--- Log opened Tue Jun 26 00:00:06 2018 --- Day changed Tue Jun 26 2018 00:00 <+CheckYourSix> xamithan: Same issue. Says it's corrupt, but the original container is still running just fine with that database 00:00 <+SpeakerToMeat> What's the cheapest 1-fxo/1-fxs I cna get? 00:02 <+SpeakerToMeat> Will you guys still talk to me if I confess I like Gorillaz? 00:02 < Spr1ng> I've never really played around with it but how intuitive/difficult is NGINX to play around with? 00:03 <+SpeakerToMeat> It'll fuck your brain a little 00:03 < Spr1ng> Oh cool, so easy then. 00:03 <+SpeakerToMeat> Unles you've coded in a few stacks like flask, then havign used routes it'll be slightly more comprehensible 00:03 < xamithan> nginx? It is like one config file 00:04 <+SpeakerToMeat> If you've done flask and lighttpd work it shouldn't fuck you much 00:04 <+SpeakerToMeat> Are you usign it as a server or a rev prox? 00:04 < Spr1ng> It'll be for rev proxy 00:04 <+SpeakerToMeat> ash then it's simpler 00:04 < Spr1ng> I want to use it with Lets Encrypt 00:04 <+SpeakerToMeat> brb gonna shove my head inside my navel world 00:05 <+SpeakerToMeat> BEST lsd song ever 00:05 < Spr1ng> Take a nose plug, navels are smelly 00:05 <+SpeakerToMeat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-WCo8Iky44 00:05 <+layer-eight> * SpeakerToMeat → YouTube → Ren and Stimpy - Belly Button Beanbag Plastic World → ⚘ 63,898 ↑ 244 ↓ 10 ✍ 47 00:06 < scwizard> upvote plox https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/4982 :< 00:07 <+layer-eight> * scwizard → GitHub → terraform-providers → terraform-provider-aws → Terraform AWS provider → @ ~ 2 hours ago → Go → ✡ 1,283 → Forks: 1,112 → ☹ 1,736 00:07 < scwizard> run into that constantly, it's so annoying 00:08 <+ihre> imagine getting +1s in your inbox as a developer, after the 30th you're like oooh fuck not again, im not even going to reply anymore 00:08 <+SpeakerToMeat> ihre: Getting... what? 00:09 <+SpeakerToMeat> sorry as I said in another channel, I feel like my brain has been squeezed through a tube 00:09 <+ihre> upvotes for github issues which are just +1/thumbs up on an issue, no actual reply 00:09 <+ihre> "likes" 00:10 <+ihre> but in this case they actually seem to ask for it, lol 00:11 < joelazot> english teacher says he wants us to read non fiction 00:11 <+ihre> well, it makes sense with prioritizing based on 'community' requests, it just looks like its almost turning into a social media platform ;P 00:11 < joelazot> i wonder if he will let me read man pages 00:11 <+ihre> O_o after the 10th man page you'll probably feel like jumping in front of a bus 00:12 < joelazot> I enjoy reading man pages :) 00:12 < Spr1ng> your teacher will be more impressed that you use IRC 00:12 < joelazot> he barely knows how to use a computer 00:13 <+ihre> joelazot: tip, instead of man pages, try RFCs 00:13 < Spr1ng> so he's illiterate 00:13 < joelazot> yeah 00:13 <+ihre> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1149 is a pretty nice book 00:13 <+layer-eight> * ihre → RFC 1149 - Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams on avian carriers 00:13 < joelazot> ayyy lmao 00:13 <+ihre> hmm, wrong one 00:14 < Spr1ng> What about the RFC on the interplanetary IP system? 00:14 <+ihre> there is a more extensive one for IPoAC 00:14 <+ihre> otherwise, https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4824 00:14 <+layer-eight> * ihre → RFC 4824 - The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the Semaphore Flag Signaling System (SFSS) 00:15 < scwizard> yeah it even says to do reactions in the community note 00:15 < hello_kitty> using ansible.. if i wanted to switch users midway through a playbook.. is that done via roles? I basically have a play that creates a new user and disables root, then another player that connects as the new user and sets everything up 00:16 <+ihre> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324 hmm 00:16 <+layer-eight> * ihre → RFC 2324 - Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0) 00:16 < enix> hm 00:17 < enix> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21344777/how-to-switch-a-user-per-task-or-set-of-tasks 00:17 <+layer-eight> * enix → ansible - How to switch a user per task or set of tasks? - Stack Overflow 00:17 <+ihre> scwizard: are you defining SGs in separate code in regard to the instances they are attached to ? 00:17 < enix> You may be asked for a password 00:18 < enix> excuse my slow responses too; i'm handicapable at the moment 00:18 < enix> i have a boo boo 00:18 < scwizard> ihre: well in one case, the instance was just not in terraform 00:18 <+ihre> terraform import to the rescue 1 00:18 <+ihre> !! 00:19 <+ihre> and https://github.com/dtan4/terraforming 00:19 <+layer-eight> * ihre → GitHub → dtan4 → terraforming → Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) → @ ~ a month ago → Ruby → ✡ 1,900 → Forks: 285 → ☹ 94 00:19 < scwizard> ihre: but also there's another bug, where ASGs with launch configurations with SGs, don't automatically realize that the ASG is dependent on the SG 00:19 <+ihre> to quickly get the tf code for that instance 00:19 <+CheckYourSix> xamithan: Got it. Permissions issue. Stupid. 00:19 < hello_kitty> thx enix 00:19 < scwizard> ihre: in this case I had attached the SG to my personal instance which I didn't want in terraform anyways *shrug* 00:19 < xamithan> How does corrupt database = permission issue? lol 00:19 < scwizard> but yeah it's still a bug either way 00:20 <+CheckYourSix> xamithan: I guess cause it can't read it... 00:20 < scwizard> getting stuck rather than reporting an error when an idiot like me does something dumb is a bug 00:20 <+CheckYourSix> xamithan: But when I fixed the permissions it worked just fine 00:20 < xamithan> Those nice Dev error messages 00:20 <+CheckYourSix> Anyone pretty good with Docker? How can I make it so containers can access other containers on the same host? They get a no route to host error if I use the host's IP 00:21 < scwizard> its kinda annoying because the ASG isn't *technically* dependent on the SG. You don't actually have to remake the ASG you just need to drain it 00:22 <+ihre> imo, the sg and the instance are basically tied together, it sounds silly not to declare both in your terraform code :x 00:22 <+ihre> and for the ASG, isnt the SG tied to the launch config? 00:22 < scwizard> ihre: I do, that was a one off 00:22 < scwizard> ihre: yes, but updating the launch config won't update already running instances 00:23 < scwizard> i don't think there's a way through terraform, to refresh an ASGs instances when you update its launch config 00:23 < scwizard> i think you just gotta do it through the api 00:23 <+ihre> well yeah you delete the previous launch config, create a new one and restart the asg, with a lifecycle rule, -> create_before_destroy 00:23 <+ihre> https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/r/launch_configuration.html 00:23 <+layer-eight> * ihre → AWS: aws_launch_configuration - Terraform by HashiCorp 00:23 <+ihre> ehh, the other way around, mb :D 00:23 < xamithan> CheckYourSix: https://docs.docker.com/network/bridge/ 00:23 <+layer-eight> * xamithan → Use bridge networks | Docker Documentation 00:23 < scwizard> ihre: is there a way to "restart the asg" in terraform? 00:23 <+ihre> but with that lifecycle rule, you should get it going 00:23 < enix> asg? 00:24 <+ihre> autoscalinggroup 00:24 < xamithan> user-defined bridge seems to be the go-to instead of the old --link 00:24 < scwizard> asg = amazon auto scaling group 00:24 < enix> are we talking docker? 00:24 < scwizard> no, aws 00:24 < enix> good. 00:24 <+ihre> scwizard: add a lifecycle rule to the asg as well 00:24 < enix> You may continue. 00:24 <+CheckYourSix> xamithan: Yeah I'm reading that now 00:25 < scwizard> ihre: is there a way to have a lifecycle rule or something trigger when the LC is updated without using a lambda? 00:25 <+ihre> scwizard: basically the 2nd example in that link 00:26 < scwizard> ihre: oh I was getting ASG lifecycle rules mixed up with terraform ones 00:26 < scwizard> ihre: of course I have my LCs in terraform create_before_destroy 00:26 < scwizard> but that doesn't update the underlying instances 00:27 <+ihre> it creates a new LC + ASG, launches the instances 00:27 <+ihre> and then nukes the old ones 00:27 < scwizard> it doesn't create a new ASG 00:27 <+ihre> http://ix.io/1ePK 00:27 <+layer-eight> * ihre → TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=UTF-8 Document, 485 bytes 00:27 < scwizard> it updates the existing ASG 00:27 < scwizard> and leaves its instances in tact 00:27 < scwizard> and then I go in and set the desired count to doulbe then back down to normal 00:27 < scwizard> and the instances have the new configuration 00:28 <+ihre> o_O im pretty sure its possible, lemme check if i can find an example in my repo somewhere 00:28 < scwizard> it's def possible just with a script 00:28 <+ihre> havent used AWS in a while though, mostly GCP lately, so cant think of it from the top of my head 00:29 <+ihre> no, also with terraform 00:29 < scwizard> whenever I update my packer code for an AMI, gitlab will update the launch config of the ASG, then double the desired count, then half the desired count 00:29 < scwizard> then the terraform state is reconciled with a state rm and import 00:30 < scwizard> but when I change the launch configuration via terraform, i need to run that script 00:30 < scwizard> rather than terraform just doing it 00:30 <+ihre> https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-autoscaling/blob/master/main.tf 00:30 <+layer-eight> * ihre → GitHub → terraform-aws-modules → terraform-aws-autoscaling → Terraform module which creates Auto Scaling resources on AWS → @ ~ 3 days ago → HCL → ✡ 45 → Forks: 54 → ☹ 3 00:31 <+ihre> iirc it depends on the name of the launch configs not being static 00:31 < scwizard> ihre: yes I know, but updating the LC of a ASG won't update the instances 00:31 < scwizard> it will make it so that NEW instnaces have the new config 00:31 < scwizard> but existing instances will sit there 00:34 < scwizard> but yeah google cloud does autoscaling thingy updates way way more sensibly 00:35 < scwizard> aws is much more DIY 00:36 < scwizard> so that's why you're probably kinda confused ihre, because you know in google cloud you can just change the underlying thingy and configure it to rolling update when the thingy is changed, and it will rolling update when the thingy is changed 00:36 <+ihre> https://stackoverflow.com/a/39347640 from my experience, its exactly like that answer, it seems odd like old instances arent being removed in your case, or if something has changed in the last couple of months, i dunno 00:36 <+layer-eight> * ihre → ⚓ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39345609/how-to-recreate-ec2-instances-of-an-autoscaling-group-with-terraform/39347640#39347640 → amazon web services - How to recreate EC2 instances of an autoscaling group with terraform? - Stack Overflow 00:37 <+ihre> create new ones, make sure they pass health check, nuke old ones, that is how I used to reroll newly built AMIs as well 00:37 < scwizard> ihre: ahh, that's a neat hack that forces terraform to recreate the underlying ASG when you change the LC 00:37 < scwizard> and then it avoids downtime by standing up a new ASG before the old one is destroyed 00:38 < joelazot> I just want to get a damn server right now 00:38 <+ihre> sign up for GCP 00:38 <+ihre> deploy server 00:38 < scwizard> its not the way things work by default though, you can see they put the ${aws_launch_configuration.as_conf.name} in the ASG name in order to trick terraform 00:38 <+ihre> ??? 00:40 <+ihre> but yeah, that is what I used previously scwizard, I guess I shouldve explained it better though 00:40 <+ihre> that should work I think ? 00:40 < scwizard> yeah that does work 00:40 <+ihre> for your usecase 00:40 < scwizard> but i don't think i'm gonna do it 00:41 < scwizard> i mean hmm 00:43 < scwizard> this is a dumb reason but 00:43 < scwizard> i guess it's distasteful to me because asgs can't have a tag name, only a name name 00:43 < scwizard> so i want the name name to be something more human readable lol 00:44 < scwizard> but mainly, because i'm not inconvienced too much by this 00:44 < scwizard> also it's not super intuitive 00:44 < scwizard> bleh maybe i should tho 00:45 < scwizard> why isn't there a terraform lifecycle rule "always recreate instead of changing" 00:45 < Hunterkll> https://i.imgur.com/t5nLoEW.png 00:45 <+layer-eight> * Hunterkll → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 770x611 → ⚘ 3 00:46 < Hunterkll> look at my switch 00:46 < Hunterkll> still going strong 00:46 <+AnonymooseReddtr> wow 00:46 <+AnonymooseReddtr> Almost at its 4th birthday 00:46 <+ihre> scwizard: you can have it propagate tags on launch, including a name, http://ix.io/1ePR 00:46 <+layer-eight> * ihre → TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=UTF-8 Document, 382 bytes 00:47 < scwizard> yeah i know and i do that but, there's no way to have that show up in the ASG console 00:48 <+ihre> iirc its possible 00:48 <+ihre> logging in to check :p 00:48 < joelazot> I love ansible man it's so fucking cool 00:48 < joelazot> ITS SO FUCKING COOL 00:48 < scwizard> ihre: this is what I see https://i.imgur.com/bShL3mb.png 00:48 <+layer-eight> * scwizard → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 261x431 → ⚘ 6 00:48 <+ihre> joelazot: https://github.com/brandonhilkert/fucking_shell_scripts :p 00:48 <+layer-eight> * ihre → GitHub → brandonhilkert → fucking_shell_scripts → The easiest, most common sense configuration management tool... because you just use fucking shell scripts. → @ ~ 3 years ago → Ruby → ✡ 1,058 → Forks: 80 → ☹ 3 00:49 < hello_kitty> is there some logic to when ansible wants {{ var_name }} and when it wants "{{ var_name }}" ? 00:50 < scwizard> hello_kitty: it's YAML so uhh 00:50 < scwizard> i just quote everything in yaml 00:51 < scwizard> single quotes, it's just my style 00:51 < enix> ^ 00:52 < scwizard> i don't think jija2 notices wheather or not something inside {{}} is quoted or not. I think it just looks at what's inside the {{}} 00:52 < enix> bbl 00:52 < enix> exit 00:52 < enix> oops 00:52 < scwizard> and the jinja2 is processed before the yaml is 00:53 < hello_kitty> ah i c 00:53 < scwizard> i could be completely wrong actually 00:53 < scwizard> i wonder if you do something like: 00:53 < scwizard> {{ my_var }}: "hello" if it would work or not 00:53 < hello_kitty> i've just read like 30 templates and i feel like they're all snowflakes 00:53 < scwizard> if it works then my theory is right 00:53 < hello_kitty> also wondering about this one key: "{{ lookup('file', ssh_key) }}" 00:54 < hello_kitty> where presumably ssh_key is a variable 00:54 < Virtual-Potato> Yes, and in this case, you don't wrap this variable in braces 00:54 < scwizard> my ansible is rusty, i've been avoiding using it at current job, to try and keep the number of techs I need to train them on down 00:54 < hello_kitty> and it works.. i just ran it 00:54 < joelazot> I just know that i'm retarded, but one day i'll be a linux admin whos not retarded 00:55 < hello_kitty> i am waiting for that day myself :D 00:55 < Virtual-Potato> joelazot, you're not stupid, and neither is hello_kitty 00:55 < Virtual-Potato> y'all are still learning, just like I am 00:55 <+ihre> scwizard: ah right, you can only view additional tags in the tag tab @ asg console, but you could provide a prefix in the terraform code, just like that SO example, it will have a non human readable postfix tho 00:55 < Virtual-Potato> the only stupid people are those who won't learn 00:56 <+ihre> I DONT ADAPT, ADAPT TO ME! 00:56 < scwizard> yeah 00:56 < scwizard> my reasons for not using it aren't good 00:56 < joelazot> +ihre: what are you, a user? /s 00:56 < joelazot> anyway 00:56 < joelazot> im ioff 00:56 < scwizard> it seems kinda wasteful to recreate asgs each time you change a small thing idk 00:56 < joelazot> morning tea 00:57 < scwizard> another fake reason 00:57 < scwizard> joelazot: uhh i've given up hope on that :( 00:58 < hello_kitty> i feel like ansible is not great, but much better than what i had before.. maybe i'm just not particularly proficient in it yet.. or maybe the nature of automation was never going to be particularly simple 00:58 < scwizard> joelazot: instead I go to church now where they teach you "it's ok if you're retarded because God still wants you to try your best" 00:58 <+ihre> scwizard: would the case if you'd have to pay per asg :D 00:58 < hello_kitty> but i end up with a lot of one-off kind of stuff..which either means im using it wrong, or it doesn't quite fit the tasks 00:58 < scwizard> (hence why it's a fake reason) 00:58 < scwizard> hello_kitty: it is possible to make things overly DRY 00:59 < scwizard> a guy at my last job did a ton of terraform modules, to make his terraform DRYer and it was an overengineered nightmare we had to scrap eventually 00:59 < scwizard> like if you wanted to change something somewhat fundamnetal like the networking you'd update the module 00:59 < scwizard> but then it would want to change it in staging AND prod 01:00 < hello_kitty> "in programming abstraction solves all things except too many abstractions" -- misquoted, unknown source 01:00 < rpifan> wel ive filed for unemployment 01:00 < rpifan> lets see how it goes 01:02 <@JollyRgrs> rpifan: slacker 01:02 <@JollyRgrs> leech 01:02 <@JollyRgrs> rpifan: GET A HAIRCUT AND GET A REAL JOB! 01:02 < rpifan> im bald 01:02 < rpifan> i wish i had hair 01:03 <@JollyRgrs> rpifan: GET A HAIRCUT AND GET A REAL JOB! 01:03 <@JollyRgrs> :P 01:03 < rpifan> lol 01:03 < rpifan> i am getting a real job 01:03 < rpifan> in germania 01:05 <@JollyRgrs> maaaaaaaannnnnn 01:05 < rpifan> but 01:05 <@JollyRgrs> i missed upgrading one of my old PCs (joined to a domain i no longer have access to) 01:05 < rpifan> idk im gonna be leaving florida on friday forever 01:05 < rpifan> so idk 01:05 < rpifan> how im gonna make this work 01:08 < hello_kitty> I'm not sure how to organize this in ansible (though I have all individual pieces working). I basically have 2 setup plays, lets call them A, B and they need run in order. I then deploy two types of servers called website, and instances. To deploy a website I run A,B,C. To deploy instances I run A,B,D. When I update websites i run just C, and when I update instances i run just D. Do I make roles? Lots of playbooks..? 01:09 < hello_kitty> Really A,B are "setup the linux machine" and C, D are "git checkout some program, and restart a service" 01:11 < hello_kitty> I was picking through the manual, and in the ansible-examples it seems like the accomplish something similar via roles: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples/blob/master/lamp_simple/site.yml 01:11 <+layer-eight> * hello_kitty → GitHub → ansible → ansible-examples → A few starter examples of ansible playbooks, to show features and how they work together. See http://galaxy.ansible.com for example roles from the Ansible community for deploying many popular applications. → @ ~ 22 days ago → Shell → ✡ 6,069 → Forks: 3,107 → ☹ 59 01:15 < brucevein`> yo 01:15 < brucevein`> anyone make a diy smoker temperature probe with a raspberry pi? 01:19 < rpifan> sure 01:19 < brucevein`> rpifan, with a nic like that i'd hope so 01:20 < brucevein`> I can't justify spending like $250 for a wireless temp monitor 01:20 < brucevein`> and i have a few pis laying around 01:20 < brucevein`> rev 3 model b 01:25 < rpifan> just use an esp 01:36 < joelazot> hi guys 01:37 < joelazot> how is everyone 01:51 < joelazot> oh hi everyone 01:53 < hello_kitty> how do i specify an ansible inventory group from command line? i thought it would be -i webservers, but that doesnt work 01:55 < DLSteve> hello_kitty, where is your inventory file? 01:55 < hello_kitty> same folder, -i hosts works 01:55 < joelazot> I think you have to specify the hosts file and specify what group you want the role to apply to in the playbook 01:55 < DLSteve> yah 01:55 < hello_kitty> oh i deleted my hosts from all the playbooks 01:55 < hello_kitty> seemed... problematic 01:56 < DLSteve> I use the -i flag for splitting inventories into different environments. 01:56 < hello_kitty> how do i capture the concept of running a play against my "new 20 servers" and not my "old 40 servers", i was just hoping to use [new] as a group 01:57 < joelazot> ssh into those servers and put their hostnames in the group 01:57 < joelazot> or ip 01:57 < joelazot> i think that's how it works 01:57 < joelazot> im a n00b bear in mind :) 01:57 < hello_kitty> i mean that does seem to be the intention of ansible 01:57 < DLSteve> hello_kitty, there are a few different ways to do this, one way is to create two playbooks for each set of servers. 01:58 < hello_kitty> i kinda wanted to aim playbooks at different sets of servers... like when im testing a patch I deploy to the test server (one server) and when happy i put it on the 50 others 01:58 < DLSteve> Another is to create subdirectories in the hosts/ directory and use the -i flag to target them. 01:58 < hello_kitty> so instead of having groups in inventories, just have different inventories? 01:59 < DLSteve> I would use the sub directory approach then. 01:59 < joelazot> DLSteve: how did you 'become a linux admin'? Does reading a RHCSA book & doing all the labs in it seem like a good start? 01:59 < DLSteve> yes 01:59 < hello_kitty> okay sounds good, thx 01:59 < DLSteve> joelazot, I just blew up a bunch of VMs in AWS until I got proficient at it. 02:00 < Virtual-Potato> protip for you hello_kitty, get git running asap 02:00 < DLSteve> hello_kitty, I do it that way for deploying applications in dev/qa/staging/prod environments. 02:00 < Virtual-Potato> WHen I first started using ansible, I put crap in many, many, many folders 02:00 < Virtual-Potato> had enough 02:00 < Virtual-Potato> started using git 02:01 < shanth> just come work for us joelazot we don't utilize much technology 02:01 < shanth> our application doesn't even have a restart function, you have to kill it manually 02:01 < hello_kitty> ive just started removing most my tasks/roles/handlers/layers.. and just making a few larger plays 02:01 < Virtual-Potato> hello_kitty, it's not a bad idea to keep the plays small 02:01 < joelazot> shanth: haha jeez 02:02 < Virtual-Potato> then you have a master playbook that runs each play you have created 02:02 < hello_kitty> i really only have 4 things that happen to my servers... deploy a website, deploy a game instances, update a website (git checkout, serviece restart), update a game instance 02:02 < shanth> also we do kill -9, everytime joelazot 02:02 < Virtual-Potato> that way you can add/remove plays without much mucking around 02:02 < Virtual-Potato> shanth, just init 0 every time 02:02 < hello_kitty> and then i guess i also have... deploy an update to the lonely test server 02:02 < shanth> if you ask the people at my job 'how did you become a linux admin' they would say 'i went to college and interviewed here' 02:03 < Virtual-Potato> no, the correct answer is "I have no idea, and I don't know what I'm doing" 02:03 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, I have a few different playbooks and environments. I mainly use Ansible for pushing out code updates as part of a CI/CD pipeline. 02:03 < joelazot> Is it benifical to get a degree (e.g in system administration) if it's windows based? 02:04 < joelazot> I would assume so cause of connections, and networking and other things 02:04 < DLSteve> I don't have a degree tbh. 02:04 < Virtual-Potato> joelazot, I have a degree in networking and systems administration 02:04 < Virtual-Potato> it really depends on the program 02:04 < Virtual-Potato> and depends on what you know, and want to learn 02:04 < joelazot> what do you mean program 02:04 < Virtual-Potato> the program the school offers 02:05 < joelazot> oh 02:05 < shanth> it gets asked a lot joelazot - degree can help or it may not help. honestly everyone who i work with who has a degree is actually an idiot. they don't know much of anything when it comes to being practical or automating anything 02:05 < shanth> i don't think a degree is the same thing as being educated in a subject 02:05 < sadbox> joelazot: I think that it depends on the courses that the college offers... and the ones you choose to take... 02:05 < joelazot> ayy well i'm 15 and i'm already starting on learning ansible stuff :p 02:05 < Virtual-Potato> if your school offers a systems administration program - it doesn't mean anything if they just tell you how to use the server manager GUI in windows server 2008 02:05 < sadbox> I interview $LOTS of newgrads for $FORTUNE_100_TECH_COMPANY 02:05 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, Don't judge me >.> 02:06 < sadbox> some roll in and have built a kernel and are amazing 02:06 < sadbox> some don't know shit 02:06 < Virtual-Potato> s/2008/2003 02:06 <+layer-eight> [SED Virtual-Potato] if your school offers a systems administration program - it doesn't mean anything if they just tell you how to use the server manager GUI in windows server 2003 02:06 < shanth> joelazot: learn scripting and programming too. i work with a guy who has never written a script to do anything in 7 years 02:06 < sideup66> Virtual-Potato: is that a cloud service 02:06 < sideup66> Your username 02:06 < Virtual-Potato> Yes 02:06 < sideup66> Potato cloud nodes 02:06 < Virtual-Potato> potato as a service 02:06 < shanth> when a new user gets added to our servers he literally ssh's into an does it by hand every single time 02:06 < sideup66> Lol potatoes as a service 02:06 < sideup66> Boil em mash em stickem in a stew 02:07 < Virtual-Potato> sideup66, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but McDonalds is my second-biggest customer, right after Five Guys 02:07 < sadbox> shanth: fun fact, I knew a guy who worked for DHS (the US agency) 02:07 < Virtual-Potato> You wouldn't believe the amount of fries Five Guys uses 02:07 < DLSteve> shanth, should show him the wonders of dsh at least. 02:07 < sideup66> Topkek 02:07 < sadbox> shanth: they didn't trust DNS or LDAP so every single new server == new entry in /etc/hosts, and a manual user add 02:07 < shanth> this is the same guy who wont even use ssh-agent because it's too much guy DLSteve / sadbox 02:07 < joelazot> shanth: I used to develop in C#, and i've done a bit of stuff in python. I really only need to learn more linux stuff as well as how to scale environments and enterprise stuff as well as bash scripting and ansible and how to script linux stuff with python 02:07 < shanth> work* 02:07 < Virtual-Potato> I need to learn python 02:08 < Virtual-Potato> I know bash, some perl, and some ansible 02:08 < Virtual-Potato> but python would be nice 02:08 < DLSteve> sadbox, We have to manually add users to several hundred AIX boxes but we at least have scripts for that. 02:08 < sadbox> joelazot: python and understanding operating systems will take you a looooong way 02:08 < joelazot> ah ok 02:09 < sadbox> joelazot: i.e. understand the process + memory model for linux/whatever modern OS 02:09 < shanth> learn git/github, learn at least 1 config management tool, learn some scripting/programming and scale from there joelazot 02:09 < DLSteve> linux permissions. 02:09 < shanth> a lot of the concepts transfer 02:09 < hello_kitty> just go get a $2.50/mo vultr vps and blow it up every hour... setup a php hello world (ew), a node.js hello world.. a pgsql instance.. or anything of particular interested. Make ssh keys, make new users.. remake whatever you made in ansible.. nuke the server after each run 02:09 < Virtual-Potato> DLSteve, what do you mean, learn perms? Aren't you supposed to chmod 777 everything? 02:10 < joelazot> I already have a dying kvm host which i use 02:10 < joelazot> :p 02:10 < Virtual-Potato> recursively chmod 777 starting from the root directory... wcgw 02:10 < shanth> whenever you search for answers on google joelazot always add -askubuntu.com 02:10 < joelazot> lmao 02:10 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, I mean thats how one of the devs at my company solved his application permission issue. Also bricked the server :P 02:10 < shanth> it's the yahoo answers of IT 02:11 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, Also how he got all sudo rights revoked. 02:11 < Virtual-Potato> Man I really love searching for linux issues, then finding a page on redhat... only to see I need to be a paying subscriber to see the solution 02:11 < DLSteve> lol 02:11 < Virtual-Potato> I mean, I know, they need to get paid somehow 02:11 < Virtual-Potato> but man 02:11 < shanth> we get at least 50 complaints a month about 'i can't log into xyz server' because the usernames don't match on everything. sometimes its bob or bobj or bobjones all for the same guy 02:11 < shanth> lol 02:12 < coderphive> Virtual-Potato? What about being a real life potato 02:12 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, Sad thing is that we are a redhat shop but I don't have a login so I'm in the same boat. 02:12 < Virtual-Potato> coderphive, you misunderstand 02:12 < shanth> i secretly use an ssh_config and tell no one 02:12 < Virtual-Potato> I am so much of a potato, that I've transcended from my physical form into a virtual one 02:12 < joelazot> I'm just worried that after I finish school and maybe get a RHCSA i won't be able to get a job y'know 02:13 < Virtual-Potato> joelazot, why do you say that? 02:13 < shanth> it's not that hard to get in honestly joelazot 02:13 < sadbox> joelazot: also a thought, if you're doing college 02:13 < sadbox> try some internships 02:13 < sadbox> maybe look at being a developer 02:13 < Virtual-Potato> ^ do this 02:13 < Virtual-Potato> get an internship/co-op 02:13 < Virtual-Potato> trust me 02:13 < DLSteve> shanth, So I work in IAM and that makes me very sad. 02:13 < shanth> what is that DLSteve 02:14 < sadbox> joelazot: my company does them and... so do all the other big ones in my area 02:14 < sadbox> joelazot: generally pay real well 02:14 < joelazot> I already have a job in a windows shop doing random shit for them :p regardless, New zealand has very little linux jobs opposed to developers and such 02:14 < DLSteve> shanth, Identity & Access Management. Basically I have to track everyones account across all the systems in the company for compliance. 02:14 < joelazot> I wish i lived in a bigger country 02:14 < shanth> DLSteve: you guys just dont use shared root logins? 02:14 < Virtual-Potato> yup, I used to intern for a $FORTUNE_100_TECH_COMPANY and now work there as a full time employee 02:14 < sadbox> joelazot: why not be a developer? 02:14 < Virtual-Potato> internships/co-ops are a great way to get a jump-start 02:15 < sadbox> Virtual-Potato: I wonder if you work for the same one as me 02:15 < DLSteve> shanth, Only if you like getting fired or sent to a store to push carts for the rest of your career lol. 02:15 < shanth> lol 02:15 < shanth> we used the same root user/pass for a lot of servers, routers, and mysql 02:15 < shanth> use*** 02:17 < DLSteve> If you do it right the root user should have the password disabled. 02:17 < shanth> lol 02:17 < shanth> nope 02:17 < DLSteve> with no ability for remote logins. 02:17 < shanth> if you change the root password, a BUNCH of critical apps are going to fail 02:17 < DLSteve> ... 02:17 < joelazot> passwordless ssh is so nice honestly 02:18 < DLSteve> an app should never need the root password. 02:18 < shanth> i tried to help some developers use ssh to access their test envs and it was the most painful 45 minutes of my life 02:18 < shanth> the sad thing about being a dev is that you are basically a moron outside of anything that is not programming 02:18 < shanth> you ask a dev what ip they are hitting and they say "" 02:19 < sadbox> shanth: really depends on the company that you're at 02:19 < DLSteve> All my apps run completely with unprivileged user accounts. Only time root is needed it to bind to port 80/443. 02:19 < shanth> i just call devs advanced users 02:19 < shanth> everything runs as root here DLSteve 02:19 < DLSteve> O.o 02:19 < shanth> apps, webservers, proxies, lol 02:19 < zerocool> is it okay to use SSL on SMTP, (more specific, STARTTLS > SSL > TLS), i hear POODLE uses HTTP header for downgrade 02:20 < joelazot> sadbox: btw to give u an idea of how little linux is used there's only 1 company that will touch linux in my entire city :/ 02:20 < zerocool> we have clients that are so old they only support SSL :/ 02:20 < sadbox> shanth: All of the developers I work with here are pretty great, understand systems, etc 02:20 < Virtual-Potato> get new clients 02:20 < shanth> sadbox: sounds nice 02:20 < DLSteve> zerocool, SSL is broken, it's basically the same as sending in plain text at this point. 02:21 < Virtual-Potato> DLSteve, but it stands for secure sockets layer! 02:21 < sadbox> joelazot: That's a bummer, I guess replace my earlier claim w/ "learn powershell, and how windows works" 02:21 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, It's "Shit Security Layer" now 02:21 < Virtual-Potato> expert level: Become a Linux consultant for your city 02:22 < joelazot> I'm planning of moving to a bigger city after I get finish hs and get certs or finish my degree, sadbox 02:22 < Virtual-Potato> Compete against them 02:22 < Virtual-Potato> joelazot, you'd be surprised at how much you can learn in a year or two 02:22 < DLSteve> I work with a bunch of delusional Windows admin who think they are still on top while 65% of the organization has moved to Linux lol. 02:23 < shanth> i swear to god our windows admins are idiots. they can't even figure out how to make the computers not do windows update in the middle of the day 02:23 < enix> Hmm... don't know what to use as a naming convention :( 02:24 < joelazot> Virtual-Potato: I know. I used to do windows stuff cause i was like wah wah nz is windows only realy but then i started learning linux and i don't wanna go back :/ 02:24 < joelazot> I just lov eit 02:24 < DLSteve> My workstation decided it was going to upgrade to 1803 over the weekend and broke some of my tooling, so that was neat. 02:24 < joelazot> love it* 02:24 < shanth> my favorite was a new dev who asked me to setup a dns entry to so he could hit his dev machine from home 02:24 < shanth> i cant explain the face i made 02:24 < Virtual-Potato> shanth, let me guess, a batch script that does 'net stop wuauserv' that gets run every hour 02:24 < joelazot> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 02:24 < zerocool> so then we should starttls and also allow plain text 02:25 < zerocool> for old ricohs and shit that don't support TLS 02:25 < shanth> i know next to nothing about windows server administration but i guess they dont either Virtual-Potato 02:25 < DLSteve> shanth, we had one guy who insisted that we add ports to his DNS entries... 02:25 < shanth> lolol DLSteve 02:25 < Virtual-Potato> shanth, you should've told him that it was already there 02:26 < Virtual-Potato> it's actually an entry in your hosts file 02:26 < Virtual-Potato> but close enough 02:26 < shanth> hell man i can't even convince people to use irc to get help. over the last several years i have solved maybe 30-40 difficult things i couldn't find on google over IRC 02:26 < DLSteve> shanth, technically is a valid DNS entry :P 02:26 < shanth> i watch guys google the same stuff for hours and not just go in #specific-channel and ask 02:27 < Virtual-Potato> shanth, sounds like you're going to make a great 'Technical Solutions Consultant' 02:27 < shanth> DLSteve: what do you guys use for DNS internally/externally? 02:27 < Virtual-Potato> bringing in big bucks 02:27 < shanth> hahaha Virtual-Potato 02:27 < joelazot> do you guys think i'll be a good linux admin / whatever one day 02:27 < DLSteve> shanth, We use AD/Windows Server for internal DNS, not sure for external. 02:27 < shanth> sometimes it's been insanely difficult stuff that no one seems to know outside the developers of xyz product who know the answer in a heartbeat, geniuses man 02:28 < shanth> joelazot: if you keep persisting yes, those who try usually succeed, those who don't try usually becomes windows admins 02:28 < Virtual-Potato> WOW 02:28 < sadbox> shots fired 02:28 < DLSteve> lol 02:28 < joelazot> yup 02:28 < Virtual-Potato> so glad I'm not a windows admin or I'd be crying 02:29 < joelazot> that hurt and I'm not even a windows guy, i only used to use it :p 02:29 < Virtual-Potato> joelazot, have you ever used linux? 02:29 < DLSteve> You could wind up like me, a Linux admin/developer who somehow wound up in charge of babysitting ~60 Windows servers. 02:29 < shanth> just dont become some weirdo who specializes only in NetBSD joelazot and you'll be fine 02:29 < joelazot> Virtual-Potato: yes lol 02:30 < shanth> check out linuxacademy.com also joelazot 02:30 < joelazot> its sooo expensive tho 02:30 < shanth> structured learning is SUPER helpful 02:30 < shanth> keep signing up for free 10 day trials at safaribooksonline.com joelazot 02:30 < joelazot> i agree It's great i had a trial of it 02:30 < joelazot> but i cant afford it rightnow 02:30 < shanth> they have a ton of great books/video courses 02:30 < joelazot> anywayi 02:30 < joelazot> im off 02:30 < joelazot> cya 02:30 < shanth> later 02:34 < DLSteve> So how does everyone here manage Windows without RDP? PowerShell and WinRM? 02:34 < enix> yeah vnc 02:34 < enix> or teamviewer at old job 02:35 < DLSteve> *Windows Server I should say, I fortunately have little contact with the unwashed masses. 02:38 < Hunterkll> DLSteve, whatever toool suits the job 02:38 < Hunterkll> lol 02:38 < Hunterkll> not every task has the same answer 02:38 < admiralspark> DLSteve: I use ansible 02:39 < admiralspark> which is wsmanagement (winrm) 02:39 < Hunterkll> ^ that's just fucking weird 02:39 < LilLinux> Jr question. What do you say the end users when a ticket has taken really long, but your team can't work on it cause of a current project? 02:39 < LilLinux> If they don't ask don't explain? 02:39 < LilLinux> If they do ask, be honest? 02:39 < Hunterkll> LilLinux, Ask your management what to do and when they tell them "work on X" then you say "my management has directed me to..." 02:39 < DLSteve> Problem with Ansible is you need to run it from a *nix machine. 02:40 < Virtual-Potato> DLSteve, no you don't 02:40 < admiralspark> Hunterkll: why's that? I can use ansible to do...pretty much anything I want. 02:40 < Hunterkll> problem with ansible is the lack of a hell of a lot of native integrations and functions on windows machines that make my life easier 02:40 < admiralspark> like? 02:40 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, Eh you do but WSL is an option, 02:40 < Hunterkll> I've got hooks via my tools into systems that don't have WinRM or even cmd/powershell available interfaces 02:40 < Hunterkll> heh 02:40 < Virtual-Potato> That's what I'm saying 02:41 < admiralspark> So, proprietary bullshit 02:41 < Virtual-Potato> You can use WSL 02:41 < LilLinux> ty 02:41 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, nope, I do similar hooks on linux systems 02:41 < Hunterkll> ;) 02:41 < LilLinux> Do you guys still have energy to keep doing self-learning/working on homelabs after you get home from work? 02:41 < DLSteve> Virtual-Potato, Problem is we still have a lot of people on Windows 7 so I can't thow something on git and have a high chance that they can run it. 02:42 < Hunterkll> but i've also got a stack of integrated tools that go far beyond what ansible can do 02:42 < Virtual-Potato> LilLinux, nope, but we try to learn anyways 02:42 < DLSteve> LilLinux, No, I do most of my stuff in the afternoon at work or on the weekends. 02:42 < admiralspark> lol. Hunterkll if you hand-built integrations I suspect they'd work just fine in Ansible too, since it's just fancy idempotent layering on top of WinRM 02:42 < LilLinux> I'm a sorta like a jr admin right now, and I find myself doing less at home since I've gotten this job 02:42 < LilLinux> I mean I still love IT, but I get so tired now 02:42 < Virtual-Potato> welcome to sysadminhood 02:42 < Hunterkll> VM provision -> OSD -> Install Software & Configure -> update -> add to monitoring -> enable monitoring -> set AWS tags -> submit firewall CR request for on-prem side -> etc 02:43 < DLSteve> Honestly I think learning is part of the job so I do a lot of it at work. 02:43 < Hunterkll> SCORCH does about 15% of it, the same 15% ansible can do 02:43 < Hunterkll> :P 02:43 < LilLinux> I guess it makes sense since I've learn a ridiculous amount since I got hired 02:44 < DLSteve> You will burn out if you try to cram in too much. 02:44 < DLSteve> Home is for BSing on IRC, reading comics, and de stressing. 02:44 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, a lot of stuff i need .net interfacing agents basically. if i can add modules to the anisble agent, then it /might/ be possible for some of the hooks i'm thinking of 02:45 < LilLinux> Thanks for the advice. I'll try to relax a bit more 02:45 < Hunterkll> DLSteve, what if you hvae so many machines at home you need SCCM just to save time managing them 02:45 < Hunterkll> :o 02:45 < LilLinux> Jesus christ 02:45 < DLSteve> Hunterkll, You can also use Ansible to trigger DSC now. 02:45 < Hunterkll> DSC isn't yet on my radar due to current projects, but it's on the sonar. :P 02:45 < admiralspark> Hunterkll: .net? In server provisioning? Outside of DSC? 02:45 < admiralspark> oh 02:45 < DLSteve> Hunterkll, I litterally have a MacMini and a laptop at home lol. My router is the stock one Comcast gives you. 02:46 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, i'm talking about for running shit 02:46 < admiralspark> as he mentions it 02:46 < admiralspark> :P 02:46 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, like hooking into web apps and shit running on IIS, not just using performance counters 02:46 < Hunterkll> like SCOM's APM 02:46 < Hunterkll> which actually does code injection into your web app stuff 02:46 < Hunterkll> heh 02:47 < Hunterkll> DLSteve, my home network is more complex than work's just by the sheer fact that i know how to use BGP/OSPF internally and they don't 02:47 < Hunterkll> (seriously. we've hit max static route limits on brocade datacenter sized multiple 100gig link routers) 02:47 < Hunterkll> like how the fuck 02:47 < Hunterkll> we had a office go down 02:47 < Hunterkll> because of one too many static routes on a palo alto 02:47 < Hunterkll> THAT LIMIT IS LIKE OVER 5000 02:47 < DLSteve> lol 02:47 < Hunterkll> they ended up collapsing that into 3 default routes 02:48 < Hunterkll> but yea, home i've got a full 42U, massive xbox huge desktop, machines everywhere for various purposes, etc 02:48 < Hunterkll> SCCM manages updates though, using ADRs, so it's a 0-effort process 02:48 < Hunterkll> like i just built two new machines for my basement film work 02:48 < DLSteve> I'm going to be honest, I'mm not a networking guy so I'm not sure how good or bad ours is. They have redesigned it like 4 times in the past two years so I assume it's kind of crappy. 02:48 < Hunterkll> lol 02:48 < Hunterkll> DLSteve, can you take down the entire company by plugging a switch into itself? 02:48 < Hunterkll> nationwide? 02:48 < DLSteve> no 02:49 < Hunterkll> then it was better than ours at one point 02:49 < Hunterkll> :P 02:49 < Virtual-Potato> that would be hilarious 02:49 < Hunterkll> it happened 02:49 < Hunterkll> i know the person who turned on that server too 02:49 < Hunterkll> a hypervisor with bridged nics 02:49 < Hunterkll> so effectively a loopback in a datacenter rack 02:49 < DLSteve> I know this because my roommate did it (we work for the same company). 02:49 < Hunterkll> killed the entire company 02:49 < Hunterkll> i'm sittin' in the office around 5pm and internet slowly starts degrading 02:49 < Hunterkll> so does datacenter access speed 02:49 < Hunterkll> and at one point it's juts dead 02:49 < Hunterkll> and the damn thing is flashing all the lights 02:49 < Hunterkll> so i'm like fuck it, bar time 02:49 < Virtual-Potato> Maybe that's how level3 gets outages so often 02:49 < DLSteve> We had a bad SAN config take out our entire prod virtual infrastructure though. 02:50 < Hunterkll> Virtual-Potato, oh no, this was not a WAN outage 02:50 < Hunterkll> :> 02:50 < Hunterkll> Virtual-Potato, this took down every office from san diego to washington DC with a broadcast storm 02:50 < Virtual-Potato> heh 02:50 < Hunterkll> ^_^ 02:50 < Hunterkll> what is STP? 02:50 < Virtual-Potato> wow 02:50 < ThatOneRoadie> Spanning tree protocol 02:50 < Hunterkll> .... 02:50 < rpifan> oil brand 02:50 < Hunterkll> that was rhetorical 02:50 < DLSteve> Hunterkll, I though most high end switches had loopback detection? 02:50 < Virtual-Potato> Hunterkll, what is BPDUGuard 02:50 < Hunterkll> apparently brocade doesn't do spanning tree 02:50 < Hunterkll> or at least 02:50 < ThatOneRoadie> because rhetoric comes over so well in chat :P 02:50 < Hunterkll> not in any sane way 02:51 < Hunterkll> according to the chief network architect 02:51 < Hunterkll> who only had a CCNA as his credentials 02:51 < Hunterkll> and switched us all to brocade and palo alto from cisco 02:51 < Hunterkll> over a personal vendetta 02:51 < Hunterkll> thank god he's gone 02:51 < DLSteve> lol 02:51 < Nightcinder> fuck cisco 02:51 < Hunterkll> jumped ship after our recent merger 02:52 < DLSteve> I still have to deal with a bunch of IBM crap because a VP got pissed at Microsoft and went all in on IBM. 02:52 < Hunterkll> Nightcinder, Cisco I buy 1x capacity i need. Brocade 1.25-1.5x... watchguard/fortigate 1.75x ... anything else 2x ... in order to make sure the capacity i need works 02:52 < Hunterkll> DLSteve, we got rid of notes a few years ago for email 02:52 < Hunterkll> :> 02:52 < Nightcinder> my old company used lotus notes and foxit because too cheap for exchange and adobe 02:52 < DLSteve> Now we are back with MS and madly moving everything to Azure. 02:52 < Hunterkll> i love notes & domino. except for email 02:52 < Nightcinder> i hate notes and domino 02:52 < Hunterkll> the next version of notes is supposed to be sanzzy as fuck 02:52 < Nightcinder> for everything 02:52 < Hunterkll> IBM's dumping a shitload of money into it 02:52 < Hunterkll> lol 02:53 < Nightcinder> i want to dump all our HPE switches 02:53 < DLSteve> Hunterkll, I'm actually amazed that we did not go with notes. When they dumped Exchange they actually got G Suite. 02:53 < Nightcinder> unfortunately my coworker keeps pushing for cisco/cisco-based 02:53 < Nightcinder> i just want a gui is that so much to ask for in a switch 02:53 < Hunterkll> .... why? 02:53 < Virtual-Potato> Hunterkll, to each and their own 02:53 < Nightcinder> also previous IT dept decided for security reasons we needed every single 'unused' switchport turned off 02:53 < Hunterkll> that's just another component to go haywire and crash on a switch CPU 02:54 < DLSteve> Nightcinder, We had to build a UI for our switches so our help desk could unblock ports in stores lol. 02:54 < Nightcinder> so you have to go enable every port in order to add anything 02:54 < Hunterkll> I do that sometimes 02:54 < Virtual-Potato> I mean, that's not a terrible security practice 02:54 < Nightcinder> these switches are in locked cabinets and only we have the keys 02:54 < Hunterkll> that way you can't plug shit into wrong places 02:54 < Nightcinder> two people have the keys 02:54 < Hunterkll> prevents misconfigs from allowing unexpected vlan access 02:54 < Virtual-Potato> yeah 02:54 < Nightcinder> ya no all ports on tyvm 02:54 < Nightcinder> and gui pls 02:54 < Hunterkll> Nightcinder, and i bet my paperclip can let me in about 30 seconds 02:54 < Nightcinder> because lazy 02:55 < Hunterkll> Nightcinder, GUI is far slower 02:55 < Hunterkll> god damn 02:55 < Nightcinder> okay you make your way into production 02:55 < Nightcinder> enjoy 02:55 < Nightcinder> you have to get past the fingerprint scanners 02:55 < Nightcinder> then get into production 02:55 < Hunterkll> lol 02:55 < Nightcinder> then get to the mezzanine 02:55 < Hunterkll> if i can get past the rectal scanners 02:55 < Hunterkll> then we're good 02:55 < Nightcinder> you have fun 02:55 < Hunterkll> but seriously, a GUI on a switch? I haven't seen that outside of like, low to mid range gear 02:55 < Nightcinder> our HPE's all have GUI's 02:55 < Hunterkll> low to mid range gear 02:55 < Hunterkll> :) 02:55 < Nightcinder> and our high end aristas have GUI's too 02:56 < admiralspark> Hunterkll: all Cisco's have them, optionally. 02:56 < Nightcinder> disabled by default, though 02:56 < admiralspark> Just throwing it out there 02:56 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, that's not quite a configuration interface 02:56 < admiralspark> What? 02:56 < Nightcinder> arista has some weird program that interfaces with arista, vmware nsx, and fortigates 02:56 < Nightcinder> i'm curious about it 02:56 < admiralspark> a $20k 9k switch that can be completely configured via gui is configuration I'd say 02:56 < Hunterkll> still, i can't imagine gui configuration being faster at all 02:56 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, remote tool though 02:57 < admiralspark> I know it exists because $current_employer had it enabled everywhere :( 02:57 < Hunterkll> also, they nixed a lot of their GUI tools past few years 02:57 < Nightcinder> https://www.arista.com/en/products/eos/eos-cloudvision anyone use this? 02:57 < Virtual-Potato> Imagine trying to automate configs on a bunch of switches with GUI... 02:57 <+layer-eight> * Nightcinder → Arista EOS CloudVision® - Turnkey Cloud Networking Solution - Arista 02:57 < admiralspark> no need for it. 02:57 < admiralspark> Automation + SDN baby 02:57 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, nexuses can use DCNM but that's not 100% on switch 02:57 < Hunterkll> and all cisco swtiches can have the http server turned on for status info 02:57 < admiralspark> I can't remember when the last time I used a console cable or ssh directly was 02:57 < Virtual-Potato> *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *CLICK* *TYPE* *TYPE* OK that's one switch configured, onto the next one 02:58 < Hunterkll> admiralspark, this what you used? https://www.cisco.com/content/dam/en/us/products/netmgtsw/ps6505/ps9369/product-large-600x400.jpg 02:58 < Nightcinder> how often are you configuring your switches 02:58 < Nightcinder> that you built the automation for it? 02:58 < Hunterkll> depends on the environment 02:58 < Virtual-Potato> ^ 02:58 < Hunterkll> if i'm using pvlans for isolation of vms 02:58 < Hunterkll> i might need a switch reconfig every time a vmotion happens 02:58 < Nightcinder> yeah you guys like to go much more hardcore than i do 02:58 < Nightcinder> i have like seven vlans 02:58 < Nightcinder> for the entire company 02:58 < admiralspark> Nightcinder: used to work in MPLS/carrier ethernet provisioning 02:58 < Hunterkll> pvlans are different then regular vlans 02:58 < admiralspark> :P 02:58 < admiralspark> so all the time 02:59 < Nightcinder> i work for a midcap cheese company 02:59 < admiralspark> :O 02:59 < Nightcinder> i have zero desire to work for a big company 02:59 < admiralspark> I'm jealous 02:59 < Hunterkll> lol 02:59 < Hunterkll> i'd hate going back to small scale 02:59 < Hunterkll> i'd get bored 02:59 < admiralspark> tell me you have free cheese 02:59 < Hunterkll> lol 02:59 < Hunterkll> yes 02:59 < Hunterkll> that's important 02:59 < Nightcinder> i do 02:59 < Hunterkll> Nightcinder, and where in wisconsin are you so i can get some cheese 02:59 < Hunterkll> :P 02:59 < admiralspark> super jealous 02:59 < Nightcinder> i'm in ohio 02:59 < Virtual-Potato> oh 02:59 < admiralspark> I'm at a midsize, it's perfect 02:59 < Hunterkll> EVEN BETTER 02:59 < Nightcinder> our wisconsin plant is in plover though 02:59 < Virtual-Potato> it's not Wisconsin 03:00 < Hunterkll> Nightcinder, i'll be in columbus in august 03:00 < Virtual-Potato> Wisconsin cheese is the best cheese 03:00 < Nightcinder> Hunterkll: 2 hours away 03:00 < derpingit> whadap 03:00 < DLSteve> Nightcinder, Big companies have their pros and cons. I do like working with large scale. 03:00 < Virtual-Potato> oh god I can taste the fresh, squeaky cheese curds 03:00 < Nightcinder> admiralspark: 70 office users 03:00 < Virtual-Potato> I miss it so much 03:00 < Nightcinder> and about 250 prod 03:00 < Hunterkll> Nightcinder, my friend's driving down from ... near .... something point. starts with an R or an H I t hinkwith a lake. 03:00 < Hunterkll> lol 03:00 < derpingit> i;m looking for a cool syslog app to pass all my ubiquiti firewall logs to. any recomendations? 03:00 < Nightcinder> no idea what you're talking about 03:00 < Nightcinder> i'm in northeast ohio not middle ohio 03:01 < Hunterkll> it's equidestant columbus and dayton i think 03:01 < Hunterkll> Russels point 03:01 < Hunterkll> that's it 03:01 < Nightcinder> ya 2 hours south 03:01 < Hunterkll> indian lake 03:01 < Nightcinder> anyway, with my midsize company 03:01 < Nightcinder> i can reddit for 7 hours a day 03:01 < Nightcinder> work for 1 hr 03:01 < Nightcinder> and my users love me 03:01 < Nightcinder> it's awesome 03:01 < coderphive> jesus 03:01 < Hunterkll> lol 03:01 < Hunterkll> i've .... sometimes... slept and just set alarms for my meetings... 03:01 < Hunterkll> and we have 45k users... 03:02 < Virtual-Potato> Doesn't all of that redditing get... boring 03:02 < coderphive> WFH? 03:02 < Virtual-Potato> like 03:02 < Nightcinder> Virtual-Potato: yes 03:02 < Virtual-Potato> don't you get bored of it 03:02 < Nightcinder> sometimes 03:02 < Hunterkll> of course :) 03:02 < Nightcinder> which is why i have headphones 03:02 < Nightcinder> and an apple tv 03:02 < Hunterkll> and I run SCCM & SCOM for the entire org with a few others 03:02 < Hunterkll> i'm top dog for SCOM myself, bar none 03:02 < Hunterkll> so 03:02 < Nightcinder> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/6b555VKN/MVIMG_20180625_102153.jpg 03:02 <+layer-eight> * Nightcinder → IMAGE/JPEG Document, 217,228 bytes 03:02 * Hunterkll settles in and plays CS:GO all day when not sleeping or deploying something 03:02 < Hunterkll> i don't deal with users 03:02 < Hunterkll> >:3 03:02 < Nightcinder> i wish i could WFH 03:02 < Nightcinder> i'd get so much more done 03:02 < Nightcinder> meaning no end users bothering me 03:03 < Hunterkll> I spend like 3 hours a week hunkered down and do like a week's worth of tasks 03:03 < Virtual-Potato> s/more/less 03:03 < rpifan> whats apache tomcat do 03:03 <+layer-eight> [SED Virtual-Potato/Nightcinder] i'd get so much less done 03:03 < Nightcinder> no, more 03:03 < coderphive> customer facing jobs are a buzzkill 03:03 < Nightcinder> trust me, much more work would be accomplished at home 03:03 < Nightcinder> i work best at weird hours 03:03 < Nightcinder> i'd be up at like 3am deploying something because bored 03:04 < Nightcinder> my cat would be happy 03:04 < Nightcinder> but the deal with midcap is 03:04 < Nightcinder> i am IT. 03:04 < Nightcinder> systems, network, security, infrastructure, helpdesk, phones, etc 03:04 < Nightcinder> all of it 03:04 < Nightcinder> i spent my first full year fighting fires and fixing problems 03:04 < Nightcinder> so now i can chill because shit doesn't break like it used to 03:05 < Nightcinder> and we just moved from 24/7 to 24/5 :D 03:05 < coderphive> When someone does "I am IT" I always picture some redneck sitting in some dimly lit, dusty backroom at a doctors office in Alabama 03:05 < Virtual-Potato> I think of the greentext 03:05 < Virtual-Potato> Y'know, the one with Google Ultron 03:06 < Nightcinder> previous guy liked to play superman 03:06 < Nightcinder> he would go down and 'fix' issues 03:06 < Nightcinder> but never solve the root problem 03:07 < coderphive> a squirrel in your cat 5? 03:07 < Nightcinder> lol everytime it rains our copper goes out 03:10 < coderphive> I need brain food 03:11 < Virtual-Potato> coderphive, ramen is a great brain food 03:11 < coderphive> liar 03:28 < technonerd> RIP reddit 03:33 < corn266> GDQ is pretty awesome 03:34 < technonerd> I think I'm going Thursday night to it 03:35 < corn266> Lucky ass 03:41 < enix> technonerd: what happened to reddit? 03:42 < Hunterkll> YERSSSSSS 03:42 < Hunterkll> https://i.imgur.com/ldblOmg.png 03:42 <+layer-eight> * Hunterkll → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 538x771 → ⚘ 3 03:42 < Hunterkll> registered as soon as i got that email 03:47 < enix> only you 03:47 < enix> but legit, i'm fucking jealous 03:48 < enix> I'd do a rippa hank scorpio impression with that thing 03:51 < technonerd> Wed night is cup head 03:51 < technonerd> Thur is super Mario 03:52 < technonerd> Should be fun 03:58 < Hunterkll> enix, ako bought one too 03:58 < Hunterkll> he hasn't gotten it yet 03:58 < Hunterkll> i should ... probably not bring that to defcon 04:31 < Hunterkll> last two rolls for the night 04:31 < rpifan> rolls? 04:32 < rpifan> bring what to defon 04:32 < Hunterkll> film developing 04:32 < Hunterkll> actually, last two for this batch of chemicals now 04:32 < Hunterkll> i'm up to 7:15m dev time with this set, from a start spec of 3.5 04:33 < Hunterkll> i'm 6 rolls past the rating lol 04:36 < benjgvps> ahhh, blew away a 5+ year old digitalocean VPS that I barely updated/maintained and switched to Vultr for my shitty webserver/ZNC box. 04:37 < benjgvps> I forgot all the crap I had on that old thing. Minecraft servers, Mumble server, RSS reader, Steam (I think for JC2:MP)... 04:38 < rpifan> i really wis h icould go 04:38 < rpifan> but so far 04:40 <@JollyRgrs> i wish i was a baller 04:40 <@JollyRgrs> i wish i was a little bit taller 05:17 <@Nostalg14c> Morning 05:22 < dragonfleas> sup guys 05:22 < dragonfleas> is anyone on this late? 05:24 < rpifan> hi 05:29 < togenshi> do you know what happens to a business where the IT manager forces you not to use DFS and virtual machines and a server dies? 05:33 <@Nostalg14c> A day or so of work gets lost. 05:33 <@Nostalg14c> Nightly backups, rite. 05:37 < ekaj> What's the name of this power outlet? I'm trying to find one of these that adapts from 12v in a car: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1xaTLRXXXXXbAXpXXq6xXFXXX0/1-2m-4ft-US-Plug-American-Standard-Power-Supply-Cable-2-Prong-2-Hole-Power-Cord.jpg_640x640.jpg 05:37 <+layer-eight> * ekaj → IMAGE/JPEG Document, 58,742 bytes 05:39 < ekaj> never mind 05:40 < MillerBOSS> Figure 8 05:40 < MillerBOSS> C7 05:41 < MillerBOSS> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_60320 05:41 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → IEC 60320 - Wikipedia 05:41 < ekaj> ty 05:41 < MillerBOSS> Magic 05:41 < rpifan> sooo 05:42 < rpifan> yayo means cocaine 05:42 < ekaj> almost but no cigar, this is for dc 05:42 < ekaj> anyways i'll look at work tomorrow, gotta go shower 05:51 < catbeard> poops 05:54 < togenshi> Nostalg14c: Na, no server to restore so need to get this one fixed 05:55 <@Nostalg14c> lol 05:56 < togenshi> i've lost shits to give 05:56 < togenshi> mainly cause I know that I aren't gonna get shafted 05:58 < enix> Nostalg14c: how yoouuuu doin? 06:00 <@Nostalg14c> Had better days. 06:00 <@Nostalg14c> Wbu? 06:00 < catbeard> been star of many plays 06:05 < dragonfleas> i love working at 11 pm 06:06 < enix> Nostalg14c: Busy busy? 06:06 <@Nostalg14c> nah not at all 06:06 < enix> dragonfleas: me too; saves having to deal with idiots during the day. Not that I hae that problem atm being sysadmin lol 06:06 <@Nostalg14c> just slept shit for a while 06:06 < enix> Ah crap 06:06 < enix> I got a 'sleep tea' from my girlfriend 06:06 < enix> You could give something like that a try? It's from T2. It doesn't work; basically crushed lavendar. 06:06 < enix> But it might help you feel pretty or something. 06:07 < enix> Then that self confidence could help you sleep 06:07 < togenshi> i haven't sleeping well but its more a case of "more stuff to do than there are hours in a day" 06:09 <@Nostalg14c> Ye my sleep issues are a lot more deep than having some tea 06:11 < catbeard> same 06:27 < desgen> im a long time contributor to this channel 06:27 < desgen> just pointing that out 06:27 < desgen> to whoever is drunk right now 06:28 < enix> well I mean.. you're here for the aussie shift 06:28 < enix> SO basically all of us are drunk right now 06:28 < desgen> I need a drunk OP 06:28 < enix> as well as earlier in the day and definitely more-so as the day goes on. 06:28 < enix> OP? Is that some kinda sex thing 06:29 < desgen> if he wants it to be 06:29 < MillerBOSS> desgen 👉 Drink more 06:29 < desgen> specifically he 06:29 < enix> desgen: prefers the he 06:29 < MillerBOSS> Yucky 06:29 < desgen> yucky peepee 06:29 < MillerBOSS> Yeah 06:29 < enix> desgen: do you have a yucky peepee? 06:29 < desgen> ausies do I hear they stuff it with sand and drink the smegma 06:30 < desgen> enix, what do you store in your capsule 06:30 < enix> Nostalg14c :) 06:30 * MillerBOSS is listening to Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman from the album The Essential Roy Orbison on Spotify. 06:30 < desgen> grossy gross 06:31 < MillerBOSS> The kind I like to meet. 06:31 < enix> yeah he needs a shower 06:31 < desgen> you all need a shower im sure 06:31 < desgen> specifically THIS channel 06:31 < desgen> specifically specific 06:32 < enix> bbl 06:32 < catbeard> lol 06:32 < catbeard> just had one, my hair on fleek 06:33 < desgen> catbeard, are you an attractive black man with cornrows 06:33 < desgen> catbeard, https://mcutts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/cornrow-styles-for-males-8.jpg 06:33 <+layer-eight> * desgen → IMAGE/JPEG Document, 62,390 bytes 06:34 < desgen> that's a pretty useless bot 06:34 < desgen> someone deprogram that 06:34 < MillerBOSS> I'M BACK 06:34 * MillerBOSS is listening to Ace Frehley - New York Groove from the album Ace Frehley (Remastered Version) on Spotify. 06:41 < MillerBOSS> RUN 06:41 * MillerBOSS is listening to Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills - 1998 Remastered Version from the album Somewhere Back In Time - The Best of 1980-1989 on Spotify. 06:41 < MillerBOSS> Time to jam out 06:43 < technonerd> Run to the pills 06:43 < MillerBOSS> lol 06:44 < MillerBOSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnhXHvRoUd0 06:44 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → YouTube → Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody (Official Video) → ⚘ 192,033,129 ↑ 846,030 ↓ 18,187 ✍ 24,392 → * Content Restrictions 06:45 < MillerBOSS> Never seen this. Man they sure can take some time and upgrade these 240p, 360p, 480p, etc videos to at least 720p 06:46 < MillerBOSS> Someone like DrGibby| 06:47 < desgen> that bot is overly verbose 06:47 < desgen> and a piece of shit 06:47 < desgen> who created this 06:47 < MillerBOSS> Thanks for your feedback, desgen. We appreciative you taking the time to share it, today. 06:47 < desgen> did you make it? 06:48 < desgen> if you made it I love it btw 06:48 < MillerBOSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYBIRHi5-o8 06:48 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → YouTube → 311 - Down → ⚘ 9,067,889 ↑ 33,407 ↓ 2,038 ✍ 3,308 → * Content Restrictions 06:48 < desgen> it's great for information giving 06:48 < desgen> and uhm 06:48 < desgen> things that do 06:48 < desgen> things 06:48 < MillerBOSS> IronY is the creator, desgen 06:48 < IronY> ;) 06:49 < desgen> I have a complaint id like to file under spam 06:49 < IronY> Sure, but the answer should always be /ignore 06:49 < MillerBOSS> Take it up with management. 06:49 < IronY> lol 06:49 < desgen> You wouldnt ignore a retard would you? 06:49 < IronY> no no 06:50 < IronY> u could ignore the bot 06:50 < IronY> then you would never feel like it violated ur safe space again 06:50 < IronY> and we can all be friends 06:50 < MillerBOSS> lol 06:50 < desgen> I hasnt violated me, but its not pleasuring me 06:51 < MillerBOSS> Well you are not talking dirty enough, then. 06:52 < desgen> layer-eight, are you 12/f/cali? 06:53 < MillerBOSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvAnQqVJ3XQ 06:53 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → YouTube → Peaches - The Presidents of the United States of America → ⚘ 6,187,060 ↑ 35,503 ↓ 1,684 ✍ 2,231 06:53 < desgen> at least replace → with swastikas 06:54 < MillerBOSS> You are obviously not drunk enough desgen 06:54 < IronY> I love you all 06:55 < DrGibby|> MillerBOSS: Someone like me? 06:56 < MillerBOSS> DrGibby| 👉 Regarding the video/song posted above comment :P 06:56 < DrGibby|> oh 06:56 * DrGibby| shrugs 06:56 < desgen> DrGibby|, I like you 06:56 * MillerBOSS hugs you 06:56 < DrGibby|> desgen: please don't. 06:57 < desgen> you ask if someone like you 06:58 < DrGibby|> ooooooook 07:00 < DrGibby|> I've somehow managed to fumblefuck my way to making external SIP calls with my homelab 07:00 < DrGibby|> yet they only last 30 seconds 07:00 < DrGibby|> and incoming dont work at all 07:01 < MillerBOSS> Using what? 07:01 < DrGibby|> Cisco 7970's - SIP on a Cisco Router / CCME -> SIP Provider 07:01 < MillerBOSS> Oh, thats over my head lol 07:02 < DrGibby|> I have a feeling its something simple 07:02 < MillerBOSS> I just use a Cisco ATA for play shit 07:02 < DrGibby|> but I have NO idea wtf I'm doing 07:02 < MillerBOSS> How do you register for SIP on a router? 07:03 < MillerBOSS> Oh Cisco 7970 07:03 < DrGibby|> I have a pair of WS-3560G's, a R-3525 and a pair of 7970 phones 07:03 < MillerBOSS> Wireshark? 07:04 < DrGibby|> I'd have to tap shit 07:04 < MillerBOSS> That's what she said 07:04 < DrGibby|> tbf, I can debug at the router level and see everything 07:04 < DrGibby|> but I dunno what to debug 07:04 < DrGibby|> its late enough that I'll fuck with it tomorrow, though 07:05 < desgen> ill debug it 07:05 < desgen> I just need to know what most of "Cisco 7970's - SIP on a Cisco Router / CCME -> SIP Provider" means 07:06 < DrGibby|> that'd be VoIP phones -> voice gateway -> VoIP provider. more/less 07:06 < MillerBOSS> If incoming doesn't wort at all isn't that most likely ports? 07:06 < DrGibby|> MillerBOSS: probably. Something to do with NAT more than likely 07:07 < DrGibby|> and I bet there is a timeout that is somewhere close to 25-30 seconds as well 07:07 < DrGibby|> OOOOOR 07:08 < DrGibby|> NTP is fakd 07:09 < Hunterkll> DrGibby|, where'd you get CCME from ? 07:09 < DrGibby|> Cisco? 07:10 < Hunterkll> oh... it doesn't need keys or anything? 07:10 < DrGibby|> well 07:10 < Hunterkll> like virtual ASA? 07:10 < Hunterkll> lol 07:10 < DrGibby|> CME doesn't no. If you have a router that already has the license on it 07:10 < DrGibby|> which I do 07:10 < Hunterkll> ah 07:10 < Hunterkll> I have two cisco desk phones i want to use with Skype for Business server, but i can't ... best i can figure is a SIP trunk between something that talks to the phones and S4B 07:10 < Hunterkll> S4B has my SIP provider and lines on it 07:11 < Hunterkll> but right now i'm stuck on soft phones unless I buy something else 07:11 < DrGibby|> in fact, I have one coming that has the Data, Security, and Voice license already installed. But because its EOL Cisco still honors it. 07:11 < Hunterkll> using the security policy to get updates? 07:11 < Hunterkll> I just did that for my ASA to get the latest 5505 image 07:11 < DrGibby|> its one cycle EOL, which I'm ok with 07:12 < Hunterkll> oh, so it's EOL but not EOSL 07:12 < Hunterkll> EOS more like you mean 07:12 < DrGibby|> correct-a-mundo! 07:12 < Hunterkll> I consider EL to be like Win2K/XP/Vista :P 07:12 < Hunterkll> well, okay, Vista isn't EOSL if you're paiyng dumb amounts of money 07:12 < DrGibby|> the latest IOS is still supported on it 07:12 < Hunterkll> but i think XP CSAs are done 07:13 < DrGibby|> which means so is the latest CCME and the SM's 07:13 < Hunterkll> For cisco router gear I only have an 891 07:13 < DrGibby|> heh 07:13 < DrGibby|> Cisco is my passion outside of sec work 07:13 < Hunterkll> home core is an upgrade. Juniper SRX 220H :P 07:14 < Hunterkll> i need something better, i think the 220 is still limiting me 07:14 < Hunterkll> at least unlike the 891 i get 600mbps+ now instead of 100mbit access ports.... 07:14 < Hunterkll> :P 07:14 < Hunterkll> 891 had gig wan, but 100meg access ports 07:14 < Hunterkll> :/ 07:14 < Hunterkll> which was a cute way of QoSing my family because everyone got 100meg only :P 07:14 < Hunterkll> 100meg on wifi, 100meg to TV, 100meg to family wired, 100meg to me, 100meg to servers 07:14 < Hunterkll> lol 07:14 < DrGibby|> I have gig POE throughout the apartment as needed, and can drop 10g/40g if needed into either of the switches 07:15 < Hunterkll> i've only got 10gig in my room 07:15 < Hunterkll> lol 07:15 < DrGibby|> I have a couple of 9971 phones waiting for me tomorrow 07:15 < DrGibby|> color touch screen with webcam 07:15 < Hunterkll> they call this an ISR, but i think the only additional shit it does is WLAN management ..... well, and some VPN / web sec crap 07:15 < Hunterkll> lol 07:15 < Hunterkll> i've got ..7948g's i think 07:16 < Hunterkll> new in box, never used, but yea 07:16 < DrGibby|> and a C2951 somewhere 07:16 < Hunterkll> oh yea, it had a built in modem too.... 07:16 < DrGibby|> the phone did? 07:16 < Sousapro> For console access? 07:18 < DrGibby|> https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/9dAAAOSwfqFausgk/s-l1600.jpg 07:18 <+layer-eight> * DrGibby| → IMAGE/JPEG Document, 284,154 bytes 07:18 < Hunterkll> DrGibby|, no the C891 07:18 < DrGibby|> those are the phones I should have tomorrow 07:18 < Hunterkll> for backup dial in ... or dial out, idk 07:18 < Hunterkll> never used it 07:18 < Hunterkll> probably can do both 07:20 < DrGibby|> the number I got from this cheap ass SIP provider is actually a pretty damn good number 07:20 < DrGibby|> lots of 0's 07:21 < Hunterkll> i need a cheap SIP provider to provide a DID that allows multiple inbound at once 07:21 < DrGibby|> surprised someone doesn't already have it 07:21 < Hunterkll> so i can set up web conferences and party lines 07:21 < DrGibby|> Hunterkll: I'm sure there are places available 07:21 < Hunterkll> sure 07:21 < Hunterkll> i just haven't looked 07:21 < Hunterkll> :D 07:35 < MillerBOSS> Remember this from the 90s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiU15ELNBT0 07:35 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → YouTube → Cha Cha Slide/Perculator remix → ⚘ 13,560 ↑ 70 ↓ 11 ✍ 4 08:09 < humpaxx> Gomorrn everyone 08:10 < sadbox> http://www.speedtest.net/result/7422709833.png <- they finally turned this on in my area 08:10 <+layer-eight> * sadbox → IMAGE/PNG Document, 22,264 bytes 08:11 < humpaxx> sadbox: Is it half duplex? :P 08:11 < MillerBOSS> Coax 08:12 < MillerBOSS> So are you gonna download the Internet now, sadbox? And with that cap 08:13 < sadbox> Well, I can download the internet for 2.2ish hours 08:13 < MillerBOSS> GTFO are you serious? 08:16 < sadbox> they still got the 1TB cap before you gotta pay extra 08:16 < sadbox> unless you get the ~$300/mo 2Gbps 08:16 < MillerBOSS> Wow 08:18 < sadbox> 2Gbps seems... somewhat not useful given how few people have 10Gbps home networks 08:20 < DrGibby|> 2Gbps seems... a bit slow 08:22 < DrGibby|> 10g external fabric and 40g internal is the way to go 08:22 < MillerBOSS> Ackchyually 08:23 < DrGibby|> pls no 08:23 < DrGibby|> no you 08:23 < MillerBOSS> You know you want to 08:23 * DrGibby| sighs 08:23 < DrGibby|> go on 08:24 < MillerBOSS> I got a new pocket protector today 08:24 < DrGibby|> your replacement, I'm sure 08:24 < MillerBOSS> Isn't this old news? https://www.techmeme.com/180625/p14#a180625p14 08:24 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → Techmeme: Documents and sources detail how the NSA taps into the data between AT&T, its partners, and customers, making the telco essential to US surveillance efforts (The Intercept) 08:24 < DrGibby|> yes 08:25 < MillerBOSS> All those large AT&T buildings in every market wasn't doing just AT&T's work 08:25 < DrGibby|> every major carrier is tap'ing data to the alphabet soup 08:25 < DrGibby|> to expect anything less is... dumb 08:26 < MillerBOSS> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Appleton,+WI/@44.2644395,-88.4100588,95a,35y,139.35h,68.42t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8803b682b903f6c9:0x9ca1d6a50675935b!8m2!3d44.2619309!4d-88.4153847 just like this one in town 08:26 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → Google Maps 08:27 < MillerBOSS> No windows. Shitload of batteries in the basement 08:27 < MillerBOSS> Car size 08:27 < MillerBOSS> I mean batteries that are used for cars 08:27 < DrGibby|> those are both datacenter requirements... 08:27 < MillerBOSS> OK that makes sense 08:27 < DrGibby|> as we have the same 08:29 < DrGibby|> in fact we have a "power room" dedicated to batteries/UPS/electric shit 08:29 < DrGibby|> most of those old telcom spaces are trying to find a way to occupy the space 08:30 < DrGibby|> mainly, switching/phone gear used to take a lot of space. What would take a row of powered equipment now takes 1U 08:30 < MillerBOSS> More room for NSA 08:30 < MillerBOSS> ;) 08:31 < DrGibby|> the NSA needs one tap, fibre, to their HQ 08:31 < MillerBOSS> https://twitter.com/rj_gallagher/status/1011223381176352769 08:31 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → Ryan Gallagher on Twitter: "Revealing eight buildings across the US, hidden in plain sight, that documents & sources indicate are central to one of NSA's largest & most controversial internet surveillance programs: https://t.co/oRTrWojE6B… https://t.co... 08:31 < DrGibby|> so, about 1U 08:31 < MillerBOSS> But to me its still too much data to do shit with 08:31 < MillerBOSS> Right? 08:31 < DrGibby|> its not 08:31 < DrGibby|> beacuse its all processed in one of a couple of locations 08:32 < DrGibby|> mainly fanex 08:32 < DrGibby|> maybe in the backup site in SC 08:33 < DrGibby|> there might be *some* processing done prior to shipping it to a secure site 08:33 < DrGibby|> but not much 08:35 < DrGibby|> "the NSA is spying on you" is such an old trope that people with tin-foil hats and contail people believe tbh 08:37 < DrGibby|> they're regulated, hard, on ensuring they're not investigating Americans, thank Snowden for reaffirming that 09:06 < catbeard> they're not spying on YOU, they're spying on everyone 09:10 < vader-> Sup 09:13 < ceofreak> Good morning fellow IT-Wizards 09:15 < ceofreak> I'm trying to unlearn subvocalization and it drives me crazy 09:16 <@Nostalg14c> TIL 09:16 <@Nostalg14c> and fk trying to unlean that 09:16 <@Nostalg14c> unlearn* 09:16 < ceofreak> yea 09:16 < ceofreak> Sup Nostalg14c 09:17 < ceofreak> How's the life wasting going? 09:17 <@Nostalg14c> Flailing around. 09:17 <@Nostalg14c> Counting down 2 hours to go. 09:17 < ceofreak> Lucky you 09:17 <@Nostalg14c> Yourself? 09:17 < ceofreak> 7 more to go 09:17 < ceofreak> -_- 09:26 < plop> morning 09:26 < ceofreak> Sup Plop 09:26 < plop> hey ceo. 09:26 < plop> not much here. 09:28 < catbeard> How's your cron 09:28 < ceofreak> Will see on monday 09:29 < ceofreak> Should be working 09:29 < ceofreak> :D 09:30 < plop> haha why're you not working 09:31 < ceofreak> -_______________________- 09:33 < Wannabejrsysadm> Guys I need yer help 09:37 < humpaxx> Me too thanks 09:37 < humpaxx> Whats up Wannabejrsysadm 09:40 < Wannabejrsysadm> Computer lost trust to domain 09:40 < Wannabejrsysadm> So i thought nice, easy fix, login with local admin, put pc in workgroup, restart pc , put pc in domain , fixed 09:41 < Wannabejrsysadm> but for some reason if i put the pc in workgroup and restart he tries to login with domain user ??? (there is autologin configured via registry keys, even if I remove / change those settings it keeps trying ?) 09:41 < Wannabejrsysadm> i'm out of ideas at this point 09:46 < ceofreak> A gpo maybe? 09:46 < ceofreak> Na actually not 09:49 < Wannabejrsysadm> :( 09:49 < Wannabejrsysadm> shitty issue 09:49 < Holo> Domain aka AD? 09:50 < Holo> Hold on 09:50 < Holo> I think I have a PS script for that 09:50 < MillerBOSS> Sure, I'll hold. 09:50 <@Nostalg14c> its one line 09:50 < Holo> Ya 09:50 <@Nostalg14c> test-secureconnection -repair 09:50 <@Nostalg14c> securechannel 09:50 < Holo> What? 09:50 <@Nostalg14c> er. 09:51 <@Nostalg14c> Test-ComputerSecureChannel 09:51 <@Nostalg14c> -Repair 09:51 <@Nostalg14c> Fixes domain relationship. 09:51 < Holo> Reset-computermachinepassword -server Lscs-isnt.prv -credential Lscs\[ouusername] 09:51 < Holo> Was mine 09:52 < Wannabejrsysadm> so 09:52 < Holo> I wonder how Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair works 09:52 < Wannabejrsysadm> Test-ComputerSecureChannel 09:52 < Wannabejrsysadm> no credentials ? 09:52 <@Nostalg14c> you';ll need local admin creds 09:52 <@Nostalg14c> and domain creds 09:53 < Wannabejrsysadm> will it ask credentials when i just type in "Test-Computersecurechannel -repair" ? 09:53 <@Nostalg14c> Figure it out yourself ) 09:53 <@Nostalg14c> :) 09:54 < xe0n> loll 09:55 < jumi> morning 09:55 < Holo> Well this is a better way to fix this issue 09:56 < Holo> Wannabejrsysadm: get-help Test-ComputerSecureChannel 09:56 < Holo> :p 09:56 < Wannabejrsysadm> if i do this 09:56 < Wannabejrsysadm> Reset-ComputerMachinePassword –server -credential 09:57 < Wannabejrsysadm> DOMAIN\ domainadmin ? 09:57 < ceofreak> Hi Jumi 09:57 < Wannabejrsysadm> or DOMAIN\domainuser 09:57 < Holo> You are joining a computer to the domain 09:57 < Holo> Again 09:58 < Holo> Do users have access to do that? 0.o 09:58 <@Nostalg14c> By default, yes. 09:58 < Holo> Nostalg14c: way is better 09:59 < Holo> Nostalg14c: not where I work :p 09:59 < Holo> Need a domain admin to join or leave heh 10:01 < Wannabejrsysadm> i'l make a post on sysadmin and try again :p 10:03 < Holo> Wow 10:03 < Holo> Does he not know powershell 10:03 < Holo> -.- 10:09 < togenshi> You don't need domain admin to join computers, you just need the right permissions 10:11 < Holo> togenshi: indeed 10:12 < Holo> Everyone’s setup is different 10:20 < pcspkr> anyone run a hyper-v failover cluster with VMs that have TPMs? 10:29 <+ktechmidas> afternoon 10:30 <+ktechmidas> just installed Manjaro on my new ultrabook \o/ 10:32 <+ktechmidas> the shop I bought it from insisted to set up Windows for me 10:32 <+ktechmidas> no matter how many times I told them I'm going to wipe it anyway 11:10 <@Nostalg14c> oops hometime, peace. 11:10 < humpaxx> Guys is the server down? 11:11 < humpaxx> Someone called and said they can´t get on the google 11:11 < ceofreak> peace Nostalg14c 11:12 < ceofreak> I just called HP because their fucking printer is not sending mails via SMTP 11:12 < ceofreak> After the lady talked to her "technician" 11:12 < ceofreak> he told her to tell me" I have to contact my SMTP Server" 11:12 < ceofreak> ... 11:12 < MillerBOSS> SMTP Server, hello, are you there? 11:13 < ceofreak> STMP Server actually 11:13 < ceofreak> she said 11:13 < MillerBOSS> Call her back and say the SMTP Server said to call her back and they can't do anything. :P 11:13 * MillerBOSS has Spotify stopped. 11:13 * MillerBOSS is listening to Lucky Twice - Lucky from the album Lucky on Spotify. 11:14 < ceofreak> hahahahha 11:14 < ceofreak> :D 11:15 < MillerBOSS> One hit wonder I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M15D54dh9Tg 11:15 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → YouTube → Lucky Twice - Lucky → ⚘ 466,103 ↑ 1,517 ↓ 64 ✍ 404 11:16 < MillerBOSS> Maybe nsfw. Saw a boob there 11:22 < mtnielsen> MillerBOSS that video is now in my permanent browser history 11:22 < mtnielsen> I blame you 11:22 < MillerBOSS> Oh nooooooes 11:30 < plop> mikemcowie is sending to many SendQ's. 12:02 <+ihre> make ops great again, prevent people from working in a team if they dont speak english 12:03 < jumi> agree 12:03 < jumi> also prevent them to work in systems if they don't know basic vi 12:08 < mtnielsen> ops work better if all ops are in the sam eroom 12:08 < mtnielsen> without sound barriers 12:08 < mtnielsen> or smell barriers 12:08 < mtnielsen> or air flow 12:11 <+ihre> the storage room of the dc :^) 12:17 < ceofreak> God it's just Tuesday 12:17 < enix[h]> ikr 12:17 < ceofreak> how I'm gonna survive this madness 12:18 < enix[h]> lots of rum 12:19 < ceofreak> I can't drink lately 12:19 < ceofreak> I get fucking headaches whenever i drink 12:19 < ceofreak> whatever i drink 12:19 < enix[h]> Well then you're not going to survive 12:19 < enix[h]> So shitty thing happened yesterday 12:20 < enix[h]> Called up an NBN provider who is 100% the only mob I want to go with. Gave the bloke my address and he's like "lemme check it.." 12:20 < enix[h]> Takes me off hold and he's like "so looks like your address doesn't exist" 12:20 < enix[h]> Turns out the developer/landlord/real estate agent hasn't registered the address... not even with the NBN guys (national broadband initiative) 12:20 < enix[h]> So I can't get internet at home.... have to use my hot spot for god knows how long 12:21 * enix[h] might not pay rent till it's fixed 12:24 < jumi> ihre: I'd work in the DC 12:24 < jumi> aircon 24/7, the hum of the fans cancelling my coworkers blabber, no cellphone coverage 12:24 < jumi> and headphones on 24/7 12:27 < enix[h]> Alright so I've installed i3 and X Window System. Installed tigervnc. Can xinit i3 without error 12:27 < enix[h]> Dunno what to do now to remotely access the display via tiger 12:29 < enix[h]> sacking tigervnc... x11vnc might do it 12:29 < enix[h]> yeah that did it dw 12:38 < Church-> Morning folks 12:38 < enix[h]> Mornin' 12:38 < enix[h]> Join prayer with me Church- 12:39 < enix[h]> In the pray that my machine comes back online after a reboot 12:39 < enix[h]> IT CAME BACK 12:40 < Church-> Lol 12:41 < enix[h]> buuuuuut not ssh 12:41 < enix[h]> shit 12:41 < enix[h]> i thought sshd was automatic? 12:42 < enix[h]> oh no latency sucks yay 13:02 < ceofreak> Anyone working with Linux in a Windows shop? 13:14 < GrandpaRick> hey 13:17 <+ktechmidas> well that was annoying... I couldn't figure out how to disable the middle button on the touchpad on these laptops 13:17 <+ktechmidas> whoever designed these laptops is an idiot 13:18 <+ktechmidas> accidentally misclick the left-click and you'll end up closing your chrome tab 13:23 < GrandpaRick> I think I might have a problem :qq 13:23 < GrandpaRick> I was hanging out with this girl all day every day for like the past week or so now its been almost 2 days without really talking, because shes playing with her old friend(which is obviously okay) 13:23 < GrandpaRick> but now I'm feeling some type o' way about it(like REALLY wanting to talk/play with her again) 13:27 < ny0x> schedule a play date. take her out to the park. hit up some swings and some slides 13:27 < ny0x> ez 13:27 < niklasye> GrandpaRick just tell her that you are setting up a brand spanking new pfsense machine in your basement, she'll come running in no time 13:27 < Popzi> take her to the bouncy castle if you know what i mean 13:27 < niklasye> just don't show her your windows 2012 server.. 13:27 < GrandpaRick> @popzi lol 13:28 < GrandpaRick> @ny0x we are over 18, and dont live near each other :qq 13:28 < GrandpaRick> @niklasye lol 13:28 < niklasye> GrandpaRick you can share a gnu-screen session together while setting it up 13:28 < niklasye> now that is romantic 13:29 < GrandpaRick> honestly, that would be boring as shit to watch 13:29 < Popzi> niklasye has the best ideas 13:29 < niklasye> GrandpaRick you can run eject, and she can run eject -t 13:30 < Popzi> nah, shit would be romantic, look sweetheart, look at how neat that powershell script code is, bang tidy, isnt it? she'll want to git some of that for sure 13:30 <+ktechmidas> -t? 13:30 * ktechmidas runs man eject 13:30 < niklasye> ktechmidas to retract the tray 13:30 < niklasye> if I remember correctly 13:31 <+ktechmidas> ah --trayclose, I see 13:31 <+ktechmidas> been a long time since I've used actual CDs 13:31 < niklasye> same here, nowadays the tray is only good for scaring my wife over ssh 13:32 <+ktechmidas> .... I need to get a CD rom drive now 13:32 < niklasye> I have googly eyes on mine 13:32 < Popzi> you could get multiple and make them do a mexican wave 13:33 < niklasye> hahah that would be cool 13:38 < enix[h]> ktechmidas: they make good cup holders 13:38 < l3gacy> Found out my$OLD_JOB is being bought out for JUST the client list and rights, but NOTHING ELSE. The email from their competitor flat out said NO EMPLOYEES WILL BE HIRED and are NOT WELCOME TO BE 13:39 <+ktechmidas> I'd rather not put drinks near the computer enix[h] :| 13:42 < deww> l3gacy: glad it isn't your current job 13:42 < l3gacy> deww, it was 13:42 < niklasye> one tray one cup 13:42 < l3gacy> I quit, due to abuse by $DICK_OF_A_BOSS 13:42 < l3gacy> I did find out the competitor buying them out, wants the employee list, too 13:43 < l3gacy> and wants to make sure they are NEVER hired by them 13:43 < deww> lol wow 13:45 < Holo> wtf 13:47 < Holo> l3gacy but wouldn't that fall under EEOC? 13:47 < Holo> aka U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 13:48 < l3gacy> yus 13:48 < l3gacy> fun times 13:48 < Casteil> man.. my boss has been pretty awesome lately 13:50 < Casteil> seems like he's intent on keeping us happy heh 13:50 < vavkamil> WPA3 is finally out 13:50 < Holo> keeping IT unhappy is the worst thing you can do 13:51 < Holo> vavkamil cool, Ill see it on my devices in 10 years 13:51 < vavkamil> https://www.wi-fi.org/news-events/newsroom/wi-fi-alliance-introduces-wi-fi-certified-wpa3-security 13:51 <+layer-eight> * vavkamil → Wi-Fi Alliance® introduces Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WPA3™ security | Wi-Fi Alliance 13:51 < Casteil> so there's been talk of moving some staff from this office downtown; which I had mixed feelings about (it'd be neat to work down there, but it'd also increase my commute by 4-6 times) 13:52 < Casteil> (~5-8 minutes to ~15-30 minutes, so I guess more like 3-4 times) 13:52 < Holo> welll.... don't we live close to work 13:52 < deww> Casteil: you.... lol 13:53 < Casteil> yes, it's one of the biggest quality of life benefits of this job 13:53 < Casteil> or at least where I currently work 13:53 < Casteil> anyway; we're not being moved downtown - HR is 13:53 < Holo> the fact that they can walk to your house a few blocks away and tell you to come to work? 13:54 < Casteil> it's still 2.5 miles :P 14:00 < arlion> !yt 500 miles 14:01 < arlion[bot]> The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - https://youtu.be/tbNlMtqrYS0 14:01 <+layer-eight> * arlion[bot] → ⚓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbNlMtqrYS0&feature=youtu.be → YouTube → The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) → ⚘ 25,966,873 ↑ 212,451 ↓ 6,096 ✍ 9,756 → * Content Restrictions 14:13 < Casteil> hahaha 14:14 < Casteil> you can assign custom Jira keys 14:14 < Casteil> our existing project was "DA" 14:14 < Casteil> and we're planning on doing a rewrite 14:14 < Casteil> new project key is "DAM" 14:25 < asimon> Man namecheap has some really cheap domains 14:25 < asimon> I could get myfullname.website for $0.88/yr 14:26 <@cryptic1> morning 14:27 < asimon> Good morning cryptic1 14:32 < Nightcinder> cryptic1.website 14:32 < Popzi> asimon: isnt the usual trend to go for a myfullname.me domain? 14:32 < Nightcinder> no .xxx 14:32 < Sousapro> ++ 14:32 <@cryptic1> is that what you guys are doing now? 14:32 < Sousapro> cryptic1: yeah, it's at the top of my resume 14:32 < Nightcinder> do .xxx domains still cost like $90? 14:32 <@cryptic1> redriecting domains with my name to Hunterkll's site 14:32 <@cryptic1> ? 14:33 <@cryptic1> Sousapro, LOL 14:33 < Nightcinder> that'd bef un 14:33 < asimon> Popzi: idk, I don't actually know anything about personal websites 14:33 < Nightcinder> put a .xxx version of your website at the top of your resume 14:33 < Nightcinder> that just redirects to .com 14:33 < Sousapro> cryptic1: can't figure out why I keep getting weird callbacks from recruiters at 3am asking if they can come over 14:33 < asimon> The other way around nightcinder 14:34 < asimon> you want the .com to redirect to .xxx 14:34 < asimon> or .adult 14:34 < Nightcinder> The .xxx domain extension was created for the global adult entertainment industry. It is intended to provide trusted domain names for adult-themed sites and to encourage safe, responsible behavior online. 14:34 < Sousapro> . donger 14:34 < Nightcinder> >safe responsible behavior 14:35 < Nightcinder> woof $80 14:35 < Sousapro> Nightcinder: fapping is usually safe behavior 14:35 < Nightcinder> not if you're chafing 14:35 < Sousapro> J E R G E N S 14:37 < vavkamil> google is abc.xyz, they should also purchase abc.xxx 14:51 <+giant_it_burrit> great googly moogly 14:53 < Nightcinder> sql server 2017 is per core licensing? 14:56 < Popzi> yes sql server uses give us all your fucking money licensing yes 14:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> someone should buy felda.xxx 14:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> or pfsense.xxx 15:02 < humpaxx> Heyo 15:03 < humpaxx> Guys i dun goofed, i encrpyted the home folder on my new ubuntu server install and when i rebooted and logged on i only see "Acess-Your_private_data.desktop and a readme but the symlinks don´t seem to go files that exist 15:04 < humpaxx> what do? :S 15:04 <@cryptic1> humpaxx, have you tried installing pfsense? 15:04 < mcj> Happy tuesday yall 15:04 < mcj> Another day, another 75 cents 15:05 < brucevein`> rpifan, still here? 15:05 < brucevein`> damn, no 15:05 < Nightcinder> another day another pfsense 15:06 < brucevein`> any of yall have experience with raspberry pi and gpio? 15:06 < McDonaldsWiFi> mostly tinkering at home! 15:07 < brucevein`> im looking to build this http://pibbqmonitor.blogspot.com/2014/09/three-probe-temperature-monitor-for.html 15:07 <+layer-eight> * brucevein` → Raspberry PI BBQ Temperature Monitor: Three probe temperature monitor for BBQ/Smoker using Raspberry Pi 15:07 < McDonaldsWiFi> I found a C library that made the Pi GPIO act like an arudino.. that was kinda neat 15:07 < humpaxx> brucevein`: i use the serial cable with mine 15:07 < brucevein`> this is an older project, trying to see if it will still work on a newer pi 15:07 < brucevein`> did they change the gpio pin header over the years? 15:07 < brucevein`> his plans call for a 13x2 header 15:08 < brucevein`> the gpio header on my pi is 2x20 i think 15:08 < McDonaldsWiFi> hmmmm 15:08 < McDonaldsWiFi> I'm wanting to say the software side of teh GPIO changed a bit between 1 version of teh pi 15:08 < McDonaldsWiFi> can't remember if ti was 1 to 2 or 2 to 3 15:08 < brucevein`> i see a guy that got it working on the pi zero 15:09 < McDonaldsWiFi> or.. I could be fulla shit. BUt i think my C library was dependant on my pi version 15:09 < McDonaldsWiFi> ahh maybe its just a matter of loking at a pinout and wiring it manaully, if its still called the same in software 15:10 < alazare619> welp xen conversion didn't go as smooth as i'd of hoped 15:10 < alazare619> didn't let me import the OVF's 15:19 < coderphive> tbh I astroturfed the Dallas area with pamplets letting people know cryptic1 is now the top upline to join in the North American continent for YoungLiving 15:20 < abakedapplepie> the what what for what 15:20 <+ktechmidas> coderphive, you bastard 15:20 <+ktechmidas> they'll never leave him alone :P 15:21 < coderphive> My singular goal is to create instability, I feel I'm succeeding 15:22 < corn266> coderphive, this is not a graceful fall from op'dom 15:22 < coderphive> I live in dualities 15:23 < corn266> oh yea? kick me 15:23 < corn266> do it fgt 15:23 < coderphive> rekt 15:23 <+ktechmidas> haha 15:23 < corn266> hey 15:23 < corn266> wait a minute 15:23 < coderphive> request granted 15:23 <@cryptic1> you requested it 15:23 < corn266> I requested coderphive do it 15:23 <+ktechmidas> cryptic1, kick cryptic1 15:23 < GreyKite> I'm so confused as to what he thought was gonna happen there 15:24 < coderphive> I actually have a tunnel from my brainpiece to cryptic1's api's 15:24 <+ktechmidas> Haha 15:25 < coderphive> All you need is telnet tho, cryptic1 only supports minimalistic communication protocols 15:25 < coderphive> no rpc 15:25 * ktechmidas wonders if that works in regex 15:25 < coderphive> killdash9 bot actually supports REST 15:26 <+ktechmidas> cryptic1, kick ^(?!ktech).*$ 15:27 < corn266> coderphive, if you are cryptic1 then post your bitcoin wallet private key through cryptic1 15:28 <@cryptic1> but i already know the key 15:28 < corn266> darn 15:28 < coderphive> true, all my bitcoin transactions go over cryptic1's telnet 15:29 < coderphive> which is unforunate given that all my bitcoin has now been spent on essential oils 15:29 <@cryptic1> I told you dollars a day can be made selling essential oils 15:30 < coderphive> Yeah, I'm just not so sure spraying the DC down with Thieves was the right thing to do 15:30 < corn266> Well if we're allowed to sell here I have little capsules filled with tapeworm eggs. Pretty much melts the fat right off 15:30 < SynMonger> I know someone that's made a few millions off selling that thieves stuff 15:31 < SynMonger> they got in at the top of the pyramid 15:32 <+ktechmidas> check out /r/antimlm 15:32 <+ktechmidas> for some hilarious MLM stories 15:32 <+ktechmidas> been a subscriber there for a while 15:32 < coderphive> my favorite sub 15:32 < Casteil> dev is mr grumpypants this morning -.- bit irritating 15:33 <+ktechmidas> never really dealt with MLM's myself though... one of my exs mother sold Avon at one point 15:33 <+ktechmidas> I remember going with my ex to do the rounds and drop catalogs off 15:34 < SynMonger> herbalife won't die 15:35 < Casteil> MLMs are ridiculous 15:35 < Casteil> want to make actual money? get a real job 15:35 < corn266> what does MLM even stand for? men loving men? 15:35 < Casteil> multi level marketing (scheme) 15:35 < SynMonger> multi level marketing 15:36 < SynMonger> a somehow legal form of a pyramid scheme 15:36 < corn266> still sounds gay 15:36 < ebol4> what's the powershell remote port 15:36 < abakedapplepie> 443 15:36 < ebol4> are you trying to deceive me again goofy 15:36 < abakedapplepie> lol 15:37 < abakedapplepie> its over winrm 15:37 < abakedapplepie> so whatever thats configured for 15:37 < abakedapplepie> default is 5985/5986 15:37 < corn266> 5985? 15:37 < abakedapplepie> but it can use 443 15:37 < ebol4> it would appear that it is indeed 5985 15:38 < vinrock> "NtpClient will try again in 3473457 minutes and double the reattempt interval thereafter." 15:38 < vinrock> NtpClient will try again in... 6 and a half years? 15:38 < vinrock> ohhhhkay 15:38 < abakedapplepie> wew 15:44 < Jekotia> Looking to reconfigure already deployed work stations to allow remote management. Is this approach a good idea? Bunch of firewall rules to enable with a batch script https://pastebin.com/3aG3Hiwp 15:44 <+layer-eight> * Jekotia → [Batch] netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="file and printer sharing" new enable= - Pastebin.com 15:45 < Jekotia> I figure that at the very least, after that's done I have the access I need to mass-correct things if that's too open, or less than ideal 15:45 < abakedapplepie> seems like a lot of things to enable 15:46 < abakedapplepie> i would just do file and printer sharing and winrm 15:46 < abakedapplepie> and remote desktop i guess 15:46 < jaelae> this guy 15:46 < jaelae> coworker keeps adding new monitoring rules willy-nilly 15:47 < abakedapplepie> but idk what you need or use so idk 15:47 < abakedapplepie> so i found out today that when i restored my webserver accounts 15:47 < abakedapplepie> it restored the OLD nameservers to the DNS zones 15:47 < abakedapplepie> all my sites are reporting two bad nameservers locally and they dont match the correct global nameservers 15:47 < abakedapplepie> 88 accounts 15:47 < abakedapplepie> rip 15:48 < abakedapplepie> :/ 15:48 < Jekotia> abakedapplepie: I'm currently just trying to establish some semblance of a windows infrastructure. ~200PC's and no remote management. Started using PDQ Deploy and Inventory and I love them, but only ~15 PC's are actually configured in a way to even respond 15:48 < abakedapplepie> well you can honestly get by with just enabling winrm 15:48 < abakedapplepie> remoteps the rest 15:48 < vinrock> yeah thats p. much all you need 15:48 < abakedapplepie> but rdp and file and printer sharing will make things easy 15:51 <+giant_it_burrit> what software do we hate this week? 15:51 < abakedapplepie> umm 15:52 < abakedapplepie> i am going to go with my pbx 15:52 <+giant_it_burrit> well right now 15:52 < abakedapplepie> or no actually 15:52 <+giant_it_burrit> http://thisfuckingpieceofsoftwaresucks.com/ 15:52 < abakedapplepie> confluence 15:52 <+layer-eight> * giant_it_burrit → ⚓ https://java.com/en/ → java.com: Java + You 15:52 < Jekotia> giant_it_burrit: Whichever client is allowing you to be here 15:52 <+giant_it_burrit> see 15:52 <+giant_it_burrit> java 15:52 < abakedapplepie> wow when was that updated 15:53 < abakedapplepie> that page looks straight out of 2005 15:53 <+giant_it_burrit> the java page? 15:53 < abakedapplepie> yes 15:53 < desgen> logntime compdribooder 15:53 < abakedapplepie> wat 15:54 < desgen> compdribooder LONGTIME 15:54 * abakedapplepie sets desgen's terminal to 10x40 15:55 < vinrock> she looks so excited 15:55 < vinrock> he's almost done whitelisting everything required to access that website 15:55 < abakedapplepie> who what 15:55 <+giant_it_burrit> im so tired 15:55 < vinrock> the java page 15:55 < abakedapplepie> this sounds like a porno soft open 15:55 <+giant_it_burrit> ive whitelisted everything java 15:55 <+giant_it_burrit> under her eyes lol 15:55 < abakedapplepie> wait javapage am i getting a different version 15:55 < abakedapplepie> theres no woman 15:56 < abakedapplepie> theres only a man 15:56 < vinrock> WHOA 15:56 < vinrock> the picture changes 15:56 * desgen installs openrc in replace of systemd for abakedapplepie 15:56 < vinrock> this is so high tech 15:56 < abakedapplepie> OH SHIT 15:56 < vinrock> i got a cutie on the floor now 15:56 < abakedapplepie> that looks like the centipedes in my vagina girl 15:56 < vinrock> ok refreshed it and now i have a cancer patient 15:57 < abakedapplepie> its more likely than you think 15:57 < desgen> ENJOY DEBUGGING THAT FUCKO 15:57 < vinrock> man 15:57 < vinrock> i forgot about centipedes in my vagina 15:57 <+giant_it_burrit> rm -rf * 15:57 < abakedapplepie> lol 15:57 < abakedapplepie> one of the oldest memes 15:57 < vinrock> damn str8 15:57 < abakedapplepie> up there with all your base 15:57 < vinrock> that and jeff goldblum is watching you poop 15:57 < vinrock> yeah and all your base 15:58 < desgen> giant_it_burrit, I do that to my user folder every other mental breakdown 15:58 < abakedapplepie> i dont remember jeff goldblum 15:58 < vinrock> that was like 15:58 < vinrock> the worlds first internet meme 15:58 < abakedapplepie> that was a ytmnd thing wasnt it 15:58 < abakedapplepie> oh no it was a dedicated geocities page in 2002 15:58 < abakedapplepie> lol 15:58 < vinrock> https://pics.me.me/jeff-goldblum-is-watching-you-poop-avesomegifs-co-29057695.png 15:58 <+layer-eight> * vinrock → IMAGE/PNG Document, 205,407 bytes 15:59 < abakedapplepie> i never partook in that meme i guess 15:59 <+giant_it_burrit> https://wanwan-html5.moe/ 15:59 <+layer-eight> * giant_it_burrit → Wan!~ 15:59 < vinrock> i need to frame that for my guest bathroom 15:59 < desgen> pedobear seems to be the oldest meme 15:59 < desgen> then rickroll 15:59 < vinrock> nah those aint that old 15:59 < vinrock> well 16:00 < abakedapplepie> no way 16:00 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:00 < vinrock> ok they are but not old old 16:00 < desgen> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/all?sort=oldest 16:00 <+layer-eight> * desgen → All Entries (Sorted by Oldest) | Know Your Meme 16:00 < vinrock> yeah thats missing like, all the old memes 16:00 < JFDkthx> cockmongler 16:00 < desgen> goes by user submissions 16:00 < desgen> doubt the site was there before memes became memes 16:01 < JFDkthx> vinrock: need to get on the old chan archives 16:01 < abakedapplepie> rickroll cant be older than youtube, for one thing 16:01 < vinrock> yeah thats where you'd hit gold 16:01 < vinrock> or old sa.com 16:01 < abakedapplepie> ^ 16:01 < vinrock> since thgats where 4chan came from 16:01 < desgen> goatse is top meme 16:01 < JFDkthx> only you like sa tho 16:01 < abakedapplepie> i miss sa 16:01 < vinrock> sa is still ok 16:01 < vinrock> not like it used to be but still good posts 16:01 < abakedapplepie> i think last time i checked my account is still active 16:01 < deww> memes originated from newsgroups. 16:01 < deww> memememememe 16:01 < vinrock> yeah mine is 16:01 < vinrock> my original sa account is long gone tho 16:02 < vinrock> current one is from like 2010 16:02 < abakedapplepie> all your base is the oldest meme im aware of 16:02 < abakedapplepie> btw 16:02 < desgen> deww, whats the oldest meme 16:02 < abakedapplepie> much older than pedobear 16:02 < desgen> oh shit deww 16:02 < desgen> I was thinking about you 16:02 < desgen> and you just talked 16:02 < JFDkthx> abakedapplepie: some newgrounds shit 16:02 < desgen> that fucking mind connection 16:02 < abakedapplepie> all your base was newgrounds shit 16:02 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:02 < JFDkthx> i know 16:02 < JFDkthx> thats what im saying 16:02 < JFDkthx> BLAM! 16:03 < abakedapplepie> oh 16:03 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:03 < desgen> I thought "who knows memes in 80s/90s more than anyone" 16:03 < desgen> I thought 16:03 < desgen> deww, THAT CHINK 16:03 < vinrock> ok im triggerd 16:03 < vinrock> reeeeeee 16:03 <@cryptic1> fixed, bbl 16:04 < vinrock> my hero 16:04 < vinrock> :swoon: 16:04 < ravioli> oi 16:04 < desgen> aye 16:04 < alazare619> why does /dev/sd* exist when /dev/disk-by-uuid exists? 16:04 < ravioli> need help. what is this? https://i.imgur.com/CrU0q2K.jpg 16:04 <+layer-eight> * ravioli → IMGUR Image → Image/jpeg → a minute ago → 1224x1632 → ⚘ 9 16:05 < vinrock> cable box 16:05 < ravioli> but for doing what? 16:05 < vinrock> it says time warner on it... 16:05 < vinrock> tv/internet 16:05 < corn266> alazare619, it's easier to `mount /dev/sd* /some/path` than `mount /dev/disk-by-uuid/asdfakslbdfaskdfjasbhlkfdhlkfjas /some/path` 16:05 < ravioli> so it generates tv and internet? 16:05 < vinrock> its just a splice off the main line coming in 16:05 < ravioli> ah 16:05 < ravioli> k 16:05 < ravioli> thx 16:05 < ravioli> :* 16:05 < vinrock> no doubt 16:06 < alazare619> corn266: but /dev/sd* some times changes 16:06 < alazare619> but the uuid does not 16:06 < SynMonger> so 16:06 < corn266> it does if you format the disk 16:06 < desgen> ravioli, that's an EMP from the 50's 16:06 < desgen> im a professional 16:06 < abakedapplepie> ravioli: yeah youll find a box like that every ~5-10 houses, it just spluts the main trunk into end-user drops 16:07 < humpaxx> desgen: obviously a voice activated IED, can´t you see the microphone holes? 16:07 < desgen> looks like a mini 50's fridge 16:07 < desgen> without the garbage 16:08 < abakedapplepie> looks like a penis 16:08 < humpaxx> But its so colorful.. the world wasn´t black and white back then? 16:08 < abakedapplepie> without the penis 16:08 < desgen> it looks like some sort of speaker system at the very least 16:08 < desgen> probably to yell at people in the forest 16:08 < abakedapplepie> oh speaking of yelling at people in the forest 16:08 < abakedapplepie> that ww2 air raid siren on the fp yesterday 16:08 < abakedapplepie> omg i need it 16:09 < SynMonger> can't you 3d print those things now? 16:10 < asimon> wtf I just reset a users password in office365 and the password it gave me begins with the word "Porn" 16:10 < asimon> that's unexpected 16:12 < corn266> PornIsAnUnholyAbomination 16:14 < abakedapplepie> 0 bytes free 16:14 < Nightcinder> https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/06/tlbleed-a-new-way-to-leak-crypto-keys-on-hyperthreaded-processors/ 16:14 <+layer-eight> * Nightcinder → Hyperthreading under scrutiny with new TLBleed crypto key leak | Ars Technica 16:14 < abakedapplepie> woops 16:14 < Nightcinder> here we go again 16:15 < SynMonger> abakedapplepie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIZBGc0DCgI 16:15 <+layer-eight> * SynMonger → YouTube → 3D printed air raid siren → ⚘ 191 ↑ 9 ↓ 0 ✍ 16 16:16 < abakedapplepie> yeah but 16:16 < abakedapplepie> thats not a ww2 air raid siren 16:16 < abakedapplepie> thats just someones dinky bench grinder 16:16 < abakedapplepie> :P 16:17 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:18 < abakedapplepie> i love the sound they make at low revs 16:18 < vinrock> the oldschool air raid sirens were dope 16:18 < vinrock> powered by chrysler hemi big blocks 16:19 < ravioli> anyone wanna know what that cable thing actually is? now that i've got more info from ppl 16:19 < plop> sup ravioli 16:19 < ravioli> hi plop. 16:19 < vinrock> http://autoweek.com/article/car-life/chryslers-cold-warrior 16:19 < ravioli> apparently someone cut a cable line in the ground a few years ago. this box splices the cable line back together. 16:19 <+layer-eight> * vinrock → Chrysler's Cold Warrior | Autoweek 16:19 < vinrock> boosh 16:20 < vinrock> ah 16:20 < felda> is your body ready for WPA3? 16:20 < vinrock> thats the same kinda box they put in neighborhoods that get cable service 16:20 < vinrock> well, ones with buried cablre 16:23 < Jekotia> vinrock: My mom works in a call center for an ISP/cable-provide, and she refers to those as pedestals. That's all I have for you. Hoping it might ease your search 16:23 < Sousapro> vinrock: the tornado sirens in some areas are still like that 16:23 < Sousapro> a lot of the ones in Wichita were super oldschool 16:23 < vinrock> jekotia thanks for the funfact 16:23 < vinrock> no shit 16:24 < vinrock> i want one of those bigass horns they use for the ships 16:24 < vinrock> theres a yt video of a guy with one mounted in his back yard with a giant tank of compressed air 16:24 < vinrock> fucker seems like its loud enough to shatter every window in the neighborhood 16:26 < abakedapplepie> oh i have always wanted a train horn 16:26 < abakedapplepie> tri horn 16:26 < vinrock> hornblasters.com 16:26 < vinrock> for train horns 16:26 <+TuxedoJack> I find it deliciously ironic that I'm running forensic tools on a laptop that has Symantec Enterprise Encryption installed... off a build of TuxPE with the drivers for SEE built in... off a key-shaped flash drive 16:30 < MadCamel> heh I was doing much the same last week except with checkpoint endpoint security. Had to hax their software a little though, doesn't let you use a user-access password to mount a drive normally 16:30 < abakedapplepie> if i could fit a foghorn on a car i would 16:30 < Sousapro> TuxedoJack: wow, it was able to decrypt it without the password? 16:34 < abakedapplepie> man 16:34 < abakedapplepie> signal horns aint cheap 16:34 < shoh> cryptic1 +v pls 16:35 < humpaxx> I dont know what +v is but i want it too 16:35 < JFDkthx> are you buying them in pairs? 16:35 < Holo> lol 16:35 < JFDkthx> because i hear unihorns are almost mythical 16:35 < shoh> is Hatter here 16:36 < vinrock> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rmBwCR1HVg 16:36 < abakedapplepie> JFDkthx: Die 16:36 <+layer-eight> * vinrock → YouTube → Homemade PVC air ship horn → ⚘ 1,553,377 ↑ 11,354 ↓ 398 ✍ 1,594 16:36 < vinrock> thats the horn in the back yard video i was talkin about 16:36 < vinrock> that thing is fucking LOUD 16:36 < ebol4> in powershell, is there an equivalent to bash's "cp file.txt{,.bk}" for quick and easy copying in the same folder 16:37 < abakedapplepie> wheres his earpro 16:37 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:37 < abakedapplepie> jesus christ 16:37 < abakedapplepie> wow 16:37 < humpaxx> what does {.,bk} do? 16:37 < abakedapplepie> holy shit 16:37 < abakedapplepie> i want one vinrock 16:37 < JFDkthx> dont need earpro if ur already def 16:37 < ebol4> humpaxx: it copies file.txt to file.txt.bk 16:37 < hxcsp> append .bk 16:37 < vinrock> hell yeah man 16:37 < abakedapplepie> his neighbors must love him 16:37 < abakedapplepie> god damn 16:37 < vinrock> id mount that shit on my kayak 16:37 < vinrock> be a huge asshole floating down the river 16:37 < JFDkthx> and u'll have a horn 16:37 < vinrock> OUTAMY WAY WITH YO BITCHASS TUBES 16:37 < vinrock> BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP 16:38 < abakedapplepie> lol last time i went yaking we all started doing some chant, i dont even remember what it was 16:38 < abakedapplepie> come around the corner to a family camping site on the bank and theres like 10 families 16:38 < JFDkthx> way up north where the ice is cold 16:38 < abakedapplepie> laughing their asses off 16:38 < JFDkthx> where the man can find no gold 16:38 < vinrock> i got a bad habit now where if i see a crane fly away i scream 'MAJESTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC" 16:38 < JFDkthx> anyone? 16:38 < JFDkthx> :( 16:39 < hxcsp> nope 16:39 < vinrock> 16:39 < JFDkthx> its the killing the baby seals song 16:39 < JFDkthx> :( 16:39 < shoh> :( 16:39 < shoh> poor u 16:39 < abakedapplepie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHCmzvzCmhI 16:40 <+layer-eight> * abakedapplepie → YouTube → Sounding the Sumburgh Foghorn → ⚘ 1,338,984 ↑ 21,803 ↓ 432 ✍ 1,274 16:40 < abakedapplepie> this is satisfying as fuck 16:40 < abakedapplepie> look at those pressure vessels! 16:40 < abakedapplepie> <3 16:40 < JFDkthx> are they quaking 16:40 < vinrock> whoa 16:40 < JFDkthx> nothing like some good vessels quaking 16:41 < vinrock> 'foghorn technician' 16:41 < JFDkthx> 'excuse me sir i would like to interview you' WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? 16:42 < grumplestiltzkin> s/ves/wes 16:42 <+layer-eight> [SED grumplestiltzkin/JFDkthx] nothing like some good wessels quaking 16:42 < humpaxx> ebol4: copy-item doesn´t seem to have that but you could write a new function that uses copy-item and appends .bk 16:42 < humpaxx> but then again im no powershell wizard 16:44 < humpaxx> My newish coworker is on vacation for 2 weeks and it feels great 16:45 < humpaxx> He doesn´t use tab autocomplete in powershell or bash, watching him type out commands and paths hurts 16:46 < abakedapplepie> humpaxx: my coworker doesnt even know how to read or type 16:46 < abakedapplepie> so, count your blessings 16:46 < hxcsp> abakedapplepie's coworker is a potato 16:46 < humpaxx> abakedapplepie: is your coworker a rubber duck? 16:47 < abakedapplepie> i give him a guide to follow to do the same task over and over 16:47 < humpaxx> or a potato like hxcsp said 16:47 < abakedapplepie> i get questions every 5 minutes 16:47 < abakedapplepie> ive stopped answering and just say "did you read the guide" 16:47 < hxcsp> so its a toddler 16:47 < hxcsp> thats worse 16:47 < abakedapplepie> and he hunt and pecks they keyboard 16:47 < abakedapplepie> 2 finger hunt and peck 16:47 < humpaxx> abakedapplepie: god damn. 16:47 < abakedapplepie> my grandfather can type faster 16:47 < abakedapplepie> and hes dead 16:48 < shoh> obvs shit guides 16:48 < shoh> what position is this guy in 16:48 < shoh> did he come in as technical, or non-technical 16:48 < abakedapplepie> technical 16:48 < abakedapplepie> i never saw his resume 16:48 < shoh> fairly senior position? 16:48 < shoh> or just like 16:48 < abakedapplepie> my boss is retarded when it comes to hiring 16:48 < shoh> desktop engineer 16:48 < shoh> lol 16:48 < abakedapplepie> no not at all 16:48 < abakedapplepie> level 1 tech 16:48 < abakedapplepie> hes also like 55 16:48 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:48 < shoh> can't expect much brains there 16:48 < abakedapplepie> yeah 16:48 < abakedapplepie> you get what you pay for 16:48 < shoh> he was probably doing powershell before tab was a thing ;) 16:48 < abakedapplepie> i just dont know what we are paying 16:49 < shoh> changing tapes for him means something different 16:49 < humpaxx> abakedapplepie: my guy has a bunch of microsoft certs but no real work experience 16:49 < shoh> I don't rate MS certs tbh 16:49 < shoh> they're nice to have 16:49 < shoh> but work exp is more critical 16:49 < shoh> it's great that you know the theory behind something 16:49 < shoh> but it means fuck all if you can't fix it 16:50 <@JollyRgrs> man, so our AC is not working well (they said freon leak... it's been an issue all this week and part of last week) 16:50 < humpaxx> Anyone here know of anything interesting going down in London in august? 16:50 <@JollyRgrs> and i jsut got off a call, so on top of being just hot... i'm steaming from the stupidity i just dealt with 16:51 <@JollyRgrs> humpaxx: augustfest london! 16:51 < humpaxx> JollyRgrs: Is that like octoberfest but with tea? 16:51 <@JollyRgrs> i totally just made that up :P 16:51 < shoh> JollyRgrs u english? 16:51 < abakedapplepie> lol 16:51 < shoh> thought you were an americunt 16:51 <@JollyRgrs> shoh: stfu and eat a crumpet 16:52 < shoh> you're on a UK freenode server too! 16:52 < shoh> !!!!! 16:52 <@JollyRgrs> yeah, take that! no taxation AND representation 16:53 < asimon> every libertarians dream 16:53 < hxcsp> i want to hear a good british accent from you JollyRgrs 16:53 <@JollyRgrs> ello guvna, pip pip, honey nut cherrios 16:53 < shoh> dont think honey nut cheerios are a thing 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> shoh: what? 16:54 < shoh> oh I lie 16:54 < shoh> they are 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> do you not have those? 16:54 < vinrock> OI YOU GOT A LICENSE FOR THAT FORK? 16:54 < shoh> I don't eat cheerios 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> OMG, you dre missing out 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> *are 16:54 < hxcsp> fish and chips 16:54 < shoh> I don't eat breakfast at all actually 16:54 < asimon> honey nut are the best dry cereal that there is 16:54 < shoh> nah 16:54 < hxcsp> crumpets and tea 16:54 < shoh> only cereal I rate 16:54 < shoh> are 16:54 < shoh> Krave 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> honey nut cheerios with banana, blueberry and strawberry slices with some milk is sooooooooooooooo good 16:54 < asimon> +1 JollyRgrs 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> no cookie crisp? 16:54 < shoh> uhm mods 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> no lucky charms? 16:54 < shoh> no one puts fruit on cereal 16:54 <@JollyRgrs> no cinnimon toast crunch? 16:54 < hxcsp> cinnamon toast crunch 16:54 < officerrando> OI! It's prounounced loicence, ya cunt! 16:54 < shoh> cookie crisp ye 16:55 < hxcsp> captain crunch 16:55 < shoh> no lucky charms 16:55 < hxcsp> crunch berries 16:55 < shoh> unless you have an american shelf in the store 16:55 < Atro> PS: don't hire emo junior at their first job, they don't know worse 16:55 < shoh> cinnimon toast crunch 16:55 < shoh> hmm 16:55 < shoh> I think so 16:55 <@JollyRgrs> "i only eat krave" 16:55 <@JollyRgrs> liar 16:55 < shoh> Nah that's true 16:55 < shoh> in regards to cereal 16:55 < shoh> I HAVE eaten other cereals 16:55 < shoh> but as I said 16:56 <@JollyRgrs> i bet you never had star wars or ninja turtle cereals either 16:56 < shoh> I don't tend to eat breakfast 16:56 < shoh> nah 16:56 < shoh> before my time 16:56 < shoh> ;) 16:56 <@JollyRgrs> how about booberry or count chocula? 16:56 < shoh> nope 16:56 < shoh> we don't have those unless theres an american shelf in the store 16:56 < shoh> some stores do 16:56 < shoh> literally a small shelf the width of a decently sized monitor 16:56 < grumplestiltzkin> booberry was an abortion. the count is top tier. frankenberry was somewhere in between 16:56 < shoh> stuff like reeses eare on there 16:56 <@JollyRgrs> heh, we have an int'l aisle some places... w/ all the asian food, etc and also sometimes english where they have mars bars 16:57 < shoh> mars bars are just the same asss 16:57 < shoh> mily ways 16:57 < humpaxx> I tried fish and chips last time i was in the UK.. i sorta expected the fish to be like a big fishstick but it was much thicker, like cod or something 16:57 < shoh> milky ways* 16:57 < humpaxx> too much fishmeat 16:57 <@JollyRgrs> shoh: they are slightly diff... i prefer milky ways 16:57 <@JollyRgrs> esp the caramel milky ways 16:57 < abakedapplepie> i need to stop gambling on farts today 16:57 < vinrock> isnt that what fish n chips always is 16:57 < shoh> only milky way I had was in the dominican republic 16:57 < vinrock> fried codfish 16:57 < hxcsp> i remember mars bars from when i lived in england 16:57 < hxcsp> also cadburys 16:57 < shoh> the only american milky way* 16:57 < vinrock> dude 16:57 < hxcsp> and harrods 16:57 < shoh> do you guys have snickers? 16:57 < vinrock> id fucking kill for a scotch egg 16:58 < humpaxx> vinrock: i did not know 16:58 <@JollyRgrs> yeah 16:58 <@JollyRgrs> snickers aren't bad 16:58 < abakedapplepie> scotch eggs are bae 16:58 <@JollyRgrs> do you guys have baby ruth's? 16:58 < humpaxx> Anyway im off! laters 16:58 < vinrock> thats a good candy bar 16:58 < abakedapplepie> college dive bar used to sell them 16:58 < abakedapplepie> i miss those 16:58 < vinrock> theres a bar named the fox & hound in orlando that makes em' 16:58 < vinrock> i cant find them anywhere else 16:58 < abakedapplepie> also had a jar of pickled eggs behind the bar at all times 16:58 <@JollyRgrs> shoh: can you believe that cryptic1 has never seen monty python's quest for teh holy grail? 16:58 < vinrock> and its not the chain restaurant, its a little pub 16:58 < vinrock> oh god i fuckin love pickled eggs 16:59 < mrghostman> there is a scottish pub in savannah ga that makes scotch eggs too 16:59 < vinrock> hard to find good ones tho 16:59 < abakedapplepie> they made their own 16:59 < vinrock> yeah the best are always the ones made by the house 16:59 < vinrock> we had a local bar that mnade em but the kids took over and it went to shit 16:59 < abakedapplepie> jar full of herbs and pickles 16:59 < abakedapplepie> and eggs 17:00 < hxcsp> damn kids 17:00 < shoh> nah dont have baby ruths 17:00 < shoh> and yeah I can believe that JollyRgrs cryptic1 is a bit of a twat 17:01 < shoh> ok one thing I need to clear with you americunts 17:01 < shoh> you guys say twat 17:01 < shoh> like 17:01 < shoh> twhat 17:01 < shoh> whereas 17:01 < shoh> it's more like an at sound at the end 17:02 < abakedapplepie> no one says twhat 17:02 < vinrock> jesus fuck this dipshit receptionist how many times do i have to tell you not to transfer calls unless im asked for by name 17:02 < shoh> I've heard many americans say Twhat 17:02 < vinrock> i think i recall that started from some movie 17:03 < vinrock> maybe like some old mike myers flick 17:04 < JFDkthx> JollyRgrs: had em in tn 17:07 < Nightcinder> https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/06/china-bans-online-mention-of-john-oliver-after-he-mocks-chinas-president/ 17:07 <+layer-eight> * Nightcinder → Watch the John Oliver segment that got Oliver’s name banned in China | Ars Technica 17:07 < Nightcinder> lol 17:08 < vinrock> "World Radiosport Team Championship" 17:08 < vinrock> huh 17:09 < vinrock> so apparently there are ham radio competitions.... 17:11 < aName> I'm trying to create an account on a windows 7 box and then add it to the localgroup Administrators. But when I do net localgroup Administrators username /add it tells me the specified account does not exist. What gives? 17:11 < aName> Matches the name 'net users' prints out 17:13 < coderphive> #nerds 17:13 < shoh> aName: 17:13 < shoh> is the box on a domain 17:13 < coderphive> oh shoh is back 17:13 < aName> shoh: Yeah 17:14 < aName> shoh: I thought it might be something like I have to specify the local machine, but I'm not sure how , tbh 17:14 < shoh> so you're adding a local account to local admins 17:14 < shoh> on a domain PC 17:14 < shoh> yeah it probably is then 17:14 < aName> shoh: Correct 17:14 < shoh> you need to select the PC in dat window 17:14 < shoh> errr 17:14 < shoh> let me get a screencap 17:15 < shoh> https://www.isunshare.com/images/article/windows-server/add-a-user-to-local-administrator-group/select-user-to-add-to-group.png 17:15 <+layer-eight> * shoh → IMAGE/PNG Document, 20,642 bytes 17:15 < aName> more general question, what's the alias for a local domain in a command line? 17:15 < shoh> on that sceen 17:15 < shoh> click locations 17:15 < shoh> and select the local PC 17:15 < aName> Yeah I know that 17:15 < shoh> then the user you are searching for should appear 17:15 < aName> That's a GUI though 17:15 < shoh> well you are fucking something up den 17:15 < aName> And grrr, GUI 17:15 < aName> lol 17:16 < shoh> net localgroup users domainname\username /add 17:16 < shoh> instead of dommainname\username 17:16 < shoh> do computername\username 17:17 < shoh> dunno if that will actually work hyuck 17:17 < shoh> but I imagine it will 17:18 < Cerb> Hi there, anyone around? 17:18 < ebol4> shoh is around 17:18 < ebol4> say hello to Cerb shoh 17:18 < khelpw> Oh hey, Shoh is here. Hi Shoh. 17:19 < Cerb> Hi there, this is probably a common question but I'm having issues with Windows Server 2012 and disabling TLS 1.0 17:19 < Cerb> it's failing to connect to SQL Server - what's the trick? 17:19 < felda> hey can you guys help me with something 17:19 < ebol4> felda: wait your turn god damnit 17:19 < ebol4> jesus 17:19 < shoh> what do you mean failing to connect to SQL server 17:19 < felda> ebol4 but this is important 17:19 < shoh> that's a pretty wide area of error 17:19 < felda> I really need help with this something 17:20 < shoh> what error are you getting specifically 17:20 < Cerb> all web software is failing to connect to it 17:20 < vinrock> ok what is it felda 17:20 < felda> shoh it just says something 17:20 < vinrock> leme see if i can earn a legit +v 17:20 < shoh> is SQL manager failing? 17:20 < felda> It's really important this SOMETHING gets fixed 17:20 < Cerb> no, I can run manual queries just fine 17:20 < shoh> Anything being shat out in the IIS logs? 17:21 < Cerb> I didn't check those 17:21 < shoh> There might be something in there 17:21 < shoh> might not be though 17:22 < Cerb> do you know what specifically about TLS that could cause a break in the connection? I'm not that familiar with TLS 17:22 < vinrock> cerb 17:22 < vinrock> The SQLOLEDB provider and the SQL Server ODBC driver that ship with Windows are legacy components provided only for backwards compatibility. These have been deprecated since SQL 2005. 17:22 < shoh> Cerb: 17:22 < shoh> https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/53d1b0e0-5544-4670-918e-696eddb618b3/disabling-tls-10-breaks-software-from-accessing-sql-2016?forum=sqldataaccess 17:22 < vinrock> see: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3135244/tls-1-2-support-for-microsoft-sql-server 17:22 < shoh> check dat 17:22 < shoh> my link is better 17:22 < shoh> get rekt vinrock 17:22 < vinrock> pff 17:22 < shoh> and I provided it FIRST 17:22 < shoh> YOU LITTLE SHJI 17:22 < shoh> SHIT 17:22 < vinrock> liar i started typing my answer first 17:22 < shoh> I started assisting cerb first 17:22 < shoh> ergo 17:22 < shoh> I am the winner 17:23 < shoh> you lost to me 17:23 < shoh> Shoh 17:23 < vinrock> jollyrgrs dont listen to this guy i get the cookie 17:23 < shoh> JollyRgrs I think you'll find I've helped TWO peoiple in the space of 10 minutes 17:23 < vinrock> 'fake news 17:23 < Cerb> nothing on IIS logs 17:24 < shoh> Dear vinrock - it is my opinion you have these extreme reactions and radical opinions because you don't think straight and are from a southern state. I am not trying to be mean or hurtful. I am trying to be factual and diagnose you like a doctor. Please don't take what I say in a negative way. 17:24 < Cerb> let me check those two links, thank you 17:24 < shoh> Cerb check the articles above 17:24 < shoh> ye 17:24 < shoh> it's the most common thing 17:24 < shoh> vinrock, I have put you on a permanent ignore, public and private. I have found you disturbing, rude and generally not worth talking to. According to the channels you hang on, it strengthens the effect of wanting to put you on ignore because of my lack of interest in you as a person. 17:25 < shoh> This message is not meant to be rude to you, just to inform you that i won't see anything of what you type from now on. 17:25 < vinrock> what was that from again 17:25 < shoh> dunno 17:25 < shoh> but it's a good'un 17:25 < vinrock> havent seen it busted out in like a year 17:30 < Cerb> OK, I read the articles 17:30 < Cerb> we have the proper patches though our ODBC is version 11 17:31 < Cerb> 2014.120.5543.11, date 2/28/2017 17:31 < Cerb> is the version 17:31 < Cerb> would that version not run TLS 1.1 or 1.2? 17:32 < aName> I love how this will let me /delete a user from a localgroup but not /add 17:32 < aName> fml 17:33 < shoh> hmm 17:33 < shoh> that should do tls 1.1 or 1.2 17:33 < Cerb> I thought so - it's not that old and SQL Server is patched up 17:34 < Cerb> we're on 11.0.6598.0, which is SQL Server 2012 SP3, CU 9 17:34 <+TuxedoJack> Sousapro: I ahve the PW for it, I'm the SEE admin 17:35 < Sousapro> okay cool 17:35 < shoh> Are the other components patched up? 17:35 < Sousapro> I know Hunterkll is the REEEEEEE admin for #R-S 17:35 < Hunterkll> do you want to end up on hugebuttholes.com? 17:35 < shoh> Cerb I aint hot on SQL, so hopefully someone else can jump in 17:35 < Hunterkll> because this is how you end up on hugebuttholes.com 17:36 < Cerb> I appreciate it though 17:36 <@cryptic1> shoh is back again? 17:37 < ned0> lol this employee review "pretty sure that the wiki is a secret hazing tactic, (just keep telling the noob employee to read the wiki)" 17:38 < Sousapro> Hunterkll: I guess it would be calling an ace an ace 17:39 < aName> ned0: Did you send them out for a box of map squares? 17:41 < aName> I also need a pail of steam, a can of vacuum, and a left handed drill 17:41 <+A-KO> ahhh that feels better 17:43 < Sousapro> A-KO: shower? 17:44 < shoh> yeh cryptic1 17:44 < shoh> two days in a row 17:44 < shoh> get FUCKED NERD 17:44 <@cryptic1> >_> 17:44 <@cryptic1> <_< 17:49 < abakedapplepie> aName: left handed drill is a thing :P 17:49 < abakedapplepie> well, left handed drill bit 17:49 < aName> But not left handed drills 17:49 < aName> lol 17:50 < aName> So they come back with a left-handed drill bit, thinking they're clever and successful. And then you tell them to go get what you asked for, a left-handed DRILL. =p 17:50 < fosho> . 17:52 < fosho> all hail cryptic1 17:52 < AnimalFarmPig> I ordered a rare-ish pistol that popped up at a surplus dealer this morning. They went out of stock like an hour later :D 17:52 < admiralspark> AnimalFarmPig: what was it 17:52 < fosho> was that at Walmart AnimalFarmPig? 17:52 < AnimalFarmPig> admiralspark: Star Model 28 17:53 < AnimalFarmPig> no 17:53 < AnimalFarmPig> http://www.southernohiogun.com/handguns/surplus-handguns/star-model-28-pistols-9mm.html 17:53 <+layer-eight> * AnimalFarmPig → STAR MODEL 28 PISTOLS 9MM - Surplus Handguns (SHG) - Handguns - Southern Ohio Gun 17:53 < admiralspark> oh 17:53 < admiralspark> this is another 1911 17:53 < shoh> cryptic1: 17:53 < shoh> why you quiet that dude 17:53 < AnimalFarmPig> nope, this is the start of the "modern" series of Star pistols 17:53 <@cryptic1> shoh, down a lot of guys in my small team atm 17:53 <@cryptic1> extremely busy 17:53 < rpifan> hi 17:53 < admiralspark> AnimalFarmPig: that's a 1911 though 17:53 < dragonfleas> any of you admins in oklahoma 17:53 < shoh> doesnt mention why you quiet that guy 17:54 < admiralspark> like 17:54 < admiralspark> look at it 17:54 < fosho> OP me and it's over 17:54 < AnimalFarmPig> I have a small Star pistol collection. I've got a 31PK, which is the end of the 28/30/31 series. A makes it more complete 17:54 < admiralspark> hammer, action, safety, slide lock 17:54 < dragonfleas> if you don't vote yes on our marijuana bill i'm going to dox u 17:54 <@cryptic1> i removed a quiet 17:54 < fosho> silence hamma 17:54 <@cryptic1> not added 17:54 < admiralspark> dragonfleas: what state? 17:54 < dragonfleas> oklahoma 17:54 < AnimalFarmPig> admiralspark: not at all 1911-like. Maybe it's hard to see in the photo, but in person totally different 17:54 < shoh> can you +v me pls 17:54 < admiralspark> ahh, can't help you dragonfleas we already legalized 17:54 <@cryptic1> shoh, should I quiet him? 17:54 < admiralspark> #longestlegalweedintheUS 17:54 <+shoh> can you quiet AnimalFarmPig 17:54 < dragonfleas> :o 17:54 <+shoh> guns are offensive 17:54 < fosho> where's mine cryptic1 17:54 < admiralspark> can you quiet shoh? 17:54 <+shoh> and should be banned 17:55 < dragonfleas> is Hunterkll in here 17:55 < admiralspark> uhm 17:55 < admiralspark> what? 17:55 < Hunterkll> no 17:55 < dragonfleas> Hunterkll, what state are you in again? 17:55 < fosho> +++o 17:55 < Hunterkll> dragonfleas, disarray 17:55 <+shoh> guns r bad and should be controlled 17:55 < corn266> shoh obvious troll is obvious 17:56 < fosho> guns bad flamethrower good 17:56 <+shoh> only police shuld have guns :-) 17:56 < AnimalFarmPig> admiralspark: note the inverse slide rails (like a CZ-75). Also note the trigger-- it's a double action / single action. Also, it's a big, fat double stack. The Model 28 is an early "wonder nine" built to compete with Beretta, etc. in the US Army sidearm trials that resulted in the adoption of the M9 17:56 < Hunterkll> fosho, i am going to pick mine up in august 17:56 < Hunterkll> :> 17:56 < fosho> Hunterkll from Tesla man? 17:56 <+shoh> I didn't realise this was #reddit-BABYKILLERS 17:56 < fosho> heard it's only $500 17:56 < dragonfleas> shoh, lmao 17:56 < Hunterkll> fosho, https://i.imgur.com/ldblOmg.png 17:56 <+layer-eight> * Hunterkll → IMGUR Image → Image/png → 14 hours ago → 538x771 → ⚘ 50 17:57 < Hunterkll> yes 17:57 < Hunterkll> fosho, no more for sale 17:57 < admiralspark> AnimalFarmPig: ahhhhh 17:57 < Hunterkll> only that one time sale 17:57 < admiralspark> interestingf 17:57 < AnimalFarmPig> so, this will be my 6th Star pistol. Getting a decent collection going now :) 17:57 < dragonfleas> not-a-flamethrower 17:57 < fosho> Tesla man says not to point at your spouse Hunterkll 17:57 < dragonfleas> flamethrowers are legal 17:57 <+shoh> uhm excuse me cryptic1 17:57 < admiralspark> AnimalFarmPig: have you ever considered getting a different brand? 17:57 < Hunterkll> dragonfleas, depends on state law, but federally they are unregulated 17:57 <+shoh> but I believe gun talk falls under politics in a sence :-) 17:58 < Hunterkll> I have one I use for farm / land management tasks 17:58 < Hunterkll> mainly clearing out infestations in trees 17:58 < fosho> guns are for people who can't fight 17:58 < dragonfleas> it's voting day so there's lots of political talk 17:58 < Hunterkll> fosho, guns are for people who fight smart. :) 17:58 < fosho> that's why I have knives 17:58 <+shoh> Politics is clearly not allowed as per the channel rules. 17:58 < admiralspark> shoh, kindly piss off, it's not politics 17:58 < admiralspark> we're discussing a specific model 17:58 < syere> Guns are not politics. That is the same as saying we can't talk about windows because of politics 17:58 <+shoh> Guns are also NSFW in many places 17:58 < fosho> protection under my sofa bed and etc 17:59 < Sousapro> Hunterkll: how does it work against wasps? 17:59 <+shoh> cryptic1 there is quite clearly a rule violation here. 17:59 < fosho> brb meeting 17:59 < AnimalFarmPig> admiralspark: I've owned a few different brands of pistols, currently also own pistols from Ruger, Walther, and FEG. A while ago my wife asked what guns I would buy if we won the lottery, and I said I would build out a solid collection of Spanish pistols (Star & Astra), so that's what I'm doing even without lottery :) 17:59 < Sousapro> I'm trying to avoid building a motorcycle collection 18:00 < AnimalFarmPig> oooo... that sounds fun 18:00 <@cryptic1> ? 18:00 < Sousapro> I keep trying to not buy 80s bikes in flawless condition 18:00 < admiralspark> AnimalFarmPig: Huh, that's pretty neat 18:00 <@cryptic1> who needs bant? 18:00 < Sousapro> I'm gonna fail 18:00 < Sousapro> felda? 18:00 < felda> no 18:00 < syere> since we are talking firearms, anyone have any recommendations for a good rifle for home defense? Looking at the AR line but very open to suggestions 18:00 < SynMonger> felda, the DNS of r/sysadmin 18:00 <@killdash9> rifle is shit for home defense. 18:00 < AnimalFarmPig> admiralspark: thanks. Collection is getting to the point that I can start to be proud of it :) 18:00 < Sousapro> shotgun or pistol 18:00 < abakedapplepie> semi auto 12 gauge for home defense 18:01 < Sousapro> ++ 18:01 < admiralspark> cryptic1: nobody. Shoh is just trying to start trouble. 18:01 < felda> syere I recommend a really long barrel lever action 18:01 < AnimalFarmPig> but muh over penetration 18:01 <@killdash9> syere: find a good .357 18:01 < syere> i've been considering a shotgun actually 18:01 < admiralspark> AnimalFarmPig: I've never heard of these before so I'll keep an eye out for some 18:01 < Sousapro> I'd recommend this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bertha_(howitzer) 18:01 <+layer-eight> * Sousapro → Big Bertha (howitzer) - Wikipedia 18:01 < admiralspark> right now...I don't need anymore 18:01 <@killdash9> shotguns are too long for navigating inside most houses 18:01 < syere> it does fall under rifle, to me anyways, it's certainly no pistol 18:01 < Sousapro> just find out where they live and target it 18:01 < AnimalFarmPig> .223 goes through less drywall than pistol rounds 18:02 < AnimalFarmPig> admiralspark: I thought I didn't need more... they're fun guns, but Star went out of business in the late 90's, so parts can be a bit dicey 18:02 < syere> I was considering a ar-15 in 556 so I could shoot 556 or 223 18:02 < SynMonger> what about a .223 pistol? 18:02 <@killdash9> SynMonger: get out of here 18:02 < syere> Currently I have a G19 and a walter p22. but that only covers 2 of the 3 floors 18:02 <+shoh> cryptic1 admiralspark and AnimalFarmPig need ban as tehy are discussing guns 18:02 < admiralspark> SynMonger: not a thing, unless Taurus makes it :P 18:02 <+shoh> which is a political topic 18:02 < SynMonger> eh? 18:02 < SynMonger> you can build an ar-15 as a pistol 18:02 < admiralspark> what? 18:02 < AnimalFarmPig> yeah 18:03 < abakedapplepie> "pistol" 18:03 < admiralspark> The action is huge on those 18:03 < abakedapplepie> lol 18:03 <@killdash9> you can. It's retarded, but you can 18:03 < syere> SynMonger: say what? 18:03 <+shoh> next thing, they'll be talking about printing guns 18:03 < AnimalFarmPig> AR pistols with braces are popular for home defense 18:03 <@killdash9> shoh: been there, done that. 18:03 < admiralspark> yep 18:03 < admiralspark> cnc mill 18:03 <@killdash9> 3d printer 18:03 < AnimalFarmPig> killdash9: It sounds like you haven't seen the modern "pistol braces" 18:03 < admiralspark> sponsored by college 18:03 < admiralspark> ooo 18:03 <@killdash9> AnimalFarmPig: I'm well aware of the 'braces' 18:03 < admiralspark> killdash9: I always heard the plastics they use can't withstand heat 18:03 <@killdash9> AnimalFarmPig: I've built several ARs 18:03 < AnimalFarmPig> killdash9: why retarded? don't like the super short gas systems? 18:04 < syere> So what if any are the benefits of building out a ar15 as a pistol? any drawbacks? 18:04 <@killdash9> admiralspark: it's only the lower that you print and it's not subject to the tresses of most parts. 18:04 < admiralspark> syere: heavy 18:04 < admiralspark> killdash9: like an 80% 18:04 <@killdash9> syere: .223 isn't a pistol round? 18:04 < admiralspark> ? 18:04 < AnimalFarmPig> it's not like you're going to be concealed carrying an AR pistol 18:04 < syere> but if it's in a ar-15, shouldn't it still be taking 556 or 223? 18:04 < syere> nonono, the AR stays at home 18:05 < scwizard> man so I had alpine:3 18:05 <@killdash9> most people use .223 and 5.56 interchangably, even though there are differences 18:05 < scwizard> wanted to get the latest 3.x version of alpine 18:05 < scwizard> but apparently the ppl who make that container have their heads on backwards 18:05 < scwizard> https://hub.docker.com/r/library/alpine/tags/ zzzzzz 18:05 < admiralspark> I can't believe it 18:05 < admiralspark> I'm using PCI purposely to make someone's life harder 18:06 < ebol4> has it ever been used in the opposite way 18:06 <@killdash9> most recent build: https://i.imgur.com/dGPnh8m.jpg 18:06 <+layer-eight> * killdash9 → IMGUR Image → Image/jpeg → 4 months ago → 1339x499 → ⚘ 199 18:06 < admiralspark> ebol4: but "security" 18:06 < admiralspark> hahah 18:06 <@killdash9> wotking on an AR-10/AR-308 right now 18:06 < admiralspark> Found out that host-based firewalls count as "segregation" 18:06 < syere> killdash9: that' 18:06 < admiralspark> so we're able to out-of-scope several systems 18:06 < SynMonger> lolwut? 18:07 < syere> s pretty nice looking 18:07 < admiralspark> SynMonger: right 18:09 <@killdash9> https://i.imgur.com/ehz1Isa.jpg Shhhh, is secret 18:09 <+layer-eight> * killdash9 → IMGUR Image → Image/jpeg → a minute ago → 1087x815 → ⚘ 6 18:09 < ekaj_> Anyone know how to keep IE from adding https to a url when I specify http: 18:10 < fosho> ekaj_ remove www from dns 18:10 < ekaj_> www isnt in dns 18:10 < fosho> remove [Echelon] 18:10 < fosho> the at sign 18:10 <+shoh> dont think you can disable HSTS in IE? 18:11 <+ktechmidas> only chrome I think 18:11 <+ktechmidas> Firefox doesn't allow you to disable it either 18:11 <+shoh> https://soeithelp.stanford.edu/hc/en-us/articles/115002314368-Reset-HSTS-Browser-Settings 18:11 <+layer-eight> * shoh → Reset HSTS Browser Settings – SoE IT Support Desk 18:11 < dragonfleas> is patch tuesday next tuesday? 18:12 < ekaj_> may work : https://serverfault.com/questions/771566/is-it-possible-to-disable-http-strict-transport-security-in-ie-11 18:12 <+layer-eight> * ekaj_ → internet explorer 11 - Is it possible to disable HTTP Strict Transport Security in IE 11? - Server Fault 18:12 < ekaj_> also, has to be IE 18:12 <+ktechmidas> I need to disable it occasionally... to see exactly what fuckery the Chinese government are doing with the internet today so I can route around it 18:12 < ekaj_> oh that lists IE 18:12 < Shotacon> my names shoh and i like little boys 18:12 < ekaj_> bruh sometimes shit is so convoluted 18:13 <+shoh> I really don't think you can in IE ekaj_ 18:13 <+ktechmidas> welcome shoh 18:13 < ekaj_> looks like you can in the registry 18:13 <+shoh> cryptic1 pls, Felda is trolling me 18:13 <+shoh> pfsense 18:13 < Shotacon> cryptic1 shoh has been trolling for the past 5 yearsa 18:13 < JFDkthx> AnimalFarmPig: you got another tree name? 18:13 <@cryptic1> I don't see a nick with the name felda 18:13 <+shoh> he renamed to shotacon :( 18:13 < AnimalFarmPig> JFDkthx: sure, give me two minutes 18:13 < ekaj_> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3071338/internet-explorer-11-adds-support-for-http-strict-transport-security-s 18:13 <+shoh> [17:12] my names shoh and i like little boys 18:14 <+shoh> see, I'm being oppressed 18:14 < rpifan> https://www.germanpulse.com/2018/06/21/german-police-punk-drivers-fake-accident/ 18:14 < Shotacon> lmao listen here u lil tart 18:14 <@cryptic1> are you sure? 18:14 <+layer-eight> * rpifan → German Police Punk Drivers With Fake Accident, Shocked by Results 18:14 <+ktechmidas> Remember it's not defamation if it's true 18:14 <@cryptic1> looks like a direct quote 18:14 < khelpw> Why's everybody gotta hate on shoh, anyway? 18:14 <+shoh> how can you let blatant rule violation continue cryptic1 :( 18:14 <@cryptic1> i don't see it 18:14 <@cryptic1> felda is not here 18:14 < rpifan> Shotacon, i mean your a gay guy in to young cartoon children 18:14 < asimon> Alright lunch break is over 18:14 <+shoh> [17:14] lmao listen here u lil tart 18:15 < asimon> back to work all 18:15 <+shoh> hes THREATENING ME 18:15 < shohMeYaMoves> fite me 18:15 <@cryptic1> looks shopped 18:15 <+shoh> IM BEING RAPED! 18:15 < shohMeYaMoves> actually don't I have to go to lunch 18:15 <+ktechmidas> wait we can change nicks now? 18:15 <+ktechmidas> this channel didn't used to let me do that 18:16 < JFDkthx> thats because you were always banned 18:16 < JFDkthx> i guess they let anyone in nowadays 18:16 < JFDkthx> hatter 18:16 < Hatter> WHAT 18:16 < Hatter> I've taken the day off 18:16 < JFDkthx> mt 18:16 < JFDkthx> my b 18:16 < Hatter> you fucking what 18:16 < shohMeYaMoves> nvm I'm not doing lunch for 20 minutes 18:16 < shohMeYaMoves> shoh is the kirby of this channel 18:17 < corn266> "Hiya I see you're having a working lunch, you wanna just chit chat for 20 minutes?" "no" "well my day has been..." 18:17 < AnimalFarmPig> JFDkthx: have you used Frangipani yet? 18:17 <+shoh> fuck OFF Hatter 18:17 < JFDkthx> no 18:17 < JFDkthx> i havent even heard of that 18:17 <+ktechmidas> every day is my day off 18:17 < Hatter> Also, I want shoh's +v removed in 24 hours. 18:17 <+ktechmidas> \o/ 18:17 <+shoh> or what 18:17 <+shoh> you'll leave? 18:17 <+shoh> oh no 18:17 <+shoh> one less aspie in the ballpit 18:17 < JFDkthx> this is great 18:17 < JFDkthx> frangipani 18:17 < AnimalFarmPig> JFDkthx: that's the one I could come up with off the top of my head, about the head to lunch now 18:17 < JFDkthx> kk 18:17 < JFDkthx> thanks! 18:18 < Hatter> shoh: your canned insults always miss the mark 18:18 < Hatter> shoh: but we saw you begging for +v all day yesterday, and now you have it 18:18 < Hatter> that sort of behavior should not be encouraged 18:18 < Hatter> For one, it's cringe inducing 18:18 <+shoh> I don't think jizzing into a sock is encouraged but you do it anyway? 18:19 < Hatter> I never understood the sock thing 18:19 < Hatter> I think that's just an urban myth 18:19 < dragonfleas> esnesfp 18:19 <+ktechmidas> God I fucking hate Hong Kong.... drills and renovations should be illegal when apartments are so close to each other 18:19 <+giant_it_burrit> ? 18:19 <+giant_it_burrit> ni hao 18:19 <+ktechmidas> and hammers 18:19 < rpifan> you live in HK ktechmidas 18:19 <+ktechmidas> rpifan, no I'm stuck here 18:19 <+ktechmidas> due to my passport 18:20 <+shoh> Hatter is the kind of person who wears a waistcoat and a fedora 18:20 <+shoh> M'LADY 18:20 <+giant_it_burrit> stuck how? 18:20 < Hatter> stop saying fedora 18:20 <+ktechmidas> the fucking British government killed my passport somehow 18:20 < Hatter> the joke is top hat 18:20 <+shoh> fedora 18:20 < Hatter> which is silly enough 18:20 < Hatter> I've never adorned a fedora 18:20 < corn266> man i just love linux fedora 18:20 <+ktechmidas> I literally cannot get into Shenzhen 18:20 <+shoh> shit fam, you even talk like a retard 18:20 <+ktechmidas> until I get a visa in my emergency passport 18:20 <+ktechmidas> I only came here for a conference... 10 days ago 18:20 < felda> cryptic1 can I have hatter's +v 18:20 <+giant_it_burrit> are you british? 18:21 <+ktechmidas> Yup 18:21 <+giant_it_burrit> wut 18:21 <+felda> thanks guy 18:21 <+giant_it_burrit> hes not your guy friend 18:21 < Hatter> shoh: you're very repetitive, did you know that? It gets dull VERY quickly. 18:21 < JFDkthx> finally a based +v 18:21 <+felda> cryptic1 is now almost as cool as ravioli 18:21 < rpifan> ktechmidas, where r u from 18:21 * JFDkthx tips felda 18:21 < JFDkthx> thank you for your service felda 18:21 <+felda> I would like to donate my +v to ravioli 18:21 <+ktechmidas> rpifan, Northern England 18:21 <+ktechmidas> but I left a few years back 18:22 < JFDkthx> oh no 18:22 <+giant_it_burrit> dafaq 18:22 < JFDkthx> phew 18:22 < Hatter> You keep that off of me! 18:22 <+A-KO> god I love stupid people lol 18:22 <+A-KO> especially in infosec 18:22 < Hatter> massdeop :Unknown command 18:22 < Hatter> aww shucks, I wasn't armed 18:22 <+giant_it_burrit> what is going on? 18:22 <+felda> cryptic1 could you give my +v to ravioli for me 18:22 < dragonfleas> I wonder when I'm ever going to get +v 18:22 <+ktechmidas> hm... wonder if I can ban cryptic1 before he unops me 18:22 <+ktechmidas> if he ops me 18:23 <+ktechmidas> I should make a script 18:23 <+ktechmidas> if op ban *!* 18:23 < dragonfleas> if ktechmidas op == true 18:23 < rpifan> i see 18:23 < Sousapro> do it in perl ktechmidas. devs love perl 18:23 < dragonfleas> then ban.felda 18:23 <+ktechmidas> a *!* is everyone 18:23 <+ktechmidas> I think 18:24 <+felda> I am a good boy 18:24 < dragonfleas> god 18:24 < rpifan> well didnt you get your passport approved before hand 18:24 < rpifan> also perl is sin 18:24 < rpifan> use python 18:24 < dragonfleas> if you banned everyone from this irc that would be horrible 18:24 <+felda> there is a channel command you can run to kick literally everyone in the channel lol 18:24 < dragonfleas> i wouldn't have anything to do at work besides work 18:24 < JFDkthx> python is a sin use ruby 18:24 <+ktechmidas> yup it's to kick *!* I think 18:24 < corn266> ruby is a sin use javascript 18:24 < BytesAndCoffee> JFDkthx: ruby is the devil's gem 18:24 < JFDkthx> javascript is a sin use tcl 18:24 <+ktechmidas> rpifan, yup it's been fine for years... apparantly there was an issue with cloning 18:25 < BytesAndCoffee> JFDkthx: [rkeen intensifies] 18:25 < rpifan> your passport got cloned? 18:25 < BytesAndCoffee> rkeene* 18:25 <+ktechmidas> rpifan, Yup that's what they said 18:25 < McDonaldsWiFi> rkeene is dead 18:25 < corn266> "pronounced \"tickle\"..." 18:25 <+ktechmidas> someone got to Turkey with my passport number 18:25 < BytesAndCoffee> McDonaldsWiFi: ? 18:25 <+ktechmidas> from the UK 18:25 <+ktechmidas> even though I'm in China/Hong Kong 18:25 < rpifan> wow thats something 18:26 <+ktechmidas> luckily I had like... a weeks worth of receipts in my wallet 18:26 < DomLS3> .value btc 18:26 < DomLS3> Current BTC (Bitcoin) value: 6158.89 (USD) 18:26 <+ktechmidas> so China handed me to to the UK consulate staff, the UK then gave me an emergency passport and sent me back to HK 18:26 < DomLS3> .seen rkeene 18:26 < DomLS3> `seen rkeene 18:26 <+layer-eight> I need someone to look for DomLS3 18:27 < DomLS3> I gave you someone to look for 18:27 <+giant_it_burrit> hes right there 18:27 < DomLS3> stupid fuck 18:27 < McDonaldsWiFi> BytesAndCoffee: jk 18:27 < asimon> `seen rkeene rkeene 18:27 <+layer-eight> Seen → rkeene → rkeene → Saying :-D via Log on #reddit-sysadmin 2 months ago → Getting kicked from ##reddit-sysadmin-quarantine rkeene 18:27 < Sousapro> oh :( 18:27 < DomLS3> did he die or something? 18:27 <+ktechmidas> :( I remember rkeene 18:27 < abakedapplepie> he ded 18:28 < DomLS3> he's on the server right now 18:28 < Sousapro> he changed his password to hunter3 and they deleted everything 18:28 <+ktechmidas> he just left us 18:28 < DomLS3> ETH took a tank 18:28 < DomLS3> he had his mortage in ETH 18:28 < asimon> value eth 18:28 < DomLS3> .value eth 18:28 < DomLS3> Current ETH (Ethereum) value: 440.30 (USD) 18:28 <+ktechmidas> the scary thing is... if I ever die... I will be on IRC for months through my bouncer 18:28 < DomLS3> until the server splits 18:28 < DomLS3> or does youe bouncer auto reconnect 18:28 < asimon> Is there a standard for what happens to your online accounts if you die 18:29 <+ktechmidas> it reconnects and reauths 18:29 < asimon> I think facebook has something where it transfers control to a specified user 18:29 < asimon> but idk of any others 18:29 < DomLS3> facebook will let someone take it over with proof of family docs 18:29 <+giant_it_burrit> https://xkcd.com/686/ 18:29 < abakedapplepie> ktechmidas: surely a bill would go unpaid eventually 18:29 <+layer-eight> * giant_it_burrit → xkcd: Admin Mourning 18:29 <+ktechmidas> asimon, screw that... when I die my accounts are to be left alone 18:29 < DomLS3> gmail and apple will probably be like fuck you 18:29 < vavkamil> `seen test\n\r;part 18:29 <+layer-eight> I need someone to look for vavkamil 18:29 < syere> it has been a popular thing fairly recently where you put your accounts and passwords in your will for your SO or a friend 18:29 <+ktechmidas> abakedapplepie, sure... but it'd be a few months before I'm booted 18:29 < DomLS3> ktechmidas: too much fucked up porn links saved in some of those accounts eh? 18:29 < asimon> grep sam 18:29 < asimon> rip 18:30 <+ktechmidas> it'd be a bit weird to have my family go through all my shit 18:30 < Sousapro> does anyone know why rkeene left :( 18:30 <+ktechmidas> from like when I was 12 18:30 < syere> eh, you would be dead. I can promise you wont care 18:30 <+ktechmidas> the only thing I'd hand over is my crypto keys 18:30 <+giant_it_burrit> hes budy with work stuff 18:30 <+ktechmidas> and my girlfriend has those 18:30 <+giant_it_burrit> busy 18:30 < Sousapro> giant_it_burrit: gotcha 18:30 < DomLS3> ktechmidas: TNBE 18:30 <+ktechmidas> TNBE? 18:30 < DomLS3> trust no bitch ever 18:30 < syere> LOL 18:31 <+ktechmidas> Hah 18:31 <+ktechmidas> she doesn't know what to do with them 18:31 <+ktechmidas> it's fine 18:31 <+giant_it_burrit> thats more dangerous 18:31 <+giant_it_burrit> she goes finds someone else sucks his dick and then uses your crypto keys 18:31 < sideup66> Pfsense 18:31 < sideup66> Pfsense 18:31 < corn266> "dear facebook, does anyone know what to do with pem key ..." 18:31 < sideup66> Pfsense 18:31 <+ktechmidas> hahahah 18:32 < sideup66> felda: 18:32 < sideup66> Pls 18:32 < sideup66> Summon the pfsense meme 18:32 <+ktechmidas> we've been together 4 years 18:32 <+ktechmidas> getting married in August 18:32 <+felda> please help I am being harassed by a sexual deviant 18:32 < abakedapplepie> 2018-04-30.log:2672:[17:10:00] :-D 18:32 < DomLS3> ktechmidas: DON'T DO IT 18:32 < abakedapplepie> my last from rkeene lol 18:32 < DomLS3> IT'S A TRSP 18:32 * DrGibby| humps felda 18:32 < DomLS3> TRAP 18:32 * sideup66 sticks pfsense dong in felda 18:32 < abakedapplepie> oh look a wild DrGibby| 18:32 < sideup66> Kek 18:33 < DomLS3> DrGibby left us too 18:33 < abakedapplepie> and linuxdad 18:33 * DrGibby| plays his battle music 18:33 < abakedapplepie> and _tim 18:33 < abakedapplepie> where is _tim 18:33 < abakedapplepie> hes probably dead 18:33 < dragonfleas> FUCK 18:33 < DomLS3> linuxdood got excommunicated 18:33 <+ktechmidas> there's only a few people here I recognise from 2011 18:33 < dragonfleas> ac unit started pouring water into server room 18:33 < DrGibby|> something something back to work 18:33 < dragonfleas> just had to clean it all up 18:33 < dragonfleas> >:( 18:33 < ebol4> dragonfleas: now that's what i call water cooling 18:33 < abakedapplepie> dragonfleas: could be worse 18:33 < dragonfleas> ebol4, i hope you get the a-bola 18:34 < abakedapplepie> my ac unit is leaking r134a 18:34 < abakedapplepie> hvac guys still havent come back to look at it 18:34 < corn266> r134a is that a new r34 site? 18:34 < dragonfleas> abakedapplepie, whenever i was working as a technician at a casino, the sewage return line exploded poop and piss sewage and it filled up a data closet 18:34 < abakedapplepie> corn266: r134a is refrigerant 18:34 < dragonfleas> me and other tech had to clean poopoo peepee sewage out of the data closet 18:35 < corn266> abakedapplepie, cool 18:35 < dragonfleas> so it could be worse 18:35 < ebol4> what is that song that's like mountainman bill 18:35 < ebol4> but it's not mountainman bill 18:35 < asimon> dragonfleas: you had it easy, it could have been an anti tank missle 18:36 < corn266> Ol' rock candy mountain? 18:36 < dragonfleas> asimon, that was a ruse 18:36 < asimon> yeah ok Mr. Putin 18:36 < dragonfleas> it was fake, admitted on reddit 18:37 < asimon> uh huh 18:37 < corn266> asimon, it's true 18:37 < asimon> and the us landed on the moon too didnt they 18:37 < Sousapro> #R-S is gonna be yuge 18:37 * asimon /s 18:37 < dragonfleas> https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/8kzx5p/some_kind_of_explosive_lying_on_the_floor_of/ 18:37 <+layer-eight> * dragonfleas → Some kind of explosive lying on the floor of server room? : whatisthisthing 18:37 < coderphive> tbh 18:38 < coderphive> If we all pooled our money and bought essential oils we could be rich 18:38 < Sousapro> we could prescribe them to insane people as medical treatments 18:38 < Sousapro> instead of antibiotics, lemon oil 18:39 < Sousapro> we just need to get them to will everything over to us first 18:39 * Sousapro /s 18:40 < grumplestiltzkin> There's a very simple answer here: monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:40 <+giant_it_burrit> shelbyville.... 18:41 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:41 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:41 < asimon> cryptic1: back to work 18:41 <@cryptic1> monorail 18:41 <@cryptic1> D: 18:41 < grumplestiltzkin> cryptic1 is caught in a loop, better hard boot 18:41 <@cryptic1> ban shoh 18:41 <@cryptic1> oops forgot the / 18:41 < corn266> JollyRgrs, we need an adult 18:42 < rpifan> you mean mono 18:42 < rpifan> mono rail 18:42 < rpifan> mono rail 18:42 < rpifan> moooonnno 18:42 < rpifan> raill 18:43 < ebol4> B R O T H E R M A N B I L L 18:43 < ebol4> THAT'S WHAT IT IS 18:43 < Sousapro> ROCKET MAN 18:44 < DomLS3> cryptic1: SPAM 18:44 <@cryptic1> ban JollyRgrs he is the worst 18:44 <@cryptic1> literally the worst of the worst 18:44 < coderphive> srsly 18:44 < corn266> i knew this was and has been a coup 18:44 <@cryptic1> rumor has it he installs dlink products 18:44 < coderphive> just +b too, no kick 18:44 < ebol4> he would make a delicious wurst 18:44 < coderphive> so he has to suffer in silence 18:45 < dragonfleas> cryptic1, please don't spam in the channel 18:45 <@cryptic1> dragonfleas, please /part 18:45 < coderphive> This chan is getting spicey 18:45 <@cryptic1> kthanx 18:46 * coderphive sets mode +b JollyRgrs!*@* 18:46 < coderphive> done 18:46 <+TuxedoJack> cryptic1: pfft, you mean he installs TP-Link 18:47 * DomLS3 set the topic to: Welcome to #reddit-sysadmin! The land of shitposting and snowflakes alike. 18:47 <@cryptic1> no TuxedoJack dlink is much much worse 18:47 < coderphive> He's probably MIA bc he's troubleshooting his mess of hubs connecting his "servers" 18:47 <@cryptic1> coderphive, he does prefer hubs to switches 18:47 < DomLS3> dlink is better than pfsense 18:48 < coderphive> cryptic1 makes sense 18:48 < coderphive> esnesfp 18:48 < DomLS3> Abuse_Man65 isn't here 18:48 < DomLS3> too bad for you 18:48 < coderphive> rip 18:48 <+giant_it_burrit> any tips/recommendations for rds 18:48 <@cryptic1> does not believe collisions exist " If I cannot see it, it does not exist" 18:48 < asimon> root dean square? 18:48 < DomLS3> giant_it_burrit: get ready to open your wallet 18:48 < coderphive> giant_it_burrit what do you want to know 18:50 < coderphive> cryptic1 also the same person that believes in good-will-based-security " I think hackers are nice guys, I put a welcome message in my MOTD and a pacman game in /usr/local/bin" 18:50 <+giant_it_burrit> what is needed and what is nice to have 18:50 <@cryptic1> coderphive, I am not surprised 18:50 < coderphive> This is 2018, you merely only need to identify as a sysadmin 18:51 < DomLS3> I'm a sysadmin but identify as an IT director 18:51 < fuzzzerd> DomLS3, LMFAO 18:51 < coderphive> This is good 18:52 < coderphive> I feel like JollyRgrs is watching over us all right now, shaking his head in disbelief 18:52 < coderphive> Sweating as his finger quivers over the ban button on my name 18:55 < coderphive> little does he know if he +b's me I have an automatic trigger to CTCP Finger his 56k connection into eternal damnation 18:55 < Spr1ng> http://gestaltit.com/podcast/rich/it-burnout-is-inevitable-the-on-premise-it-roundtable/ 18:56 < DomLS3> coderphive: that sounds dirty 18:56 < coderphive> It is 18:56 < DomLS3> s/56k connection/purty pink butthole 18:56 <+layer-eight> [SED DomLS3/coderphive] little does he know if he +b's me I have an automatic trigger to CTCP Finger his purty pink butthole into eternal damnation 18:56 < coderphive> 💩 19:01 < coderphive> I like how cryptic1 starts a riot then slowly fades away 19:01 < coderphive> typical 19:02 < coderphive> cryptic1 finish what you start 19:02 <@cryptic1> i have no idea what you are talking aboot 19:02 * cryptic1 smirks 19:02 < corn266> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 19:03 < corn266> who's excited for WPA3 19:05 < ebol4> i'm excited to start deploying it in 10 years 19:05 < ebol4> maybe 15 19:06 < voice> it'll be cracked before its released 19:15 < rpifan> i hope so 19:15 < rpifan> new security is no fun 19:15 < rpifan> for me anywaty 19:17 < JFDkthx> security schemurity. i just hide my ssid 19:17 < JFDkthx> no one can find me 19:18 < Casteil> heh 19:18 < Casteil> I'm not really concerned with snooping or rogue clients where I live 19:19 < corn266> Well yea most cardboard boxes don't come with Wi-Fi 19:19 < JFDkthx> got em 19:19 < Casteil> they'd basically have to be on my property to have access to my wifi 19:19 < Casteil> it's not like an apartment where 30+ people can see my SSID at any given time 19:21 <+felda> corn266 I'm excited that WPA3 still only encrypts traffic using a password :D 19:21 < JFDkthx> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLE7zsJk4AI 19:21 <+layer-eight> * JFDkthx → YouTube → Worst Wifi Password Ever → ⚘ 5,944,701 ↑ 101,935 ↓ 3,354 ✍ 6,897 19:21 <+felda> passwords should be for access not encryption :( 19:21 <@cryptic1> felda stores his passwords in plaintext on github 19:22 <+felda> little does cryptic1 that I use an Access Database stored on our server share 19:22 < grumplestiltzkin> cryptic1: hiting the desk whiskey a bit early? What happened? 19:22 <@cryptic1> grumplestiltzkin, eye cancer happened 19:22 <@cryptic1> grumplestiltzkin, from reading the channel text 19:22 < Casteil> felda: good luck figuring out an alterantive? 19:23 <@cryptic1> felda, ask on the subreddit 19:23 <@cryptic1> :P 19:23 < corn266> asymmetric encryption? 19:23 <+felda> I'm actually moving all my users to LastPass 19:23 <@cryptic1> oh god who invited m4221 19:23 <+felda> the ones that have tried it seem to love it 19:23 < m4221> ePO 5.9 is out. We use ePO 4.6 19:23 < m4221> Fuck McaFee 19:24 < gnupluslinux> Felda has +v 19:24 < gnupluslinux> What has this channel come to 19:24 < JFDkthx> its a bastion of good memes 19:24 < corn266> And John McAfee says fuck you too m4221 19:25 <+felda> yes I do 19:25 <@cryptic1> m4221, roll back to epo 2 19:25 * cryptic1 sets mode #reddit-sysadmin -v felda 19:25 <@cryptic1> fixed 19:25 <+felda> D:<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 19:25 < JFDkthx> can we all take a minute to hate SVN 19:25 < JFDkthx> i fucking hate svn 19:25 < JFDkthx> im tired of it 19:25 <@cryptic1> s/svn/felda 19:25 <+layer-eight> [SED cryptic1/JFDkthx] i fucking hate felda 19:25 < JFDkthx> im tired of supporting it 19:26 <@cryptic1> wow JFDkthx thats pretty harsh 19:26 < JFDkthx> im tired of trying to get this shit to work 19:26 <+felda> listen here you dingus 19:26 < JFDkthx> s/this shit/cryptic1 19:26 <+layer-eight> [SED JFDkthx] im tired of trying to get cryptic1 to work 19:26 < grumplestiltzkin> SHOTS FIRED 19:26 <@cryptic1> felda want to lose double +v ? 19:26 <@cryptic1> cause thats how you lose double v 19:26 < JFDkthx> cryptic1, get back to work 19:26 <+felda> I want JFDkthx to get --vVvv 19:26 <@cryptic1> D: 19:26 < islurpcum> cum 19:27 < dragonfleas> what a weirdo 19:27 < JFDkthx> wow 19:27 < JFDkthx> you wouldnt dare do it again 19:27 < JFDkthx> coward 19:27 < JFDkthx> thats it 19:27 <+felda> thank you cryptic1 19:27 <@cryptic1> one more time 19:27 <+felda> cryptic1 is so BRAVE! 19:27 < dragonfleas> cryptic1 please don't spam the channel 19:27 < JFDkthx> dragonfleas: kick rocks 19:28 < JFDkthx> GEFUCKKED WHERES UR BOUNCER BITCH 19:28 < dragonfleas> JFDkthx, please don't disrespect OP's, or i'm going to have to kick you 19:28 < JFDkthx> pls2dn 19:28 * JolIyRgrs sets ban on !@JFDkthx 19:29 < JolIyRgrs> good ole JoliyRgrs 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> .-..-. _ _ .-. .-. 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> : `' : :_; :_; : : .' `. 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> : .. : .--. .--. .-. .--. ,-.,-..-. .--. : `-.`. .' 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> : :; :' .; ; ' .; :: :' ..': ,. :: :' .; :: .. :: : 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> :_;:_;`.__,_;`._. ;:_;`.__.':_;:_;:_;`._. ;:_;:_;:_; 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> .-. : ... .-. : 19:30 < JolIyRgrs> `._.' ;::::; `._.' 19:30 < dragonfleas> ;::::; :; 19:30 < dragonfleas> ;:::::' :; 19:30 < dragonfleas> ;:::::; ;. 19:30 < dragonfleas> ,:::::' ; OOO\ 19:30 < dragonfleas> ::::::; ; OOOOO\ 19:30 < JFDkthx> where is sygwin 19:30 < dragonfleas> ;:::::; ; OOOOOOOO 19:30 < dragonfleas> ,;::::::; ;' / OOOOOOO 19:30 < dragonfleas> ;:::::::::`. ,,,;. / / DOOOOOO 19:30 < dragonfleas> .';:::::::::::::::::;, / / DOOOO 19:30 < dragonfleas> ,::::::;::::::;;;;::::;, / / DOOO 19:30 < dragonfleas> ;`::::::`'::::::;;;::::: ,#/ / DOOO 19:30 <+giant_it_burrit> combo breaker 19:30 <+giant_it_burrit> die 19:30 < dragonfleas> :`:::::::`;::::::;;::: ;::# / DOOO 19:30 <+giant_it_burrit> in 19:30 < dragonfleas> ::`:::::::`;:::::::: ;::::# / DOO 19:30 <+giant_it_burrit> a 19:30 < dragonfleas> `:`:::::::`;:::::: ;::::::#/ DOO 19:30 <+giant_it_burrit> fire 19:30 < dragonfleas> :::`:::::::`;; ;:::::::::## OO 19:30 < dragonfleas> no 19:30 <+giant_it_burrit> please 19:31 < dragonfleas> the spam in this channel is extreme 19:31 <+giant_it_burrit> ITS YOU 19:31 < dragonfleas> admins abusing spam 19:31 <+giant_it_burrit> YOU FUCKWIT 19:31 < JFDkthx> cryptic1 DansGame explain? 19:32 <@cryptic1> wtf 19:33 < dragonfleas> >:( 19:34 < JFDkthx> dragonfleas: please no unsolicited pms 19:35 <+shakygator> dont you have summer school dragonfleas 19:35 < DomLS3> what the fuck is this mickey mouse bullshit that's being allowed to go on 19:35 < DomLS3> cryptic1 19:35 < JFDkthx> i'm really not interested in the fact that you're attracted to the nick known as cryptic1 19:35 < corn266> https://www.techrepublic.com/article/why-intel-wont-patch-tlbleed-vulnerability-despite-serious-concerns-for-cloud-users/ 19:35 <@cryptic1> wow 19:35 <+layer-eight> * corn266 → Why Intel won't patch TLBleed vulnerability, despite serious concerns for cloud users - TechRepublic 19:35 < dragonfleas> that wasn't unsolicited, it was a question 19:35 < dragonfleas> what is TLBleed? 19:36 < corn266> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TLBleed 19:36 <+layer-eight> * corn266 → TLBleed - Wikipedia 19:36 < DomLS3> all these plebs have _v 19:36 < DomLS3> +v 19:36 < DomLS3> and I still don't have it 19:36 < dragonfleas> seems like a similar problem like with Spectre 19:36 < DomLS3> look even felda has it now how tf did that happen 19:37 < corn266> yea I think it's spectre v2 19:37 <+giant_it_burrit> he helped a person 19:37 <+giant_it_burrit> it was weird to see 19:37 < corn266> or at least part of it 19:37 * shakygator gives goives to DomLS3 19:37 <+shakygator> damn 19:37 < DomLS3> wat 19:37 <+shakygator> fingers have betrayed me 19:37 < DomLS3> shakygator: that's what she said 19:38 < JFDkthx> giant_it_burrit: no he didnt 19:38 < JFDkthx> all he did was take hatters +v 19:38 <+giant_it_burrit> i saw it 19:38 < JFDkthx> not like ahtter desgerves it anyway 19:38 <+giant_it_burrit> someone asked if pfsense dida thing 19:38 <+giant_it_burrit> he said no 19:38 < DomLS3> hatter should NEVER have +v 19:38 < DomLS3> Hatter should be permanently +q'd 19:38 <@cryptic1> either did DomLS3 19:38 < DomLS3> my +v was fuckin EARNED 19:38 < DomLS3> with the bot that never worked 19:39 <+felda> FELDA IS THE SPECTER THAT HAUNTS #REDDIT-SYSADMIN 19:39 <+shakygator> anyone setup a mongodb cluster before 19:39 < hxcsp> you're a mongo 19:40 < JFDkthx> a mongo douchebag 19:40 < JFDkthx> ayyy 19:40 < alazare619> i'm a firm believer corn266 in that if you look hard enough at how something has been done for ages you will always find attack vectors 19:40 < alazare619> corn266: and because of that nothing is EVER secure 19:40 < DomLS3> if you work hard enough, and you want it bad enough. Dreams do come true. 19:40 < DomLS3> Name the movie 19:41 < alazare619> children of the corn 19:41 <+shakygator> 8 Mile 19:41 < DomLS3> way off 19:41 < alazare619> field of dreams? 19:41 < DomLS3> no 19:41 < DomLS3> that's "people will come, Ray" 19:41 < Sousapro> Saw 19:41 < ebol4> children of the korn starring jonathan davis 19:41 < DomLS3> ROCK STAR 19:41 < grumplestiltzkin> top tier security, unplug it 19:41 < DomLS3> idiots 19:41 < DomLS3> all of you 19:41 < alazare619> fear and loathing in las vegas? 19:41 < Sousapro> I just thought Saw would be funny 19:41 < DomLS3> in the ass 19:41 < DomLS3> :o 19:41 < fosho> yep 19:41 < fosho> inda asz 19:42 < alazare619> oh its debbie does dallas! 19:42 < fosho> no it's stormy 19:42 < int0x1C8> do you want the mustache on or off? 19:43 < fosho> tucked in pls 19:43 < int0x1C8> too bad 19:43 <+giant_it_burrit> alazare619: corbin dalassssssssssssssssssssss 19:43 < Testikel> !topdl 19:44 < alazare619> giant_it_burrit: ordered the flash drive for unraid 19:49 < dragonfleas> how do i get my linux desktop to look like this 19:49 < dragonfleas> http://i.imgur.com/pQT0l.jpg 19:49 <+layer-eight> * dragonfleas → IMGUR Image → Image/gif → 6 years ago → techsupportgore → 1366x768 → Animated → ⚘ 24,719 19:50 < McDonaldsWiFi> go back to 95 dragonfleas 19:52 <@cryptic1> Please vote now to Ban dragonfleas: Yes -> ban him, No -> I do want him banned 19:52 <@JollyRgrs> Testikel: you gotta start to learn the diff between #reddit-sysadmin and #bearcave 19:52 <@JollyRgrs> F1 19:53 < dragonfleas> No 19:53 <@JollyRgrs> dragonfleas: so you do want him banned? 19:53 <@JollyRgrs> make it so! 19:53 < dragonfleas> NO 19:53 < ebol4> nes 19:53 <@JollyRgrs> you said it 19:53 <@JollyRgrs> you voted twice now 19:53 <+shakygator> Yes 19:53 <@cryptic1> yeah he voted twice now 19:53 < dragonfleas> fuck i should have read the instructions 19:53 <+shakygator> dtn 19:53 <@JollyRgrs> !dtn 19:53 < dragonfleas> i read it as "i Don't want him banned" 19:53 <@JollyRgrs> F 19:53 < kronis> Hey you beautiful people 19:53 < dragonfleas> F 19:54 <+shakygator> O 19:54 <@JollyRgrs> hey kronis 19:54 < asimon> vast vast amounts of voter fraud 19:54 <@JollyRgrs> just one of us in here right now 19:54 < asimon> unbelievable 19:54 <@JollyRgrs> (us beautiful people) 19:54 <@JollyRgrs> asimon: lol 19:54 < kronis> After these years, I finally got out of my NOC job 19:54 < tapoxi> kronis: grats 19:54 < kronis> Just accepted the offer for a NetEng 19:54 < tapoxi> anyone using helm subcharts in k8s? 19:54 < kronis> Thanks, tapoxi 19:54 < Sousapro> congrats 19:55 < ebol4> sick babey 19:55 < asimon> you got people, very bad people, you wouldn't even know, they come in and they vote more than once 19:55 < kronis> Thanks Sousapro 19:55 < asimon> they vote two times, three times, sometimes even four times 19:55 < Sousapro> asimon: what about 69 times? 19:55 < asimon> the system is so broken 19:55 < Sousapro> asimon: or 420 times? 19:55 < asimon> maybe even 70 times 19:55 < McDonaldsWiFi> DANK 19:55 < McDonaldsWiFi> D A N K 19:55 < McDonaldsWiFi> A 19:55 < McDonaldsWiFi> N 19:55 < McDonaldsWiFi> K 19:55 < bmurt> 2hmm 19:56 < McDonaldsWiFi> i request you use at least 1 kick per day JollyRgrs 19:56 < McDonaldsWiFi> I'd like to finish this test in a timely fashion 19:56 < kronis> The real question is, will my current team fight to keep me? 19:56 < kronis> Dun dun dunnnnn 19:56 < McDonaldsWiFi> but you gotta keep counttttttt 19:57 <@JollyRgrs> this wasn't a part of the peer review 19:57 <@JollyRgrs> i still have count 19:57 < McDonaldsWiFi> -.- 19:57 < McDonaldsWiFi> lol 19:57 < kronis> Lol 19:57 < McDonaldsWiFi> so what's the count now ol 19:57 < Sousapro> kronis: tell them where to stow that at 19:57 <@cryptic1> haha 19:57 < kronis> Lmao Sousapro 19:57 < McDonaldsWiFi> you're actually keeping up wth this, I'm proud of you 19:57 <@cryptic1> thats a horrible score 19:57 <@cryptic1> lets see if we can get it higher 19:57 < Sousapro> can I +1? 19:57 < kronis> Lootcrates? 19:57 <@JollyRgrs> i have good memories, just like your mom has good mammories 19:58 < McDonaldsWiFi> huehuehue 19:58 * kronis opens lootcrate 19:58 < Sousapro> I mean, who doesn't want their mom to be happy? 19:58 < Sousapro> they pushed you out and dealt with your crap 19:58 < Sousapro> I think they deserve a rando three way if they want it 19:58 * kronis receives McDonaldsWiFi kick token 19:58 < McDonaldsWiFi> O.o 19:58 < McDonaldsWiFi> do you want to use your token? 19:58 < McDonaldsWiFi> (say no) 19:59 <@cryptic1> saying no means yes 19:59 <@cryptic1> and yes means yes 19:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> what means no 19:59 <@cryptic1> didn't you vote? 19:59 < Sousapro> using the token requires an additional $19.99 purchase 19:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> damn 19:59 * kronis slowly glides the token into the slot, stares McDonaldsWiFi in the eyes... And drops it in. 19:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> you require a token use token 19:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> this got kinky 19:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> really fast 19:59 < Sousapro> using EA Bioware studio kill bucks 19:59 < McDonaldsWiFi> EA Bucks 20:00 < Sousapro> the money collected goes to murdering perfectly good studios that release your favorite games that aren't CoD or CoD clones 20:00 < DomLS3> +v for meee 20:00 < McDonaldsWiFi> modern gaming sucks 20:00 < McDonaldsWiFi> its what I don't play many games anymoer 20:00 < Sousapro> I heard a large street bike go past 20:00 < McDonaldsWiFi> they all end up with IAP 20:00 < estranger> VR gaming 20:01 < McDonaldsWiFi> and whatnot, no ty 20:01 < Sousapro> sounded like reeeeee REEEEEEE reeeeEEEEEEE 20:01 < estranger> its too new for loot boxes 20:01 < McDonaldsWiFi> ill just play minesweeper 20:01 < estranger> flat gaming sucks now 20:01 < DomLS3> estranger: THEY ARE CRATES NOT BOXES 20:01 < estranger> fucking pancake gamers 20:01 < Sousapro> buy Oculus fap tokens now 20:01 < kronis> Says who 20:01 < fosho> simon says 20:01 < kronis> Pfsense 20:02 < fosho> PFcents 20:02 <@cryptic1> take the pfsense out of the game 20:02 < DomLS3> it puts the pfsense on the skin 20:02 < kronis> Did felda die? 20:02 <@cryptic1> pfsense go down the hhooooole 20:02 < alazare619> i got kodine in my cup 20:03 < kronis> alazare619 I finally got a new job mayne 20:03 < kronis> Hug me 20:04 <+giant_it_burrit> no ty 20:04 <+giant_it_burrit> no means no 20:04 < McDonaldsWiFi> but cryptic1 said no means yes 20:04 < kronis> But cryptic1 told me no means yes 20:04 <+giant_it_burrit> hes canadian 20:04 <+giant_it_burrit> it doesnt work like that in murica 20:04 <+giant_it_burrit> ask rapist brock turner 20:05 <+giant_it_burrit> no doesnt mean yes 20:05 <+giant_it_burrit> drug them and have sex near a dumpster does 20:05 < kronis> Wait does that mean yes or no, now I'm lost. 20:05 <+giant_it_burrit> it means pill cosby 20:05 < corn266> The DARE officer told us no means have another beer 20:06 < kronis> Lol 20:06 <+giant_it_burrit> the dare officer would be so disappointed in most of us 20:06 <+giant_it_burrit> except me 20:06 <+giant_it_burrit> im like the opposite of Hunterkll 20:07 <+giant_it_burrit> not a hooker, or drinker or smoker, or weeb, or has a clue how to windows 20:07 <+felda> sorry I'm doing actual work 20:07 < corn266> felda should I use clang as CUDA compiler? 20:07 < kronis> What happened to felda.io? 20:07 < kronis> Murderer 20:08 <@cryptic1> felda forgot to renew his domain 20:08 <@cryptic1> HAAHHHA 20:08 < Sousapro> he said it was on porpoise 20:09 <@cryptic1> riiight 20:09 < kronis> Lol 20:09 < Sousapro> the dare officer would just stare at me 20:09 < Sousapro> but then, what I was doing was legal where I was doing it 20:09 < Sousapro> I was just doing all three at the same time 20:09 < kronis> There should be this thing where you can automatically pay for something and not have to worry about it being latem 20:09 < kronis> What should we call it? 20:10 < Sousapro> autobankaccountdrain 20:10 < Sousapro> (TM) 20:10 < kronis> I like it 20:10 <+giant_it_burrit> like subscribe and hit the notifcation bell 20:10 < Sousapro> okay 20:10 <@cryptic1> slam that like button 20:10 <+giant_it_burrit> like op's mom 20:10 <@cryptic1> O_o 20:10 < fosho> that was EZ 20:10 <+giant_it_burrit> like op's mom 20:11 < fosho> wind tunnel vag 20:11 < fosho> nothing but net 20:11 <+giant_it_burrit> with legs wide opennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 20:11 <+giant_it_burrit> ill take you too theis place 20:11 * asimon yikes 20:11 * kronis awaits the last of the chorus 20:11 < fosho> legs up in the air 20:12 <@cryptic1> banned for 1 hour 20:13 <@cryptic1> please return to your daily work 20:13 <+giant_it_burrit> but if this our work 20:13 <@cryptic1> this msg has been sponsored by 20:13 <@cryptic1> felda's tide pods 20:13 <@cryptic1> you won't fine a juicer, fresher, fuller pod than felda's tide pods 20:14 < abakedapplepie> giant_it_burrit loves creed 20:14 < kronis> Hope felda doesn't forget to renew his patent on those things too. 20:14 < corn266> I thought hexchat came with an adblock by default 20:18 <+felda> I'm back 20:20 < corn266> It's too late felda I'm already compiling tensorflow 20:20 <+felda> you best stop 20:20 < JFDkthx> me ' when is a good time i can upgrade your server' customer 'yes' 20:20 < JFDkthx> ... 20:20 < corn266> 'so like now?' 'wtf no are you retarded?' 20:21 < JFDkthx> corn266: you gonna machine learn some new skills 20:21 < asimon> just send the same email again with the word "when" bolded and underlined 20:21 < corn266> yea we got hired by the gubbermint to generate pictures of rocks 20:22 < JFDkthx> makes sense 20:22 < corn266> wish I was joking, but we're getting paid so w/e 20:22 < abakedapplepie> asimon: its better to reply with the exact same text in response rather than just resend the first email 20:23 < Jagster``> we're carbon on a rock floating in space 20:23 < abakedapplepie> i feel that accurately portrays the levels of fucks i give when you dont answer my question 20:23 < asimon> abakedapplepie: That's what I meant, yeah 20:23 < int0x1C8> I have a tensorflow net that is 99.97% accurate 20:23 < AnimalFarmPig> corn266: how good do the pictures need to be? 20:23 < abakedapplepie> well, carry on then 20:23 < asimon> int0x1C8: sounds like some overfitting to me 20:23 < abakedapplepie> corn266: wait really lol 20:24 < int0x1C8> it is designed to take sensor readings from the environment, discard those readings, then drive a robot into a wall 20:24 < AnimalFarmPig> sounds like a toy problem to me :P 20:24 < AnimalFarmPig> lol 20:24 < asimon> Lol perfect 20:24 < asimon> Wait does it miss the wall 0.03% of the time 20:24 < AnimalFarmPig> ^ machine learning 20:24 < abakedapplepie> lmfao 20:24 < corn266> AnimalFarmPig, gotta fool a discriminator trained on actual pictures of rocks at least 90% of the time 20:24 < int0x1C8> yes, there is no wall 20:24 < int0x1C8> rather, there is no wall 0.03% of the time all the time 20:24 < coderphive> It is with a heavy heart that I notify you all of JollyRgrs's passing. He passed away early this morning of an acute embolism. Unfortunately, his wife Biatrice was the one that found him. Kevin was a great man with a heart of gold, a love for pfsense and D-Link alike. He will be missed. 20:24 < AnimalFarmPig> corn266: that sounds like a lot of fun 20:25 < abakedapplepie> corn266: does it have to be a whole rock 20:25 < dragonfleas> i'm back pendajo's 20:25 < corn266> nah just a rock on the ground 20:25 < abakedapplepie> send random textures 20:25 < abakedapplepie> say its just super zoomed in on the rock 20:25 < coderphive> dragonfleas I prefer the term "pendeja". This is 2018. 20:26 < AnimalFarmPig> send actual pictures of rocks 20:26 < AnimalFarmPig> how are they going to know the difference? 20:26 < corn266> I think they want the code to generate the pictures haha 20:26 < AnimalFarmPig> "This looks like an actual picture of rocks." 20:26 < AnimalFarmPig> "I know, really good fake, right?" 20:26 < int0x1C8> I also have another trained net thats 99.99% accurate at outputting completely meaningless garbage 20:26 < abakedapplepie> 3d scan a rock, scan the surface into a texture, regenerate the rock in 3d, ???, profit 20:27 < coderphive> weird 20:27 < coderphive> Sounds like you stole our company IP int0x1C8 20:27 < corn266> int0x1C8, what kind of garbage 20:27 < coderphive> >:| 20:27 < AnimalFarmPig> corn266: you could claim that you built your system via genetic algorithm, don't actually have code, just a black box. 20:27 < int0x1C8> mostly ascii dragon dildos 20:27 < abakedapplepie> int0x1C8: do you have a zoo for holding all these nets 20:27 < coderphive> AnimalFarmPig all-natural algorithms even 20:28 < Church-> Welp 20:28 < corn266> AnimalFarmPig, heh that's actually what they want 20:28 < abakedapplepie> rip Church- 20:28 < Church-> I apparently popped up that google foobar thing not knowing it was a challenge to eventually lead to a google interview. 20:28 < Church-> Fuck me. 20:28 < AnimalFarmPig> coderphive: the most sophisticated computer around-- The Universe (tm) 20:28 < Church-> I thought it was the stupid CTF> 20:28 < AnimalFarmPig> mind_blown.avi 20:28 < coderphive> lmao (tm) 20:29 < abakedapplepie> Church- the what 20:29 < Church-> abakedapplepie: Search google foobar 20:29 < abakedapplepie> did you interview with google and find out youre not as smart as you thought you were 20:29 < coderphive> I always refer to Facebook and Friends™ 20:29 < Church-> abakedapplepie: Oh god no, I already don't think I'm smart enough for google. 20:29 < coderphive> tbh Google hires plenty of idiots 20:30 < Church-> I just feel the need to actually try now that I know what this is for. :P 20:30 < abakedapplepie> so why the 'fuck me' 20:30 < abakedapplepie> oh 20:30 < AnimalFarmPig> Friends™ some conditions apply, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited, not available to residents of Puerto Rico or Delaware 20:30 <@cryptic1> coderphive, are you shoh? 20:30 < AnimalFarmPig> yeah, maybe you interview at goggle and find out that they're a lot dumber than you expected 20:31 < coderphive> cryptic1 In a religious reincarnation sense or ??? 20:31 <@cryptic1> yes you could be him 20:31 <@cryptic1> interesting 20:31 < Jagster``> Church-, 20:31 < Jagster``> leetcode.com 20:31 < Jagster``> do the hard puzzles 20:31 < Church-> lol 20:31 < Jagster``> u pass those you'll be fine at googles onsite 20:31 < Church-> Later, I clicked start challenge not knowing what this was. 20:32 < Church-> I just wanted to work on my distributed system tn. :D 20:32 < coderphive> AnimalFarmPig I like how Deleware is excluded 20:32 <+felda> oh shit 20:32 < AnimalFarmPig> coderphive: for tax reasons, of course 20:32 <+felda> Breaking News!! / ! \ cryptic1 is married to a woman named GERTRUDE 20:32 < coderphive> whew 20:33 < coderphive> That's very Canadian 20:33 <@cryptic1> felda no response to the earlier allegations ? 20:33 <@cryptic1> what about you JollyRgrs ? 20:33 <+felda> i missed it 20:33 < AnimalFarmPig> Does she go by Gertie or Trudi? 20:33 <@cryptic1> AnimalFarmPig, goes by bob 20:33 <@cryptic1> as in robert 20:33 < AnimalFarmPig> Bob 20:33 < coderphive> JollyRgrs is actually married to Beatrice 20:34 < coderphive> She goes by Betty for short though 20:34 < AnimalFarmPig> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLTR8qYWJbQ 20:34 <@cryptic1> mr robert gertrude williams 20:34 <+layer-eight> * AnimalFarmPig → YouTube → Well, Bob → ⚘ 134,320 ↑ 222 ↓ 9 ✍ 11 20:34 <+felda> RIP JollyRgrs 20:34 < AnimalFarmPig> Trixie > Betty, imo 20:34 <+felda> u will be missed my donger 20:34 <@cryptic1> felda, AHAHAH you saw that eh 20:34 <@cryptic1> rekt 20:34 <+felda> it was a huge block 20:34 <+felda> i had to read it 20:34 <+felda> /topic RIP JollyRgrs 20:35 <+felda> please do that 20:35 < combatdud3> Wait. I'm not sure if that was serious or not now. 20:35 < coderphive> I second this, we should honor our fallen hero 20:35 < int0x1C8> (function(slacker){return slacker.BackToWork();})(cryptic1) 20:36 < abakedapplepie> lol 20:36 < abakedapplepie> combatdud3: no, he was here like 2 hours ago 20:36 < abakedapplepie> oh not even, 40 mnutes ago lol 20:36 <@cryptic1> D: 20:36 < coderphive> The ghost of JollyRgrs 20:37 < abakedapplepie> spooky 20:37 < int0x1C8> babbys first js function closure 20:38 < dragonfleas> What's your guys policy for escorting vendors or 3rd parties into the server room? Do you guys have technicians do it? or Security personnel? 20:38 < catbeard> video surveillance from 2 angles (in/out) and escorted by security and Senior IT personnel 20:38 < asimon> i usually just let em have at it 20:38 < catbeard> some stuff is extremely sensitive 20:38 < int0x1C8> fluffy handcuffs, a ball gag, and a silk blindfold 20:39 < catbeard> don't kink-shame me 20:39 < abakedapplepie> o bb 20:39 < McDonaldsWiFi> wtf did i come back to 20:39 < abakedapplepie> McDonaldsWiFi: your fetish 20:39 < int0x1C8> nothing, now take off your pants 20:39 < McDonaldsWiFi> why am i holding a carrot 20:39 < catbeard> YOU THERE! Computer man! Fix my pants. 20:39 < catbeard> Get down on your knees, and DO YOUR JOB! 20:39 < coderphive> This scene reminds me of Silicon Valley 20:40 < coderphive> I just can't tell if it's the show or the place 20:41 < sideup66> Oh god 20:41 < sideup66> Are they really fucking with wpa2 now 20:41 < catbeard> who 20:41 < insecurity> "them" 20:41 < McDonaldsWiFi> sideup66: they announced WPA3 ya goob 20:41 < sideup66> Oh no 20:41 < sideup66> So now I gotta update all the shit in my house to this? 20:42 < McDonaldsWiFi> no? 20:42 < catbeard> this coming from the same people that ship wifi routers with max tx power and 40MHz 20:42 < McDonaldsWiFi> xD 20:42 < sideup66> Or does backwards capability provide the extra security 20:42 < catbeard> 4/5 bars ya, but the AP can't hear your cries for WiFi connect 20:42 < McDonaldsWiFi> i'm sure itll still include wpa2 standard 20:42 < sideup66> https://9to5mac.com/2018/06/26/wpa3-routers/amp/ 20:42 <+layer-eight> * sideup66 → PSA: Don’t buy a new Wi-Fi router without checking for WPA3 security | 9to5Mac 20:44 < sideup66> Apparently it will 20:44 < sideup66> But read the article 20:44 < abakedapplepie> TIl about 802.11ax 20:44 < catbeard> TIL not to use 802.11r 20:44 < sideup66> WPA3’s other major addition, as highlighted by the Alliance, is forward secrecy. This is a privacy feature that prevents older data from being compromised by a later attack. So if an attacker captures an encrypted Wi-Fi transmission, then cracks the password, they still won’t be able to read the older data — they’d only be able to see new information currently flowing over the network. 20:44 < sideup66> Wat 20:44 < sideup66> So they can crack it 20:44 < sideup66> Go to the stream 20:44 < sideup66> And just still stream everything 20:44 < sideup66> And get data 20:44 < dragonfleas> catbeard, really? jesus 20:44 < sideup66> Dafuq 20:44 < abakedapplepie> the point is you cant offline attack 20:45 < abakedapplepie> so a properly configured router will have brute force prevention 20:45 < catbeard> so all the guvment needs is your phone 20:45 < abakedapplepie> which is nothing new 20:45 < abakedapplepie> at all 20:45 < abakedapplepie> lol 20:45 < catbeard> just tell it to not save the password 20:45 < McDonaldsWiFi> sideup66: kind of how new credit cards work 20:45 < McDonaldsWiFi> probably a token of some kind 20:45 < catbeard> and cut off and burn your finger that you FP auth with 20:45 < McDonaldsWiFi> it can also encrypt traffic over open wifi's if both devices support it 20:45 < sideup66> Yeah but if I crack the password on all data 20:45 < sideup66> Or old data rather 20:46 < sideup66> S/all/old 20:46 < abakedapplepie> you cant thats the point 20:46 < abakedapplepie> theres a token of some kind the router supplies so you can do that 20:46 < catbeard> still CSMA/CA 20:46 < abakedapplepie> if you cant auth to the router, you dont get the token, you cant see the data 20:46 < sideup66> But if I crack the pass offline 20:46 < sideup66> Then I auth 20:46 < abakedapplepie> you cant 20:46 < abakedapplepie> lol 20:46 < sideup66> I'm in? 20:46 < abakedapplepie> its salted 20:46 < sideup66> Oh? 20:46 < abakedapplepie> and the salt is changing 20:46 < abakedapplepie> the token 20:47 < sideup66> Guess it's time to get a router soon... 20:47 < catbeard> i use cauliflower for wifi 20:47 < catbeard> with salt and pepper, understand? 20:47 < McDonaldsWiFi> huehue 20:47 < McDonaldsWiFi> you get 2 hues from that 20:47 < catbeard> Tyrone thanks you for your hues 20:48 < tapoxi> DID SOMEONE SAY SALT 20:50 < dragonfleas> https://www.catbeard.com/ 20:50 < sideup66> McDonaldsWiFi: still 20:50 < sideup66> Wtf 20:51 < coderphive> http://cryptic1.geocities.com 20:51 < Church-> Okay, challenge one down. 20:51 < Church-> I'm going to wait a bit before I do the next ones... 20:51 < McDonaldsWiFi> sideup66: lol you stress too much xD 20:52 < McDonaldsWiFi> catbeard: tell tyrone to kick rocks 20:52 < dragonfleas> https://www.coderphive.com/ 20:52 <@cryptic1> did someone ask for kicks? 20:52 < coderphive> shi 20:52 <@cryptic1> who needs one? 20:52 < coderphive> bring it 20:53 < coderphive> Please sir 20:53 < coderphive> may I have some more 20:53 < McDonaldsWiFi> pls senpai 20:53 < McDonaldsWiFi> pls waifu 20:54 < coderphive> Also, I was able to cross compile with go today and introduce semantic versioning 20:54 < coderphive> That was fun 20:54 < corn266> felda can you teach me how to set up pfsense? 20:55 < coderphive> Honestly I think I'm going to install pfsense at my house 20:56 < McDonaldsWiFi> YES 20:56 < McDonaldsWiFi> join the dark side 20:56 < xamithan> Is your house a computer ? How do you PFsense a house 20:56 < coderphive> It actually is 20:56 < coderphive> My house runs on Docker 20:56 < dragonfleas> does pfsense kick coderphive 20:56 < coderphive> (containerd) 20:57 < coderphive> you only get kicked if you say it backwards 20:57 <+felda> corn266 only you can teach you pfsense 20:57 < McDonaldsWiFi> seriously though 20:57 <+felda> coderphive give it a go 20:57 < McDonaldsWiFi> pfsense + openvpn + pihole + phone = no ads ever 20:57 <+felda> I block all advertisements using mine 20:58 <+felda> and use with SSL DNS 20:58 <@cryptic1> sounds illegal 20:58 <+felda> I AM THE LEGAL 20:58 <@cryptic1> please guys no illegal activities in here 20:58 < McDonaldsWiFi> lol 20:58 < coderphive> don't listen to cryptic1, Canada runs off ad-ware 20:58 <@cryptic1> bypassing advertising methods are illegal our sponsors will be upset 20:59 <+felda> remind me who are our sponsors? 20:59 < asimon> s/THE LEGAL/THE SENATE 20:59 <+layer-eight> [SED asimon/felda] I AM THE SENATE 20:59 < coderphive> felda Mrs Buttersworth 20:59 < coderphive> obv 20:59 <@cryptic1> felda well our largest sponsor is felda's tide pods followed by EA 20:59 < coderphive> EA? 21:00 <@cryptic1> remember to get your tide pods for el33t gaming from EA from feldas tide pods (now accepting lootcrates) 21:00 < coderphive> Wait, so I'm supposed to be buying lootboxes? 21:00 < Heresiarch> ah, are we back to buying lootboxes for +v? 21:00 < scurry> quit 21:00 < coderphive> I'd like to buy a loot crate 21:00 < coderphive> !lootcrate 21:01 < coderphive> bot is broke 21:01 <+felda> Wow now that I have +v I feel the need to support DNS 21:01 < corn266> Quad 1s are owned by the FBI 21:01 * felda is now a part of the 1% 21:01 <+felda> DNS can make you a millionaire! 21:02 < sideup66> Felda oh? So run a dns server 21:02 < sideup66> ? 21:02 < asimon> Is felda.io back up? 21:02 < sideup66> Or make one and have subscribers pay in btc? 21:02 <+felda> asimon nah my hosting ran out 21:02 < dragonfleas> ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) 21:02 < coderphive> asimon parkingcrew owns felda.io 21:02 <+felda> any decent hosting that lets me letsencrypt? 21:02 <+felda> s/me/me us 21:02 <+layer-eight> [SED felda] any decent hosting that lets me us letsencrypt? 21:02 < sideup66> If I didn't want you fuckers breaking into my shit I'd host out of my house 21:02 <+felda> OOOF my spellcheck bones 21:02 < sideup66> :p 21:03 < dragonfleas> what's a cheap ass fucking web hosting site that has cpanel and is cheap as cheap fucking cheap gets 21:03 < Heresiarch> felda: most recent plesk installs will support LE. 21:03 < coderphive> I have a raspberri pi kube cluster you can host on 21:03 < dragonfleas> coderphive, what's your net throughput 21:03 < sideup66> I have hosting already on port 80 21:03 < coderphive> 300 Mbps 21:03 < sideup66> And 443 21:04 < dragonfleas> ok deal, 3 dollars a year? 21:04 < Heresiarch> dragonfleas: "cheap" is not a subset of "cpanel". 21:04 < coderphive> hmm 21:04 < coderphive> make it tree fiddy 21:04 < dragonfleas> Heresiarch, namecheap offers 3 dollar a month hosting with cpanel 21:04 < sadbox> is that not cheap enough for you? 21:04 < Heresiarch> dragonfleas: then why are you asking us? :p 21:05 < sideup66> I need about tree fiddy 21:05 < dragonfleas> i didn't know if there was another host besides them because namecheap is trash 21:05 < sideup66> I hope the felda meme lives again 21:05 < mcj> Wow 21:05 < Heresiarch> dragonfleas: /r/choosingbeggars 21:05 < mcj> So does anyone here have to deal with these absolute shit Datacard printers? 21:05 < mcj> What the fuck on these things IS NOT serialized 21:05 < mcj> This is crazy 21:05 < sideup66> I'll build ya a VM in my home server 21:06 < sideup66> Can host outta that felda 21:06 * coderphive does not deal with printers 21:06 < Heresiarch> dragonfleas: if the site is static, just throw it on s3 and have done. 21:06 < dragonfleas> I only need 32 cores and 64 gb of ram with at least 1000 gig of tiered ssd storage 21:06 < mcj> This is worse than any printer I've ever encountered 21:06 < sideup66> Just...upstream nonsenss 21:06 < coderphive> felda.io is a dynamic site 21:06 < coderphive> written in cgi 21:06 < sideup66> mcj: pcloadletter 21:06 < sideup66> Wtf does that mean 21:06 < JFDkthx> tinnitus is a bitch 21:07 < abakedapplepie> tinnitus is indeed a fat slobby whore bitch 21:07 < abakedapplepie> thanks for reminding me 21:07 < abakedapplepie> :/ 21:07 < abakedapplepie> it has been 72 hours since i last was aware of my tinnitus 21:07 < slobbywhorebitch> hi i'm tinnitus 21:08 * coderphive popcorns 21:08 < superfukingwhore> jesus 21:08 < superfukingwhore> irc really doesn't filter nicknames 21:09 < coderphive> we should start our own irc network 21:09 < coderphive> protected by pfsense 21:09 < coderphive> irc.pfsense.io 21:09 < abakedapplepie> that sounds like an awful idea 21:09 < dragonfleas> irc.felda.io 21:09 < coderphive> first server: pfsense.felda.io 21:09 < alazare619> abakedapplepie: giant_it_burrit gave me tinnitus 21:09 < abakedapplepie> how long until pfsense has a patch out disabling HT 21:10 < abakedapplepie> rip all ur firewallz 21:10 < dragonfleas> #pfsense-felda 21:10 < dragonfleas> i'm joining that channel 21:10 < coderphive> HT = hottopic.com? 21:10 < alazare619> #notmyfelda 21:10 < alazare619> no need for a damn patch just go in your bios and disable HT 21:11 < dragonfleas> hyperthreading 21:11 < technonerd> Hyperthongs 21:11 < corn266> hyperdongs 21:11 < dragonfleas> Hyperlongjohnsilvers 21:12 < coderphive> I honestly have nothing for this 21:12 < dragonfleas> ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤✌ 21:12 < JFDkthx> abakedapplepie: i think mine is getting worse 21:12 < JFDkthx> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 21:12 < abakedapplepie> JFDkthx: stop paying attention to it 21:13 < abakedapplepie> put on some music 21:13 < coderphive> 🦊 21:13 < JFDkthx> abakedapplepie: i know its getting worse because it got louder 21:13 < ebol4> didn't we ban dragonfleas 21:13 < JFDkthx> NO 21:13 < ebol4> we had a vote and everything 21:13 < JFDkthx> so 21:13 < JFDkthx> yes 21:13 < abakedapplepie> the best is when you start hearing the really low tones 21:13 < abakedapplepie> the >400hz tinnitus 21:13 < abakedapplepie> er <400hz 21:13 < ebol4> alligator hertz 21:14 < coderphive> A guy named ebol4 banned dragonfleas. Sounds like the premise to a childrens novel. 21:14 < abakedapplepie> my tinnitus is usually in the 12khz range 21:14 < JFDkthx> coderphive: only because he as a good ending 21:14 < JFDkthx> which is that dragonfleas is bant 21:15 < McDonaldsWiFi> hey dont say the b word 21:15 < McDonaldsWiFi> it might offend Hatter 21:15 < JFDkthx> McDonaldsWiFi: dont tag hatter 21:15 < JFDkthx> he took the day off 21:15 < McDonaldsWiFi> someone used an emooji 21:15 < McDonaldsWiFi> coderphive you fuck 21:15 < JFDkthx> McDonaldsWiFi: you done with preschool yet? 21:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> JFDkthx: 4 weeks >.> 21:16 < coderphive> :| 21:16 < JFDkthx> wow 21:16 < JFDkthx> give up already 21:16 < Heresiarch> emooji? What is this, unicode for cows? 21:16 < JFDkthx> school isnt for people like you 21:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> i might just start the next semester right away lol 21:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> you're not wrong 21:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> lol 21:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> oh well, too late 21:16 < coderphive> 🐮 21:16 < coderphive> cow 21:16 <+giant_it_burrit> moove over 21:16 < abakedapplepie> coderphive is gonna get the hammer 21:17 < coderphive> It's coming 21:17 < coderphive> I know :( 21:17 < dragonfleas> work is boring right now 21:17 < dragonfleas> i need to do a code upgrade on the ASA's 21:17 < dragonfleas> but 21:17 < dragonfleas> i don't want to 21:17 < McDonaldsWiFi> lol 21:17 < dragonfleas> why is there no sysadmin podcast 21:18 < asimon> id listen to that 21:19 < McDonaldsWiFi> closet thing we had was the computer guy buthe ended up going off the deep in 21:19 < McDonaldsWiFi> eli the computer guy? 21:19 < McDonaldsWiFi> one day he decided hat sysadmin was dead and this industry sucks 21:19 < McDonaldsWiFi> lol went off the rocker 21:19 < grumplestiltzkin> s/eli/book of eli 21:19 <+layer-eight> [SED grumplestiltzkin/McDonaldsWiFi] book of eli the computer guy? 21:20 < coderphive> I'll do a podcast 21:20 < int0x1C8> I could do a sysadmin podcast 21:20 < coderphive> pfsense podcast with felda 21:20 < int0x1C8> it'll just be 30 mins of the sounds of hell 21:20 < Nightcinder> one of my users just got a spoofed username email that said it was from the ceo (the actual mailto was officialmailmsg@inbox.lv), it asked him to buy 20 $100 itunes giftcards and take pictures of them, and he did it, how do i fix stupid? 21:20 < int0x1C8> think event horizon 21:20 < Heresiarch> int0x1C8: ...or a CAB meeting. 21:21 <+giant_it_burrit> JollyRgrs: did you ever see a trailer for super seducer 21:21 < coderphive> Nightcinder are you serious? 21:21 < Nightcinder> yes 21:21 < gnupluslinux> Nightcinder u trollin? 21:21 < gnupluslinux> Thats hilarious lol 21:21 < coderphive> He took pictures of 20 itunes giftcards? 21:21 < Heresiarch> ... 21:21 < Nightcinder> yes he did 21:21 < Nightcinder> i'm not joking 21:21 < coderphive> ... 21:21 < Nightcinder> another user got the email too and forwarded it to me 21:22 < gnupluslinux> Is your ceo hard to reach? 21:22 < Nightcinder> no 21:22 < Nightcinder> he's here all the time 21:22 < gnupluslinux> Welp 21:22 < Nightcinder> he would never send that kind of email lol 21:22 < coderphive> He probably shouldn't be 21:22 < gnupluslinux> Im so glad our accountants are skeptical as hell 21:23 < gnupluslinux> Any emails from c suites are followed up with call or in person confirmation 21:23 < gnupluslinux> Extra step but does mean i get to see the funny emails from officeofcheifexecutiveofficer@gmail.com 21:23 < coderphive> wait 21:23 < coderphive> How old is this person? 21:24 < rpifan> old 21:24 < grumplestiltzkin> gnupluslinux: how did you get my email? DOX 21:24 < gnupluslinux> Watch it be the 20 yr old intern with budget access for sone reason 21:24 < gnupluslinux> grumplestiltzkin no joke we got emails from that addr haha 21:24 < stairmast0r> phone interview in about 5 minutes... any tips? 21:24 < kepler> for what? 21:24 < gnupluslinux> stairmast0r dont fuck up 21:25 < stairmast0r> gnupluslinux: thanks dude 21:25 < gnupluslinux> Np 21:25 < agent_white> Nightcinder: My stepdad is a financial exec; previous company he worked for he was "sent an email to wire $10,000 to xyz account" (since he glanced it and saw the signature he did it)... no fucking clue why people don't pickup the goddamn phone for requests like that. 21:25 < kepler> gnupluslinux: hold 4 in for the duration 21:25 < stairmast0r> never wouldve thought of that one 21:25 < agent_white> Easily solved, by any person who isn't even tech savvy. 21:25 < sadbox> stairmast0r: wow them with your deep knowledge of how ext3 works 21:25 < coderphive> stairmast0r tell them you use Arch 21:25 < gnupluslinux> Go deep with your knowledge of ASM debugging the web 21:25 < sadbox> stairmast0r: burn 20 minutes of the interview describing how directory traversal workd 21:26 < gnupluslinux> agent_white got those too. I have those emails printed out and pinned to the wall 21:26 < agent_white> stairmast0r: Tell him you get pukey when you're nervous and randomly make gag noises during the call. 21:27 < Nightcinder> my head hurts 21:27 < rpifan> is it spam 21:28 < alazare619> i explained OSI to a potato in a meeting one time 21:28 < alazare619> like the dude had a potato on his desk 21:28 < alazare619> was kinda funny 21:28 < agent_white> gnupluslinux: Makes me wonder if really 'user training' in companies is actually worthwhile, at least a briefing about 'no, you're bank will not call you asking for your SSN' kinda stuff. 21:28 < gnupluslinux> Haha 21:29 < gnupluslinux> alazare619 for that real life simulation 21:29 < xamithan> you are bank will not call ? 21:29 < xamithan> What? 21:29 < gnupluslinux> agent_white user training is for companies to covet their own asses 21:29 < agent_white> your* 21:29 < gnupluslinux> Yes we provide training. Now its the enployees fault for not complying 21:29 < xamithan> Fire 'em!@ 21:29 < alazare619> nice kronis grats on new jerb 21:30 < kronis> Thanks, alazare619 21:30 < alazare619> what you doing now? 21:30 < kronis> Network Eng 21:31 < alazare619> i heard yared got a new jerb too 21:31 < kronis> No longer a NOC 21:31 < alazare619> and teck923 and spookycopter 21:31 < kronis> Oh ya? 21:31 < kronis> God damn, lol 21:31 < alazare619> i'm still at the same jerb 21:31 < Nightcinder> "I will need 20 pieces of $100/ea Apple iTunes Gift Card. Note that $100 x 20 qty ($2000) of iTunes Gift Card is needed and you should gently scratch-off silver lining at the back for the pin codes. Please email a clear picture of all the codes on all 20 cards to me. " 21:31 < Nightcinder> dkjal;jd;lfkjas;df 21:31 < Nightcinder> COME ON 21:31 < alazare619> Nightcinder: did the IRS get ya? 21:31 < alazare619> i had to do that last week 21:32 < alazare619> apparently they sent me a false tax refund and i had to pay it all back in itunes gift cards 21:32 < grumplestiltzkin> did chucklehead buy them then try to expense it, or use a business card? 21:32 < Nightcinder> alazare619: no my user responded and did what was asked.. 21:32 < Nightcinder> he used both his personal and company CC's 21:32 < gnupluslinux> Nightcinder ...what 21:32 < syere> what a moron 21:32 < Nightcinder> yes 21:32 < Nightcinder> he's sitting with the CEO right now 21:32 < grumplestiltzkin> if it was all on a credit card, fraud procection *might* kick in if he reports it 21:32 < grumplestiltzkin> but the stupid should hurt 21:32 < alazare619> Nightcinder: well now you know how to fool them and get free money out of them... 21:32 < Nightcinder> he reported both cards after we yelled at him 21:33 < alazare619> see whenever i find a user got scammed i just make a note in my little black book to remember...then one day if i ever decide to rejoin the dark side i have people ready for the picking 21:34 < createchange> Hello - just had a quick question. I am enabling bitlocker on some computers. If I kickstart the encryption process, am I able to log out and let the user log into their non-admin account to continue working while the encryption runs in the background? 21:34 < alazare619> Si 21:34 < asimon> createchange: I believe so yes 21:34 < alazare619> bitlocker runs as a service account 21:34 < alazare619> s/service/system 21:34 <+layer-eight> [SED alazare619] bitlocker runs as a system account 21:34 < createchange> Great, thanks! 21:36 < gnupluslinux> Nightcinder are they senior enough to survive? 21:37 < komugi> createchange - yes 21:37 < Nightcinder> gnupluslinux: no they're one of our newest sales guys 21:38 < grumplestiltzkin> RGE 21:39 < gnupluslinux> Rip 21:39 < rpifan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbvmWGRgF_E 21:39 <+layer-eight> * rpifan → YouTube → [Soviet/Russia] March of the Soviet Tankists [English Translation] → ⚘ 1,615,036 ↑ 10,189 ↓ 316 ✍ 2,363 21:40 < alazare619> https://imgur.com/gallery/ZwzdrbZ when you hit the chicken 3 times 21:40 <+layer-eight> * alazare619 → IMGUR Gallery → 8outof10cats → Alfred Hitchcock presents, "Birds" → a day ago → No Topic → 1 Image → ⚘ 105,251 → ☺ 2,175 → ☹ 22 → ✡ 2205 → ✍ 84 21:43 < corn266> Nightcinder, inb4 he sent himself the email 21:44 < Nightcinder> it had the name of our ceo 21:45 < Nightcinder> but the email address was officialmailmsg@inbox.lv 21:45 < Nightcinder> and they're all using outlook 21:45 < Nightcinder> so it shows the email is not from our CEO 21:45 < Nightcinder> like 21:45 < Nightcinder> i can't do any more to protect 21:45 < corn266> exactly, he's using the spoofed email as an "I didn't know" to get out of trouble and drain company cc funds 21:46 < Nightcinder> lol 21:46 < Nightcinder> is it really even spoofing at that point 21:46 < Nightcinder> it's just the name it's coming from, they didn't even spoof @companyname.com 21:46 < corn266> It gives him an easy out 21:46 < Nightcinder> corn266: he used his personal card 21:47 < Nightcinder> he split it between company and personal 21:49 < abakedapplepie> oh my god 21:49 < abakedapplepie> poor guy 21:49 < abakedapplepie> what an idiot tho 21:50 < abakedapplepie> company isnt going to reimburse his personal are they? lol 21:52 <+orderchaos> I refuse to use my personal card for anything over $100. And even for that stuff I generally try to get teh company to buy it if it's not needed that day. Even like flash cards I'll just have someone order rather than expensing 21:52 < grumplestiltzkin> ^+ 21:52 < Jagster``> i remember the days when the CFO would give me his company card 21:53 < Jagster``> and a printed leteter that said "its ok this mexican kid is using my card" 21:53 <+orderchaos> I may or may not have an exec's card saved to a password vault... 21:56 < SynMonger> orderchaos: unlimited POWAH 21:56 < MadCamel> unlimited legal trouble! 21:56 <+orderchaos> ^ 21:56 < Jagster``> i remember we had a receptionist using the work fedex account 21:56 < Jagster``> to sell stuff on ebay 21:56 <@JollyRgrs> giant_it_burrit: no 21:57 <+giant_it_burrit> JollyRgrs: ? 21:57 <@JollyRgrs> felda, coderphive, cryptic1: i'm back from the ded beeches! 21:57 <@JollyRgrs> giant_it_burrit: you asked about some trailer to a game or something? 21:57 < coderphive> o shi 21:57 < coderphive> Just look at god 21:57 <@JollyRgrs> also, dumped that hag beatrice and took coderphive's mom to replace her 21:58 < coderphive> rip 21:58 <+orderchaos> Jagster``: our receptionist is the CEO's mom so I think she's trustworthy. We've also been talking about selling some old equipment on ebay 21:58 <+felda> I'm back from doing real work 21:58 <@JollyRgrs> the fun things you can do once you are ded 21:58 <+orderchaos> Jagster``: how'd that work out? 21:58 < coderphive> Hopefully you changed your name from Kevin too JollyRgrs 21:58 <+felda> anyone done real system administrator work like lifting boxes of reclaimed pallet lumber? 21:58 <@JollyRgrs> coderphive: absolutely 21:58 <@JollyRgrs> felda: close 21:58 < coderphive> My mom is better than a Kevin 21:58 <@JollyRgrs> offloaded a truck filled with rubbermaid computer carts 21:58 < MadCamel> I miss the old single-use cards you could get via paypal 21:59 <@cryptic1> JollyRgrs, are you sure? 21:59 <@cryptic1> JollyRgrs, there was some wild accusations made 21:59 <@JollyRgrs> MadCamel: needing to sign up for another porn trial? 21:59 <@JollyRgrs> cryptic1: orly? 21:59 < coderphive> I'm flashing devices with debug firmware 21:59 < coderphive> does that count? 22:00 <@JollyRgrs> only if you flash with your kilt 22:00 < coderphive> Also I've nicknamed this firmware cryptic1 22:00 < coderphive> bc it's broke 22:00 <@cryptic1> JollyRgrs, scroll into todays buffer 22:00 < coderphive> and won't connect to the cloud 22:00 <@JollyRgrs> cryptic1: about being ded? 22:00 <@JollyRgrs> i already made comment about that, maybe YOU should be the one scrolling back 22:00 < MadCamel> psssh. Trial? No way. 22:01 < MadCamel> Was a great way to delegate authority over card use though since it'd only work for one or two transactions 22:01 < coderphive> JollyRgrs cryptic1 also made accusations that coderphive == shoh 22:01 <@JollyRgrs> yeah, i saw that, too 22:01 <@cryptic1> Jolly nope other things 22:02 <@JollyRgrs> i don't buy that, though 22:02 < MadCamel> I don't sign up for porn trials btw I just ask my buddies what they've shot this week :P 22:02 <@JollyRgrs> shoh would never connect from a US irc server 22:02 <@JollyRgrs> cryptic1: what.... "other" things? 22:03 <@JollyRgrs> so my script is 100% complete now with many errors being handled and nice pretty log output 22:04 < Heresiarch> JollyRgrs: XML? 22:04 <+giant_it_burrit> JollyRgrs: whatchu doing 22:04 <@JollyRgrs> we use the "Office" property in AD to fill in an ID for their cost center 22:04 <@JollyRgrs> so now given a list of cost centers (finance can supply that), we can make a sec. group for a certain group of users based off of cost center 22:04 <@JollyRgrs> which, is generally how the business is ACTUALLY asking to target users by 22:05 <@JollyRgrs> Heresiarch: and yeah, full pretty XML log that's very readable 22:05 <@JollyRgrs> i might sign up for a github account (only b/c now it is MSFT and I trust it with my life) and start putting some scripts on there 22:06 < Heresiarch> ...plus ca change... 22:07 <@JollyRgrs> ca change? 22:07 <+TuxedoJack> Huh. Apparently, I'm being invited to a "support services optimization project" kickoff with senior management, run by a former Quality & Improvements VP from National Instruments 22:07 <+TuxedoJack> The only other people on the invite are the operations manager, CTO, helldesk manager, and HR 22:08 <+TuxedoJack> I'm not sure whether to be scared shitless, or to be hopeful that they're listening to me 22:09 < int0x1C8> prepare 3 letters 22:09 <+TuxedoJack> int0x1C8: you're implying I don't have 3 letters prepared as well as a shitload of blackmail material 22:09 <+orderchaos> As a helldesk manager, I would really like to have one of those meetings for my team 22:09 <+SpeakerToMeat> People is active here today 22:09 < corn266> int0x1C8, I O and U 22:10 < Heresiarch> JollyRgrs: MSFT admins tend to have an institutional allergy to anything that doesn't originate out of Redmond. 22:10 < Heresiarch> It used to be much worse than it is, but it's still highly pervasive. 22:10 < coderphive> tfw you're a SJ series funded start up and some reliability engineer from Dallas hacks your stupid device 22:10 < coderphive> RIP 22:10 <@JollyRgrs> Heresiarch: lol 22:11 <@JollyRgrs> Heresiarch: so you're sayin no one will want to use my scripts? 22:12 <@JollyRgrs> i'd say far from it, there's many scripts i (and others) have used from outside of technet or redmond propper 22:12 < Heresiarch> JollyRgrs: no, I'm saying a lot of MSFT folk only consider something like github after the purchase. 22:13 <+SpeakerToMeat> coderphive: Not the lock with 3 screws, no? 22:13 < coderphive> kek no 22:14 < coderphive> This is a particle device 22:14 <@JollyRgrs> Heresiarch: oh, i was considering it long before, just never had enough time to look into it.... 22:14 <@JollyRgrs> and all my scripts at taht point had very poor (read: "NO") comments 22:14 < int0x1C8> if you actin heinous 22:15 < AnimalFarmPig> JollyRgrs: did you visit Denver while you were ded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33--xgYFQY 22:15 < int0x1C8> best prepare your anus 22:15 <+layer-eight> * AnimalFarmPig → YouTube → Warren Zevon - Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - Rochester, 1994. → ⚘ 25,275 ↑ 100 ↓ 2 ✍ 17 22:15 < int0x1C8> burma shave 22:15 < Heresiarch> JollyRgrs: private repo. :) 22:16 <@JollyRgrs> Heresiarch: i was looking into that as well just to do my own scripts so i had versioning 22:16 <@JollyRgrs> b/c too many times i screwed something up when trying to add that "extra thing" and forgot how I had it for just the basic task 22:17 < rpifan> yall what do you think about scrum master / agile, there are a lot of job positions for that 22:18 < int0x1C8> I would kill myself if my job title was 'scrum master' 22:18 < AnimalFarmPig> rpifan: if the company implements agile well, I bet it would be interesting. Seems like a lot of companies don't :( 22:19 < AnimalFarmPig> rpifan: our company hired a "scrum master", and he basically pretends like he's our manager, but does a bad job of it 22:19 < Heresiarch> most places, "scrum master" is basically a PM on meth. 22:19 < AnimalFarmPig> it's sad 22:19 < AnimalFarmPig> I've worked at a place that did agile well, and our scrum master was awesome 22:21 < int0x1C8> "so... what is it exactly that you would say you... do here?" "SCRUM MASTA FLEX" 22:22 < MadCamel> how about agile but with 900 process controls so you can't so much as pick your nose without approval? :/ 22:23 < MadCamel> It took me 2 weeks through 3 departments and 6 manager approvals to gain access to jira 22:23 * MadCamel seppuku 22:23 < corn266> s/seppuku/sudoku 22:24 < rpifan> whats a pm? 22:24 < MadCamel> perhaps that's a better solution 22:24 < Heresiarch> rpifan: project manager 22:24 < MadCamel> project manager or private message or poking manatee 22:25 < rpifan> lol 22:25 < rpifan> so basically a BS management job 22:25 < rpifan> not a down to earth coding type deal 22:25 < rpifan> or making shit work 22:25 < Heresiarch> rpifan: PMs are (occasionally) useful, but no - it's not technical work. 22:26 < AnimalFarmPig> rpifan: job of the scrum master is to help the team work within a scrum framework and remove obstacles. It's a people job. 22:26 < int0x1C8> PM = purulent menstruation 22:27 < rpifan> yes 22:27 < rpifan> boring as fuck 22:28 < abakedapplepie> IM A PEOPLE PERSON! 22:28 < abakedapplepie> I DEAL WITH THE CUSTOMERS SO THE ENGINEERS DONT HAVE TO! 22:28 < sadbox> rpifan: I know a pile of awesome PMs 22:28 < sadbox> rpifan: they make shit happen 22:29 < abakedapplepie> a lot of my internet friends are PMs 22:29 < abakedapplepie> like, an oddly disproportionate amount 22:29 < AnimalFarmPig> I DEAL WITH THE CUSTOMERS SO THE ENGINEERS DONT HAVE TO! <--- super important job, imo 22:29 < abakedapplepie> they make me want to get mine 22:29 < abakedapplepie> i wanted to watch that last night but i couldnt find a stream 22:29 < AnimalFarmPig> that's how you retain good engineers-- get someone to talk to the customers so they don't have to 22:30 < AnimalFarmPig> because fuck talking to customers 22:30 < abakedapplepie> AnimalFarmPig: have you seen office space lol 22:30 < rpifan> is a project manager the same as a product owner 22:30 < abakedapplepie> no 22:30 < abakedapplepie> not at all 22:30 < AnimalFarmPig> abakedapplepie: yeah, awesome movie 22:31 < AnimalFarmPig> rpifan: product owner is another agile position. He works with the stakeholders and the scrum master to set the direction for the project. Creates user stories, answers questions from the team, etc. 22:31 < AnimalFarmPig> errr... sets direction with the stake holders 22:31 < rpifan> but not a technical job 22:31 < AnimalFarmPig> (scrum master doesn't set project direction) 22:31 < AnimalFarmPig> no 22:31 < rpifan> man this sounds like a load of bullshit 22:31 < rpifan> its like in universities adminstrative overload 22:31 < rpifan> too many cooks in the kitchen etc 22:32 < AnimalFarmPig> if you've got good people in those positions, SM and PO are super useful 22:32 < Heresiarch> rpifan: ...youre kinda young, aren'cha. 22:32 < rpifan> or very old 22:32 < rpifan> 10 print hello 22:32 < rpifan> 20 go to 10 22:33 < AnimalFarmPig> Engineer has a question-- should the application work like this or like this? He goes to the PO with that question 22:33 < AnimalFarmPig> if you don't have that person, it's super fucking frustrating 22:34 < AnimalFarmPig> "We can just ask , right?" lol, sure. Most of the time, they aren't willing to invest the time and effort to answer these kinds of questions, and they aren't smart enough to actually have a concrete vision 22:34 < rpifan> dont u get all the programmers and engineers together to decide stuff 22:34 < rpifan> then take it from there 22:35 < Heresiarch> historically, that hasn't ended well. Just ask Sun. Or DEC. 22:35 < fosho> bangbus 22:35 < fosho> of IT 22:35 < coderphive> Night gents 22:35 < AnimalFarmPig> sure, and then when you deliver to whoever is paying for it, they say "This isn't what I want. You should have read my mind and done it like this rather than that." 22:35 < coderphive> Also, JollyRgrs is still dead to me 22:35 <+orderchaos> Good Product Owners/Managers are hard to find though. Also you have to make sure all the actual stakeholders get consulted and have the chance to provide feedback waaay in advance or else you run into tons of problems farther down the line and it's a PITA to sort out. 22:35 < fosho> JollyRgrs was never alive 22:36 < Sousapro> PMs need to get paid more 22:36 < fosho> devil in a form of a hoe 22:36 < Sousapro> I would argue like dev$$ 22:36 <+orderchaos> My work has been figuring that stuff out (largely teh hard way...) for a while now... 22:36 < Sousapro> and then raise the bar to what we think of as good PMs 22:36 < AnimalFarmPig> ^ 22:37 < AnimalFarmPig> good PMs deserve good money, shame that they're hard to find 22:37 < rpifan> hmm 22:37 < rpifan> well certainly not a job for me 22:37 < rpifan> id be so bored 22:37 < abakedapplepie> even shitty PMs make 80k+ 22:37 < vavkamil> what is PMs 22:37 < abakedapplepie> two of my friends are in the 120-130 range 22:38 <+orderchaos> yeah, problem isn't really the pay from what I've seen 22:38 < abakedapplepie> well one was laid off from emc so hes in the 0 range 22:38 < fosho> 00000000 22:38 < fosho> EDD money 22:39 <+orderchaos> It's more it's one of those 'easy to lean, hard to master' types of skill sets that results in lots of mediocre people and few really good ones. 22:39 <+orderchaos> imo 22:39 < Sousapro> true 22:39 < fosho> you mean sex? 22:39 < Sousapro> I could be a mediocre PM 22:39 < Sousapro> like with minimal effort 22:39 < Sousapro> I know how to herd cats 22:39 < fosho> lets be farmers 22:39 < fosho> and grow weed 22:40 < rpifan> lol 22:40 < rpifan> thats my plan actually 22:40 < rpifan> i want ot make enough 22:40 < rpifan> to do soething more fun 22:40 * AnimalFarmPig puts weed on the blockchain 22:40 < Heresiarch> also requires digging into the intrapersonal networks of the org. PMs need connections more than IT folk (at least, non-managerial IT folk). 22:40 < rpifan> djing 22:40 < AnimalFarmPig> ^ 22:40 < rpifan> making music 22:40 < rpifan> farming 22:40 * corn266 throws money at AnimalFarmPig 22:40 < fosho> pornstar? 22:40 * AnimalFarmPig accepts money and then folds his start-up 22:41 < rpifan> i did that 22:41 < fosho> 500-1000 a scene 22:41 < rpifan> when i 19 22:41 < rpifan> i got 250 for normal and 300 for bareback 22:41 < fosho> whaa? 22:41 < fosho> nice 22:41 < sadbox> stairmast0r: How'd it go? 22:41 < rpifan> yea 22:41 < fosho> it doesn't stand now? 22:42 < fosho> keep going! 22:42 < rpifan> wht? 22:42 < fosho> dyck don't werk? 22:43 < fosho> why'd u stop 22:43 < fosho> that's big uber money 22:43 < rpifan> lol 22:43 < rpifan> well i never was really into it 22:43 < rpifan> i did it for fun 22:43 < rpifan> i was 19 22:43 < rpifan> im 30 22:44 < fosho> where do I sign up 22:44 < rpifan> r u gay 22:44 < fosho> nope 22:44 < fosho> you did gay scene? 22:44 < sadbox> rpifan: is gay 22:44 < rpifan> i am gay 22:44 < fosho> ahh 22:44 < fosho> I heard gay scene pays $5k 22:44 < int0x1C8> what what in the butt 22:45 < sadbox> fosho: apparenly only 250-300 22:45 < fosho> str8 guy doing gay porn 22:45 < fosho> for the dough 22:45 < sadbox> fosho: do it, yo 22:45 < sadbox> it's 2018 22:45 < fosho> I don't gots it 22:46 < fosho> plus I have money to spend 22:46 < fosho> on cityvibe 22:47 < rpifan> fosho, u do porn now? 22:47 < fosho> or adlist24 the new bp 22:47 < asimon> help 22:47 < asimon> "AssertionError: [, ] != [, ]" 22:47 < fosho> no I watch em 22:48 < asimon> i don't understand - I talked very nicely to the machine and soothed it 22:48 < asimon> why doesn't it understand equality 22:51 < int0x1C8> did you #include Priveledge.Checker 22:51 < asimon> maybe I did a define True False somewhere 22:52 < asimon> nvm casting the list to a list made it work 22:52 * asimon shrug 22:53 < int0x1C8> what lang 22:54 < asimon> python 22:54 < int0x1C8> oh 22:54 < int0x1C8> good 22:55 < Jekotia> Is it just me or does the "COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In)" firewall rule, which Windows says to ensure is enabled when trying to connect to a system for remote management, not exist? 22:56 < AnimalFarmPig> asimon: cast to a tuple instead of a list 22:56 < asimon> AnimalFarmPig: Why a tuple? 22:56 < asimon> (or whats the issue with lists?) 22:57 < AnimalFarmPig> asimon: lists are mutable 22:57 < asimon> So the first evaluation changed it? 22:58 < AnimalFarmPig> one minute, let me dig up docs.... 22:58 < AnimalFarmPig> actually, wait, that shouldn't matter 22:59 < rpifan> on the plus said i have two more german interview 22:59 < rpifan> this week 22:59 < rpifan> these ppl love to interview 22:59 < rpifan> but dont like to hire 22:59 < AnimalFarmPig> asimon: the elements of the list, are they basic types or a type that you've defined yourself? 23:00 < AnimalFarmPig> asimon: if they're a type that you've defined, you'll likely need to add an __eq__ method to the class 23:00 < AnimalFarmPig> meeting time, bbl 23:00 < asimon> Mmm 23:00 < asimon> Thanks for the tips 23:00 < asimon> Good luck 23:01 < rpifan> break legs 23:01 < Jekotia> rpifan: What are you, a mob boss? 23:01 < Jekotia> *russian mob boss 23:01 < Jekotia> Not even using proper English grammar 23:02 < Jekotia> I can totally see a russian mob boss casually saying "break legs" as if it's a normal thing they said correctly 23:02 < rpifan> lol 23:03 < int0x1C8> asimon, use set theoretic comparators? 23:03 < asimon> I went element-wise and it seemed less clunky than casting back to the same type and doing a whole set comparison 23:04 < abakedapplepie> jesus christ 23:04 < asimon> I mostly just wanted to share that dumb-looking error 23:04 < abakedapplepie> i got handed a ticket for an annual backup restore test 23:04 < abakedapplepie> that was due two months ago 23:04 < abakedapplepie> how does this go unhandled for 3 months 23:04 * asimon yikes 23:04 < abakedapplepie> and i cant even do the damn thing because my coworker changed some of our dev env passwords and didnt give them to anyone before he left for a 10 day vacation. 23:05 < asimon> No team pw vault? 23:05 < Heresiarch> change them again? 23:05 < abakedapplepie> i wouldnt dare 23:05 < MillerBOSS> `bofh 23:05 <+layer-eight> BOFH We are a 100% microsoft shop. 23:05 < MillerBOSS> YES!! 23:05 < Heresiarch> snerk 23:05 < abakedapplepie> the best part is why they were changed 23:06 < int0x1C8> jesus christ I just looked up and thought it was night 23:06 < abakedapplepie> someone left a server with a pending reboot and it got rebooted when it shouldnt have 23:06 < abakedapplepie> >.> 23:06 < int0x1C8> super dark, just started raining like fuck 23:06 < int0x1C8> look at weather ticker, tornado warning 23:06 < int0x1C8> awesome 23:06 < MillerBOSS> That usually happens when the cloud role in from a low front, int0x1C8 23:07 < MillerBOSS> Clouds too 23:07 < rpifan> clouTy 23:07 < corn266> I heard if you spray a tornado with water it kills it instantly 23:07 < MillerBOSS> I heard that too. 23:07 < MillerBOSS> But you have to add red food coloring 23:07 < SynMonger> I thought you had to hit them hard on the nose 23:07 < SynMonger> or was that the sharknado? 23:08 < abakedapplepie> dyed tornado would be neat 23:08 < int0x1C8> radar shows a big red blob of fuck you on top of us 23:08 < MillerBOSS> St Louis, int0x1C8 ? 23:08 < abakedapplepie> now i want to see a pigment factory get hit by a tornado 23:08 < int0x1C8> madison WI 23:09 < MillerBOSS> The fuck there is a another Wisconsinite here? 23:09 < MillerBOSS> Say it ain't so 23:09 < int0x1C8> wut 23:10 < Jekotia> ENable more firewall rules to try and figure out the correct combination for a specific feature => go from "connected but I can't do this specific thing" to "ACCESS DENIED". Wut 23:10 < int0x1C8> huh, 3 big storms over the US right now 23:10 < MillerBOSS> I call bullshit. People from Wisconsin don't type what as in wut 23:10 < Jekotia> I feel like windows is yelling at me for being cautious 23:11 < int0x1C8> st louis, madison, and knoxville 23:11 < int0x1C8> oh sorry 23:11 < int0x1C8> wat, eh? 23:11 < MillerBOSS> You are getting closer with eh, but uhh 23:12 <+felda> anyone had to deal with Covenant Eyes on their user's PC? 23:12 < MillerBOSS> Some church software felda ? 23:12 <@JollyRgrs> all those in that xml conversation lastfew days: https://pastebin.com/qBKwvZpJ 23:12 <+layer-eight> * JollyRgrs → [XML] * JollyRgrs → [XML] I want legal weed, guns, and gay marriage ... and social welfare 23:17 <@JollyRgrs> so i had to add counts of success/fail per section, but it was DARNED easy to add that in 23:17 <+felda> int0x1C8_IRL https://i.imgur.com/pbV3l91.jpg 23:17 <+layer-eight> * felda → IMGUR Image → Image/jpeg → 8 months ago → Libertarian → 640x603 → ⚘ 532 23:17 <@JollyRgrs> since i was just formatting XML (that was the point) 23:17 <+felda> nah I'm just goofin ya 23:17 <+felda> no hard feelings 23:17 < Heresiarch> JollyRgrs: Now all you need is a website where folk can search based on the logfile. :) 23:18 <@JollyRgrs> lol 23:18 < int0x1C8> that is me 23:18 < int0x1C8> I identify as a libertarian socialist 23:18 < Heresiarch> JollyRgrs: half-serious. The main benefit of a structured log vs just text splatter is being able to ingest/search on it. 23:18 <+felda> I figured those two ideals would be incompatible 23:18 < int0x1C8> libertarian to piss the progressives off, socialist to piss off the conservatives 23:19 <+felda> it's like saying you're a fascist communist 23:19 < int0x1C8> nah 23:19 < SynMonger> a librarian scientist? 23:19 <@JollyRgrs> Heresiarch: well, we won't be doing a website to search it 23:19 <@JollyRgrs> but it cna be ingested easily with a script or something else later on 23:19 < int0x1C8> social-libertarian, economic-socialist 23:19 <+felda> ah so int0x1C8 is an E N L I G H T E N E D C E N T R I S T 23:19 <+felda> LMAO 23:19 < SynMonger> stay woke 23:19 < Heresiarch> int0x1C8: so...a progressive. 23:19 <@JollyRgrs> int0x1C8: ROADS!!!!!! 23:20 <+felda> "I'm fiscal conservative, but socially liberal" AKA I'm a conservative, but I want people to actually like me 23:20 < Heresiarch> o/ 23:20 < int0x1C8> THIS IS WHY I DON'T VOTE 23:21 < MillerBOSS> Damn hippies 23:21 <@JollyRgrs> who wants int0x1C8 to be kicked? F1 for yes, F2 for no 23:21 < MillerBOSS> F1 23:22 < int0x1C8> what, no 23:22 <@JollyRgrs> i think i missed an n or something 23:22 < SynMonger> circle yes or no 23:22 < int0x1C8> I VOTE WITH MY WALLET 23:23 < SynMonger> the capacitive pen works better on the voting machines I use 23:23 <@JollyRgrs> ok, i rest my case 23:24 < int0x1C8> you must not have had anything of value to offer 23:24 < int0x1C8> free market works 23:24 < int0x1C8> checkmate, atheists 23:24 < MillerBOSS> lol 23:24 < GreyKite> huh? 23:25 < GreyKite> the fuck happened here 23:25 < MillerBOSS> Lake Mendota must be poisoned down there 23:25 < int0x1C8> yep, those algal blooms getting into the tap water 23:25 < rpifan> lol 23:25 < MillerBOSS> GreyKite 👉 I'll save you. /clear 23:26 < int0x1C8> killing our brain cells, replacing them with flouride 23:26 < GreyKite> MillerBOSS: ah, perfect, that fixed it 23:26 < MillerBOSS> High five GreyKite ! 23:26 * GreyKite high fives MillerBOSS 23:27 < MillerBOSS> https://memegenerator.net/img/images/14814895.jpg 23:27 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → IMAGE/JPEG Document, 130,122 bytes 23:27 < MillerBOSS> No words needed 23:32 < MillerBOSS> Yet another round https://www.techmeme.com/180626/p1#a180626p1 23:32 <+layer-eight> * MillerBOSS → Techmeme: Wi-Fi Alliance begins certifying products that support WPA3, the successor to the WPA2 security protocol, that provides additional protections against attacks (Jacob Kastrenakes/The Verge) 23:33 < rpifan> im sad about that 23:37 < GreyKite> sad about what? 23:38 < rpifan> wpa3 23:39 < GreyKite> why? 23:41 < rpifan> gonna make all the script kiddie scripts not function 23:41 < admiralspark> I mean 23:42 < admiralspark> if you're using wpa2 with passwords for actual important data, you're bad at your job 23:42 < admiralspark> EAP has been a standard for nearly two decades 23:42 < admiralspark> it is THE ubiquitous wireless solution for small/medium/large enterprise 23:43 < GreyKite> yup 23:44 < rpifan> doenst eap requiere certificates and such 23:44 < GreyKite> I think so? 23:45 < grumplestiltzkin> you can use a radius server too 23:45 < admiralspark> rpifan: nearly everyone uses radius auth 23:45 < admiralspark> EAP-MSCHAPv2 or EAP-TLS/EAP-TTLS 23:45 < admiralspark> w/ radius 23:46 < rpifan> thats osme advanced shit 23:46 < rpifan> most of the place just use wpa2 23:46 < admiralspark> the point is, it's extensible, so you can do whatever you want 23:46 < admiralspark> no 23:46 < grumplestiltzkin> its not incredibly hard to ser up 23:46 < admiralspark> most places in the US use EAP 23:46 < rpifan> idk 23:46 < rpifan> not anywhere ive worked or gone too 23:46 < rpifan> except the university 23:46 < admiralspark> Are you in the US? 23:46 < rpifan> yea 23:46 < xamithan> You worked for shady companies though 23:46 < SynMonger> our wifi is open 23:46 < admiralspark> do you work for someone who's a nonprofit or larger than a mom-and-pop grocery store? 23:47 * SynMonger laughs maniacally 23:47 < admiralspark> like if dragonfleas said they had wpa2 I wouldn't be surprised, his budget is the shoestring he finds in the parking lot 23:48 < SynMonger> although our wireless infrastructure is on a physically separate network 23:48 < admiralspark> but I automated ubiquiti EAP-MSCHAPv2 builds from server install to random keys to ad integration, we did everyone from 5-man insurance shops to construction companies that span across the country 23:48 < rpifan> thats true 23:49 < rpifan> so how do i learn to implemetn this eap stuff, is it vendor specific 23:49 < admiralspark> one-click. So it's easy 23:49 < admiralspark> so 23:49 < admiralspark> who's your wireless vendor? 23:49 < admiralspark> rpifan: 23:49 < Casteil> https://i.imgur.com/dOS1smM.png < This little guy.. basically zero fucks to give about dying or being eaten 23:49 <+layer-eight> * Casteil → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 1218x724 → ⚘ 24 23:50 < admiralspark> rpifan: buy a ubnt wifi ap. Follow this in your homelab. https://blog.ubnt.com/2016/11/04/managing-radius-authentication-unifi/ 23:50 <+layer-eight> * admiralspark → Managing RADIUS Authentication with UniFi - Ubiquiti Networks Blog 23:50 * admiralspark drops the mic 23:51 < MillerBOSS> You had a mic admiralspark? 23:51 < rpifan> does anyone have ubnt they can lend me 23:51 < rpifan> to build a lab 23:51 < admiralspark> MillerBOSS: I carry one around to pretend I'm accomplishing something on my soapbox 23:51 < MillerBOSS> What color it is? 23:51 < admiralspark> rpifan: its $80 on amazon 23:51 < rpifan> thats a huge chunk of change atm 23:51 < admiralspark> MillerBOSS: originally gray, it's gold now. Spraypaint 23:52 < rpifan> if i were working sure 23:52 < admiralspark> ahhhhhh 23:52 <+felda> LMAO real system requirements submitted to my friend at a computer shop for running Reaper audio software https://i.imgur.com/p2t8vad.png 23:52 <+layer-eight> * felda → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 600x371 → ⚘ 4 23:52 <+felda> and they want it in Laptop form factor 23:53 < Ayeitzabee> Yeah, no 23:53 < rpifan> cna i just use a openwrt ap 23:53 < admiralspark> felda: what's the issue? 23:53 < rpifan> im sure it support eap unless its a hw 23:53 < rpifan> function 23:53 < admiralspark> rpifan: sure. Have to google for instructions 23:53 <+felda> admiralspark you see a lot of laptops with those specs? 23:53 < Stoob> felda doesnt seem *that* insane imho 23:53 <+felda> 1 x HDMI 23:53 < Stoob> no but you only need one 23:53 <+felda> 2 x Display Ports? 23:54 < SynMonger> 2 mini display ports? 23:54 < admiralspark> felda: it's obviously built from a specific specification. Hold on 23:54 < GreyKite> felda: can I use a dock? 23:54 < GreyKite> or adapters? 23:54 <+felda> It probably won't 23:54 < grumplestiltzkin> iirc the dock for my work laptop has a hdmi, 2 displayports and 1 vga 23:54 <+felda> they want it all in one 23:54 < GreyKite> then why the fuck does it need ports? 23:54 < GreyKite> video ports* 23:55 < GreyKite> you are either plugging it into something or you aren't 23:55 <+felda> it's for a school 23:55 <+felda> they said no 23:55 < GreyKite> fuck nuggets 23:55 < catbeard> "docking" 23:56 < Stoob> I love that it's got recommended specs of "wifi:yes" and "bluetooth:yes" 23:56 < GreyKite> with adapters, I could pull it off 23:56 < Stoob> with adapters it'd be easy 23:56 <+felda> GreyKite you got one in mind that uses docks / adapters? 23:56 <+felda> I think if we have a good one they might be able to be convinced 23:57 < admiralspark> felda: Lenovo makes one that ticks all the other boxes but 23:57 < Stoob> i have a laptop right here that meets virtually all of those but is missing one of the DPs 23:57 < admiralspark> why don'ty you just get macbooks? 23:57 < admiralspark> like 23:57 < admiralspark> this is the education realm, they basically get them for free 23:57 < GreyKite> well, use a DP splitter, then dp to mini-dp for for two DP requirement, means we only need a mini-DP and HDMI on the laptop 23:57 < admiralspark> it's dp 1.3 23:57 < admiralspark> why wouldnt they daisy chain them 23:57 < admiralspark> that's the whole benefit of 1.3 23:58 < admiralspark> I like that 7200rpm drive that transfers 140gb/s 23:58 < GreyKite> oh, fuck them, that's cheating 23:58 < GreyKite> I hadn't gotten there yet 23:58 < admiralspark> That'd be the BEST platter in the world baby 23:59 < GreyKite> I don't even think that's physically possible 23:59 < Stoob> dell precision 7520 is my laptop, its got the bluetooth,wifi, 4x usb3 "superspeed", 1x usb type C/thunderbolt,1gbit lan, 32g ram and i dont know what proc but im sure itd meet their specs for processor, --- Log closed Wed Jun 27 00:00:02 2018