05 < h3> jim: yes exactly 15:05 < jim> of which just under 1g is used 15:05 < uxbal> hey guys. home office distro (word processing and multimedia) - what would you suggest between debian stretch and opensuse leap? 15:05 < h3> jim: yes i want to add more space to the root volume 15:05 < jim> you already have lots of space :) 15:06 < section1> and that don't look lika a lvm 15:06 < [777]> h3, You might wanna check lvm if you have more than one drive. It stores more space than doing HW. 15:06 < h3> jim: yes but incase if i want to add more space to that.. do you think the data would be erased? 15:06 < epicmetal> uxbal: suse 15:06 < jim> you have 8x how much you're using :) 15:06 < jim> not sure 15:07 < jim> I dunno if you have 8g 15:08 < h3> jim: lets say i want to add 100g .. ill attach the volume to this instance 15:08 < h3> now i want the root partition to add up 100g 15:09 < h3> what is the command? 15:10 < jim> one moment... you don't have enough space in either the vg or dev2 and dev3 to make anywhere near 8g 15:10 < [777]> Either way, you'd have cold boot for multiple ethernet slots. 15:10 < uxbal> how much would you guys leave for / partition 15:10 < [777]> Mirror syncing, key term. 15:10 < uxbal> on a 256gig ssd? 15:10 < uxbal> and how mcuh fo swap if i have 4 gb ram 15:11 < jim> h3, let's see how much you have on the drive... 15:11 < jim> h3, how many PVs do you have? 15:12 < h3> jim: i have one 15:13 < jim> ok, could you do: pvs | nc termbin.com 15:13 < jim> wait, thats's wrong 15:13 < jim> ok, could you do: pvs | nc termbin.com 9999 15:13 < jim> there 15:15 < h3> http://termbin.com/rtjs jim 15:17 < jim> ok, now could you do: gdisk -l /dev/xvda | nc termbin.com 9999 15:18 < jim> (small explanation... if you have nc installed, you can pastebin the output of an arbitrary command, for example ls -CF if you run it like this: ls -CF | nc termbin.com 9999) 15:19 < h3> http://termbin.com/nr5p 15:21 < section1> lol 15:21 < Pronoe> Hi I have a .tar containing a folder with a random string as name, I would like to extract only what's below this folder. I checked the man but I can't seem to find a solution. 15:21 < Pronoe> I tried with -s and --wildcard but without luck :/ 15:22 < jim> h3, ok, now could you do: gdisk -l /dev/xvdb | nc termbin.com 9999 15:25 < h3> jim: http://termbin.com/otcm 15:27 < Psi-Jack> Pronoe: What /exactly/ did you try doing? 15:28 < jim> h3, there's some unused space on /dev/xvdb... want to use some of it? 15:28 < DevAntoine> Hi 15:28 < jim> hi 15:29 < DevAntoine> Is it possible to run a cron with a condition like that: every last tuesday of the quarter? 15:29 < DevAntoine> Is that even possible to have conditions like that in a crontab? 15:29 < h3> jim: yes 15:30 < section1> DevAntoine, no..if i understand you correctly. but you can do that check in the script 15:30 < jim> h3, ok. since you are only using just under one g, let's make it 1.1g, ok? 15:31 < section1> DevAntoine, in cron you can put the week like 7-14 or whatever then you check in the script if its tuesday. 15:32 < h3> jim: ok we can do that 15:32 < noonien> hello folks 15:32 < jim> hi 15:32 < Psi-Jack> DevAntoine: Not with /only/ crontab schedule formats, no. With additional logic in a script it runs, yes. 15:32 < Psi-Jack> I don't even think systemd timers could do /that/ specific. 15:32 < Psi-Jack> Though it has more of a possability to do so. 15:33 < jim> h3, ok. run: gdisk /dev/xvdb 15:33 < DevAntoine> I've stumbled upon something like this: 0 1 * 3,6,9,12 2 [ $(date + "\%m") - ne $(date -d 7days + "\%m") ] 15:33 < noonien> i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i'm passing a parameter to `start-stop-deamon` in the form of "0:0:0:650" and when i do a `ps`, each number seems to be treated as a separate argument instead of it being one single argument 15:34 < noonien> am i missing something obvious? 15:34 < h3> jim: do i have to type n 15:34 < jim> h3, yes 15:34 < h3> jim: what is the hex code? 15:34 < h3> 8e? 15:34 < jim> I think so :) 15:35 < jim> you can do l to list them I think 15:35 < Psi-Jack> noonien: Did you quote it like that as well? 15:35 < h3> jim: yes done 15:35 < h3> whats next 15:35 < DevAntoine> I find the following quite unreadable: 0 1 * 3,6,9,12 2 [ $(date + "\%m") - ne $(date -d 7days + "\%m") ] && my_cmd 15:36 < jim> p 15:36 < jim> to print the partition table 15:36 < h3> yes i was able to see 2 partitions listed 15:36 < jim> does it look good? 15:36 < noonien> Psi-Jack: no, i've got something like `PARAMS="--my-arg 0:0:0:650"` then i do `start-stop-daemon -S -x $APP -p $PID_FILE -m -b -- $PARAMS` 15:36 < section1> DevAntoine, thats not a valid cron job entry i think 15:37 < noonien> and instead of running `my-bin --my-arg 0:0:0:650`, instead, in ps, i see `my-bin --my-arg 0 0 0 650` 15:37 < h3> jim: yes 15:37 < Psi-Jack> section1: Why do you think that? 15:37 < jim> ok, w (to write the partition table) 15:37 < DevAntoine> section1: well, it works if I add it in the current user's crontab. But if I add it in /etc/cron.d/foo it doesn't work because of quotes I guess 15:37 < paulcarroty> anybody use Linux with pcie-m2 adapter? is it worth it? 15:38 < h3> yes i did that as well 15:38 < section1> ah yeah DevAntoine Psi-Jack i miss read the 2 15:38 < jim> ok 15:38 < Psi-Jack> noonien: Encircle that 0:0:0:650 in \" 15:38 < jim> do you want it on the same vg (named "dev")? 15:38 < noonien> Psi-Jack: i did, tried with `'` too. i now have "0 0 0 650" as 4 params 15:39 < noonien> if i echo $PARAMS, everything looks alright, maybe start-stop-daemon does some processing? 15:39 < Psi-Jack> Unlikely. 15:39 < section1> DevAntoine, and have some spaces line "- ne " should be -ne 15:40 < jim> h3, what are these things, /dev/xvda and xvdb? are they drives? 15:40 < Psi-Jack> Xen block devices. 15:40 < h3> jim: yes they are drives 15:40 < jim> oh ok 15:41 < DevAntoine> section1: 0 1 * 3,6,9,12 2 "[ $(date + '\%m') -ne $(date -d 7days + '\%m') ] && sudo -u apache $APP_PATH$AGECOM_COMMAND agenor:contract:reminder -vvv >> $APP_PATH$LOG_DIR/cron_contrat_reminder 2>&1" 15:41 < h3> jim: how to space to root partition now? 15:41 < Kharma> http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/start-stop-daemon.8.html what params are you tying to pass formatted as such? (0:0:0:650) 15:42 < noonien> "0:650" works fine, "0:0:650" has the same prolem 15:42 < jim> h3, first, pvcreate /dev/xvdb2 15:42 < h3> jim: ok 15:43 < h3> next is vgcreate? 15:43 < Kharma> noonien: doesn't appear start-stop-daemon acceepts anything like n:n:n:n .. see my above linked manpage 15:43 < jim> h3, now vgextend dev /dev/xvdb2 15:43 < Psi-Jack> noonien: Can you show the erronius ps output you're talking about? 15:43 < Psi-Jack> Kharma: He's passing it after a -- 15:44 < h3> jim: ok and finally ? 15:45 < section1> DevAntoine, with not like somethinkg like this: [ "$(date +%A)" == Thursday ] && command 15:45 < section1> but with Tuesday 15:46 < DevAntoine> section1: it should be the latest Tuesday of the quarter 15:46 < jim> lvcreate -n root -L 1.1g dev 15:47 < noonien> Psi-Jack: of which form? the escaped \"? 15:47 < h3> jim: but when i type df -h 15:47 < Psi-Jack> noonien: Any. I need to see what you're actually seeing,. 15:47 < h3> it still dont see 1.1g added up? 15:48 < noonien> Psi-Jack: does this help? http://vpaste.net/7dmzi 15:49 < jim> h3, we're making a whole new lv... do this: lvdisplay /dev/dev/root | nc termbin.com 9999 15:49 < Psi-Jack> ... No. 15:49 < noonien> ps output might be ambigous, but i'll paste that 15:49 < Psi-Jack> Hmmm 15:50 < h3> jim: http://termbin.com/1dno 15:50 < noonien> `16917 root 3140 S < my-bin --my-arg 0 0 0 650` 15:50 < noonien> for the same pid 15:50 < Psi-Jack> Hmm.. Most interesting... 15:50 < noonien> this is on an openwrt instalation, i'm not sure if start-stop-daemon is openrc, is there a way to check? 15:51 < Psi-Jack> Ohhhhh.... Likely busybox, actually. 15:51 < triceratux> hrm you dont want a space after that +: date +\%m 15:51 < Psi-Jack> Yeah, that changes things a lot. 15:52 < jim> h3, now you have an lv of enough size to get all of the / partition 15:52 < jim> h3, what kind of file system do you want for it? 15:52 < h3> so next step is unmounting? 15:52 < h3> jim: i will want ext4 15:52 < jim> no 15:53 < jim> ok, mkfs -t ext4 /dev/dev/root 15:53 < triceratux> err date +'\%m' 15:53 * triceratux doesnt debug cronjobs very often 15:53 < h3> jim: ok i have did that 15:54 < jim> now, mount /dev/dev/root /mnt 15:54 < h3> jim: ok net 15:54 < h3> next* 15:55 < jim> I forgot exactly how to do this with cp... hold on 15:55 < h3> jim: ohhhh 15:56 < jim> but basically what we want to do is copy everything on / to /mnt 15:56 < piester> clear 15:56 < jim> deer 15:57 < Psi-Jack> noonien: Yeah. My finger points at busybox's start-stop-daemon being the evil one. 15:57 < h3> jim: ohhhh.... i thought we had to do something elseee.... 15:57 < jim> we're getting to what you originally wanted, it's gonna take a bit 15:57 < noonien> Psi-Jack: yeah, i'm trying #busybox now, maybe i'll get a reply 15:58 < Psi-Jack> Yeah, good luck. That's not an area I can really help with much. 15:58 < noonien> sure thing, thanks for the help! 15:58 < Psi-Jack> Things in busybox world dramatically change things. heh 15:58 < Psi-Jack> And not usually for the better. heh 15:59 < noonien> probably a bug in how busybox handles arguments 16:00 < Psi-Jack> Or even uclibc. heh 16:00 < jim> question... if I'm gonna copy everything on the current root partition to an lvm lv, do I need to be in single-user mode? 16:00 < noonien> `busybox echo -- --my-arg 0:0:0:650` seems to work fine, so maybe it's just a bug in start-stop-daemon 16:00 < Psi-Jack> jim: Or better, rescue disc. 16:01 < jim> h3, what machine are you using to irc here? 16:01 < Psi-Jack> jim: Because stuff in /dev will already be overlapped with udev stuff. 16:01 < Psi-Jack> And BOOM! he's gone, jim. 16:02 < section1> DevAntoine, the only way i can think of is line 2 crons one for months with 30 and other for 31 days example for the 30 days: 0 1 24-30 6,9 * [ "$(date +%A)" == Thursday ] && command 16:02 < section1> s/line/make/ 16:02 < jim> Psi-Jack, that's a different filesystem, so if he does ever come back, we'd be copying only one filesystem 16:03 < Psi-Jack> Which for /, you have to do with a rescue disk to be accurate. 16:04 < Psi-Jack> Why are you copying? I thought he was trying to increase the size of / not make a new one? 16:04 < DevAntoine> section1: ok, I'll think about it, thanks 16:04 < jim> Psi-Jack, well before we can resize an lv, he has to have an lv :) 16:05 < Psi-Jack> Ahh, he only had the partition for it, but no actual PV, VG, etc? 16:05 < jim> he did have a vg, we probably used some of it 16:06 * Psi-Jack scratches his head. 16:06 < flashpoint> ok for the first time EVER this stupid chroot trick worked for me 16:07 < flashpoint> I reset root and user passwords 16:07 < flashpoint> so if anyone can do this with a usb stick, and one minute, what happens if I encrypt my install? 16:07 < Psi-Jack> First time eh? 16:07 < jim> we added a pv to the vg, then made an lv of just big enough size to copy his current / partition to it, and his current / is 8 gb of which just under 1g used, so that can be copied to the new lv, and then we have to get the booting working and switched to the lv... 16:07 < flashpoint> yeah it's just not worked before, I had to use the arch install media instead of any rescue disk 16:07 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: If you encrypt. That makes even accessing the data itself very VERY difficult. 16:08 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: You can use any rescue disc. 16:08 < flashpoint> it hasn't worked before but that's probably me 16:08 < Psi-Jack> That is definitely you. :) 16:08 < flashpoint> quiet! so can I encrypt my install post.... install? 16:09 < sanroot> Is there any way i can backup all my installed packages to restore again 16:09 < jim> then we can delete his original / partition, and make a new pv, and add that pv to the dev vg (at which point there would be 3 pvs in the vg, with something like 8.5g available... 16:09 < jim> then we use that space to add to the root lv 16:09 < flashpoint> there is so much static noise in here 16:10 < jim> then he has what he asked for 16:10 < jim> flashpoint, you get used to it 16:10 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: You can, Very difficultly. Like, way more difficultly. 16:10 < Psi-Jack> static... noise? 16:10 < flashpoint> jim I hope I don't 16:11 < flashpoint> the last thing I want is to install again 16:11 < jim> Psi-Jack, it might not be the most efficient way to go about it... but it could have worked :) 16:11 < flashpoint> it's arch so this is a NIGHTMARE 16:11 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: It's 10 times harder to do it post-install than during install. 16:11 < flashpoint> ten? 16:11 < flashpoint> how do I even start to go about it 16:11 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: Ahh, well... Arch? Better off getting a real distro anyway. Try Solus. 16:12 < flashpoint> shush 16:12 < flashpoint> I'm not changing. they're all as bad as one another 16:12 * epicmetal chuckles 16:12 < flashpoint> just pick one and suffer through it 16:12 < Psi-Jack> Solus is a rolling-release distro too, but desigend for desktop & developer use. 16:12 < flashpoint> I'm fine with this thanks 16:12 < jim> flashpoint, that may be, but they're different :) 16:12 < Psi-Jack> Welp. Good luck then. 16:12 < flashpoint> yeah and I'm very very very sick of distro hopping 16:13 < triceratux> flashpoint: nonetheless, if you get interested theres now swagarch which is a bonafide xfce liveiso made from monthly snapshots of the arch releases. it currently boots linux 2.17 & xorg 1.20.0 into a highly robust livesession 16:13 < flashpoint> I'll just stick with this shit sandwich, and yours tastes different 16:13 < Psi-Jack> When you go arch, you generally go.... Alone. 16:13 < flashpoint> I've found htat too Psi-Jack 16:13 < triceratux> *4.17 even 16:13 < flashpoint> stop advertising your shoes to me :) 16:14 < Psi-Jack> Hmm. I need someone's shoes to throw. :) 16:14 < jim> throw Ryan Style's shoes! 16:14 < flashpoint> so encrypting an existing install 16:15 < afidegnum> i m using xfce, what is the recommended display manager ? 16:15 < flashpoint> how does one even start doing that 16:15 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: Backup. Everything. 16:15 < flashpoint> yeah totally 16:15 < epicmetal> flashpoint: a full backup and restore 16:15 < Psi-Jack> Because you're going to be wiping everything out. 16:15 < epicmetal> flashpoint: you can't convert it like windows 16:15 * triceratux throws a shoe https://swagarch.gitlab.io/ 16:15 < Psi-Jack> And restoring from that backup to an encrypted disk instead. :) 16:15 < flashpoint> I haven't used windows in so long that I have actually forgotten what it can do 16:15 < flashpoint> and I don't really care what it does now 16:16 < jim> flashpoint, and make sure you know how to restore from the backup you make 16:16 < flashpoint> I just do not use it 16:16 < Psi-Jack> And reinstalling your boot loaders, and making sure you have crypt setup in your initrd. 16:16 < flashpoint> ok yeah a reinstall is going to be easier 16:16 < flashpoint> but in terms of backups 16:16 < Psi-Jack> borg backup. 16:16 < flashpoint> I should be doing these in the way you described 16:17 < triceratux> afidegnum: with xfce you generally see lightdm these days. but everything is supposed to work with everything so ymmv 16:17 < flashpoint> where I can restore.... a backup, instead of just reinstalling, remembering which packages I had, and then copying my files over 16:17 < Psi-Jack> Yep. 16:17 < flashpoint> so borg backup? 16:17 < flashpoint> is that a package? 16:17 < Psi-Jack> You literally are reinstalling. ;) 16:17 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: borg is a backup tool, and yes, it's in arch's repos. 16:17 < flashpoint> that's what happens if things get so bad that I need to use a backup 16:18 < flashpoint> does it have a gui? 16:18 < afidegnum> triceratux: what's gnome memory footprint ? 16:18 < Psi-Jack> ... No. 16:18 < jim> flashpoint, it's handy to have the /home be a separate partition or vol 16:18 < flashpoint> well... I don't 16:18 < Psi-Jack> You should. :p 16:18 < flashpoint> I know that :| 16:18 < flashpoint> this was basically an emergency install 16:18 < jim> flashpoint, it's pretty easy to do 16:18 < Psi-Jack> For Arch, a 40GB / is sufficient for most people. The rest can be 2GB swap,and /home 16:19 < Psi-Jack> You might need, of course, space for your boot loader with the FDE. 16:19 < flashpoint> I like having a massive swap for video editing or anyhting I *might* want to do 16:19 < Psi-Jack> Well, actually you can't do FDE, and boot. :) 16:19 < Psi-Jack> flashpoint: Swap is NOT memory. 16:19 < flashpoint> I know it's not 16:19 < Psi-Jack> If you ever need more than 2GB, you need RAM, not swap. 16:20 < flashpoint> but it gets loaded up with junk now and then 16:20 < jim> my current /home is about 200g... :/ 16:20 < flashpoint> I have 8gb, I can't fit more without spending too much 16:20 < flashpoint> and honestly 8 is enough for what I do 99% of the time 16:20 < flashpoint> if I need more I switch machines 16:20 < Psi-Jack> Well, having more than 2GB swap will severely impact you more than benefit. 16:20 < flashpoint> can you explain why? 16:20 < Psi-Jack> Especually when it starts banging away swap-paging. 16:21 < flashpoint> I just set it the same as my ram 16:21 < flashpoint> that's been the rule all the time with every distro 16:21 < section1> if its a laptop and you want to hibernate yo will need more thatn 2gb 16:21 < Psi-Jack> You cannot read swap directly, it has to be paged back into RAM and something else swapped if you're tight on RAM. 16:21 < luke-jr> I stopped using that rule when I upgraded to 64 GB RAM 16:21 < flashpoint> I would love to hibernate 16:21 < Psi-Jack> section1: Also incorrect. 16:21 < section1> why Psi-Jack ? 16:21 < flashpoint> I would absolutely love to hibernate 16:21 < amikrop> I didn't know where to ask, so: Anybody knows where can I find docs (specification?) of the format of XML files SourceMeter produces? 16:22 < Psi-Jack> section1: Depends on how much RAM you actually end up using before you hibernate. And the hibernation does compress the RAM, so no, you do not need as much swap as physical RAM. That was misinformation. You can also utilize a swapfile, specifically for hibernation,. 16:22 < jim> don't you need a swap larger than your ram size to hibernate? 16:23 < section1> but 2gb for 8gb i think its versy small. 16:23 < section1> very* 16:23 < Psi-Jack> It's not. 16:23 < section1> ok 16:24 < section1> if you close all your apss like firefox should work :D 16:24 < epicmetal> there's always swapfiles 16:24 < section1> yeah 16:24 < Psi-Jack> And these days, it's actually in some ways, better to use a more portable /swapfile instead of swap partition anyway. :) 16:25 < Psi-Jack> I just learned, in fact, that Ubuntu 18.04 already does use /swap.img, when not using LVM. (from a friend of mine) 16:31 < triceratux> afidegnum: top says lightdm is using 394496 virtual. dont know if thats what you mean 16:32 < afidegnum> ok, 16:34 < Psi-Jack> RSS is more useful than VSS in most cases. 16:42 < strixdio> to install as uefi, I need to boot as uefi, correct? 16:43 < Psi-Jack> Generally, yes. 16:43 < strixdio> okay. 16:43 < strixdio> I didn't boot as uefi before, installed to gpt, and can't boot 16:43 < strixdio> there are no uefi boot options 16:43 < Psi-Jack> Yeah, you cannot detect UEFI unless you're booted in UEFI. 16:43 * strixdio nods 16:44 < Psi-Jack> And most installers just detect, and don't let you choose otherwise. 16:47 < noway96> So we ship custom linux images with code. Each image needs a version attached to it. Do I just have a text file somewhere that says Version: x.x.x? 16:49 < ayecee> well, do you? 16:49 < section1> noway96, ? you say add something in the kernel version = 16:49 < section1> ? 17:11 < noway96> where does uname -r get the version string from? What's the file path? 17:12 < section1> noway96, check CONFIG_LOCALVERSION if you want to add something to the version string. 17:15 < nshp> noway96: uname the command calls uname the syscall, there's no file for that 17:18 < henk124875> i want to try to recover some php files with photorec, but even though it should be able to recover php files it's not listed in the file options, so i can't single it out.. how do i go about this? 17:19 < papl> With a key based login for SSH, what determines the user you login as. Do all keys in /home/example_user/.ssh/authorized_keys allow you to login as example_user? 17:20 < section1> henk124875, recovery all the files the check which one is a php file 17:21 < section1> s/the/then/ 17:23 < hailhydra> I need to find a file with a string in it but I suck at grep. Can somone help me find " My question is relating to this part: *) echo 3 17:25 < zetheroo> If the returned value is empty, would this echo 3? 17:27 < louisdk> I've a raid 5 mdadm array with four disks and I want to grow it by 200 MB. I do have backup of the data. Is it possible to grow it by first resizing the partitions on the disks and then the array it self? 17:31 < my_mind> hey 17:31 < my_mind> i installed gdebi from terminal but I can't find the gui anywhere when trying to open deb files 17:33 < NoNumber> Is anyone here familiar with xmodmap and swapping around modifier keys? If you look at the comments in my xmodmap file you can see what I'm trying to do: https://paste.debian.net/1032238/ - But unfortunately my physical windows key is not producing the alt modifier. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. 17:33 < my_mind> i think it's called gdebi-gtk 17:33 < my_mind> how do i install it? 17:33 < henk124875> @section1 i only want the php files recovered i don't want millions of files with filenames that tell me nothing 17:43 < superkuh> henk124875, what OS/filesystem? 17:43 < superkuh> You might try R-Linux for recovery of files with a bit more control and specificity than photorec, https://www.r-studio.com/free-linux-recovery/ 17:44 < henk124875> @superkuh that's another issue it's on a luks encrypted disk.. it was on my previous installation of linux mint i then installed mint 19 recently both were installed with automatic settings i used the same encryption password so i was hoping it could somehow just find it on the current partition 17:45 < superkuh> Well, whatever you do to get around that you'll have more luck with R-Linux than photorec. 17:46 < henk124875> ok thanks i'll check it out. 17:46 < mcdnl> henk124875: did you install over it? because if you did, i'm not sure you'll be able to recover them 17:47 < henk124875> @mcdnl i did i just let it use all the default settings in which it uses the entire disk 17:47 < doublehp> Hello; I am doing "rsync -v -rz -it" , but every 4h I kill the process to avoid some problems. The folder to sync contains many small files; after 12h, it seems to me that rtsync always restarts from scrantch, and changes fixed by previous run are lost; how to resumt after kill, instead of restart from scratch ? 17:48 < mcdnl> if it encrypts the whole disk, your data might have been overwritten 17:50 < mcdnl> doublehp: https://superuser.com/questions/1204798/how-to-resume-an-interrupted-transfer-with-rsync 17:52 < doublehp> mcdnl: --partial is to keep the current fil; I don't care restarting the last file; it seems to me like its restarting from scratch, all files 17:53 < mcdnl> doublehp: why kill the process? what do you gain? 17:53 < mawk> how can I get a nice ascii tree of configurations, interfaces, endpoints for a specific USB device ? 17:54 < doublehp> mcdnl: it's the easy way to work around network issues (a broken ssh may lock scripts and ports days long after a Wifi issue). The clean way would be very heavy to code 17:54 < mawk> doublehp: you need partial and append 17:54 < mawk> not just partial 17:55 < mawk> you can also use append-verify if you want to checksum that, but I fail to see how data could get corrupted nowadays 17:57 < doublehp> i don't want partial. Reading about append 17:58 < doublehp> mawk: data can be corrupted by wifi, and by storage (aging FLASH) 17:58 < mawk> what 17:58 < mawk> but everything has checksums everywhere nowadays 17:58 < mawk> if you don't use partial, append is useless 17:58 < section1> doublehp, check -u 17:59 < mawk> you need to keep files when download failed AND append to these files when restarting the download 17:59 < Thuryn> is there a way to specify a group name in AllowGroups (sshd_config) that has a space in the name? 17:59 < mawk> you need both 17:59 < mawk> why would you make up a group with a space in the name Thuryn 17:59 < mawk> that's criminal 17:59 < mcdnl> -u --append-verify should do the work 17:59 < Thuryn> because it's an AD group 17:59 < mawk> I see 18:00 < Thuryn> i don't disagree with you. i still have this issue to deal with though. :( 18:00 < mcdnl> Thuryn: have you tried escaping or quoting it? 18:00 < Thuryn> googling suggested putting "" around the group name. no go. 18:00 < mcdnl> try single quotes 18:00 < mawk> and '' ? 18:00 < mawk> or try putting a \ in front of the space 18:00 * mcdnl pokes mawk: get out of my head 18:00 < Thuryn> ... 18:00 < mawk> lol 18:01 < Thuryn> hang on a sec. 18:01 < section1> doublehp, ahh you are using the -i flag. 18:01 < Thuryn> i forgot to restart sshd after my last config change. lemme try again. 18:01 * Thuryn hasn't had enough coffee, apparently. 18:01 < mawk> or try to replace the space by \x20 or \040 18:02 < mawk> lots of creative ways 18:02 < Thuryn> '' and "" didn't work. going to try \x20. that seems clever. 18:03 < NoNumber> Is anyone here familiar with xmodmap and swapping around modifier keys? If you look at the comments in my xmodmap file you can see what I'm trying to do: https://paste.debian.net/1032238/ - But unfortunately my physical windows key is not producing the alt modifier. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. 18:03 < mawk> systemd does that, the \x20 trick 18:03 < Thuryn> no go there either. :( 18:03 < mawk> you could maybe rename the group to have a non-breaking space instead of a space 18:03 < mawk> that'd make it easier for everyone 18:04 < doublehp> section1: and ? 18:04 < mawk> or define some kind of mapping/aliases for group names, maybe that's a thing 18:04 < Thuryn> that's the fallback position. i'll make them create a new group with no spaces in it. 18:04 < mawk> with theproper PAM plugin 18:04 < mawk> and the \ before the space doesn't work either ? like Group\ Name 18:04 < dh46> what is the use of /etc/hosts file 18:05 < Lope> resize2fs doesn't want to resize my root LVM filesystem because it's mounted. Is it suicide to -f? (force) 18:05 < section1> doublehp, the man says "don't skip files that match size and time" so starts again 18:05 < mawk> resolution without DNS, dh46 18:05 < Thuryn> i mainly wanted to either fix it, or do enough due diligence that I can say, "it don't work. make a new group." 18:05 < Lope> I've expanded the filesystem 18:05 < mawk> some antique leftover of times without DNS 18:05 < Thuryn> "\ " didn't work. :( 18:05 < Lope> I mean I've expanded the LV 18:05 < dh46> lets say if i want to ssh abc@ , if i mapped to a name say vm1, can i use ssh abc@vm1? 18:05 < Lope> Now I want to expand the FS 18:05 < mawk> yes 18:05 < mawk> but don't do that dh46 18:05 < Thuryn> /etc/hosts is for things that don't belong in DNS or for testing purposes. 18:05 < doublehp> section1: nope;; it says "output a change-summary for all updates" 18:05 < mawk> ssh has facilities to do that already 18:05 < mawk> use some nice config file in ~/.ssh/config that will map pseudo-hosts to IP address 18:05 < doublehp> section1: don't skip is I, not i 18:06 < section1> doublehp, what rsync do you have ? 18:06 < mawk> you can even specify a default user, so that you just do `ssh vm1' and it will select user abc 18:06 < section1> doublehp, ahhh yeah my bad. 18:06 < nchambers> mawk++ 18:06 < doublehp> section1: you think about a missmatch betwwen server and client ? 18:07 < nchambers> I've got all of my servers stored in .ssh/config 18:07 < nchambers> then just ssh "$subdomain" 18:07 < dh46> mawk: how is it used for ourselves? 18:07 < doublehp> section1: -i may have a different meaning on server and client ? 18:07 < dh46> mawk: or can you tell some usecase of /etc/hosts 18:08 < mawk> dh46: I use it as a fallback for my dns server, on my servers 18:08 < mawk> because everywhere in iptables and stuff I use hostnames like "mail" for the containers, and if the dns server is down every rule will fail to get added 18:08 < mawk> so I have fallbacks in /etc/hosts for the LAN hostnames like that 18:08 < section1> doublehp, no looks good..mmm stange all the flags are ok so. let me try it. 18:08 < Thuryn> dh46, you're having a problem with a missing hostname in DNS, but to test your change, you log into one box and add the new name to /etc/hosts. if it fixes your problem, you add the name in DNS (which affects everyone). if it doesn't fix your problem, you haven't messed with production DNS and you know you need a different solution to your problem. 18:09 < mawk> dh46: also I suppose you can use it for system-wide aliases of host names or short names to IP addresses, but a proper DNS server can also do that 18:09 < Thuryn> either way, you remove the entry from /etc/hosts when you're finished, because it was just a test. 18:09 < mawk> but I guess aliases are better to stay in /etc/hosts than in a real dns zone 18:09 < mawk> so that's a use 18:10 < dh46> cool thanks Thuryn mawk 18:11 < doublehp> mawk: section1 : "-u --append-verify" seems to do it. 18:12 < section1> mmm ok 18:12 < section1> i do a miny test and in my case with your flags don't start from scratch.. 18:21 < invisisith> can anyone recommend a good linux admin cheat sheet 18:23 < ivegotasthma> yeah, don't be a linux admin 18:23 < invisisith> why 18:24 < triceratux> invisisith: i always liked this. a few things have changed but not that many http://www.faqs.org/docs/lnag/lnag_commands.html 18:24 < triceratux> yeah yer supposed to be a devop these days anyway 18:24 < invisisith> yeah right 18:25 < invisisith> but thx you! 18:25 < invisisith> I am a site reliability engineer 18:25 < compdoc> real estate developer 18:25 < invisisith> so many buzz words for exact same job 18:26 < sevagh> how can i change `uid_map` from a CLONE_NEWUSER namespace? sevagh:sudoers-eval $ hello. i'm trying to nshare --user bash -c "echo 0 0 1 > /proc/self/uid_map"\nbash: line 0: echo: write error: Operation not permitted 18:27 < sevagh> butchered the paste - i expect this command to work but it doesn't: "$ unshare --user bash -c "echo 0 0 1 > /proc/self/gid_map" 18:34 < MrChinasky> Greetings, Linux masters. I'm trying to understand the concept of right accesses. I have a user, pi. I'd like him to be able to rwx directories belonging to the www-data group. So far i think i correctly added pi to www-data group, yet only chmod 777 allows pi to write in that directory. Screen here : https://imgur.com/a/E0vuU5D 18:36 < programings> MrChinasky, what are the permissions of /var/www ? 18:38 < longxia> MrChinasky: after adding pi to the www-data group, did you start a fresh login for pi? (there are ways to activate group changes for the current user but i keep forgetting thsoe) 18:38 < nchambers> does `id pi` show them as a member of that group? 18:39 < Lope> do you have to mount LVM volumes in /etc/fstab like "/dev/mapper/vgx-foo ..." or can you do "/dev/vgx/foo ..." 18:44 < MrChinasky> programings: rights on /var/www/ are drwxrwsr-x 18:44 < MrChinasky> longxia: No, trying right away! 18:45 < MrChinasky> programings: Does 's' standing for 'sticky'? 18:45 < programings> no, it's setuid, MrChinasky 18:45 < MrChinasky> longxia: Thanks it worked! 18:46 < MrChinasky> Never heard about it, thanks for the info programings 18:51 < saderror256> my friend would like to know a good linux distribution to use 18:51 < saderror256> any suggesstions? 18:51 < nchambers> depends on what they want to do 18:51 < saderror256> they were using solus 18:52 < saderror256> but the latest kernel 4.17 update borked up some stuff 18:52 < saderror256> he wants to do some programming, internet browsing 18:57 < triceratux> saderror256: mx-17, or if linux 4.17 is a priority id say altlinux sisyphus xfce, opensuse tumbleweed, or swagarch 18:57 < triceratux> your best bet is always to get xubuntu lts to work 18:57 < jeffree> any recommendation on a good way to graph nvme temperature? 19:02 < twainwek> how come rather than having different (sane) options other than gnome3 as ubuntu's DE, there are different "distros" like kubuntu just to change the de? 19:02 < twainwek> and what's the xfce version of that 19:02 < revel> Xubuntu. 19:04 < atmospherian> twainwek: it's kind of stupid, really. once installed, you can install any other DE you want 19:05 < atmospherian> twainwek: Antergos (arch linux distro) allows you to choose the initial DE you start with (or none at all) during the installation, no need to download different ISOs 19:09 < twainwek> it does seem like the no brainer approach... but then again ive never been involved in distros and packaging and etc 19:12 < Psi-Jack> Antergos is not Arch Linux. It's a fork of it. 19:13 < panga> Hello Linux people, I need to know hoow can I run an script directly in the sheel, I mean writing and executing from there in hot, without the creation of text-executable file. 19:13 < Psi-Jack> And it does cause problems in comparison to actual Arch. 19:13 < panga> Sorry for the typo 19:16 < jim> panga, one way, anything you can type at the shell prompt, you can put in a text file 19:16 < jim> say it's called myscript 19:16 < jim> what shell do you use? 19:16 < ananke> panga: just type/paste it in. 19:16 < triceratux> atmospherian: imho a good example is altlinux. they curently do livebuilds of 13 desktops for both architectures on a weekly basis. http://mirror.yandex.ru/altlinux-nightly/snapshots/20180704/ theyre independent builds. the kernels differ, as do the configs & startups & amount of prexisting Qt & stuff 19:16 < panga> I'm using bash 19:17 < jim> ok, so one way: bash myscript 19:18 < panga> https://thepasteb.in/p/r0hwzkNErlQtK 19:18 < jim> the next way, 19:18 < doublehp> mawk: section1 : after hours of digging, I had hidden you a detail, and it was the root cause of all my troubles: -T /tmp/foobar ... and foobar subfolder did not exist on target server ... 19:18 < panga> Yes but I not wont create a .sh file 19:18 < triceratux> atmospherian: theyre obviously accomodating a great deal & its simpler to them to ship monolithic fully functional systems rather than have to maintain an elaborate choice driven upgrade facility which would allow the users to mess things up 19:18 < panga> I want do it directly in the colsole 19:18 < ananke> panga: just paste it in the shell 19:19 < royal_screwup21> what's the difference between a super user and root? As I understand it, both can run sudo commands 19:19 < markasoftware> royal_screwup21: they're synonyms 19:20 < triceratux> atmospherian: particularly in the case of a DE where its comprised of a large number of programs & configs which sometimes overlap or are otherwise not entirely independent. yes they can all be made to coexist by an adroit configuration of your favourite sessionmanager. but that in itself is more than you can ask a packagemanager to do 19:20 < royal_screwup21> markasoftware: ah okay. So when I type in whoami, I get my username (not root) 19:20 < markasoftware> royal_screwup21: yes. When you use `sudo`, it becomes root temporarily to run the command, then drops back down to normal privileges. Try running `sudo whoami` 19:21 < jim> royal_screwup21, a super user is able to leap tall anthills in a single bound! 19:21 < royal_screwup21> oh I see, yeah that returns root 19:21 < markasoftware> royal_screwup21: if you want to open a root shell, you can try `sudo bash` 19:21 < jim> or sudo -i 19:22 < royal_screwup21> markasoftware: so now I'm trying to change my username. I've been reading some threads and people say it's not a good idea because it might break stuff https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/8447/how-do-you-rename-root. Is there a safe way to accomplish this? 19:22 < dh46> just a basic question, lets see if i have 2 haproxy load balancer. now i want to have a common ip address so that the request is handled each time by exactly one load balancer 19:22 < dh46> how to create that ip 19:23 < triceratux> atmospherian: at the extreme other end of the spectrum Mint decided to get completely out of the Qt business http://yandex-asia.archive.parrotsec.org/linuxmint/stable/19/ so v19 only builds 3 desktops & their KDE userbase is history 19:23 < markasoftware> royal_screwup21: i really don't recommend it 19:23 < markasoftware> especially root 19:23 < ananke> dh46: keepalived is one of the common ways of solving it. except you have the idea a bit of load balancing a bit odd 19:23 < markasoftware> don't rename root 19:24 < dh46> ananke: what exactly does keepalived do? 19:24 < markasoftware> you probably could rename your standard user account safely, although I've never tried 19:24 < ananke> dh46: google for keepalived 19:24 < mouses> royal_screwup21: do not rename root, there's no sane reason to do such 19:24 < jim> royal_screwup21, the root user is a specific kind of superuser... there are other kinds that aren't root... example, the postgresql superuser is not root (in fact, the postgresql backend will try hard not to run as root) 19:25 < mouses> renaming a user account = sane and something we can do and help you with 19:25 < royal_screwup21> mouses: when you user account, you mean someone who doesn't have sudo privileges, correct? 19:26 < royal_screwup21> say* 19:26 < NoNumber> im trying to map my modifier keys (the ! comments describe it) https://pastebin.com/uBamvy0B - does anyone know why my windows key isn't producing the alt modifier? my alt key is producing ctrl, and my ctrl key is producing win/super, but my windows key still isn't being alt. 19:26 < jim> royal_screwup21, it can mean that; more often people will say "plain user" 19:27 < royal_screwup21> alrighty 19:31 < bunnypuncher> root 19:37 < markasoftware> an "unprivileged" account 19:45 < jeffree> panga: did you figure it out? 19:47 < fndreic> Hello 19:47 < panga> @jeffree yes bash < list of commands EOF 19:47 < fndreic> How can i set time ? Im using archlinux and i have incorrect time 19:48 < matsaman> fndreic: are you dual booting? 19:48 < Psi-Jack> panga: Does your IRC client tab-complete @jeff, or jeff or both? 19:48 < fndreic> matsaman: no 19:48 < matsaman> fndreic: you can use the 'date' command; then reboot and see if it remains correct 19:49 < matsaman> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/time 19:49 < fndreic> matsaman: i do that before 19:49 < panga> Psi-Jack I'm using web based 19:49 < fndreic> and that no help 19:49 < matsaman> fndreic: how doesn't it help? 19:49 < fndreic> date command show me incorrect time 19:49 < Psi-Jack> panga: Still applies. :) 19:49 < matsaman> fndreic: you have to pass it a date to change the time 19:49 < panga> Psi-Jack: Yes I just realize 19:50 < fndreic> matsaman: but i wanna date from internet 19:50 < matsaman> fndreic: date -us "$(cat matsaman: what ? 19:50 < fndreic> i need to type that command ? 19:50 < Dagmar> That's going to need elevated privs 19:50 < Psi-Jack> panga: So, does it tab complete on @nick 19:51 < matsaman> fndreic: you can copy & paste it, yes; might require root 19:52 < fndreic> matsaman: this command 19:52 < Dagmar> It *will* require root 19:52 < fndreic> send me to some command line 19:52 < panga> Psi-Jack: I got it now works good :) 19:52 < Dagmar> What kind of insanity would have every user on the system able to change the time? 19:52 < fndreic> matsaman: i dont have output from that command 19:52 < fndreic> what u give me 19:52 < fndreic> ... 19:52 < Psi-Jack> fndreic: u isn't here to give you anything. 19:52 < fndreic> Psi-Jack: DAAAAAMN 19:53 < fndreic> it set incorrect time 19:53 < fndreic> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 19:53 < fndreic> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 19:53 < matsaman> fndreic: that's normal; run 'date' or 'date -u' again to see hopefully your fixed time 19:53 < fndreic> MANT 19:53 < fndreic> NOOOOOOOOOOOOo 19:53 < Dagmar> Shut up. 19:53 < fndreic> yay ! 19:53 < fndreic> it help 19:53 < fndreic> :* 19:53 < fndreic> thanks matsaman 19:53 < triceratux> run ntp ftw 19:54 < fndreic> no 19:54 < fndreic> its set up 19:54 < fndreic> thanks 19:54 < matsaman> or you could just cron that command; but for most people time will not drift to be inaccurate enough to need constant updating 19:55 < Dagmar> It only has to jump at the right time to break things 19:55 < fndreic> matsaman: date -us "$(cat Running that command in cron is a very bad idea 19:55 < matsaman> "things", oh noes 19:55 < dimm> hello, All! Please give me start point for diagnostic issue. I have two servers. DEV and TEST. The website is the same. But at dev server it return webpage and at test server it return http basic auth and then webpage. 19:55 < matsaman> fndreic: it just grabs the time, via ash, from nist.gov, and passes it to date 19:55 < matsaman> via bash* 19:55 < fndreic> nist.gov ? 19:56 < matsaman> fndreic: nist.gov 19:56 < Dagmar> dimm: Start by analyzing the hiring process to determine how on earth you wound up in that job. Someone screwed up. 19:56 < fndreic> what is it matsaman 19:56 < koala_man> dimm: is it apache? 19:56 < matsaman> fndreic: a website that among other things cares about what time it is 19:56 < fndreic> okay 19:56 < fndreic> thanks 19:56 < fndreic> now im fucking off 19:56 < fndreic> cya 19:56 < matsaman> lates 19:57 < Dagmar> Why is "test" not an _exact copy_ of "dev"? 19:57 < koala_man> what's the point of having two if they're exact copies? 19:57 < malmalmal> Hello, any time tracking apps you may reccomend please ? 19:58 < matsaman> koala_man: well, so you know whether it will fail on the final copy or not 19:58 < Dagmar> koala_man: Because the dev server is the one developers are allowed to change. 19:58 < matsaman> malmalmal: willpower 19:58 < SuperSeriousCat> The clock, malmalmal 19:58 < koala_man> Dagmar: so that it's no longer an exact copy? 19:58 < Dagmar> koala_man: There is no point in even _having_ a test server if developers are allowed to do anything more than ONLY test on that 19:58 < malmalmal> matsaman: SuperSeriousCat: c'mon 19:58 < matsaman> Dagmar: well, downloading anime 19:59 < matsaman> malmalmal: yes there are, but I can't encourage their use sorry 19:59 < Dagmar> koala_man: Development on a dev server, then TESTING what was developed on the test server, and when the testing is complete, then the test server is copied (or promoted) to production 19:59 < dimm> koala_man: it is apereo cas with embedded tomcat 19:59 < Dagmar> If test isn't an exacy copy of dev, then you can't exactly perform rigorous testing of the code you're thinking about movi~ng into production 19:59 < koala_man> right. so the reason they're not exact copies is because one is a release candidate and one is under active development 20:00 < Dagmar> ...and if you can't manage to go from dev to test without changing it, you'll probably fail at moving the code from test to prod as well 20:00 < Smithe> I've created years ago a zip file with unencrypted index, but the files are enrcypted with AES 256 deflate, there's a program in linux that can help me in recovering the password? 20:01 < Dagmar> koala_man: If the difference is something they did on purpose, why in god's name is he asking us to troubleshoot it? 20:02 < matsaman> why would anyone ever ask for help, so boring 20:02 < Dagmar> matsaman: In this case, why are people asking us to do their jobs for them 20:02 < matsaman> because their parents failed them 20:02 < koala_man> maybe it's an inadvertent effect of an intentional difference 20:02 < matsaman> because _their_ parents failed them 20:02 < rcvu> anyone seen rpms being created with weird suffixes (like ${project}.rpm.RIsjlo) before? 20:02 < matsaman> because contraceptive is tedious 20:02 < matsaman> because mammals 20:03 < matsaman> rcvu: interrupted or not-yet-complete rsync copy, perhaps? 20:03 < Dagmar> rcvu: That would be a temporary copy. Something else was supposed to happen before that trailing bit would normally be removed 20:04 < rcvu> hmm okay strange it didn't fail the build 20:04 < rcvu> But ya that makes sense I will check that out 20:04 < koala_man> dimm: I don't know about either of those. is it supposed to or not supposed to have auth? 20:04 < bipul> Hi. 20:04 < markasoftware> Smithe: no 20:05 < dimm> koala_man: yes it supposed 20:05 < markasoftware> unless you password is very short and simple 20:05 < dimm> koala_man: i will trying to diff network traffic 20:05 < koala_man> dimm: did you compare data and config to see if anything's different? did you check the place that enables it whether it's done intentionally to make dev less annoying 20:05 < matsaman> hi bipul 20:06 < dimm> koala_man: config was copied from dev =/ but i will recheck 20:06 < ark3> Something changed between 3.16 and 4.9 that is messing up iptables stuff. Can someone suggest the right search to find the relevant documents? 20:07 < dimm> koala_man: i meant 'rsync -avzR ' 20:07 < bipul> Hello matsaman 20:07 < dimm> ark3: firewalld? 20:07 < bipul> Anyone is from Bengaluru? 20:08 < ark3> dimm: Ooh, that's probably it. 20:08 < koala_man> dimm: that's an additive operation. use --delete to delete any extra files on the destination 20:09 < SuperSeriousCat> About 12,339,447, bipul 20:09 < bipul> SuperSeriousCat, ? 20:09 < bipul> 12,339,447? 20:10 < SuperSeriousCat> Anyone is from Bengaluru?. A quick wiki got me the population. Its not rocket science 20:10 < dimm> ark3: they was edit something and then it like this - http://bozza.ru/userfiles/image/articles/firewalld/firewall_stack.png 20:10 < Elladan> Welp, installed Linux Mint 19 to see what's new. Seems pretty much like Mint 18 but slightly buggier. 20:10 < Elladan> The one notable bug that was explicitly reported as fixed in the release notes is not fixed. 20:11 < dimm> koala_man: thanks, i will try 20:11 < matsaman> why would you install mint even if it weren't buggy? 20:11 < Elladan> Mint is nice enough. 20:11 < matsaman> is it... 20:12 < bipul> Where do you get that data? 20:12 < bipul> And why are you so serious? 20:12 < matsaman> from wikipedia.org 20:12 < matsaman> and he's not, text is just cold 20:12 < matsaman> why're we talking about bengaluru in #linux 20:13 < bipul> just finding any bengaluru linux user 20:13 < SuperSeriousCat> Better luck go in the street and yell 20:13 < bipul> Yell what? 20:14 < bls> "is anyone here from bengaluru!?!" 20:14 < bipul> ? Yes i need to use this quantifier :D 20:15 < bipul> matsaman, What are you doing? 20:15 < martinrame> I have a question about RSync. Is there a way to let Rsync "synchronize" a directory against a text file containing the new files, but not do the copy of the files?. 20:15 < matsaman> nothing important 20:16 < matsaman> bipul: there doesn't in general seem to be much of a presence on this network: /msg alis list *-in /msg alis list *-kn, etc. 20:16 < bls> martinrame: you mean like the dry run flag? 20:16 < dimm> koala_man: network traffic are the same 20:16 < bipul> I got CTCP VERSION from you. 20:16 < martinrame> So, for example in directory /mnt/files every time a new file is added I would like to add that file to a text file containing all the files. 20:16 < dimm> koala_man: now i will recheck config 20:16 < matsaman> bipul: yup 20:16 < martinrame> bls: yes, but I think dry-run needs a target directory containing files. 20:17 < martinrame> but my target is a text file (or a table in a database) containing the list of files in the source directory. 20:17 < ibr2> hey guys, 20:17 < matsaman> hi ibr 20:17 < ibr2> i need help with this issue 20:17 < koala_man> martinrame: no. is the number of files so massive that you don't want to just regenerate it? 20:17 < ibr2> W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ppa/ubuntu trusty Release: The following signatures were invalid: FE85409EEAB40ECCB65740816AF0E1940624A220 20:17 < martinrame> koala_man: yes. 20:17 < matsaman> martinrame: sounds like you want diff <(cat file) <(ls /mnt/files) or something 20:18 < matsaman> but for a strange reason, I'd wager 20:18 < martinrame> matsaman: yes, but I cannot traverse the whole directory by pooling (millions of files). 20:18 < bls> what do you thing rsync is going to do? 20:19 < Psi-Jack> magically sync all-the-things. :) 20:19 < martinrame> I think it has an internall file listing source and target files, so only sync new files. 20:19 < bls> sure, and it generates that listing by traversing the hierarchy 20:20 < martinrame> yes, but the 1nst time it takes a considerable amount of time, but then it is very quick, because only read the new files. 20:21 < bls> the speed increase is due to disk caching 20:21 < martinrame> bls: sure? 20:21 < matsaman> martinrame: millions of files? wtf are you up to 20:21 < martinrame> it doesn't register the already read files somewhere? 20:22 < bls> no 20:22 < matsaman> no, and if it did that wouldn't help you 20:22 < matsaman> as you need to find new files 20:22 < malmalmal> matsaman: I need a time tracking app for work, as I am a freelancer and need an easy way to see how much time do I dedicate to each task. 20:22 < matsaman> malmalmal: so tedious 20:22 < matsaman> malmalmal: why don't you just write a simple shell function using date? 20:23 < bls> I've seen people do that with emacs and org-mode. I imagine if your editor of choice is powerful enough, it'd have something similar 20:23 < malmalmal> it may seem simpler to you to do that, I would have expected someone thought about the problem before and made a tool available for others not to have to start from scratch. 20:23 < martinrame> matsaman: I need to index files into a database. 20:24 < matsaman> malmalmal: I'm sure, but they're probably mostly overblown GUI bits of nonsense 20:24 < martinrame> matsaman: long story, but ther's a system without database. 20:24 < malmalmal> that is certainly a most valid personal oppinion 20:24 < bls> the filesystem *is* a database. you can make a listing of it to a more efficient structure for searching, but you're still going to have to regularly traverse the entire thing to keep the secondary listing up to date 20:24 < matsaman> malmalmal: =P 20:25 < matsaman> technically you could also add them into a secondary listing when they're added to the FS 20:25 < bls> true, but inotify watches on millions of files? 20:25 < matsaman> or it might be as simple as he hasn't thought of adding it to the secondary file from his script that is personally adding them to the FS =P 20:26 < mawk> directly in the kernel then 20:26 * matsaman shrugs 20:26 < ayecee> would use fanotify for that, not inotify 20:27 < martinrame> I'll take a look at fanotify, I wonder if it works on cifs mounts. 20:27 < bls> from man 7 fanotify "In particular, there is no support for create, delete, and move events." 20:27 < matsaman> cifs, oh boy this gets better and better =P 20:28 < ayecee> probably not going to work for cifs if the files are changed remotely 20:29 < matsaman> anyway, you're clearly trying to hack together a tiny patch for an awful system, so I'm not sure you should care that your hack is trivially inefficient, as the entire system clearly is 20:29 < dimm> koala_man: i was delete all files on target and copy from dev one to one the same result 20:29 < ayecee> hmm. fanotify isn't as cool as i imagined. 20:30 < dimm> koala_man: one file which i was not check is httpd.conf 20:30 < dimm> koala_man: i will check it now 20:31 < bratchley> Random question, in my failed loging (via lastb) I'll see automated attempts to log in with usernames that are obviously user specific. What's the logic behind those? Like why does this last one assume I might have a "yuanwd" user on my system? 20:31 < bratchley> Are they checking systems with adjacent IP addresses or something? 20:32 < ayecee> bratchley: they're scanning whole swaths of the internet for vulnerable accounts 20:32 < ayecee> apparently yuanwd is an account that was compromised somewhere, so it's part of the list they check 20:32 < bratchley> ah ok 20:34 < matsaman> might be a default user:pass for a service/app, too 20:34 < matsaman> shows up on lists with things like 'mongo:mongo', 'hadoop:hadoop', etc. 20:34 < bratchley> yeah I'd expect that one, but yuanwd is obviously a person so I was confused 20:35 < ayecee> interesting, comes up in this list of accounts to check: https://github.com/funtimes-ninja/malware/blob/master/0d2d1cff2e9ed5f8156393e5ff2080e0e02afd901ff0e163e24e746fa27588ba 20:35 < matsaman> I don't see how it obviously is, but whatever 20:36 < bratchley> because "yuan" is a common name 20:36 < matsaman> the company it's in on that list makes it seem like it's some service/application from somewhere (china) 20:36 * matsaman shrugs 20:36 < matsaman> apache is the name of an entire people 20:36 < matsaman> jira is the name of a fake lizard 20:36 < ayecee> also the name of a helicopter 20:37 < matsaman> oracle is the name of a drug addict 20:37 < ayecee> lol 20:37 < nchambers> postfix is the name of the devil 20:38 < matsaman> email is 20:40 < FightingFalcon> What are the pros and cons of installing NTP? 20:40 < Psi-Jack> FightingFalcon: Pros, it keeps your time synced. 20:41 < Psi-Jack> Cons: If you do not expose it publically to the internet, none. 20:41 < matsaman> cons: you didn't need your system synced 20:41 < FightingFalcon> matsaman, i run a web server in my machine. and unbound 20:41 < ayecee> cons: a motivated attacker can alter the time on your system remotely. 20:41 < broman> can someone please help me with rtcwake? when I try "rtcwake -m mem -s 10" it gives me 'rtcwake: suspend to "mem" unavailable' 20:42 < matsaman> FightingFalcon: I find it's better to wait for a problem before you implement a solution 20:43 * matsaman would make "terrible" politician 20:46 < akk> Con of NTP, depending on your init system: it can hang your laptop's boot if you boot without a working network. 20:46 < triceratux> that thing with /dev/tcp is a bash functionality that has to be compiled in. it wont be as simple as firing up ntpd on all systems 20:46 < akk> Boot systems *shouldn't* hang on network access but they often do. 20:46 < Psi-Jack> If you use chronyd, instead of ntpd, it still implements NTP but doesn't lock up the bootup. 20:46 < nchambers> freebsd does :| 20:47 < MrElendig> for most people some sntp solution is fine, as opposed to a full blown ntp too 20:48 < matsaman> for most people the only thing that happens if their clock is wrong is their clock is wrong 20:48 < nchambers> sntp = simple ntp? 20:48 < nchambers> matsaman: yeah but certificates! 20:48 < mattfly> hi 20:49 < matsaman> nchambers: still happens less than time just being wrong 20:49 < nchambers> sure 20:49 < matsaman> hi matt 20:49 < nchambers> i was makinga stupid joke 20:49 < mattfly> how can i share usb ports over lan 20:49 < matsaman> yeah and I was making a stupid soulless response =P 20:49 < nchambers> haha 20:49 < matsaman> mattfly: for what? 20:49 < mattfly> arduino 20:49 < matsaman> mattfly: like for what purpose 20:49 < mattfly> arduining 20:49 * matsaman sighs 20:49 < nchambers> that clears it up 20:50 < matsaman> what is it you are trying to provide to the arduino? 20:50 < nchambers> mattfly: whats your goal? 20:50 < mattfly> sending code and serial data and receiving 20:50 < matsaman> ... 20:50 < nchambers> what does that have to do with the USB? 20:50 < mattfly> but with the arduino pluged on another machine 20:50 < matsaman> why... 20:50 < mattfly> why isnt a question to make 20:50 < nchambers> it definitely is 20:50 < nchambers> see the xy problem for why 20:51 < mattfly> this other machine has only 400 mb of ram and is just a screen to me, but it has some usb ports there that i wanted to use thats why 20:51 < matsaman> but why can't you do this with just the arduino 20:51 < mattfly> the question is why not... 20:51 < matsaman> well, your question is =P 20:51 < mattfly> yeah 20:51 < matsaman> I'm sure you can do it, I just wouldn't bother myself even if you paid me to 20:51 < mattfly> i dont get ur last question 20:52 < mattfly> lol 20:52 < mattfly> ur so lazy maan 20:52 < mattfly> that isnt so hard 20:52 < matsaman> what, 'why...'? =P 20:52 < mattfly> https://askubuntu.com/questions/612355/share-usb-drive-over-network 20:52 < matsaman> a drive is not a port 20:52 < matsaman> sharing storage is indeed dead simple 20:52 < mattfly> no not storage 20:52 < matsaman> yes I know 20:52 < mattfly> oh really 20:53 < matsaman> that's why I just corrected you =P 20:53 < mattfly> is that just for storage?? 20:53 < FightingFalcon> Do i have to install botn NTP server and client to use? 20:53 < matsaman> mattfly: would be my guess since it says _drive_ 20:53 < mattfly> oh i dindt know drive meant that 20:53 < matsaman> FightingFalcon: you should only need a client to use it 20:53 < bls> FightingFalcon: no, although for most packages, they're one and the same 20:53 < matsaman> mattfly: it doesn't, but people think it does 20:53 < mattfly> i want to transfer all serial communication between the two 20:53 < matsaman> yes you said 20:54 < mattfly> let me see what the heck usbip is 20:54 < mattfly> USB device sharing system over IP network ?? 20:54 < mattfly> hey that suits my problem 20:54 < mattfly> this guy wants to do the same with a rhaspberry 20:55 < mattfly> this is a basic IOT issue like if you have a remote arduino connected to a server and want to reprogram it, where are the IOT hackers??? 20:56 < mattfly> im having this issue: usbip err: stub_driver.c: 33 (open_sysfs_stub_driver) usbip_common_mod.ko and usbip.ko must be loaded 20:56 < gzuh0> i would ssh into the machine with the arduino connected and do whatever from there 20:57 < matsaman> yeah, dunno why you need serial 20:57 < mattfly> im but I want to write a osciloscope that displays on my machine here 20:57 < MrElendig> webusb is a thing 20:57 < gzuh0> well, ssh to the host, then serial to the arduino 20:57 < MrElendig> +too 20:57 < gzuh0> i don't know arduinos tho 20:57 < mattfly> well i could make some workaround like that 20:57 < mattfly> let me see webusb 20:59 < PMunch> Hi, I have a question about dynamic libraries. I'm using dlopen to load multiple libraries, and they require procedures from each other. If I load the library that supplies them first it works fine, but if I load the library that uses them first I get an error. Is there a way to check which procedures are missing and exists in a library? Similar to what "nm" does 21:00 < akk> mattfly: I know nothing about webusb, but you could run the oscilloscope app on whatever machine has USB to the arduino, and remote display it on your machine. 21:00 < mattfly> I know. 21:00 < gzuh0> could perhaps netcat data back to the remote as well, and construct the scope there 21:01 < bls> PMunch: you should be able to generate a dependency tree using the methodology ldd uses 21:02 < gzuh0> although, can you share /dev/ and interface with devices on a remote machine? 21:03 < bls> depends on the device and the protocol 21:03 < bls> things like iscsi and fcp exist for sharing disks 21:12 < phogg> I need a tool available as a Debian package that records audio and can use pulseaudio but does not Depends: on it. 21:12 < phogg> trying to test apulse recording scenarios. 21:13 < jim> do you know the name of it? 21:13 < matsaman> phogg: can do that with just arecord, can't you? 21:17 < phogg> matsaman: pretty sure it doesn't talk pulse 21:18 < mattfly> i did it! 21:18 < mattfly> usbip is really simple 21:19 < mattfly> if you are on ubuntu https://askubuntu.com/questions/647068/usb-ip-kernel-modules-are-missing/647071#647071 21:19 < mattfly> but sersiouly usbip is dope 21:25 < phogg> aha, ffmpeg will do it 21:26 < papl> How do I set my IP so that it's always on boot? Why does it change on boot? 21:26 < nchambers> what os/network manager are you using? 21:26 < bls> papl: are you using dhcp? if so, it's giving you a different IP at boot 21:26 < nchambers> ^ 21:26 < papl> whatever arch uses by default 21:27 < papl> can I tell it to give me a static IP? 21:27 < nchambers> sure 21:27 < bls> your router/AP should have a MAC <-> IP table for its dhcp server 21:27 < nchambers> static dhcp leases would work as well 21:28 < nchambers> depending on what you're after 21:28 < bls> right, that table is usually what's used for the static assignments 21:28 < papl> I have port forwarding setup on but if I get a different IP, I have to change it 21:28 < FightingFalcon> restrict source notrap nomodify noquery > what does this mean in NTP conf? 21:28 < nchambers> yeah, i was just saying it was a good idea 21:28 < bls> the other option is to carve out a chunk of IPs that aren't served via dhcp then manage that pool manually 21:29 < bls> FightingFalcon: it controls the abilities of other NTP clients/servers to manipulate your time 21:30 < FightingFalcon> what does "source" mean ? 21:32 < bls> I believe it means the time source you're querying for time, i.e. you don't want it to have the ability to query you or manipulate your time, you just want to query it 21:32 < bls> but the man page would be the place to verify that 21:33 < Lope> is network-manager "heavy" is there much justification for not using it on raspbian, if you can get away with just dhcpcd? 21:33 < FightingFalcon> bis will you paste your ntp.conf file to me? 21:34 < MrElendig> Lope: networkmanager gets the network up faster, and supports things that dhcpcd doesn't 21:34 < MrElendig> and it isn't really heavy in any meaning of the word 21:35 < Lope> MrElendig, I meant in terms of memory usage? 21:35 < MrElendig> it doesn't use much 21:35 < MrElendig> unless you are on some 32mb ram embedded system then you can ignore it 21:35 < bls> FightingFalcon: I'm not using ntp* 21:35 < Lope> MrElendig, I got ignored that raspbian doesn't respect /etc/network/interfaces anymore, and wants to force me to use dhcpcd instead. 21:36 < Lope> MrElendig, nah, 256MB is the smallest linux SBC I'll ever have. 21:36 < MrElendig> Lope: /etc/network/interfaces going away is a good think imo 21:36 < Lope> sorry I meant to say I got annoyed* not ignored. 21:36 < Lope> MrElendig, why do you say that? 21:36 < MrElendig> distro invented buggy scripts < universally available tools 21:36 < Lope> too simplistic? 21:36 < Lope> fair enough. 21:37 < Lope> yeah, I like network manager. 21:37 < MrElendig> for core things like managing networks 21:37 < Lope> I think dhcpcd is a dumb name for a tool the raspbian people recommend to use to set a STATIC IP 21:37 < saderror256> how do i recursively give 777 permisions to all files in a directory and subdirectories? 21:38 < bls> saderror256: you don't 21:38 < Psi-Jack> Heh, DHCP can set static IPs up. 21:38 < fryguy> saderror256: chmode -R 777 21:38 < Lope> DHCP client daemon, needed to set something which makes a DHCP CLIENT unnecessary 21:38 < fryguy> chmod* 21:38 < Psi-Jack> Never chmod 777! 21:38 < saderror256> fryguy: thx 21:38 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: this is really important, i have to! 21:38 < MrElendig> dhcpcd tend to be slow as heck :/ 21:38 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: No, you do not EVER have to. 21:38 < Psi-Jack> Nor should you ever. 21:38 < mawk> add another 7 for extra sevenness fryguy 21:38 < mawk> chmod 7777 21:38 < Lope> MrElendig, well I decided not to learn to use dhcpcd and just used NM instead. Was \piss easy. 21:39 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: again, yes i am, im dealing with php and apache and this is my only option or i will have to abondon my project completely 21:39 < mawk> yes Lope , we need to boycott dhcpcd 21:39 < Lope> chmod 7777777 21:39 < bls> there are appropriate solutions to what ever issue you're dealing with that don't involve disabling a critical security mechanism 21:39 < mawk> because of it name that is too close to dhcpd 21:39 < saderror256> Lope: chmod 7^100 21:39 < Lope> mawk, I'll happily boycott dhcpcd 21:39 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: So you'd rather make something insanely insecure, just because of lack of knowledge? 21:39 < Lope> mawk, for a DHCP server I like isc-dhcp-server. 21:40 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: ive been on this for a day now dude 21:40 < bls> hehe, 777 + php = please turn me into a malware server 21:40 < mawk> saderror256: rather 7/9 * (7^100 - 1) 21:40 * MrElendig uses networkd and networkmanager, depending on the use case 21:40 < Psi-Jack> I don't care how long you have done something. 21:40 < saderror256> and im not doing it on root or anything sensitive anyway 21:40 < MrElendig> famous last words 21:40 < Psi-Jack> ^ 21:40 < bls> root no longer matters once you've gone with 777 21:40 < bls> everyone connecting to your system is now root 21:40 < searedvandal> 777 php? nice 21:40 < saderror256> well ok ill care to explain 21:41 < SuperSeriousCat> Better tell why you want to 777 it than how to do it 21:41 < saderror256> im trying to be able to write into a file 21:41 < saderror256> with apache 21:41 < lnnb> can't you just use a group or soemthin 21:41 < bls> lnnb: yes 21:41 < saderror256> ive tried using chmod 777 on a single file, shell_exec (with safeguards) and lots more 21:41 < saderror256> nothing worked 21:41 < searedvandal> give the apache user the right permissions 21:41 < saderror256> i almost wanna give up 21:41 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: Do a specific directory? 21:41 < saderror256> searedvandal: tried that, done this 21:41 < Psi-Jack> To* 21:41 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: ive tested and chmod 777 works, in an embarrasing way 21:41 < Psi-Jack> ... 21:42 < searedvandal> of course 777 works 21:42 < Lope> saderror256, I asked the same dumb question you're asking now, about 4-5 years ago. And people told me the same thing. Do yourself a favour. Learn how POSIX permissions work. It's really simple, watch a youtube video or something to get it explained to you if you don't want to read. If you don't want to learn how permissions work, you shouldn't be changing them. 21:42 < Psi-Jack> Less vague, more ACTUAL detail. 21:42 < saderror256> Lope: it gives everything write access 21:42 < saderror256> im doing this for my own sake x) 21:42 < saderror256> but do i have any other options 21:42 < Lope> saderror256, go away and learn, don't try to tell me some bullshit you think you understand. 21:42 < saderror256> so i DONT have to use chmod 777? 21:43 < zapotah> saderror256: you have many other options 21:43 < saderror256> Lope: calm down, im not trying to act like i know what im doing 21:43 < Psi-Jack> Many many other options, done correctly and with proper actual thought. 21:43 < lnnb> it's negligent, but if its your own personal system i guess it doesn't really matter 21:43 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: to write into a file 21:43 < Lope> Lope: it gives everything write access 21:43 < zapotah> lnnb: it does matter, he makes things worse for everyone else 21:43 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: chgrp apache /path/to/file 21:44 < lnnb> for who else? 21:44 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: can i do this with apache 21:44 < zapotah> lnnb: you, me, anyone 21:44 < Lope> another zombie DDOS/malware machine coming up. 21:44 < zapotah> for running a vulnerable box 21:44 < lnnb> how does his personal system affect me??? 21:44 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: Do /what/ with Apache? :p 21:44 < zapotah> lnnb: youre a speshul snowflake arent you 21:44 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: shell_exec 21:44 < Psi-Jack> shell_exec() is a PHP function. 21:44 < saderror256> i need to run the command to the file the user wants to do 21:45 < zapotah> lnnb: botnets and whatnot are a real problem 21:45 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: yes, i want to run a system command with php, with the safeguards i already wrote 21:45 < zapotah> to everyone 21:45 < lnnb> lmao 21:45 < Lope> hahahaha, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21:45 < Lope> HAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 21:45 < Lope> shell_exec with the safeguards of 777 all your base are belong to us! 21:45 < nchambers> you're just asking for your server to be taken over 21:46 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: What the user wants to do? Is this shell_exec() running something a user provides? 21:46 < Lope> hack-my-shit-please-im-begging-you.com 21:46 < nchambers> i'd also be interested in what you consider "safeguards" 21:46 < saderror256> Lope: shut up 21:46 < Lope> you're a sad error 21:47 < saderror256> nchambers: it checks if the input is a directory to make sure you cant run system commands 21:47 * nchambers bets shell_exec is a glorified system("bash -c '" + cmd + "'") 21:47 < saderror256> im not publicly exposing this you guys know? the user is responsible for screwing it up actually 21:47 < nchambers> saderror256: sounds like a terrible safeguard 21:47 < nchambers> why even care about the safe guard then? 21:47 < lnnb> on that note, i'm going to now tell everyone to stop using inefficient programming languages because it wastes electricity and contributes to higher atmospheric CO2 levels 21:47 < Lope> let 21:48 < Psi-Jack> Sounds to me like you need to abandon this project. 21:48 < lnnb> use javascript? litrully exxon 21:48 < searedvandal> 755 and be happy 21:48 < Psi-Jack> Everything you have said... It screaming red alert. 21:48 < Psi-Jack> is* 21:48 < saderror256> nchambers: prevents users from running other commands embeddedly: && etc 21:48 < zapotah> Psi-Jack: ohh, ive got just the tweet for this 21:48 < nchambers> saderror256: i highly doubt that 21:48 < zapotah> https://twitter.com/sadserver/status/1011652439303262208 21:48 < Lope> let's allow anyone to run arbitrary commands on a linux server, setup by a guy who doesn't even understand linux permissions. 21:48 < nchambers> it might work for a couple of use case 21:49 < nchambers> but i highly doubt it prevents that 21:49 < Lope> saderror256 must be trolling 21:49 < saderror256> im not trolling 21:49 < saderror256> i really need help with this 21:49 < Lope> ah, you got me. well done. 21:49 < Lope> got everyone actually. 21:50 < Lope> I hope when I come back the level of intelligence of conversation has gone up. 21:50 < SuperSeriousCat> Hard to not get people with a simple question. You cant ask yourself "I it a troll?" on every sinle opening question 21:50 < mawk> don't mind him saderror256 21:50 < mawk> he's mean for an unknown reason 21:50 < saderror256> mawk: im not :) 21:51 < saderror256> but i need to know what the safest way to get write access to a file 21:51 < saderror256> if possible, remove the write access to a file after its been written to 21:51 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: Are you the same guy that was asking if you could make a file write once-read many type thing a few days ago? 21:52 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: ? i dont think so, if so, no 21:52 < Psi-Jack> or, write to a file only once? 21:52 < saderror256> ^ no 21:52 < Psi-Jack> okay. 21:53 < Psi-Jack> Well, seriously. The way you have describe everything, and further, your absolute lack of knowledge in what you're actually doing, even especially permissions which is basics 101 Linux. I really REALLY suggest you hold off on this, and learn those basics. 21:53 < Psi-Jack> You may think, today, what you're doing is "OK", but believe me, it will come back to bite you in the arse, without you ever knowing about it, and by then, it'll be far too late. 21:54 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: the exact reason why im taking everyones words and trying not to get hit by this 21:54 < saderror256> so im not going to do a 777 on everything 21:54 < zapotah> put the horror in a container and bury your head in sand 21:54 < searedvandal> just do a stackexchange/overflow search for php shell_exec and you'll find tons of ways to do what you want 21:55 < Psi-Jack> Or ask in ##php 21:55 < bls> there's also #php 21:55 < searedvandal> or that 21:55 < Psi-Jack> man chown; man chmod as well. 21:55 < zapotah> then you end up with: https://www.reddit.com/r/networkingmemes/comments/8u7jyz/container_networking/?ref=share&ref_source=link 21:55 < bls> hopefully people there won't offer 777 as a solution 21:55 < Psi-Jack> bls: Heh, the main helpers won't. 21:55 * SuperSeriousCat joins channel ready ot offer 777 21:56 < Psi-Jack> The fryguy's of there might, though. :p 21:56 < zapotah> anyone whos not insane or otherwise disabled, wont offer 777 as a solution :3 21:56 < saderror256> sorry, im not very good at permissions :( 21:56 < Psi-Jack> man chmod; learn 21:56 < zapotah> gotta love that reddit post 21:56 < Psi-Jack> Also, man chown; man chgrp 21:56 < Psi-Jack> zapotah: I love no reddit posts. I still banned reddit. :p 21:57 < zapotah> pfft 21:57 < zapotah> Psi-Jack: container networking: https://i.imgur.com/QWvck8C.jpg 21:57 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: if your just gonna say "learn", you appearently sound like you have no idea what your doing either, i would just like a little help on the way 21:57 < zapotah> its awesome, i promise :D 21:57 < zapotah> saderror256: sadly, the reality of things is that you need to put in effort yourself 21:58 < zapotah> saderror256: the alternative is hiring a consultant 21:58 < saderror256> zapotah: i have been, so i decided id ask for help here 21:58 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: Pardon? 21:58 < saderror256> which isnt really any help 21:58 < zapotah> saderror256: no, you want someone to provide the configuration and whatnot for your specific environment 21:58 < zapotah> thats called consulting 21:58 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: I've been using Linux since before Linux 1.0.0 itself. Don't even go there with "you have no idea what your doing either" bullshit. 21:59 < zapotah> saderror256: and unlike most people, id like to think Psi-Jack knows what hes talking about :3 21:59 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: then "learn" isnt really helpful in any way 21:59 < Psi-Jack> Most people? LOL 21:59 < zapotah> Psi-Jack: :D 22:00 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: man chown; man chgrp; man chmod 22:00 < Psi-Jack> https://linux-help.org/wiki/linux/commands 22:01 < Psi-Jack> Also usefully relevant, my own site. :) 22:01 < searedvandal> learning is always helpful 22:01 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: you understand that just tells me how to use the command syntax right :P 22:01 < Psi-Jack> Which has those 3 commands, alternatively documented. 22:01 < bls> saderror256: the secure solution to this is to figure out what user and group your PHP code is excuting as, then ensure the files the code needs to manipulate are either owned by that user or group and then have one of those permissions be available as writable 22:01 < zapotah> ^ 22:01 < saderror256> good point bls 22:01 < bls> might also need to double check and ensure this code isn't being executed in some sort of chroot 22:02 < saderror256> if only my friend didnt disable php errors i wouldnt be ripping my hair out 22:02 < Psi-Jack> And use a directory outside of the apache document_root, where possble for situations like this. 22:02 < saderror256> and im pretty sure they are being done by "apache" 22:02 < saderror256> would it be a "better than 777 everything" to give apache user permissions to write to files? 22:02 < zapotah> no 22:02 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: Umm, you do know you can re-enable php errors dynamically, right? 22:02 < zapotah> you should execute the php code as a separate user 22:02 < searedvandal> saderror256, shell_exec ('whoami') or something like that should give you an indication which user php is 22:03 < lessthan0> Psi-Jack thanks for making that site 22:03 < saderror256> searedvandal: let me try 22:03 < Psi-Jack> lessthan0: You're welcome! :) 22:03 < zapotah> php-fpm is awesome for this 22:03 < lessthan0> I think the linux command section is pretty small 22:03 < zapotah> lets you have much more granular control for applications 22:03 < Psi-Jack> It is... It takes time to write good material. :) 22:03 < lessthan0> but I aprpeciate your work on the rest of the site 22:04 < lessthan0> I was about to write my own reference but I haven't had time 22:04 < saderror256> searedvandal: let me leave my shellinabox session, its quite slow 22:04 < lessthan0> when I switch distros sometimes I don't have the same commands 22:06 < lessthan0> chmod was never really something I used till I started doing web server and ftp 22:07 < zapotah> then you start to dig in to restricting ftp and sftp commands... 22:07 < zapotah> to achieve some funky requirements 22:07 < lessthan0> ls dd | grep find cat sudo su exit ^c ps pwd passwd nano gedit are my most used commands 22:07 < saderror256> apache 22:08 < Psi-Jack> Hmmm... Why su? 22:08 < lessthan0> to get root for a system that does not have sudo installed 22:08 < lessthan0> or if you get tired of typing sudo after every command 22:09 < lessthan0> if you are doing a lot of work with sudo 22:09 < zapotah> sudo with cron is often much more useful tbh 22:10 < lessthan0> well if you don't have sudo installed and you can't install sudo without sudo what do you do? 22:10 < zapotah> sudoception 22:10 < lessthan0> you su 22:10 < autopsy> lessthan0, use su - 22:10 < lessthan0> or su root 22:10 < lessthan0> exactly my point 22:10 < autopsy> Ok. 22:10 < lessthan0> he was asking why su 22:11 < autopsy> Why ask why? 22:11 < lessthan0> su rm 22:11 < saderror256> \o/!!!!!!! 22:11 < lessthan0> wait no 22:11 < saderror256> i got it! :D 22:11 < saderror256> finally 22:11 < saderror256> thank god stackoverflow exists 22:11 < autopsy> su dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null 22:11 < lessthan0> it would be sudo actually 22:11 < saderror256> i must cry 22:12 < lessthan0> I won't even type it 22:12 < autopsy> su does an interactive login. 22:12 < lessthan0> not trying to actually troll someone 22:12 < autopsy> Troll. 22:12 < zapotah> saderror256: careful of the understanding uncles 22:12 < saderror256> zapotah: im careful i hope 22:12 < searedvandal> saderror256, how did you solve it? 22:12 < saderror256> now we hit another issue 22:13 < autopsy> Oh noes! 22:13 < autopsy> Not another one bites the dust. 22:13 < saderror256> searedvandal: giving permissions to apache to access certain safe parts 22:13 < saderror256> autopsy: not a big issue 22:13 < lessthan0> sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null is safe kinda 22:13 < autopsy> Oh just a teeny weeny little one? 22:13 < lessthan0> it just eats cpu 22:13 < Holonium> Hello 22:13 < lessthan0> no disk damage 22:13 < lessthan0> you can power off 22:13 < autopsy> Yeah it'll eat CPU. 22:13 < saderror256> this was supposed to be solved a while ago, my friend (owner of server) chmod 777 the whole /var/www directory 22:13 < autopsy> Munchers! 22:14 < saderror256> which is a bad risk 22:14 < saderror256> lessthan0: i think that just puts nothing into nothing 22:14 < autopsy> Zeroes into null. 22:14 < saderror256> which in result, is nothing 22:14 < lessthan0> yes but how much of nothing you want to do? 22:14 < saderror256> lessthan0: nothing 22:14 < lessthan0> and when should I stop? 22:14 < autopsy> Alot of it at 6GB/s 22:14 < lessthan0> when I run out of zeros? 22:14 < lessthan0> or when I hit the end of the target disk? 22:14 < saderror256> lessthan0: your left with nothing 22:14 < saderror256> nothing 22:14 < lessthan0> the answer is never 22:14 < saderror256> dang it now thats stuck in my head 22:14 < autopsy> Not exactly. 22:15 < Holonium> I was wondering how one would make a bash file that can be clicked from the Desktop to run a set of commands that requires sudo. 22:15 < saderror256> so, is there a quick and easy fix to put all my permissions in that directory back to normal? 22:15 < saderror256> without ripping my hair :3 22:15 < autopsy> saderror256, restorecon -v might help. Or reinstall httpd package. 22:16 < lessthan0> needs to be .sh 22:16 < Psi-Jack> chown -R root:root /var/www; chmod -R o-w /var/www/ 22:16 < lessthan0> needs execute permissions 22:16 < Holonium> Would that run into any sudo permission problems? 22:16 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: thnx 22:16 < lessthan0> .sh needs to be associated with bash 22:16 < autopsy> Needs to have sudo prepended to each line. 22:16 < saderror256> Holonium: im on root 22:17 < Psi-Jack> saderror256: "thnx" is not a word. Please use Standard English here. (I personally find "thx" ad similar to be rather lazy and rude) 22:17 < Psi-Jack> and* 22:17 < autopsy> Holonium, you have to be in the sudoers file. 22:17 < Gnjurac> does drag and drop work on i3 and similar desktops 22:17 < lnnb> autopsy: that's so much work when you can just sudo chmod u+s /bin 22:17 < Psi-Jack> i3 is a window-manager, not a desktop environment. 22:17 < saderror256> Psi-Jack: sorry, thanks 22:17 < saderror256> Gnjurac: i3 is a wm, not a de, and it should be 22:17 < autopsy> lnnb, what really? 22:17 < lnnb> no don't ever do that 22:17 < lnnb> lol 22:17 < autopsy> Hah. 22:18 < autopsy> Got me. 22:18 < lessthan0> needs to run in ./ probably so you can change the script commands to execute in absolute paths or just default where the bash runs all the scripts from 22:18 < Holonium> My mom has an account that is in the sudoers file, and I am trying to keep the warning popup there for her when she uses sudo, but she is not truly comfortable with using the terminal. 22:18 < Psi-Jack> lnnb: ... Destructive commands are very bad. 22:18 < Holonium> The script is just to update repos and upgrade packages. 22:18 < djph> Holonium: okay, and ... ? 22:18 < Psi-Jack> And not funny. 22:18 < lnnb> nah they're pretty funny 22:18 < lnnb> at times 22:18 < Psi-Jack> lnnb: So you think being banned for it is funny too? 22:19 < autopsy> Funny got me once. 22:19 < lessthan0> Holonium that is not really how you would do it 22:19 < autopsy> Hah. Banned. 22:19 < lessthan0> you want to make a cron job 22:19 < Holonium> lnnb: Maybe you should dd from /dev/zero to /boot 22:19 < djph> Psi-Jack: my favorite funny command is "^D to enter 'hacking mode'" when all the skids ask about it. 22:19 < autopsy> Holonium, yeah and erase your vmlinuz? 22:20 < Holonium> I will work on that some more cron planning. 22:20 < lnnb> Holonium: /boot does nothing on my system 22:20 < Psi-Jack> djph: Heh 22:20 < autopsy> lnnb, no doubt? Thats odd to say the least. 22:20 < Holonium> lnnb: Then switch boot to /dev/sda or whatever your main disk is. 22:20 < Psi-Jack> lnnb: Then you have a very unusual abnormal system. :p 22:20 < saderror256> ugh im so happy 22:20 < saderror256> but 22:20 < lnnb> Psi-Jack: not really, my kernel is in ROM theres no need for a /boot 22:21 < lnnb> you have the abnormal system IMO 22:21 < Holonium> I concur with that statement Psi-Jack. 22:21 < lessthan0> there are also many places to run something everytime you boot 22:21 < autopsy> Kernel in ROM. This guy dont quit. 22:21 < saderror256> now im back to were i was, congratulations, me, for solving absolutely nothing in an error 22:21 < lessthan0> bash.rc is one 22:21 < lessthan0> probably not the best 22:21 < Psi-Jack> lnnb: Umm... So you can't even update your kernel? This is sounding worse, you understand. 22:21 < autopsy> .bashrc is when you log in. 22:21 < lnnb> Psi-Jack: i can update it, by burning a new ROM 22:21 < djph> autopsy: mine is too. ... or I guess it's on WORM media ... 22:21 < lnnb> keep trying 22:22 < saderror256> autopsy: bashrc actually, its when you open bash 22:22 < lessthan0> ah yeah bashrc is for stuff you always type in terminal and you want it to be automatically done for you 22:22 < autopsy> saderror256, /etc/bashrc? 22:22 < saderror256> autopsy: use .bashrc instead as well 22:22 < autopsy> saderror256, yeah ~/.bashrc 22:22 < saderror256> ~/.bashrc 22:22 < saderror256> * 22:22 < autopsy> Thank you. 22:22 < djph> autopsy: but then again, I'm just running a live session on this PC (er, well the PC that I'm sitting in front of with an SSH session to my IRC box, because... I don't know why exactly anymore) 22:23 < saderror256> i think i need to stop doing php soon 22:23 < lessthan0> update-rc.d maybe 22:23 < Psi-Jack> lnnb: Alright. What ROM chips do you use? ;) 22:23 < autopsy> djph, we all get secure shelled into remote boxes and forget why at times. 22:23 < saderror256> i just spent an hour doing nothing, thats with php only 22:23 < lessthan0> for every time you boot 22:23 < lnnb> CDROM 22:23 < saderror256> maybe python on the web? 22:23 < lessthan0> php is dead 22:23 < Psi-Jack> Oi. heh 22:23 < saderror256> lessthan0: it is 22:23 < autopsy> CDROM LOLZ 22:23 < djph> autopsy: more meant why the PC is on a live session rather than installed 22:23 < lnnb> loooooooool? 22:24 < lessthan0> the php jobs are keeping old web sites on life support 22:24 < lnnb> f me for putting my kernel on immutable media 22:24 < lnnb> amirite 22:24 < autopsy> djph, because Live is awesome. 22:24 < saderror256> lessthan0: so whats a good alternative :) i wanna quite pushing myself to suicide 22:24 < saderror256> by doing php 22:24 < autopsy> PHP is for the birds. 22:24 < Psi-Jack> I mean, as long as you leave the sessions open, you can technically override each revision. LOL 22:24 < lessthan0> ASP was next 22:24 < lessthan0> then .NET 22:24 < Gnjurac> saderror256, sorry wm , does it support drag and drop if i open 2 thunars or something like that 22:25 < autopsy> Oh gawd. 22:25 < lessthan0> now java backend and javascript front end 22:25 < Psi-Jack> autopsy: Do not take my name in vain, son. :) 22:25 < saderror256> Gnjurac: that has nothing to do with i3wm i dont think, so it should, thats to do with gtk 22:25 < lessthan0> but there are many many flavors of them 22:25 < saderror256> lessthan0: tbh web standards are garbage 22:25 < autopsy> Psi-Jack, I so sorry. Forgive me. 22:25 < lessthan0> they all are 22:25 < lessthan0> multi platform crap that always runs on linux anyway 22:25 < saderror256> from my website: I do web development, but it my opinion, web standards are awful. Flat fancy design, too heavy, bulky, ugly, php is hard, html isnt a programming language, js is garbage. I mean, what is it with web standards these days... 22:26 < lessthan0> then they put VM's in there 22:26 < lessthan0> its all crap 22:26 < autopsy> Crap! 22:26 < autopsy> What to do about it? 22:26 < autopsy> Rewrite some stds. 22:26 < saderror256> and the still unanswered question is why are people supporting this stuff 22:26 < lessthan0> haha 22:26 < autopsy> Still supporting Key Error. 22:26 < lessthan0> I want to know 22:27 < autopsy> ImportError: Web Standards 1.0 22:27 < autopsy> Psi-Jack, CDROM LOL. 22:28 < lessthan0> there was a rule a long time ago by the w3c that said HTML 1.0 would be supported FOREVER 22:28 < saderror256> lessthan0: (((""+(!!!!!!(true==true)+!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=]]+!!!![[)+1+1+![2]).split(""))).join("3"); is 231313f3a3l3s3e in javascript, what i learned by tinkering wit hit 22:28 < saderror256> ugh why does my irc client convert some character to wikipedia links 22:28 < saderror256> https://codepen.io/saderror256/pen/jKdYVm 22:28 < Psi-Jack> The funny part was the lingo is the same between CDROM and EEPROM and such. :) 22:28 < lessthan0> rule 2 all HTML 2.0 browsers will support HTML 1.0 22:28 < Psi-Jack> "burning a new ROM" 22:28 < lessthan0> rule 3 all HTML 3.0 browsers will support HTML 1.0 and 2.0 22:28 < autopsy> Yeah. 22:29 < saderror256> lessthan0: rule 5 all html 4.0 and below are dead and we encourage to use html5 standards instead **thats right
and < />, we are talking to you** 22:29 < peetaur> rule 1: learn the rules, then break them 22:29 < lessthan0> HTML 5.0 came out and BREAK HTML 1.0 became law 22:30 < saderror256> > if html6 comes out 22:30 < lessthan0> but HTML 4.0 is not that long ago 22:30 < saderror256> lessthan0: it doesnt matter, they killed it all 22:30 < lessthan0> they support it by declaring HTML 4.0 in the header 22:30 < bls> don't forget "xhtml is too strict, lets go back to a poorly formed sgml" 22:31 < Dagmar> Liberal arts majors, man 22:31 < lessthan0> if not declared it assumes HTML 5.0 and that is some broken stuff 22:31 < autopsy> BROKEN! 22:31 < saderror256> man i wish when web design was just a white background with no html craze 22:31 < lnnb> EEPROM is not true ROM 22:32 < saderror256> maybe one or 2 hyperlinks, apart from that, you could actually read the content 22:32 < lessthan0> on an old website it would be HTML 4.0 or lower if not declared 22:32 < saderror256> nowadays its "click here" "advert" "animated css button" etc 22:32 < lnnb> its a marketting ploy 22:32 < autopsy> lnnb, true ROM Maybe not. 22:32 < lessthan0> you can just enforce HTML 5.0 people declare HTML 5.0 in the header as part of the standard. that is not so hard. 22:32 < autopsy> Programmable Read only Memory. 22:32 < Dagmar> That's why it's prefixed with 'EEP' 22:33 < FightingFalcon> bis? 22:33 < autopsy> Wat is bis? 22:33 < saderror256> ^ 22:33 < FightingFalcon> Do i need to enable ntp stats? like filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable 22:33 < Dagmar> Not unless you're detail-obsessive 22:33 < Psi-Jack> bisexual? 22:33 < Psi-Jack> heh heh heh 22:33 < autopsy> Bisexual oh. 22:34 < childofaquaage> anyone can help me with linux headers for develop? because portage sys-kernel/linux-headers not give me that me need. and export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/src/linux/include:/usr/src/linux/arch/x86/include/:/usr/src/linux/include not help me as need. 22:34 < Pio> im not bisexual im just detail-obsessive 22:34 < lnnb> "writable read only memory" yeah makes a lot of sense, lets defend the contradiction that continues to fool people into believing their ROMs are secure 22:34 < Psi-Jack> childofaquaage: Yes. Start off by copying your cross post in another channel with your own nick? 22:34 < peetaur> is punctuation not a detail? 22:35 < autopsy> Punctuation is a detail. 22:35 < bls> childofaquaage: #gentoo is probably the only place you're going to get help with that 22:35 < Dagmar> lnnb: Pretty much no one is basing their security on whether or not an EEPROM can't be changed 22:35 < autopsy> lnnb, I think a EEPROM is secure. 22:35 < childofaquaage> bls, " childofaquaage: nope, this is Gentoo Linux support; not a C writing channel" 22:35 < n-iCe> hi 22:36 < childofaquaage> Psi-Jack, are you psi of i2pd community? 22:36 < autopsy> childofaquaage, your needing what in linux-headers? 22:36 < childofaquaage> autopsy, all for modules, and ptrace 22:36 < Pentode> he probably needs more than just the "linux-headers" package 22:36 < autopsy> childofaquaage, which one doesn't help you? 22:36 < autopsy> He needs a transplant. 22:37 < autopsy> transplant C modules-help 22:37 < Pentode> childofaquaage, install your kernel-devel package. 22:37 < Psi-Jack> childofaquaage: There is no 'psi' in the i2pd community. At least not according to github,. 22:37 < childofaquaage> Pentode, [ Applications found : 0 ] 22:37 < childofaquaage> kernel-devel 22:37 < childofaquaage> Latest version available: 4.13 22:38 < childofaquaage> linux-headers 22:38 < autopsy> childofaquaage, you need kernel-devel 22:38 < Psi-Jack> 4.13? Ooooold. 22:38 < childofaquaage> autopsy, i see, but 22:38 < autopsy> Old thiough 4.13 22:38 < autopsy> We at 4.17 now. 22:38 < autopsy> Get Fedora. 22:38 < autopsy> Fedora Linjux 27. 22:38 < Psi-Jack> No Solus. :) 22:39 < autopsy> What is a solus? 22:39 < Psi-Jack> Solus is a Linux distrubution. 22:39 < autopsy> Oh. 22:39 < autopsy> Ok. 22:39 < childofaquaage> after install of the linux-headers i not have /usr/inlcude/linux/user.h 22:39 < Psi-Jack> And I'm involved in packaging contributions and patches for. :) 22:40 < autopsy> childofaquaage, dnf whatprovides */user.h 22:40 < Psi-Jack> inlcude seems wrong. 22:40 < childofaquaage> i can get that with /usr/src/linux/include:/usr/src/linux/arch/x86/include/:/usr/src/linux/include 22:40 < childofaquaage> buttt 22:40 < childofaquaage> after i get conflicts with other includes 22:40 < childofaquaage> dnf? 22:40 < autopsy> childofaquaage, your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is wrong too. 22:41 < childofaquaage> autopsy, why? 22:41 < autopsy> childofaquaage, Fedora repository tool. 22:41 < luxio> how can I get an objective measurement of the CPU usage of a program? e.g. I can say program X uses Y amount of RAM at any given time, is it possible to do that with CPU? 22:41 < FightingFalcon> So how am i going to be sure that NTP is actually doing its job? 22:41 < autopsy> childofaquaage, I don;t know because if you can't get kernel-devel it might have user.h check it. 22:41 < Dagmar> There shouldn't be a /usr/include/linux/user.h 22:41 < Dagmar> That's part of the kernel source, but it does not belong in /usr/include 22:42 < autopsy> Oh Dagmar is onto something. 22:42 < Dagmar> FightingFalcon: You could always tell it to log what it's doing 22:42 < autopsy> Gentoo I thought it was for the birds. 22:43 < autopsy> Now Solus. 22:43 < autopsy> Where does it end? 22:43 < FightingFalcon> uh, but i hate logging 22:44 < Dagmar> FightingFalcon: Note that by default it's _not_ going to make big changes to the time on your system, because that will break things. It will _nudge_ the time in the correct direction a few milliseconds at a time until the time is accurate 22:44 < Dagmar> You, on the other hand, are completely allowed to kill ntpd temporarily, forcibly set the time using ntpdate or something, and then start ntpd back up again 22:44 < bls> if you need a big jump, there are flags to make it bypass its offset limits the first query 22:45 < Dagmar> It is assumed an admin will know whether or not it's currently appropriate to make big changes to the system time 22:46 < autopsy> Just set the time using date --set 22:46 < FightingFalcon> Dagmar, i run 3 websites on this server, so changing the time for a minute will damage things? 22:46 < Dagmar> It'll make the logs look screwey and it might break current ongoing connections 22:47 < Dagmar> Like, if the time suddenly appears to move forward by five minutes, a lot of stuff is going to think maybe it hasn't heard from the other end in five minutes and just timeout 22:47 < FightingFalcon> i see 22:47 < Dagmar> ...or if the time runs backwards and it's waiting for something, some process might just sit there for five minutes until the appointed time arrives 22:47 < FightingFalcon> yep 22:47 < Dagmar> Database servers are typically very sensitive to radical time changes 22:48 < Dagmar> Mainly if the time is currently reasonably close to accurate (within a handful of seconds) then just having ntpd running will be enough to get the clock to "really darned accurate" within about a day and you don't have to screw with it again 22:49 < Dagmar> ntpd also takes into account hardware clocks that tend to be slow or fast 22:49 < Psi-Jack> Gettin' jitter with it. 22:49 < bls> and nfs will flat out refuse to work in a lot of scenarios 22:50 < Dagmar> NTP and ntpd are things that guys who are very obsessive about time and have a very serious need for accurate time across the network have been banging on for like 25+ years 22:50 < Psi-Jack> And flat out die a sudden and absolute horrible death. Randomly. 22:50 < Dagmar> It handles pretty much _every_ possible scenario 22:50 < Psi-Jack> And now, there's the new method of time protocol. ;) 22:51 < Dagmar> If you're about to say that systemd has decided they need to invent their own, I'm not even bothering to get out the popcorn 22:51 < bls> it's also popular to declare implementation X complete garbage and roll your own complete garbage implementation 22:51 < Dagmar> That's plain hubris right there 22:51 < Dagmar> The gods smite people for that 22:52 < FightingFalcon> dagmar, thanks for help, do i have to install unbound dns server? i have nginx, varnish, mysql, postfix and dovecut in my linux system 22:52 < Psi-Jack> Nope. Not systemd. 22:52 < Dagmar> FightingFalcon: That depends entirely on what you're doing 22:52 < saderror256> now to fix up my terrible css and i can be done with this project for a bit .-. 22:52 < Dagmar> FightingFalcon: If your upstream or ISPs DNS server is unreliable, then yeah, you could stand to have a caching DNS server running locally to eliminate that problem 22:52 < bls> systemd-timesyncd 22:53 < Dagmar> Like, if Comcast's DNS server falls over, I don't even notice except it makes a blip in my monitoring graphs 22:53 < bls> I've always just used the ntp.org geographical pools (after depending on the navy.mil one for years) 22:54 < Dagmar> *Occasionally* I wind up with a loose GPS reciever 22:54 < Dagmar> ...then I'll set up a local stratum 1 server and have everything sync to it 22:55 < Dagmar> Otherwise yeah, I just point things at the pool servers 22:56 < Psi-Jack> PTP 22:56 < Psi-Jack> Precision Time Protocol. :) 22:56 < hassoon> peer to peer 22:56 * hassoon stares at Psi-Jack 22:57 < Psi-Jack> Negative, Precision Time Protocol. 22:57 < arvut_> pot totem pound 22:57 < arvut_> why am I here twice? 22:57 < Psi-Jack> P2P is Peer-to-Peer. :0 22:57 < arvut> right, router dc'd 22:57 < Psi-Jack> arvut_: Because you logged in trice. 22:57 < Psi-Jack> twice* 22:57 < arvut> no, I'm not 22:57 < arvut> it just changed my nick because first connection got lost 22:57 < Psi-Jack> Your router District of Columbia'd? 22:57 < Psi-Jack> What does that even MEAN? ;) 22:58 < arvut> I don't know, Psi-Jack maybe mister bean? 22:58 < Psi-Jack> Or do you mean your router Direct Current'd? That sounds ... Well, normal, but possibly dangerous in specific contexts... 23:05 < Psi-Jack> Ohhh, Ohhhh! I know. Your router went out to a Diners Club shopping spree. Okay, cool., it makes sense now. :) 23:05 < maryo> The command du -sh gives size for each files https://dpaste.de/6dFf is there a way to get the consolidated size? 23:06 < Dagmar> You can use math 23:06 < tachoknight> how about just 'du -sh' 23:07 < Dagmar> *facepalm* 23:07 < Dagmar> It's no fun when you just _tell_ them they can use implied '.' 23:08 < tachoknight> sorry 23:10 < Bashing-om> maryo: Something like 23:10 < Tazmain> Hi all, so in windows dell has software that at a certain % it stops charging the battery and just runs off power, can I do that in linux ? 23:10 < Bashing-om> maryo: Something like ' sudo du -h --max-depth=1 /var ' for instance . Depending on what you seek . 23:11 < Dagmar> ...and this is part of why it's no fun. We don't find out about the people who _also_ don't consider that possibly it was the wrong way to use the command in the first place 23:11 < maryo> Bashing-om: thank you 23:12 < maryo> tachoknight: that helped too o/ 23:12 < Dagmar> So... how is --max-depth=1 helping 23:13 < Dagmar> Seriously. Run it against your homedir with and without --max-depth 23:13 < childofaquaage> vanilla source solved that 23:13 < childofaquaage> thanks all 23:14 < Dagmar> childofaquaage: Tell me you did not copy user.h into /usr/include/linux 23:14 < Dagmar> When you hand a shell command '*' the shell command does _not_ parse the * 23:14 < Dagmar> du doesn't know a thing about * 23:15 < Dagmar> Your shell, on the other hand, replaces that '*' with what the globmatch says before it hands those arguments to du 23:15 < Dagmar> You can do `echo *` and see what the * globmatch turns into 23:16 < Dagmar> So...if you do `du *` you are explicitly telling du you want the utilization of a bunch of individual files, dig? 23:16 < Dagmar> Well, files or directories 23:17 < WhiteDevil> i got my hexchat in fullscreen how to remove it from doing that 23:17 < WhiteDevil> GOT IT 23:20 < Dagmar> Psi-Jack: Most people are absolutely not going to need PTP, but I'm sure that won't stop them from trying to hail it as "the successor to NTP" 23:20 < Dagmar> ...when all you have is a hammer and all that 23:20 < Dagmar> It would be nice if we could use Ethereum smart contracts to arrange for bloggers who refer to it as that to get a nice punch in the face 23:21 < bls> it looks enterprisey, I absolutely need it on my desktop that I only use for browsing the web! 23:21 < Dagmar> It's meant for things like multiple recieving antennas trying to triangulate stuff 23:21 < Dagmar> Like, very, very accurate synching over very short network hops 23:22 < Dagmar> Devices for which SMTPE is important sort of spring to mind 23:23 < Dagmar> Datacenters, not so much 23:23 < Holonium> I was wondering if someone could look at my linux guide. The link is https://pastebin.com/sGLXD8bg. 23:24 < Dagmar> Holonium: You might want to start again, but _after_ sitting down and deciding what exactly you're trying to explain 23:24 < luxio> how can I get an objective measurement of the CPU usage of a program? e.g. I can say program X uses Y amount of RAM at any given time, is it possible to do that with CPU? 23:24 < childofaquaage> Dagmar, no 23:24 < bls> Holonium: ifconfig is deprecated. use ip instead 23:24 < Dagmar> Holonium: The current scope of it looks like I could probably make it 7-10 times larger without increasing the scope, and then it would be too long for most people to bother with 23:24 < childofaquaage> i add that to C_INCLUDE_PATH 23:25 < Dagmar> childofaquaage: Okay, good. Whatever needed that header should have probably picked it up from configuration tests, but what you're doing will probably work for some things 23:25 < Holonium> Ok, Will put in ip instead of ifconfig. Anything else that I absolutely need to include? 23:25 < bls> luxio: a crude way would be to run the program with the time command assuming it's a one-shot type program 23:26 < Dagmar> childofaquaage: Like, that header *is* part of hte kernel source, but it's not supposed to go into /usr/include. Things that need it are supposed to get it _from_ the kernel source tree on the system, because they're trying to compile against the current kernel 23:26 < Dagmar> childofaquaage: That and a few others are things people frequently copy into /usr/include because they think they need it, and then THINGS BREAK HORRIBLY when they compile something like glibc 23:27 < bls> this is why normal distros properly package up and place these things, so they can stay in sync with the installed/current kernel 23:28 < Dagmar> Holonium: You also might want to reconsider telling people things like "cd ../../etc" 23:28 < Dagmar> If someone needs to cd to /etc they can just type "cd /etc". There's no requirement that they traverse from their current working directory to a new one, one hop at a time 23:29 < Holonium> So it does not matter if you are in /home, 20 directories down? 23:29 < Dagmar> Nope 23:29 < Dagmar> (I actually do write a lot of technical documentation) 23:30 < bls> might be worth a discussion of absolute paths vs relative paths 23:30 < Dagmar> There's another thing here which is going to sound nitpicky, but understand that some of your readers are going to be bright people who are likely to be looking for things they recognize already to build upon 23:30 < Dagmar> ...and you've got this example with find, where you are using the string "bat". 23:30 < Dagmar> ...which a lot of people are going to immediately think of as a file extention 23:31 < Dagmar> So, despite that you do not *say* this, there's going to be a measurable number of users who will see that and think the way they need to search for files with a ".bat" extention is using find -name "*bat*" 23:31 < Dagmar> This is why we commonly use nonsense strings like "foo" and "bar" 23:31 < bls> and I prefer hyperlinks to man pages when introducing new commands and technologies so I can read more if I want 23:32 < Holonium> This is for my tech challenged mother. Her old Windows PC blue screen once a month, after a blue screen she would just reboot her computer, and she had 2000 viruses. 23:32 < Dagmar> She's not going to need to know about apt 23:32 < Tazmain> Hi all, so in windows dell has software that at a certain % it stops charging the battery and just runs off power, can I do that in linux ? 23:32 < Dagmar> You can just set the policy for updates to get all security updates automatically and leave it at that 23:32 < bls> she likely doesn't want to open a terminal at all 23:32 < Dagmar> Yep 23:33 < bls> Tazmain: depends on your bios/acpi and how much control it exposes 23:33 < Dagmar> My mom's in her upper 60's and it's a lost cause trying to teach her shell commands 23:33 < Holonium> I am more talking about maintenance with apt. I do have that policy set, but am more talking about her general software. 23:33 < Tazmain> bls sigh let me guess most of that is for windows only ? 23:33 < jada> hey, I want to upload ~150GB of data from my local home laptop to AWS EC2 instance. On my cheapest COMCAST plan with 5Mbps it would take approx 80 hours. Do you know of any protocol better than SCP that would recover/resume transfer if stopped for whatever reason? 23:34 < fryguy> rsync 23:34 < bls> Tazmain: generally, yes, although I've seen people get it working on certain models 23:34 < bls> depends on how open the company is with their HW specs 23:34 < Tazmain> -_- ffs 23:34 < Holonium> Maybe you could split it into pieces of 50GB and compress it... 23:34 < Tazmain> any software available I can try ? 23:34 < Dagmar> jada: rsync is about your only other option there 23:35 < jada> Holonium that's not a bad idea actually 23:35 < bls> Tazmain: I've only seen it working on thinkpads via http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Tp_smapi, but there may be a similar interface for your machine 23:36 < Dagmar> I wasn't aware that scp would ever bother attempting to "resume" a copy since it's basically designed to behave like cp 23:37 < Dagmar> You might really want to reconsider eschewing rsync 23:37 < Dagmar> rsync will actually do incremental transfers 23:37 < Dagmar> Just DO NOT leave out --protect-args if you use rsync with ssh-transport 23:38 < Holonium> I have a 200GB of text that compressed to 915KB 23:38 < Dagmar> (I am trying real hard not to say "Just use rsync g*****n it" 23:38 < jada> so rsync better than breaking down the tarball into 10-50GB chunks and uploading one by one? 23:38 < djph> Dagmar: just use rsync, seriously. 23:39 < Dagmar> jada: yes 23:39 < Holonium> That is how I got the idea to do it that way using 7z. 23:39 < jada> any particular flags that I should use? 23:39 < Dagmar> jada: If you chop it up into 50Gb files and one fails, scp is still going to start that 50Gb file transfer all over again, even if 49Gb made it across 23:39 < jada> I noted --protect-args already 23:39 < jada> Dagmar that's right 23:39 < Dagmar> jada: Yeah they use allcaps in the man page about that one because it burned people many times. ;) 23:40 < jada> as I said, I'm on cheapest COMCAST package with 5Mbps upload, I'm thinking I have one shot only 23:40 < jada> if I screw up, CCOMCAST probably won't give me enough transfer to do it again 23:41 < Dagmar> You should have like a terabyte of quota 23:41 < Holonium> Oops, forgot how much I packed in. Pure text gave me a compression ratio of 6794.36. I had thought that I had made more text that 6.4GB. That is still a good compression ratio. 23:41 < Dagmar> Either way, rsync was designed to handle intermittent links and mainly only transfer what's necessary to make a new copy somewhere else 23:41 < jada> Dagmar yes, I checked on website I have 1024GB, but not sure how they count it for download/upload 23:41 < djph> or no quota, if you have TV 23:42 < jada> no TV, I'm internet only person 23:42 < Dagmar> jada: They count it in both directions, but unless you generally watch just a WHOLE LOTTTA porno, it's going to be hard for most people to reach that 23:42 < Holonium> jada: I was wondering if you could tell me what all is in the data that you are uploading... 23:42 < Dagmar> We've got multiple Chromecasts here, Rokus, etc, stream videos all the bloody time (the wife leaves netflix on when we sleep. gah!) and we're nowhere near hitting that 23:43 < jada> it's images for machine learning stuff 23:43 < jada> downloaded from kaggle.com 23:43 < jada> not porn :) 23:43 < Holonium> What image format? 23:43 < jada> I actually don't know, currently I have it in a tarball 23:43 < jada> and I don't have it extracted handy 23:43 < Holonium> How large is the tarball? 23:43 < jada> tarball is 150GB 23:43 < jada> my friend extracted tarball and said it was ~250GB after extraction 23:44 < Holonium> Do you have 7zip? 23:45 < jada> the tool? 23:45 < Holonium> Yes. 23:45 < jada> I mean I can extract it and compress again 23:45 < jada> I can have 7zip, I have multiple Linux boxes 23:45 < jada> and one 80CPU rig available locally for now 23:45 < jada> so I can play with it 23:46 < jada> just trying to figure out smartest way to go about it 23:46 < djph> Dagmar: yeah, I hit about 600GB right around new distro release (seed the iso torrents), but that's about the worst of it 23:46 < TheSilentLink> Hi if I eject the disc during use the whole system locks up forcing a reboot to be usable again. Is this a kernel panic? 23:46 < Holonium> Could you try 7zipping the entire tarball? 23:46 < Holonium> Make it into a tar.7z? 23:48 < jada> I could, yeah 23:48 < bls> you could just use xz/lzma if you're trying to push the compression ratio higher 23:48 < jada> is it not better, however, to extract and compress from scratch? 23:48 < jada> with e.g. xz + -8 or -9 ? 23:48 < jada> or lzma/lzma2 23:48 < Holonium> That is the way that I would personally do it since I am limited on disk space. 23:48 < jada> on that 80CPU rig, I would hope it would be relatively fast 23:48 < Holonium> It should be. 23:53 < aBound> Howdy doo. 23:53 < aBound> Man it took like a week or two just to get a Firefox update. :P 23:56 < lnnb> yeah takes about that long just to recompile it, eheheh 23:57 < aBound> I mean I can understand it taking a long time to compile though I don't think it recompiles all of the code just a portion of it. 23:58 < aBound> I just receieved the 61 update like whew. :P --- Log closed Fri Jul 06 00:00:27 2018