--- Log opened Fri Jul 13 00:00:08 2018 --- Day changed Fri Jul 13 2018 00:00 < DongServer> do more than exist 00:00 < ThisIsSys> Damn. 00:00 < DongServer> eat a goat 00:00 < DongServer> don't sacrifice it 00:01 < ThisIsSys> Being in Quabity Assuance sucks. 00:01 < DongServer> gotta move up one day 00:02 < DongServer> before 40 or 30 00:02 < DongServer> I got 99 problems and escort ain't one 00:03 < ThisIsSys> Pimp me ousside, how bout that? 00:04 < DongServer> []D[][]v[][]D[][]\[] ain't EZ 00:05 < DongServer> they say beat a hoe up and help her recover then she'll be your bitch 00:06 < DongServer> like chris brown shit lol 00:06 < DongServer> `lucky 00:06 * layer-eight points a 6 chamber revolver with one round loaded at DongServer, and spins (6 slots remaining) 00:06 <+layer-eight> *click* - Looks like you get to live another day DongServer 00:07 < technick> This channel got dark quickly 00:07 < DongServer> SaTaN in hea 00:08 < DongServer> ask ATF 00:08 < technick> health enterprise assurance? 00:08 < ThisIsSys> Hoe Enters Anywhere 00:08 < DongServer> in heaaaaarh 00:08 < technick> That acronym is rooted in reality, McKesson has a group by that name... or had one whe I worked there 00:08 < DongServer> I got feds on me all day and all night 00:09 < DongServer> internet and mobile tapped in 00:09 < DongServer> boom how you like me now 00:09 < DongServer> and escort ain't no prob 00:09 < technick> I'm indifferent about this conversation 00:09 < DongServer> can't do shit 00:10 < ThisIsSys> leave the escortin for snortin 00:10 < DongServer> find yourself a GFE 00:11 < DongServer> you know. Cityvibe.com gfemonkey.com 00:12 < DongServer> Do you believe in ghosts? 00:12 * L3gacy believes in phat reggae beats 00:13 < DongServer> smart man 00:13 < L3gacy> I'm rocking out to some Marley, now 00:13 < DongServer> they do exists you know 00:13 < L3gacy> I know phat reggae beats exist 00:13 < DongServer> enter your mind and control you 00:13 < DongServer> devil in a form of a whore 00:14 < L3gacy> You met my ex wife? 00:14 < DongServer> there's more than one devils but nope 00:14 < L3gacy> Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Ftaghn! 00:15 < blinkingprompt> guys i took an office photo for you 00:15 < blinkingprompt> https://media0.giphy.com/media/YQitE4YNQNahy/giphy-downsized.gif 00:15 <+layer-eight> * blinkingprompt → IMAGE/GIF Document, 1,963,781 bytes 00:15 < L3gacy> https://open.spotify.com/track/4GtDoXhdmTjG9NjrpPWWd5?si=pRZ0idTTT3qjPxNH7wNKPg 00:15 <+layer-eight> * L3gacy → Cthulhu Fthagn, a song by Tom Smith on Spotify 00:15 < DongServer> nice 00:16 < DongServer> L3gacy a funny guy 00:16 < L3gacy> I try 00:16 < DongServer> you are 00:16 < L3gacy> Being down in the dumps SUCKS 00:16 < DongServer> I like that 00:16 < DongServer> how come 00:16 <+DrGibby|> anyone wanna see a dickbutt on someones butt? 00:16 < L3gacy> I suffer from (not enjoy) major depressive disorder, so I put on the funny mask and make people laugh 00:17 < DongServer> L3gacy looks like we have same symptoms 00:17 < DongServer> but no mask for me 00:17 < DongServer> I'm world's most wanted 00:18 < DongServer> helicopters flying everywhere I go 00:18 <+DrGibby|> we all wear masks, metaphorically speaking 00:19 < DongServer> true 00:19 < DongServer> not a physical mask 00:20 < DongServer> what fears you at night? 00:22 < blinkingprompt> to conquer fear you must become fear 00:22 < blinkingprompt> you must bask in the fear of other men 00:48 < pcspkr> "You can now even search for words on Bing through Notepad by simply right clicking on them to get a new option. " 00:48 < pcspkr> linux on the desktop is ded guys 00:48 < pcspkr> https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/12/17563704/microsoft-windows-notepad-app-update 00:48 <+layer-eight> * pcspkr → Microsoft is updating the Windows Notepad app for the first time in years - The Verge 01:45 < granttrec> i have set my sudoers file so only a specific user can install packages, but trying to install those via sudo fails, why is that? https://paste.ee/p/sg0Sf 01:45 <+layer-eight> * granttrec → Paste.ee - help 01:46 < sadbox> granttrec: maybe worth just running "sudo -l" as that user 01:46 < sadbox> and seeing what shows up 01:49 < MiLLERBOSS> ALT F4 01:49 < granttrec> sadbox: which user? 01:49 < sadbox> granttrec: whatever user you're trying to run sudo as 01:49 < sadbox> sudo -l tells you what commands you can run as sudo 01:50 < granttrec> it is a system user so I should not be able to login 01:50 < granttrec> ill try tho 01:51 < granttrec> yeah if I su I get a password promt, and I didnt/dont remeber setting a password 02:01 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh 02:01 <+layer-eight> BOFH The air conditioning water supply pipe ruptured over the machine room 02:05 < xe0n> nice 02:18 < subarusvx> I've got a family friend that gave me her macbook pro that won't boot. She wants the data off of it. 02:18 < subarusvx> I bought a pci card so that i could put it into my desktop, I can see the drive but the partition shows as unknown in linux and i couldn't do anything with it in windows in disk management 02:20 < subarusvx> should i try a virtual mac maybe? 02:20 < subarusvx> using vmware workstation or something 02:20 < MiLLERBOSS> You are gonna want something like https://www.mediafour.com/software/macdrive/ subarusvx 02:20 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → MacDrive – Mediafour 02:22 < MiLLERBOSS> Supports HFS+ and APFS 02:22 < subarusvx> are they encrypted by default? 02:22 < subarusvx> i'll have to boot into my windows partition to try it 02:22 < MiLLERBOSS> Depends on what you mean by default 02:22 < subarusvx> the person that gave it to me doesn't know how to computer 02:23 < subarusvx> i just can't figure out why neither linux nor windows can mount it 02:23 < MiLLERBOSS> If its running the latest macOS with updates after the update is installed and before you get to the desktop FileVault is suggested to be enabled so it is possible the drive is in fact encrypted. 02:24 < abakedapplepie> subarusvx: i love you 02:24 < abakedapplepie> one of the downright funnest cars ive ever driven 02:24 < abakedapplepie> and it was only $300 :) 02:26 < subarusvx> \o/ 02:26 < MiLLERBOSS> But if it was me subarusvx I'd put the drive back in the Mac and try Diagnostics. https://support.apple.com/en-us/ht202731 Since you have not stated the hardware version https://support.apple.com/kb/ph25696?locale=en_US 02:26 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → How to use Apple Diagnostics on your Mac - Apple Support 02:26 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → macOS Sierra: Use Apple Diagnostics or Apple Hardware Test 02:26 < subarusvx> i sold one of mine for $300 02:26 < subarusvx> the issue is that it's a 12+16 pin m.2 02:27 < subarusvx> and i don't have any macs that power up and would take that 02:27 < MiLLERBOSS> Also https://support.apple.com/en-us/ht201314 try that which downloads software of the Internet and you can run Terminal and Disk Utility 02:27 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → About macOS Recovery - Apple Support 02:28 < MiLLERBOSS> Also And one more thing before you go any further https://checkcoverage.apple.com/ check the coverage from the serialriel number on the bottom. It may have Apple Care 02:28 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Check Your Service and Support Coverage - Apple Support 02:28 < granttrec> sadbox: sudo -l on myself shows the commands tho 02:28 < MiLLERBOSS> s/serialriel/serial 02:29 <+layer-eight> [SED MiLLERBOSS] Also And one more thing before you go any further https://checkcoverage.apple.com/ check the coverage from the serial number on the bottom. It may have Apple Care 02:29 < granttrec> sadbox: lol I know why : (packager) /usr/bin/apt, /usr/bin/aptitude the other is not run as packaer but as root 02:30 < MiLLERBOSS> You may also be able to mount the disk in Internet Recovery mode and connect a USB drive and transfer the /Applications and /Users folder. 02:30 < MiLLERBOSS> subarusvx 👉 ^ 02:30 < subarusvx> how does one do that? 02:31 < subarusvx> the machine that the m.2 drive came from won't boot 02:31 < MiLLERBOSS> Does matter 02:31 < MiLLERBOSS> Links above. :) 02:31 < DLSteve> Anyone else here have to deal with Lieberman RED? 02:31 < MiLLERBOSS> First check serial, then run diagnostics with drive installed, then boot into Internet Recovery mode, subarusvx 02:32 < subarusvx> Valid Purchase Date but no support 02:32 < subarusvx> MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) 02:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Or define "won't boot" 02:32 < subarusvx> nothing happens when the power is pressed 02:32 < subarusvx> the mac store swapped out the dc jack but it didn't help 02:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Try both of these https://support.apple.com/en-us/ht201295 02:33 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac - Apple Support 02:33 < MiLLERBOSS> https://support.apple.com/en-us/ht204063 02:33 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → How to reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac - Apple Support 02:33 < MiLLERBOSS> Just to make sure 02:33 < abakedapplepie> ^ 02:33 < MiLLERBOSS> When I read "won't boot" I took that as you can not boot into the OS. Won't power on is what you ahve 02:34 < MiLLERBOSS> Also is the MagSafe adapter green when connected? 02:35 < subarusvx> it is not 02:35 <+giant_it_burrit> There's an issue there then 02:35 < subarusvx> also the reset smc doesn't appear to do anything 02:35 < abakedapplepie> is the power adapter known good 02:36 < subarusvx> yup 02:36 < abakedapplepie> and the apple store replaced the power jack? 02:36 < MiLLERBOSS> Then "back logic board" 02:36 < MiLLERBOSS> bad* 02:36 < subarusvx> yup, that's what they think 02:36 < abakedapplepie> how did they replace the jack and thats it 02:36 < subarusvx> but they need me to backup the data before they replace it 02:36 <+giant_it_burrit> That's my q 02:36 < subarusvx> that's what the end-user told me 02:36 < MiLLERBOSS> Well that info would have helped earlier. :P 02:36 <+giant_it_burrit> What do you mean 02:36 < abakedapplepie> end user is probably full of shit and didnt even take it to the apple store 02:37 <+giant_it_burrit> They took it there? 02:37 < abakedapplepie> probably the corner computer repair shop 02:37 < subarusvx> it's possible 02:37 <+giant_it_burrit> Do you have apple care? 02:37 < abakedapplepie> or their nephew 02:37 < MiLLERBOSS> giant_it_burrit 👉 read up 02:37 <+giant_it_burrit> But he's good with computers 02:37 < MiLLERBOSS> Its been answered. 02:37 < subarusvx> unreliable narrator 02:37 <+giant_it_burrit> MiLLERBOSS: I don't fact check 02:38 < MiLLERBOSS> Well that sucks. 02:38 <+giant_it_burrit> Huehue 02:38 <+giant_it_burrit> How r u MiLLERBOSS 02:39 < subarusvx> well i've got the drive out 02:39 < subarusvx> and in my desktop 02:39 < subarusvx> i'll try the macdrive 02:40 < subarusvx> and bug y'all again. maybe bring it to the mac store myself, there's one just 15 minutes away 02:40 < subarusvx> thank you! 02:41 < MiLLERBOSS> Why do people leave so quick 02:41 < MiLLERBOSS> Also https://eshop.macsales.com/item/OWC/MAU3ENPRPCI/ 02:41 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → OWC Envoy Pro - SSD Enclosure for 2013-Current Macs 02:44 < MiLLERBOSS> I got one of these in the basement. Not sure if it works. eMac. They sell SSDs for it wow https://eshop.macsales.com/shop/ssd/owc/emac 02:44 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → OWC Solid State Drive Upgrade Kits for the eMac 02:45 < MiLLERBOSS> Wow and it will run Leopard. 03:04 < kd0t> yo 03:04 < MiLLERBOSS> yo 03:05 < Jagster`> yo 03:07 <+giant_it_burrit> yo 03:08 < enix> c-c-combo breaker 03:08 < enix> Nostalg14c: you around homie-g? 03:08 < enix> Or is it still yesteryear on the other side of the country 03:08 < enix> QLD might be figuratively behind the times, but at least we're not literally ;) 03:09 < kd0t> do yung mfs just use discord? 03:09 < enix> What the fuck is mfs 03:09 < enix> I'm assuming someone with the last name Yung 03:09 < kd0t> indeed 03:09 < kd0t> ther're chinese 03:09 < enix> woot woot 03:10 < enix> Wowowwww 03:10 < enix> that's racist 03:10 < kd0t> thats racist 03:10 < kd0t> wiw 03:10 < enix> White people can be called Yung too 03:10 < kd0t> did i really go there 03:10 < kd0t> i apologise 03:10 < enix> I can't believe it 03:10 < enix> I am consolled by your apology 03:10 < kd0t> pls forgive me 03:10 < enix> u r 4gvn 03:10 < kd0t> thx m8 03:10 < enix> JollyRgrs: I think there's something wrong with chanserv; it didn't +o me? 03:11 < MiLLERBOSS> Let me fix that enix 03:11 < MiLLERBOSS> OK try now. 03:11 < enix> Nostalg14c smells like penis breath 03:12 < enix> nope no luck 03:12 < enix> Some boss you are 03:12 < kd0t> i'm tryna download some movies anyone know any good xdcc search engines? 03:12 < enix> idk i torrent in private communities 03:12 < kd0t> does packetnews still exsist? 03:13 < kd0t> i joke 03:13 < enix> noone knows what that is 03:14 < enix> we're all under 50 03:14 < kd0t> lol 03:14 < enix> except cryptic1 or JollyRgrs ... one of them is an old bugger i think 03:14 < enix> also I just found this •••••• 03:14 < enix> er 03:14 <@JollyRgrs> neither of us two are under 50 03:14 < enix> https://unix.stackexchange.com/users/121927/inix 03:14 <+layer-eight> * enix → User inix - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange 03:14 < enix> JollyRgrs: who am i thinking of 03:14 <@JollyRgrs> umoms 03:14 < enix> JollyRgrs: also my +o is missing. 03:14 < enix> JollyRgrs: Fun fact; my mums actually under 50 03:14 <@JollyRgrs> so you' 03:14 < enix> We're white trash who create spawn young 03:14 <@JollyRgrs> you're young AF 03:15 <+giant_it_burrit> JollyRgrs: you are all old as dirty 03:15 < kd0t> :( 03:15 < kd0t> the years just go by too fast 03:15 < kd0t> rt 03:15 < enix> Fuck yes 03:16 < enix> One of the rats ate a power cord and cooked themselves 03:16 < kd0t> i remember being 22 03:16 < kd0t> now 30 03:16 < kd0t> like wtf 03:16 < enix> JollyRgrs: I actually am pretty young. Just a touch under 30 03:16 < enix> brb 03:16 < kd0t> what happend 03:16 < kd0t> shit is depressing 03:18 < cstk421> server 2012 r2 datacenter. Group policy management isnt an option. How does one add mapped drives for each terminal service user ? Not seeing it in the Group policy editor either 03:19 < cstk421> goal is to map drives for all users on the server so it is static wherevery they RDP in from 03:19 < cstk421> also this is in a workgroup not domain 03:20 < MiLLERBOSS> Run a logon script? 03:20 < cstk421> yes a batch file i know would work but i thought it could be done via group policy or some user management feature 03:21 < MiLLERBOSS> May I ask why you can't create a domain? 03:22 < MiLLERBOSS> Also are these mapped drives the same for all users? 03:22 < cstk421> i dont want to have to manage it 03:22 < cstk421> no they have a shared one a corp one for 3 of them and each has their own secure one 03:23 < MiLLERBOSS> I am sorry but why wouldn't you want to manage it? 03:23 < MadCamel> because then you're stuck managing it forever 03:23 < MiLLERBOSS> It will give you greater control and options. 03:23 < cstk421> i suck at AD 03:23 < MiLLERBOSS> So 03:23 < cstk421> to be honest 03:23 < MiLLERBOSS> Its not hard 03:23 <@cryptic1> you are all old as shit now 03:23 < MiLLERBOSS> :) 03:23 <@cryptic1> its over 03:23 < MiLLERBOSS> OK 03:23 < MadCamel> aint over bruh 03:24 < MiLLERBOSS> cstk421 👉 AD in the smallest fashion is simple 03:24 < cstk421> im guessing mapping printers is gonna be a bitch too outside of a domain huh 03:24 < MadCamel> if I buy a house it'll be paid off by the time I'm 80! 03:24 < MiLLERBOSS> Otherwise shit is gonna get real hairy going forward without it 03:24 < cstk421> gotcha 03:24 < MiLLERBOSS> Pretty much. Install ADFS 03:24 < MiLLERBOSS> :) 03:24 < MiLLERBOSS> Watch YouTube videos, ask here 03:25 < MiLLERBOSS> etc 03:25 < cstk421> copy that 03:25 < cstk421> ok ill give it a go 03:25 < MiLLERBOSS> You got this man. :) 03:25 * MadCamel tries to code perl with a concussion 03:25 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: preciatchu 03:25 < MiLLERBOSS> :) 03:25 < MiLLERBOSS> How many users and workstations do you have to manage. cstk421 ? 03:26 < cstk421> so users 6. workstations will be irrelevant b/c im going with thinclients and terminal services for easier management 03:27 < MiLLERBOSS> OK well since we are on the topic if the workstations run Windows you'll want them added to the domain as well 03:27 < MiLLERBOSS> Shit will be so much easier 03:27 < MiLLERBOSS> Care to define thin clients? 03:27 < cstk421> why would that make it easier ? they are just going to RDP in 03:28 < cstk421> yeah some are running win embedded 7 and others running 10 03:28 < MiLLERBOSS> Management, control, security, etc, etc 03:28 < MiLLERBOSS> Unless you want to be lazy. :P 03:28 < cstk421> i want the machines to be dumb terminals that i dont have to care about at all 03:28 < cstk421> yessir :) 03:28 < cstk421> lol 03:28 < cstk421> im already going to a domain dont push it ;) 03:29 < cstk421> would you agree if i dont join the machines to the domain i can just trash em and drop in a new thin client and off they go ? 03:29 < cstk421> they just login to their session from wherever and life is good 03:29 < MiLLERBOSS> Maybe others can chime in here but Windows 10 would need to be added to the domain else its gonna be hairy and better to manage those machines as well 03:30 < MiLLERBOSS> I don't know 03:30 < MiLLERBOSS> I never used a real thin client. 03:30 < cstk421> gotcha 03:30 < cstk421> ill start with the domain ADFS in progress now and let you know 03:30 < cstk421> i have a WES 09 box and a 10 box to test with here 03:30 < MadCamel> well.. what do the workers use the machines for? Be a dick and lock them into running a single app... 03:30 < MiLLERBOSS> I hope your RDP machine is backed up :) 03:31 <@cryptic1> wyse terminal is a think client 03:31 <@cryptic1> thin 03:31 <@cryptic1> ffs 03:31 < MadCamel> yeah pull out the ethernet and go back to serial 03:31 < MiLLERBOSS> Think cryptic1 next time you think 03:31 < cstk421> MadCamel: not an option they are picky attorneys that like their customized desktops 03:32 < enix> oh man I was looking into vdp earlier this week 03:32 <@cryptic1> MiLLERBOSS, Care to define think clients? 03:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Do they want their data safe and online at all times too? 03:32 < enix> I'm fucking tempted but i remember the issues we had at one of my old jobs; largely they just being glitchy or not being enough 03:32 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: not worried about the backup i have a golden master on my ESXI so if they eff up the RDP session server i can spin up another 03:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Think Clients from the makers of Thinking Cunts. Hairy only on the outside. 03:32 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: its all backed up to Amazon storage encrypted 03:33 < MiLLERBOSS> OK cstk421 :) 03:33 < MiLLERBOSS> There are many ways to slice this I guess but. 03:34 < MiLLERBOSS> Are you consulting? 03:34 < cstk421> agreed 03:34 < cstk421> its my wifes law firm 03:34 < cstk421> i "consult" for free :) 03:34 < MiLLERBOSS> Uh oh 03:35 < cstk421> i make my money doing hosted voice so not too worried 03:35 < MiLLERBOSS> I am just gonna say do it right and hire a consultant to look it over to make sure shit can't get fucked easily. 03:35 < enix> Fuck that 03:35 < MiLLERBOSS> But the powers at be may say no 03:36 < MiLLERBOSS> ;P 03:36 < cstk421> yep 03:36 < enix> YOLO son 03:36 < MiLLERBOSS> Lol enix 03:36 < MiLLERBOSS> He wants to keep his balls 03:36 < cstk421> lol 03:36 <@cryptic1> Pure gold from earlier today http://quotes.rsysadmin.net/?149 03:36 <+layer-eight> * cryptic1 → #reddit-sysadmin quotes: Quote #149 03:36 < MiLLERBOSS> Is there a budget for this cstk421 ? 03:37 < cstk421> so im at the "certificate" enrollment part. the video says there should be a "configured by your admin" but my server shows "configured by you" and an add new option 03:37 < enix> cryptic1, adamb: who the fuck blogs now a days 03:37 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: yep whatever the hardware costs for the thinclients 03:37 < enix> It's all about dem snapchats 03:37 < MiLLERBOSS> enix 👉 WordPress is running many sites but you just don't know it 03:38 < MiLLERBOSS> What was coderphive thinking? I am in a container right now 03:38 < MiLLERBOSS> Got a screenshot cstk421 ? 03:38 < enix> s/sites/idiots sites 03:38 <+layer-eight> [SED enix/MiLLERBOSS] enix 👉 WordPress is running many idiots sites but you just don't know it 03:39 < cstk421> https://ibb.co/bZkuWo 03:39 <+layer-eight> * cstk421 → Screen Shot 2018 07 12 at 9 38 44 PM — imgbb.com 03:39 < enix> s/but you just don't/and all the hackers 03:39 <+layer-eight> [SED enix/MiLLERBOSS] enix 👉 WordPress is running many sites and all the hackers know it 03:39 < MadCamel> anyone know if an audio amp would be damaged by modified sine-wave inverter power? 03:39 < MiLLERBOSS> I have no idea what that is regarding ADFS 03:39 < MiLLERBOSS> May I ask which video you are watching cstk421 ? 03:39 < cstk421> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAQ2n-bJ6Vs 03:39 <+layer-eight> * cstk421 → YouTube → Installing ADFS on Windows Server 2012 R2 → ⚘ 62,397 ↑ 231 ↓ 8 ✍ 43 03:40 < MiLLERBOSS> Huh I never did that part 03:40 < MiLLERBOSS> On any of my domains 03:40 < enix> cstk421: are you attempting to use ADFS for authentication into your VDS? 03:40 < cstk421> oh crap i havent joined the server to a domain first DUH 03:40 < cstk421> enix: not sure 03:40 < cstk421> enix: that wasnt my goal to begin with 03:41 < MiLLERBOSS> Well are you planning to install all of these services on one VM? 03:41 < enix> because that won't work 03:41 < enix> I have to run for a sec. Good luck. 03:41 <@cryptic1> TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP 03:41 <@cryptic1> oh sorry I don't know what happened there 03:41 < MiLLERBOSS> You'd want to think about hardware and resources too 03:41 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: the domain controller cannot be the RDS server together ? 03:41 < MiLLERBOSS> BUILD THAT WALL! BUILD THAT WALL! BUILD THAT WALL! BUILD THAT WALL! BUILD THAT WALL! 03:42 < MiLLERBOSS> I think you "can" but I'd advise against it 03:42 < MiLLERBOSS> If it was me I'd make one VM for DC/ADFS and another for RDS also use profile disks in RDS 03:42 < cstk421> k its been a while so im confused now. isnt the point of AFDS to create the domain ? or is that just AD to manage resources ? 03:43 < MiLLERBOSS> Yes ADFS is for creating a domain 03:43 < cstk421> b/c im trying to change the server to a domain and its not able to contact the domain b/c it doesnt exist yet 03:43 < MiLLERBOSS> You need to promote it 03:43 < MiLLERBOSS> I am unsure what step you are at; 03:43 < cstk421> well that wasnt in the video :) 03:44 < MiLLERBOSS> Am I using the wrong term? 03:44 * MiLLERBOSS looks 03:45 < cstk421> k done 03:45 < cstk421> moving on now ! 03:45 < MiLLERBOSS> ADDS 03:46 < MiLLERBOSS> Sorry :( 03:46 < cstk421> np 03:46 < MiLLERBOSS> You want ADDS 03:46 < cstk421> yep 03:46 < MiLLERBOSS> You can easily remote ADFS 03:46 < MiLLERBOSS> Remove too 03:46 < MiLLERBOSS> Where is your DHCP and DNS cstk421 ? 03:46 < cstk421> on the cisco router 03:47 < MiLLERBOSS> OK fair enough 03:47 < MiLLERBOSS> This guy is good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WyBxwJD_c0 03:47 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → YouTube → Installing Active Directory, DNS and DHCP to Create a Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller → ⚘ 1,680,225 ↑ 10,359 ↓ 220 ✍ 794 03:47 < cstk421> so enix said that i cant authenticate users via AD and have them rdp 03:47 < cstk421> if thats the case not sure why i am going this route unless i misunderstood 03:47 < MiLLERBOSS> If the machines are on the domain you will have no issue but you can with out as well 03:48 < cstk421> ok 03:48 < MiLLERBOSS> The above video skip over DHCP 03:48 < MiLLERBOSS> But you'll want DNS on the VM with ADDS 03:48 < MiLLERBOSS> Disable DNS on the router 03:48 < MiLLERBOSS> So you really can't bill for this? 03:49 < MiLLERBOSS> I mean if she has employees there has to be profit 03:49 < cstk421> no i dont care to its my hobby to learn this 03:49 < MiLLERBOSS> But lawyers are sometimes accountants and want to spend zero money 03:49 < cstk421> so in the ADDS config am i adding a new forest ? 03:50 < MiLLERBOSS> OK well just cross your Ts and dot your i's here 03:50 < cstk421> the other 2 options dont seem to apply 03:50 < MiLLERBOSS> Yes new forest 03:50 < cstk421> ok 03:50 < MiLLERBOSS> See video :) 03:50 < cstk421> yep watching that too 03:50 < MiLLERBOSS> Change server name 03:50 < MiLLERBOSS> DC1 or something 03:51 < MiLLERBOSS> Domain does not have to be a own domain just do not use .local 03:51 < cstk421> right 03:51 < cstk421> why do i need dns on the DC ? 03:51 < MiLLERBOSS> Uh its kind of the whole idea of domain controller 03:52 < cstk421> ok 03:52 < MiLLERBOSS> You'll see an error about no DNS server but it adds one for you from what I recall 03:53 < cstk421> ok 03:53 < abakedapplepie> not the whole idea 03:53 < abakedapplepie> but a pretty important part 03:53 < abakedapplepie> :P 03:54 < MiLLERBOSS> Yeah I phrased that wrong 03:54 < abakedapplepie> itll ask you to set it up 03:54 < abakedapplepie> and youll want AD-backed DNS 03:54 < abakedapplepie> not the other option 03:54 < cstk421> so let me ask this. as a dns server it is handling ALL dns requests including HTTP requests outside the network ? i assume yes 03:54 < abakedapplepie> yes 03:54 < abakedapplepie> you configure root hints on your dns server 03:55 < abakedapplepie> and all workstations on the domain are pointed to domain controlled DNS servers 03:55 < abakedapplepie> ideally more than one 03:55 < abakedapplepie> same for DC, more than one 03:55 < MiLLERBOSS> 6 workstations, though 03:55 < abakedapplepie> eh 03:55 < abakedapplepie> ok 03:55 < cstk421> see thats where the complexity doesnt make sense to me. they are all TS Sessions on the same server 03:55 < abakedapplepie> a dc should never be a ts 03:55 < cstk421> no need to have dns to look at the same host 03:55 < MiLLERBOSS> You will have a RDS server right? 03:56 < cstk421> well this was the RDS server but i guess ihave to remove that and build another one 03:56 < MiLLERBOSS> I don't see how ADDS will work without DNS 03:56 < abakedapplepie> what hardware are you working with 03:56 < cstk421> power edge r710 II if i remember 03:57 < abakedapplepie> if you have at least 64gb or so of ram i'd say p2v your current rds, install hyper-v 2016, import the p2v image and spin up another new server, install domain on new server and join RDS to domain 03:58 < abakedapplepie> convert the rds local profiles to domain profiles and bobs yr uncle 03:58 < cstk421> guess i should have asked this. If i was to just map the drives printers etc. to each users session will they remain that way ? 03:58 < MiLLERBOSS> Many ways to do it. :) 03:58 < abakedapplepie> you can do that with a startup batch script 03:58 < MiLLERBOSS> I thought you said you were running ESXi cstk421 03:58 < cstk421> i am 03:58 < cstk421> he asked hardware 03:58 < abakedapplepie> oh 03:58 < abakedapplepie> well shit 03:58 < cstk421> not hypervisor 03:58 < MiLLERBOSS> lol 03:58 < cstk421> sorry 03:58 < abakedapplepie> lol 03:59 < cstk421> or another way to word it are any changes, mapped drives persistent on login per user ? 03:59 < abakedapplepie> if you change a drive for one user it doesnt change for all users if thats what youre asking 03:59 < MiLLERBOSS> But his abakedapplepie's suggested install is good too. 04:00 < abakedapplepie> yeah if you want to do it right, slice a core and 4gb of ram off your rds server and make a dc 04:00 < cstk421> no i mean i login as user A and map a drive. then i log out and walk to another station and log in again will that same map drive show up ? 04:00 < MiLLERBOSS> Hyper-v is super simple but I prefer ESXi 04:00 < abakedapplepie> cstk421: no 04:00 < cstk421> same with printers ? 04:00 < abakedapplepie> not without group policy 04:00 < abakedapplepie> and a domain 04:00 < cstk421> crap 04:00 < abakedapplepie> or an undocumented set of batch scripts 04:00 < cstk421> okie dokie 04:00 < abakedapplepie> dont do that 04:00 < abakedapplepie> lol 04:01 < cstk421> finishing the DC configuration now 04:01 < MiLLERBOSS> Did you leave out a part there? Don't you mean "no i mean i login as user A and map a drive.  then i log out and walk to another station and log in again will that same map drive show up ?" 04:01 < abakedapplepie> oh does he have thin clients 04:01 < abakedapplepie> then yes 04:01 < cstk421> well shit 04:01 < MiLLERBOSS> Well that is what he wants/plans 04:01 < abakedapplepie> do you have computers 04:01 < cstk421> yes MiLLERBOSS thats what i meant 04:01 < abakedapplepie> or do you have only a terminal server 04:01 < cstk421> abakedapplepie: yes 04:01 < abakedapplepie> lol 04:02 < cstk421> both 04:02 < abakedapplepie> ok 04:02 < abakedapplepie> you want a dc 04:02 < cstk421> but eventually im pulling out the machines as i am not adding them to the domain 04:02 < abakedapplepie> oh 04:02 < cstk421> all of it will be RDP to TS 04:02 < cstk421> hence the question why i need dns and all this other crap 04:02 < MiLLERBOSS> Group Policy 04:02 < abakedapplepie> because you want to do it right 04:02 < abakedapplepie> lol 04:02 < abakedapplepie> and you want to learn 04:02 < MiLLERBOSS> Yes and do it right 04:02 < MiLLERBOSS> Yup 04:03 < cstk421> lol 04:03 < cstk421> i prefer linux ! 04:03 < abakedapplepie> and also its really not hard 04:03 < cstk421> is that not allowed here :) 04:03 < cstk421> abakedapplepie: thats what MiLLERBOSS said 04:03 < abakedapplepie> if youre more comfortable with a shell use powershell instead 04:03 < MiLLERBOSS> Anything is allowed here 04:03 < abakedapplepie> the gui just runs powershell in the background 04:03 < cstk421> oh god no 04:03 < MiLLERBOSS> Except cryptic1's mom 04:03 < cstk421> ill stick with the gui 04:03 < MiLLERBOSS> :O 04:03 < cstk421> lol 04:04 < abakedapplepie> cstk421 you might like it 04:04 < MiLLERBOSS> Whoops 04:04 < cstk421> ive looked at it before i was telling MiLLERBOSS i do voice mostly and cisco dont want to get into new shit. I have a real job too ! 04:04 < abakedapplepie> powershell isnt a bad thing to get familiar with 04:04 < abakedapplepie> it certainly isnt going anywhere :) 04:05 < abakedapplepie> and we are past the dark ages of constantly changing cmdlets and switches 04:05 < abakedapplepie> thank god 04:05 < cstk421> so you dont think MS will ever wise up and switch to NIX ? 04:05 < abakedapplepie> erm, no 04:05 < cstk421> that'll turn everyone on their heds 04:06 < abakedapplepie> while i fully expect them to launch some of their core products for linux, windows isnt going anywhere 04:06 < cstk421> gotcha 04:09 < cstk421> so is the certificate crap required for ADFS or does it just say that ? 04:09 < abakedapplepie> what cra 04:09 < abakedapplepie> p 04:09 < cstk421> the "request" certificate for the server 04:09 < cstk421> its a prereq for ADFS 04:09 < MiLLERBOSS> Yeah remove ADFS, I used wrong term earlier 04:09 < MiLLERBOSS> I meant ADDS 04:10 < abakedapplepie> lol i was wondering why you were installing adfs 04:10 < abakedapplepie> i was like hmm thats not required 04:10 < cstk421> wait its not needed at all ? 04:10 < abakedapplepie> although i think it is if you want to run rds over http for remote connections 04:10 < MiLLERBOSS> Where you add stuff from System Center you'll see remove features 04:10 < abakedapplepie> its more for externally authenticating against the domain 04:10 < cstk421> oh ok 04:10 < cstk421> removing now 04:10 < abakedapplepie> i have to set up adfs on our domain sometime soon 04:11 < abakedapplepie> for web facing dynamics crm 04:11 < abakedapplepie> dumb 04:15 < cstk421> ok done. i have a domain now. removed ADFS. Whats next ? 04:15 < cstk421> an OU ? 04:15 < cstk421> i need users. printers. network drives to be pushed. thats about it 04:16 < abakedapplepie> theres a default users OU thats all you need 04:16 < cstk421> or just use group policy manager to push those 04:20 < cstk421> so there is no OU by default 04:20 < cstk421> not seeing one in the list 04:21 < cstk421> or is the one called domain controllers the default one ? it has the same icon as the new one i just created 04:22 < MiLLERBOSS> There is one named Users 04:22 < MiLLERBOSS> At the bottom 04:22 < cstk421> agh 04:23 < cstk421> maybe dumb question but i want to share a drive from another server to my users. i created a new share and its asking for the path to the share as if it is on the server itself. is this wrong ? 04:23 < cstk421> or again im doing it in the wrong place and this is a group policy issue 04:24 < MiLLERBOSS> Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m0hIcE8Yr8 04:24 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → YouTube → 14. Map Network Drives with Group Policy Preferences (70-410) MCSA → ⚘ 52,509 ↑ 98 ↓ 13 ✍ 13 04:25 < MiLLERBOSS> If that video sucks https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=map+network+drive+active+directory+2012 04:25 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → map network drive active directory 2012 - YouTube 04:25 < cstk421> yeah thats what i thought its asking me to share it from the AD server. I dont want to share that one i want to share one that already exists on another server 04:25 < MiLLERBOSS> Then change the location 04:26 < MiLLERBOSS> \\SERVERNAME\SHARENAME 04:26 < cstk421> what about authentication ? 04:26 < cstk421> ill try it 04:26 <@Nostalg14c> Mornin 04:28 < cstk421> ok it can store the credentials in the manager for that drive and share it out. hmmm interesting 04:29 < MiLLERBOSS> Well as long as the users is given permission to view the mapped drive contents. 04:30 < cstk421> k 04:31 < cstk421> so in the videos the group policy manager shows the OU in the domain tree but mine doesnt. thoughts ? 04:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Screenshot? 04:32 < cstk421> https://ibb.co/iZjAMo 04:33 <+layer-eight> * cstk421 → Screen Shot 2018 07 12 at 10 32 42 PM — imgbb.com 04:33 < MiLLERBOSS> Remove that image 04:33 < MiLLERBOSS> Hopefully you can 04:34 < cstk421> not worried that domain doesnt exist publicly 04:34 < MiLLERBOSS> Yeah but everyone here can know the establishment's name, etc 04:35 < cstk421> deleted 04:35 < MiLLERBOSS> :) 04:35 < cstk421> thx 04:35 < MiLLERBOSS> You don't want that. People here can help but there are loggers and its all public 04:35 < cstk421> so the OU i created shows up in the group policy manager but not the default one 04:35 < cstk421> gotcha 04:35 <@JollyRgrs> yeah, this isn't a room of 4 ppl tryin to help you 04:36 <@JollyRgrs> we're actually kind small right now, at 625 04:36 <@JollyRgrs> i bet 200+ are NSA lurkers 04:36 < cstk421> copy that 04:36 < MiLLERBOSS> lol 04:36 * MiLLERBOSS waves 04:36 < MiLLERBOSS> Also set the proper time zone. 04:36 < MiLLERBOSS> Define "but not the default one" 04:37 < cstk421> done 04:37 < cstk421> the default OU in active directory users and computers is USERS 04:37 < cstk421> that doesnt show up in the GP editor 04:37 < cstk421> but the one i created does 04:37 < MiLLERBOSS> Oh I see what you mean 04:37 < MiLLERBOSS> Then just create another OU 04:38 <@JollyRgrs> cstk421: default "OU" isn't a default OU, it's called a container 04:38 <@JollyRgrs> don't rely on those 04:38 < cstk421> k 04:38 < MiLLERBOSS> So are containers useable within Group Policy Management JollyRgrs ? 04:38 < MiLLERBOSS> I assume not 04:38 <@JollyRgrs> iirc, you cannot apply policies to them 04:38 < MiLLERBOSS> Right. 04:38 <@JollyRgrs> but they do get GPOs applied to root of domain 04:38 < cstk421> so should i move all the objects from the "USERS" to the new OU i made ? 04:39 < cstk421> or make new ones ? 04:39 <@JollyRgrs> moving is fine 04:39 < cstk421> kk 04:39 <@JollyRgrs> object is an object is an object 04:39 <@JollyRgrs> and after that, it is "location, location, location" 04:39 < cstk421> k moved all 04:39 <@JollyRgrs> then you complicate things when adding objects in security groups... but that's for a later chapter in this class 04:44 < cstk421> when creating a drive map in the GPO the video says to use "create" does that actually create the folder ? If mine exists on the remote server i should use "update" as my option corect ? 04:45 < cstk421> or am i creating it on the "users" session ? 04:50 < MiLLERBOSS> I never understood that drop down menu regarding update, create, etc. I just use create, but you would need to make sure the shared folder does exist though 04:52 < cstk421> yeah i did that was right 04:52 < hug> Use update. Always use update. 04:52 < MiLLERBOSS> Curious, how come? 04:52 < benjgvps> "uptime is 8 years, 41 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes" holy cow, that's a stable Cisco C3550 04:53 < hug> Create will always try to create an object. If the object has been updated since, you may end up with a duplicate. 04:53 < MiLLERBOSS> Makes sense 04:53 < hug> Replace will always replace the object. It will be deleted, and recreated. 04:53 < hug> Update will just update the object if it exists and is different. 04:53 < hug> (And create it if it doesn't exist) 04:54 < hug> So update is *almost always* the best way to do things. 04:54 < cstk421> i have none so create for me 04:56 < hug> Use updaaaate. 04:56 < hug> Especially if you have other newbie techs around. 04:57 < cstk421> when i tried update i had a yellow exclamation mark on the drive 04:57 < cstk421> when i used create it went green 04:57 < hug> When you use replace it'll go red 04:57 < hug> That's because those are the colours assigned to those actions. 04:57 < cstk421> ah 04:57 < cstk421> ok 04:57 < cstk421> but it didnt exist before and you said to use create or is that still not right ? 04:58 < hug> No. Use update. 04:58 < hug> Just ... use update for everything unless you're really really sure you have a good reason to use something else. 04:58 < hug> Update is a strict superset of creates function. 04:58 < hug> It also means if you want to update the object later, you can just change the path or whatever in the GPO. 04:59 < cstk421> copy that 04:59 < cstk421> will do 05:03 < enix> Yo what's shakin THUG 05:03 <@cryptic1> ban enix 05:03 <@cryptic1> shit forgot the / 05:03 < enix> Wowwww 05:04 <+DrGibby|> hi cryptic1 05:04 <@cryptic1> oh hai! 05:04 <+DrGibby|> <3 05:04 < enix> cryptic1: make me op i'll ban myself 05:04 <@Nostalg14c> op enix 05:04 <@cryptic1> uhh how aboot no 05:04 <@Nostalg14c> missed the / 05:04 <@Nostalg14c> feelsbadman 05:04 <+DrGibby|> op me 05:04 <@cryptic1> heh 05:04 < enix> ban cryptic1 05:04 < enix> forgot the / 05:06 < enix> So CentOS 7 on ESX. I've checked the VNET attached and it's the correct one. Still not getting ip 05:06 < enix> Have checked network config file, it's set to start on boot, configured for dhcp 05:06 < enix> have done a ip set link up to make sure it's up... 05:06 < enix> Run dhclient.. 05:06 < enix> Stuck on next step 05:06 <+DrGibby|> what version of ESX 05:06 < enix> Thoughts guys? 05:07 <+DrGibby|> and why not esxi? 05:07 < enix> eh it's esxi 05:07 < enix> sorry 05:07 * enix is rusty as fuck 05:07 < enix> 6.5 or something 05:07 < enix> yeah 6.5.0 05:14 < enix> ohhh okay 05:14 < enix> network failing to start 05:14 < enix> fucking centos bro 05:14 <+DrGibby|> if esxi isn't passing a IP its something with the config of the VM 05:14 <+DrGibby|> or within the OS itself 05:14 <@JollyRgrs> enix: if you set static IP, does it work? 05:14 <@JollyRgrs> do you have DHCP working on other devices on that vnet? 05:14 < enix> Well I just tried to restart network with systemd and it's failing 05:15 < enix> So I have something to work from now 05:15 <+DrGibby|> $10 its systemd 05:15 < MiLLERBOSS> Ackchyually its because did not shower today 05:15 < enix> This is a clean install though which REALLY grinds my gears. I've had nothing but issues with CentOS 7 05:15 <+DrGibby|> its *always* systemd 05:15 < MiLLERBOSS> s/did/DrGibby| did 05:15 <+layer-eight> [SED MiLLERBOSS] Ackchyually its because DrGibby| did not shower today 05:15 <@JollyRgrs> enix: i got no issues with Centos7 05:15 <@JollyRgrs> i run my KVM host on centos7 05:15 <+DrGibby|> my next paycheck is on its not esxi 05:16 < enix> never assumed it was esxi tbh 05:16 <+DrGibby|> properly configured, of course 05:17 < enix> whats the command to disable selinux again 05:18 < enix> setenforce 05:18 < enix> thank you enix 05:18 < enix> `vote enix 05:18 < misspwn> yoyo daswg 05:18 < misspwn> kindly do the needful 05:18 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh 05:18 <+layer-eight> BOFH That's easy to fix, but i can't be bothered. 05:18 < MiLLERBOSS> Exactly 05:19 < misspwn> MiLLERBOSS, are you a bofh? 05:21 < MiLLERBOSS> Nah, just in my head I can be. 05:21 < MiLLERBOSS> Why I outta 05:21 < enix> holy shit that bofh is my life today 05:22 < MiLLERBOSS> You can't be bothered? 05:22 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh 05:22 <+layer-eight> BOFH Jan 9 16:41:27 huber su: 'su root' succeeded for .... on /dev/pts/1 05:23 < enix> unregistered authentication agent for unix-process 05:23 < enix> what the fuck 05:28 < jay-ros> what the actual fuck 05:28 < jay-ros> hi enix :) 05:29 < jay-ros> happy motherfucking friday 05:29 < enix> hi jay-ros 05:29 < enix> it's my thursday today 05:29 < jay-ros> oh yeah, you work off-week 05:29 < jay-ros> happy day-after-logistical-hump-day then 05:30 < enix> haha thanks 05:30 < enix> no boss today/tomorrow so pretty chill 05:31 < enix> Some imgur surfing and trying to work out why centos is a steaming hunk of shit now-a-days 05:31 < enix> spoiler alert; probably systemd 05:31 < jay-ros> probably need to reboot haproxy 05:31 < jay-ros> restart* 05:31 < BytesAndCoffee> oh fuck i thought i somehow deleted my entire WSL install 05:31 < jay-ros> BytesAndCoffee - I fucked up my SCCM database 05:31 < MiLLERBOSS> `both enix 05:31 <@cryptic1> you should 05:31 < jay-ros> it's one of those weeks 05:31 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh enix 05:31 <+layer-eight> BOFH Your cat tried to eat the mouse. 05:32 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh enix 05:32 <+layer-eight> BOFH Electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris 05:32 < BytesAndCoffee> it was throwing an error about no distributions being installed 05:32 < BytesAndCoffee> i though, "eh, a reboot can't hurt it any further" 05:32 < BytesAndCoffee> reboot fixed it 05:32 < jay-ros> can you recover from backup? 05:32 < BytesAndCoffee> a reboot actually fucking fixed it 05:32 < jay-ros> oh nice 05:32 < enix> Thats why helldesk always ask you to reboot 05:33 < BytesAndCoffee> https://i.imgur.com/tcpQMZa.jpg 05:33 <+layer-eight> * BytesAndCoffee → IMGUR Image → Image/jpeg → a few seconds ago → 1920x1040 → ⚘ 2 05:33 < BytesAndCoffee> enix: i work in helldesk 05:33 < BytesAndCoffee> customer facing helldesk 05:33 < jay-ros> Senior level usually thinks "does a registry reload and connected services to the one I'm using, as well as a refreshed DB session clear the error?" 05:33 < jay-ros> "let's find out ... shutdown /r /t 1 05:34 < enix> sfw: https://i.imgur.com/JsL2nwr.jpg 05:34 < BytesAndCoffee> jay-ros: "oh, that did it" 05:34 <+layer-eight> * enix → IMGUR Image → Image/jpeg → 2 years ago → 947x730 → ⚘ 622 05:34 < enix> Can anyone explain the joke? :\ 05:34 < BytesAndCoffee> enix: you touch yourself at night 05:35 < jay-ros> enix - nice 05:35 < jay-ros> oh, aussies, I have one for yo 05:35 < jay-ros> give me a sec 05:36 < jay-ros> https://pasteboard.co/HucWF1A.png 05:36 <+layer-eight> * jay-ros → Pasteboard — Uploaded Image 05:36 < jay-ros> the girlfriend found this on facebook 05:36 < BytesAndCoffee> oh also i got my WSL i3 startup script all in bash instead of an unholy mix of .lnk files, batch scripts, and bash scripts 05:36 < BytesAndCoffee> http://ix.io/1d6L 05:36 <+layer-eight> * BytesAndCoffee → TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=UTF-8 Document, 245 bytes 05:37 < enix> lol almost as good as the legend who tried selling his 'antique plastic bags' on ebay 05:37 < jay-ros> yeah, so fucking good 05:37 < BytesAndCoffee> enix: so fucking plastic dust 05:37 < MiLLERBOSS> https://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/s/phishing.html 05:37 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → posted a malicious Link 05:37 <+layer-eight> | Warning social engineering threat detected on https://testsafebrowsing.appspot.com/s/phishing.html for all platforms 05:37 < MiLLERBOSS> ZOMG 05:37 < jay-ros> Howdy MiLLERBOSS 05:38 < MiLLERBOSS> layer-eight 👉 is working a lot tonight 05:38 < MiLLERBOSS> Sup 05:39 < BytesAndCoffee> MiLLERBOSS: ugh i get so many phishing/malware calls 05:39 < MiLLERBOSS> From what? 05:39 < BytesAndCoffee> at work 05:40 < BytesAndCoffee> im stuck in a tech support call centre for now 05:40 < MiLLERBOSS> How do you handle the situations? 05:41 < BytesAndCoffee> phishing? i just point out that xyz@youraccountfoocompany.biz is not the same as xyz@fooid.foo.com (where actual account related emails will be sent from) 05:42 < enix> FUCK THIS IM REINSTALLING CENTOS 05:42 < jay-ros> I believe in you enix 05:42 < BytesAndCoffee> also that it won't be "dear customer", it will have their actual name 05:42 < MiLLERBOSS> New settings in G Suite help a ton with that BytesAndCoffee 05:42 <@cryptic1> learn how to Centos enix 05:42 < jay-ros> fire it up in hyperv and stage your snapshots 05:42 < BytesAndCoffee> MiLLERBOSS: i don't do gsuite 05:42 < MiLLERBOSS> You can enable a big banner for that shit 05:42 < MiLLERBOSS> Thats too bad 05:43 < BytesAndCoffee> you could say i work for one of Google's competitors 05:43 < BytesAndCoffee> end user support 05:43 < jay-ros> this is my life right now 05:43 < jay-ros> https://pasteboard.co/HucZyXA.png 05:43 <+layer-eight> * jay-ros → Pasteboard — Uploaded Image 05:43 < jay-ros> typing in irc with crossed fingers is quite difficult 05:44 < MiLLERBOSS> Why not install Gentoo enix? 05:44 <@Nostalg14c> Is that a fresh install jay-ros 05:44 < jay-ros> Why not openSUSE 05:44 < jay-ros> Nostalg14c, db recovery. 05:44 < BytesAndCoffee> thing is, we will never ask for their SIN 05:44 <@Nostalg14c> O 05:44 < BytesAndCoffee> why do old people ALWAYS give their SIN 05:44 < jay-ros> the transaction log for master was full to the point that the sql service shat the bed 05:44 < BytesAndCoffee> SIN/SSN 05:44 < jay-ros> lucky my manager knows his DBs, so he went through and rebuilt the DB, but I'm now reconnecting SCCM to it 05:45 < BytesAndCoffee> i've had people start spitting out their SSN at me over the phone and im like, please stop that 05:45 < BytesAndCoffee> i ask for their account username, and they give me their password 05:45 < BytesAndCoffee> like 05:45 < MiLLERBOSS> This is a poor website for http://niceme.me/ domain 05:45 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Nice meme! 05:46 < BytesAndCoffee> i need LoIP 05:46 < BytesAndCoffee> Lumber over IP 05:46 < BytesAndCoffee> clue-by-four via internet 05:55 < MiLLERBOSS> cryptic1 cryptic1 sitting over there watching his IRC monitor, waiting to ban that one guy so quick with his triggers. cryptic1 cryptic1 just another day. 05:57 <@cryptic1> BANT! 06:06 < jay-ros> Lumber over IP sounds fantastic 06:06 < enix> Man every car lover is the exact same 06:06 < enix> Cars unregistered? Take her for a drive 06:07 < enix> Car has 400rwkw? Better adjust the timing and retune 06:07 < enix> Car now has 410kw but can't get a roady worthy due to no mod plate 06:07 < enix> Drives the car anyway 06:09 < jay-ros> I love expensive cars with cheap sounding upgraded exhausts 06:09 < jay-ros> 2014 mercedes with open baffle so it sounds like a torana when it takes off at the lights at a regular speed 06:10 < enix> I lined up two C63 AMGs once 06:10 < enix> I didn't know that I had lined one of them up as he was behind me 06:10 < aName> Boss was telling me he needed a blu-ray drive to rip some movies before a trip. "Oh hey I have a laptop one and I'm sure there's a SATA bridge around the office somewhere". Spent half an hour digging out of this old media PC, which ironically was never turned on... and I must have one of the three PATA blu-ray drives ever made, somehow. >.< 06:10 < enix> Thrashed one AMG, we had a laugh 06:11 < enix> then this other AMG comes flying past us at over 200km/h 06:11 < enix> We were at like 150 or so 06:11 < enix> He backs off, speed matches us while we're still full throttle, then blasts off again 06:11 < enix> Fucking AMGs man. 06:15 < cstk421> how long does gpupdate take to make the change. for example for testing i have a user that is logged in via rdp to a session. I remove the user from the group policy of that mapped drive and run a gpupdate and it doesnt remove it. I logoff and log back in and its still there and accessible.\ 06:15 < cstk421> am i missing something ? 06:16 < jay-ros> cstk421, where did you modify the policy - local? 06:16 < jay-ros> or from RSAT? 06:17 < jay-ros> also it shouldn't disconnect a user, it'll stop them from initiating a connection 06:17 < cstk421> under the domain OU 06:17 < cstk421> in group policy manager 06:17 < cstk421> i dont expect it to disconnect them but for sure not be able to access the drive mapping again 06:17 * enix hates reddit markup 06:17 < jay-ros> on your machine, or on the DC that is the %logonserver% 06:17 < enix> "Oh you entered a space here but it's not double so no space for you" 06:17 < enix> l2plaintext cunt 06:18 < cstk421> jay-ros: oh on the DC 06:19 < jay-ros> shouldn't take long 06:19 < cstk421> i even forced it 06:19 < jay-ros> like, about five? 06:19 < cstk421> logged off a few times and nothing 06:20 < cstk421> another user session however eventually isnt able to access it anymore but the drives still show in explorer 06:21 < MiLLERBOSS> gpresult /H a.html 06:22 < cstk421> what am i looking for in this report ? 06:22 < MiLLERBOSS> Also Group Policy Results in Group Policy Management can help if you think its a setting 06:22 < MiLLERBOSS> To see if you setting is in there or not 06:23 < MiLLERBOSS> And you'll want to run that command on the user/machine/RDP session that you are testing out 06:23 < cstk421> k 06:25 < cstk421> so on the rdp session it shows it in there with the map drive user etc. 06:25 < cstk421> on the server side all that shows in the denied GPO section 06:26 < cstk421> the server shows that share as access denied 06:28 < cstk421> i even deleted the share completely from GPO updated and its still showing up after logoff and back on for the user session 06:28 < cstk421> dont see how i am screwing that up 06:29 < MiLLERBOSS> What object did you set that you expect to be doing something different than it is? 06:29 < Virtual-Potato> man 06:29 < MiLLERBOSS> Girl 06:29 < Virtual-Potato> you ever been 4 sessions deep in a RDP session? 06:29 < Virtual-Potato> that was definitely fun 06:30 < MiLLERBOSS> 2 is the most 06:30 < MiLLERBOSS> I have done 06:30 < MiLLERBOSS> How are you getting your jolly off in 4? 06:30 < MiLLERBOSS> jollys 06:31 < Virtual-Potato> protip, when trying to RDP into session 3, use session 2's on-screen-keyboard to press the hotkey (ctrl-alt-insert) to login. When trying to RDP into session 4, use session 3's OSK to do the same 06:31 < Virtual-Potato> using session 2's OSK will NOT work 06:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Why would you use CTRL ALT DLT? 06:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Or need to I mean 06:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Unless its 2003 06:32 < MiLLERBOSS> Or you have that one feature off 06:33 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: so in the "SSR" OU i created a GPO policy called Erin Share. Then edit user config / preferences / network share etc. 06:33 < Virtual-Potato> dunno 06:33 < MiLLERBOSS> NLA 06:33 < Virtual-Potato> it was one of the systems I worked in the past 06:33 < MiLLERBOSS> Network Level Authentication 06:33 < Virtual-Potato> yeah that's it 06:34 < cstk421> another crazy question if i removed the "Authenticated Users" from the security filter would that cause not to enforce the changes im making to the logged in users ? 06:34 < cstk421> i also deleted the object and tried to recreate it with the same name and it tells me it already exists 06:35 < MiLLERBOSS> I do this for a mapped drive https://millerboss.com/x/Screen-Shot-2018-07-12-23-34-24-F.png H is what I chose for that share. You can use any letter 06:35 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → IMAGE/PNG; CHARSET=UTF-8 Document, 9,832 bytes 06:35 < cstk421> wtf all the ones i have created and deleted are under the "Group Policy Objects" section below the OU 06:35 < cstk421> why is that ? 06:35 < MiLLERBOSS> Because that is the bucket of objects 06:35 < cstk421> do i need to remove it from there too ? 06:35 < MiLLERBOSS> You "link" then where needed 06:36 < MiLLERBOSS> You must be just removing the link 06:36 < cstk421> what about my question regarding the authenticated users above ? 06:36 < MiLLERBOSS> https://millerboss.com/x/Screen-Shot-2018-07-12-23-36-24-p.png notice the arrow. Thats a link 06:36 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → IMAGE/PNG; CHARSET=UTF-8 Document, 4,745 bytes 06:37 <@JollyRgrs> so in bash scripting, i know i can pass args... like ./script.sh arg1 arg2 arg3 06:37 <@JollyRgrs> but how about passing like ./script.sh -arg1 "string1" -arg2 "string2" ? 06:37 < cstk421> ah yes i see that 06:37 <@JollyRgrs> how does that work? 06:38 < enix> vmware is now dead to me 06:39 <@JollyRgrs> enix: what did it do to you? lol 06:39 < enix> web clients fucked 06:39 < enix> Keep trying to edit machines and it's like 'you can't have a negative memory value' 06:40 < enix> well i didn't fucking set a negative memory value as you kidding me 06:40 <@JollyRgrs> lol :( sorry man 06:40 < cstk421> enix: happens alot 6.5 06:40 < enix> s/as/are 06:40 < MiLLERBOSS> cstk421 👉 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/identity-protection/windows-firewall/assign-security-group-filters-to-the-gpo 06:40 <+layer-eight> [SED enix/MiLLERBOSS] cstk421 👉 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/identity-protection/windows-firewall/aresign-security-group-filters-to-the-gpo 06:40 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Assign Security Group Filters to the GPO (Windows 10) | Microsoft Docs 06:40 <@JollyRgrs> glad i didnt' go that route 06:40 <@JollyRgrs> i went KVM instead 06:40 < enix> JollyRgrs: holy shit im jealous 06:40 <@JollyRgrs> MiLLERBOSS: God bless you 06:40 < enix> It is a HUGE job to migrate over to KVM right nowbecause i'm in the middle of a storage reshuffle 06:41 <@JollyRgrs> :( 06:41 < enix> But I've been considering going the VDS route for most of our terminals, as it would save on some issues 06:41 <@JollyRgrs> i figured KVM would be more scriptable 06:41 < MiLLERBOSS> Did I sneeze? I didn't hear it 06:41 < MiLLERBOSS> :P 06:41 <@JollyRgrs> but this is homelab stuff, not prod 06:41 <@JollyRgrs> just homeprod 06:41 < enix> I've only ever done virtual desktop with vmware ... and now i'm seriously reconsidering it 06:42 < enix> VDI whatever 06:42 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: ok so I get that and removed all users from the GPO of that share and that user session still has access even after logoff 06:42 <@JollyRgrs> we did VDI en mass at my old job 06:42 <@JollyRgrs> it worked well, you just need a good network backbone and good IOPS 06:42 < enix> Yeah true 06:43 < MiLLERBOSS> Then create a new objet and start over. Process of elimination. 06:43 < enix> The only limiting factor I suspected would be our backbone as it's not 100% cable 06:43 < enix> now i know it'll be vmware being broken. 06:43 <@JollyRgrs> we had thin clients boot to windows embedded... then that loaded up horizon vmware view... then that loaded up citrix... and that ran the system everyone used 06:43 <@JollyRgrs> ...PITA 06:43 < enix> :O 06:43 <@JollyRgrs> so much middle that coulda been cut out 06:44 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: so there are 2 default GPO's one called "Default Domain Controllers Policy" and "Default Domain Policy". should i delete those so I have none and start over ? 06:44 < MiLLERBOSS> Don't delete those 06:44 < MiLLERBOSS> I mean remove the policy that you are having issues with and redo that one 06:44 < MiLLERBOSS> Also did you do gpupdatep /force? 06:44 < cstk421> ok 06:45 < cstk421> yeah did that 06:45 < MiLLERBOSS> gpupdate* 06:45 < MiLLERBOSS> OK 06:45 < cstk421> ill try it again 06:45 < MiLLERBOSS> And the html file didn't show the problem? 06:45 < cstk421> not that i could comprehend 06:46 < cstk421> so i just noticed i didnt do this. the user that kept that mapped drive regardless of the GPO. I went to explorer and disconnected the drive. logged off and back on and now its gone 06:46 < cstk421> i would have thought the GPO should remove it on the next login 06:46 < MiLLERBOSS> But was it set to update still or remove? 06:46 < cstk421> i deleted it completely 06:47 < cstk421> guess you cant do that huh 06:47 < MiLLERBOSS> No the object 06:47 < cstk421> yes the object 06:47 < cstk421> i deleted it 06:47 < cstk421> i guess i was supposed to update it to "remove" and gpupdate ? 06:47 < MiLLERBOSS> Deleting the object won't make a change all the time 06:47 < cstk421> is that the right procedure ? 06:47 < cstk421> now i see 06:47 < MiLLERBOSS> Yeah 06:47 < cstk421> testing again 06:47 < dragonfleas> You guys know any reason one of our Hyper-V hosts keeps undoing updates 06:48 < dragonfleas> "we couldn't complete the updates undoing changes" 06:48 < MiLLERBOSS> And gpupdate does run on the domain after time but you manually running it is OK. Just so you are aware 06:49 < cstk421> i figured 06:49 < enix> Cool... issues happening in prod too. 06:49 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh 06:49 <+layer-eight> BOFH Wrong polarity of neutron flow 06:49 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh 06:49 <+layer-eight> BOFH Firewall needs cooling 06:49 < MiLLERBOSS> Yes 06:50 < enix> All I want to do is spin up a Zabbix server T_T 06:50 < MiLLERBOSS> enix 👉 Then do it 06:50 < MiLLERBOSS> You can do nething 06:50 < enix> I've been trying for two hours 06:50 < enix> I can't even manage my vms because this web clients so broken 06:50 < MiLLERBOSS> Start over? 06:51 < MiLLERBOSS> Why is the web client broken? 06:51 < MiLLERBOSS> Reboot the hypervisor 06:51 < enix> ... 06:51 < enix> on prod? 06:51 < enix> I'm just going to focus on something more important now 06:51 < enix> bbl, need to recharge 06:51 < MiLLERBOSS> Are you telling me you only have one ESXi server? 06:55 < jay-ros> 1BOFH 06:56 < jay-ros> `BOFH 06:56 <+layer-eight> BOFH Someone's tie is caught in the printer, and if anything else gets printed, he'll be in it too. 06:56 < MiLLERBOSS> lol thats a good one 06:56 < jay-ros> enix has gone for a smoke 06:56 < jay-ros> enix - we believe in you. 06:56 < xe0n> he's in sunny coast, so it's probably a cone 06:57 <@JollyRgrs> enix: just walk away and then task someone else to "simply spin up a zabbix server" while you tend to some other "more pressing" matter 06:57 < xe0n> aka beer o clock 06:57 < cstk421> MiLLERBOSS: well time for me to hit the sack. Thank you very much for your help with this. I will continue to work on it through the weekend to see if this will work. 06:58 < xe0n> hit the sackkkk 06:58 < cstk421> and thanks to eveyone else who helped out. i appreciate it 06:58 < MiLLERBOSS> Sounds good. I'll send you folks an invoice. 06:58 < cstk421> lol 06:58 < cstk421> ill forward it to the "attorneys / accountants" 06:58 < MiLLERBOSS> Sure. 06:58 < Virtual-Potato> MiLLERBOSS, and I'll send you my invoice to help facilitate your invoice sending 06:59 < MiLLERBOSS> Perfect. Let me add a line item to that invoice before I sent it 07:02 < MiLLERBOSS> Two left https://www.twitch.tv/pokercentral 07:02 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Twitch 07:03 < misspwn> xe0n, he's gona hit the sack aight 07:04 < xe0n> loll 07:05 < misspwn> "nordvpn" PROTECT YOUR FAMILY 07:14 * MikeSeth is a Mei main 07:17 < abakedapplepie> fucking logitech 07:17 < abakedapplepie> this mouse has like 14 reed switches 07:17 < abakedapplepie> but they used a membrane switch for the middle click 07:17 < Hunterkll_> ur all fuckin heteros 07:17 < abakedapplepie> and i spilled a little beer on it 07:17 < Hunterkll_> its so shameful 07:17 < abakedapplepie> now its shorting out 07:17 < Hunterkll_> lol 07:17 < Hunterkll_> i spill shit under my mice 07:18 < Hunterkll_> not onto them 07:18 < abakedapplepie> cleaned it with alcohol did fuck all 07:18 < Hunterkll_> that's impressive 07:18 < abakedapplepie> literally a drop 07:18 < abakedapplepie> it dropped right into the hole directly above the membrane switch 07:18 < abakedapplepie> perfect shot down into that crevice 07:18 < Hunterkll_> you should go destroy a death star now 07:18 < abakedapplepie> as soon as i find one 07:19 < Hunterkll_> https://i.chzbgr.com/full/5885483520/h0BDD4929/ 07:19 <+layer-eight> * Hunterkll_ → IMAGE/JPEG Document, 65,666 bytes 07:19 < Hunterkll_> here you go 07:22 < abakedapplepie> MiLLERBOSS: why you watching that and not the main event 07:22 < abakedapplepie> my boy cada not doing so good :( 07:22 < MiLLERBOSS> Where is the main event? 07:22 < abakedapplepie> espn 07:22 < abakedapplepie> final table 6 left 07:23 < MiLLERBOSS> So what am I watching? And I don't have cable 07:23 < abakedapplepie> poker 07:23 < abakedapplepie> youre watching some random sanctioned event 07:23 < MiLLERBOSS> Oh 07:23 < MiLLERBOSS> Well I got no ESPN 07:28 < jay-ros> Veeam support representative's name - Bulibu 07:28 < jay-ros> sorry, Babilu 07:29 < MiLLERBOSS> Baby Baluga? 07:29 < jay-ros> We've been singing ABBA - Waterloo 07:29 < jay-ros> "Babilu I was defeated you won the war..." 07:32 < MiLLERBOSS> OK try U-Verse account (not mine) on ESPN.com and get in a endless loop. Login taken to stream, sign in again MiLLERBOSS, sign in, stream, sign in. :( 07:35 < MiLLERBOSS> OK got it working but these commentators are very boring compared to the other table. 07:47 < MiLLERBOSS> So the cards have RFIDs in them eh 07:53 < humpaxx> Good morning friendos 07:53 < humpaxx> Hows you all doin´this fine friday? 07:54 < MiLLERBOSS> Watching https://www.twitch.tv/pokercentral 07:54 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Twitch 07:55 < Ayeitzabee> MiLLERBOSS, God that dude with the scarf looks like h3h3 07:56 < ceofreak> moin 07:57 < humpaxx> Ayeitzabee: Yeah i can kinda see it 08:00 < humpaxx> Ayeitzabee: Ethan doesn´t really strike me as the poker kind of guy 08:00 < Ayeitzabee> I don't really watch much H3H3 anymore, I did while he was getting Content Cop-ed though 08:01 < humpaxx> He did? 08:01 < Ayeitzabee> Wait I am thinking of Leafy :DDDD 08:01 <@Nostalg14c> Is it home time yet. 08:01 < Ayeitzabee> Nostalg14c, No 08:02 <@Nostalg14c> Today is dragging the f uck on. 08:02 < Ayeitzabee> Tell me about it 08:02 < humpaxx> So what i don´t get about timezones 08:03 < humpaxx> If you guys are like hours behind or ahead of us why don´t you warn us about the crazy shit thats about to happen? 08:03 < Ayeitzabee> Yeee? 08:03 < Ayeitzabee> God 08:03 < Ayeitzabee> Old_Meme.jpg 08:03 < Ayeitzabee> 9/11 was an inside job 08:03 < Virtual-Potato> humpaxx, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5wpm-gesOY 08:03 <+layer-eight> * Virtual-Potato → YouTube → The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile → ⚘ 1,641,095 ↑ 47,808 ↓ 453 ✍ 1,717 08:03 < Virtual-Potato> best video ever 08:04 < humpaxx> Time is just a social construct anyway 08:04 < humpaxx> Created to keep the middle class from having fun during daytime 08:04 < Ayeitzabee> Time is the name of an environmental property 08:05 < MiLLERBOSS> I am pretty sure time zones were because of trains 08:05 < humpaxx> oh?? 08:06 < MiLLERBOSS> I think https://www.twitch.tv/pokercentral 08:06 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Twitch 08:06 < Ayeitzabee> MiLLERBOSS, In the US yes, the rest of the world not really 08:06 < MiLLERBOSS> I think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone#History 08:06 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → Time zone - Wikipedia 08:07 < humpaxx> Just 9 more hours until its 5pm and time to go home 08:07 <@Nostalg14c> lol rip 08:07 < Ayeitzabee> Sucks to be you 08:07 < Ayeitzabee> I got another 20 08:07 < MiLLERBOSS> On November 2, 1868, the then British colony of New Zealand officially adopted a standard time to be observed throughout the colony, and was perhaps the first country to do so. It was based on the longitude 172°30′ East of Greenwich, that is 11 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT. This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time.[4] 08:07 < Ayeitzabee> Less if I hide in the server room 08:07 < ceofreak> fuck the new reddit theme 08:08 < MiLLERBOSS> Yup, ceofreak 08:08 < humpaxx> ceofreak: Just use old.reddit.com 08:08 < ceofreak> I just did 08:08 < MiLLERBOSS> Until they remove that 08:08 < ceofreak> Its horrendous 08:08 <@Nostalg14c> Turn it off. 08:08 <@Nostalg14c> In your settings. 08:08 < ceofreak> I hope they turn it off 08:08 < ceofreak> in their settings 08:08 < ceofreak> too 08:08 < Ayeitzabee> I can't tell the difference? 08:09 <@Nostalg14c> Then you haven't got it yet. 08:09 < Ayeitzabee> I click the "Visit new reddit" but nothing happens 08:10 < MikeSeth> new reddit is horrible 08:10 < MikeSeth> and also it has a new design 08:10 < MikeSeth> which is also horrible 08:10 < Ayeitzabee> https://imgur.com/a/dJxwKa5 Is dis it? 08:10 <+layer-eight> * Ayeitzabee → IMGUR Album → a few seconds ago → 1 Image → ⚘ 0 08:11 < ceofreak> Its slow as fuck 08:11 < ceofreak> Cant even click links at times 08:12 < MiLLERBOSS> Friends don't let friends use reddit 08:12 <@Nostalg14c> Ayeitzabee: no 08:12 < MikeSeth> no friends up in dis ma 08:13 < MiLLERBOSS> Also Virtual-Potato I will be sad if timezones go away. Also if Daylight Saving Time goes away I would rather be in DT all year round 08:13 < Ayeitzabee> Nostalg14c, Can you send a SC of what it looks like 08:13 < Ayeitzabee> Uh, screenshot* 08:13 < Ayeitzabee> Been talking to my peeps about snapchat too much :DD 08:13 <@Nostalg14c> https://i.imgur.com/KmDW3TU.png 08:13 <+layer-eight> * Nostalg14c → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 734x590 → ⚘ 1 08:14 < Ayeitzabee> Nostalg14c, Ewww 08:14 <@Nostalg14c> Its actually okay looking, because no link posts there. 08:14 <@Nostalg14c> Every other sub looks trash 08:14 < Ayeitzabee> MobiLE DeVIce OriEntAted 08:15 <@Nostalg14c> https://i.imgur.com/jy9mcQC.png 08:15 <+layer-eight> * Nostalg14c → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 1084x746 → ⚘ 1 08:15 <@Nostalg14c> There's r/all. 08:15 < Ayeitzabee> Can you choose to stay with old Reddit? 08:16 <@Nostalg14c> For now, yes. 08:16 <@Nostalg14c> By turning it off in your settings. 08:16 < MiLLERBOSS> Until old goes away 08:17 < Ayeitzabee> ;_; 08:17 < Ayeitzabee> Just like everything good 08:17 < MiLLERBOSS> Also someone suggested creating a redirect in your firewall 08:17 < MiLLERBOSS> And you could do it in hosts couldn't ya? 08:17 < Ayeitzabee> Heh? 08:18 < humpaxx> Best would be some kind of browser extention that rewrites 08:18 < Ayeitzabee> Are we still talking about reddit? 08:18 < hug> That exists. 08:18 < humpaxx> i mean that appends .old. to reddit.com 08:18 < Ayeitzabee> or you could just use DNS 08:18 < hug> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/old-reddit-redirect/dneaehbmnbhcippjikoajpoabadpodje 08:18 <+layer-eight> * hug → Old Reddit Redirect - Chrome Web Store 08:19 < MiLLERBOSS> Extension is extra shit running though 08:19 < Ayeitzabee> HOSTS file ftw 08:19 < hug> RES does it too. 08:19 < MiLLERBOSS> Well that you go. 08:19 < MiLLERBOSS> RES then 08:21 < MiLLERBOSS> I don't think hosts would work as I bet there is one IP for their domains 08:22 < enix> Well that was mental 08:23 < enix> Two point of sales systems went down and then HR needed stuff done for them 08:23 < enix> HRs assistant was hot though 08:23 < enix> Her: how do I add a printer to my mac? 08:23 < enix> Me: let me show you, me lady 08:25 < humpaxx> enix: The terminal? 08:26 < humpaxx> Why would you use the terminal to add a printer? ;p 08:27 < Ayeitzabee> humpaxx, hackerman 08:27 < humpaxx> Thats such a cheap trick 08:28 < Ayeitzabee> http://knowyourmeme.com/videos/159079-hackerman 08:28 <+layer-eight> * Ayeitzabee → ⚓ https://knowyourmeme.com/videos/159079-hackerman → Hackerman - Kung Fury | Hackerman | Know Your Meme 08:36 <@Nostalg14c> honestly 08:36 <@Nostalg14c> aobut to justgo home 08:36 <@Nostalg14c> fuck this 08:36 <@Nostalg14c> 2:36pm 08:37 < MiLLERBOSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZtInClXe1Q 08:37 <+layer-eight> * MiLLERBOSS → YouTube → How NOT to Store Passwords! - Computerphile → ⚘ 1,395,529 ↑ 27,472 ↓ 403 ✍ 1,674 08:45 < enix> Nostalg14c: I just realized it's home time and was about to leave when one of our lusers called to complain about something 08:45 < enix> apparently i have to drop everything and run there 08:45 < MiLLERBOSS> Do the needful enix 08:45 < enix> I hope my presence on IRC explains how well I respond to "its not working and we're busy come over" 08:45 < enix> 08:48 < enix> fuck this im fixing and leaving bye guys! 08:50 < ceofreakx> t3chn0punk? 08:50 < ceofreakx> bjgbob? 08:51 < ceofreakx> bjgbob? 08:51 < ceofreakx> oops 08:51 < MikeSeth> apparently I cant just move the finance shares because the accountants are having a "reports period" 08:52 < MikeSeth> verily it is time for The Purge 08:52 < MikeSeth> well, guess what, the firewall certificate GPO is already in place, let's see how much shorter your "reports period" gets when youtube is blocked 08:59 < CoJaBo> lol 09:29 < humpaxx> Guys do you recall what to do if outlook (RDS app) for a new user just stays on "loading profile" and then the activation window with the loading bar flashes occationally? 09:31 < humpaxx> Previously i´d just open outlook with the /safe switch and then close it again and that would fix it 09:32 <@Nostalg14c> `bofh 09:32 <+layer-eight> BOFH Error: one bad user found in front of screen 09:38 < MiLLERBOSS> `bofh 09:38 <+layer-eight> BOFH Virus transmitted from computer to sysadmins. 09:38 < MiLLERBOSS> lol 09:51 < MiLLERBOSS> My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard 09:52 < MiLLERBOSS> La la la 09:55 < catbeard> wat 09:56 < MiLLERBOSS> What is wat? 10:25 <@Nostalg14c> aight im out 10:25 <@Nostalg14c> peace. 10:32 < humpaxx> The problem sorted itself when i left it alone for a few minutes 10:33 < humpaxx> MiLLERBOSS: Damn you.. now that stupid song is stuck 10:35 < humpaxx> MiLLERBOSS: My Pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard and they´re like, do you wanna trade cards. damn right, it's better than yours I will trade you, but not my charizard 10:36 < xe0n> ...lol 10:37 < xe0n> pokemon is still a thing, amazing 10:39 < Hunterkll_> xe0n, such a thing i got a tattoo of it :P 10:40 < humpaxx> Hunterkll_: and my god its such a great tat. 10:40 < Hunterkll_> lol 10:41 < Hunterkll_> xe0n, i took this a few days after when it was starting to heal, so it looks a little rough, but the areas that are already done peeling are perfect -https://i.imgur.com/k0kRlTm.png 10:41 <+layer-eight> * Hunterkll_ → IMGUR Image → Image/png → a few seconds ago → 713x668 → ⚘ 1 10:42 < humpaxx> Has anyone here tried Aftershokz headphones? Or any other headphones with bone conduction? 10:44 < mcwidg3t> Anybody know how to digitally sign .sql or .txt files on Windows? 10:44 < mcwidg3t> I've been using Set-AuthenticodeSignature for .ps1 but that doesn't work for .sql or .txt 10:50 < MiLLERBOSS> You're welcome humpaxx but I said nothing about pikeman, thank you very much. 10:50 < humpaxx> Mi MiLLERBOSS No but read what i wrote to the tune of the song 10:51 < MiLLERBOSS> I did silly. 10:51 < humpaxx> MiLLERBOSS: then i have nothing more to add 10:57 < xe0n> Hunterkll_: lolll classic 10:57 < ceofreakx> fuckkkk I wanna go home 10:57 < humpaxx> ceofreakx: me too 10:57 < ceofreakx> 2 more hours 10:58 < humpaxx> 6 more here 10:58 < ceofreakx> fuck your life 10:58 < ceofreakx> :D 10:58 < humpaxx> yeah FML 10:58 < xe0n> i have to work on tomorrow (sat) 10:58 < ceofreakx> Somebody recommend me an awesome book? I'm reading Musashi at the moment but it's so fucking long and tough to read 10:58 < xe0n> booo 10:59 < ceofreakx> fuck man 10:59 < humpaxx> But i havent recieved any oncall-calls in 3 weeks so thats nice 11:00 < humpaxx> ceofreakx: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared 11:03 < humpaxx> The movie is also okay but not quite as great as the book 11:03 < ceofreakx> thx gonna check it out 11:07 < ceofreakx> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCA-Ll2CJFQ 11:07 <+layer-eight> * ceofreakx → YouTube → Falling In Reverse - "Losing My Mind" → ⚘ 7,532,596 ↑ 118,521 ↓ 12,301 ✍ 9,282 11:07 < ceofreakx> what the fuck is this.... 11:16 < FenJai> Sup dudes 11:16 < ceofreakx> Fenjai! 11:16 < ceofreakx> sup dude 11:16 < FenJai> Im good. Making progress on careers stuff 11:17 < FenJai> Attended a security con last weekend. Now Im running a local DC group and also organising a CTF for 44con in london 11:17 < ceofreakx> Holy shit 11:17 < ceofreakx> good man 11:17 < ceofreakx> sounds great 11:23 < Pebbles5> Pixel 2 is officially sold in Germany? 11:23 < ceofreakx> I guess so? 11:24 < FenJai> That took a while 11:24 < FenJai> WHy the delay 11:24 < humpaxx> Coool ceofreakx but i think the more important question about the pixel2 is; Will it blend? 11:24 < ceofreakx> Just one way to find it out 11:25 < ceofreakx> I'm sure if I use my blender, the Pixel will blend my blender 11:26 < Pebbles5> "will it blend?" What is this? Good Mythical Morning? 11:28 < humpaxx> Pebbles5: Never seen this? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnFP0IU4gpnmcLnVzDLUtfw 11:28 <+layer-eight> * humpaxx → Blendtec's Will It Blend? - YouTube 11:29 < Pebbles5> Oh yep, I've seen that before 11:30 < Pebbles5> I thought they stopped making videos or something 11:47 < humpaxx> Pebbles5: Last vid was 5 months ago so i guess they have? 12:03 < JFDkthx> ugh 12:04 < JFDkthx> humpaxx: i havent watched one of their videos in years but i can still remember the theme 12:12 < Pebbles5> What's the best CDN provider? 12:12 < JFDkthx> Table 2-1     List of items requiring confirmation before installation; - Have the system administrator and operators attended the required training courses? 12:13 < JFDkthx> HA 12:13 < MikeSeth> Pebbles5: thttpd 12:14 < Pebbles5> ... 12:14 < MikeSeth> well you don't ask who is the best shoe maker 12:14 < MikeSeth> do you? 12:14 < Pebbles5> Yes I do that too 12:14 < MikeSeth> oh 12:14 < MikeSeth> good luck in life 12:17 < Pebbles5> I think Cloudflare or AWS is good idea 12:17 < Pebbles5> Stackpath and Fastly lack server locations 12:20 < JFDkthx> today is going to be one of those days 12:21 < JFDkthx> before i even open the door to the DC i hear BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP 12:24 < Pebbles5> Who works for a shared web hosting company here? ;) 12:26 < JFDkthx> if you need dns cryptic1 is your man 12:29 < mrWhiteMD> JFDkthx: free dns ? 12:30 < Pebbles5> DNS based in Canada? :) 12:30 < mrWhiteMD> Australia better ) 12:31 < xe0n> loll 12:31 < xe0n> netregistry, tpp 12:31 < xe0n> same company loll 12:35 < Pebbles5> Australia? Wut? 12:38 < Pebbles5> Who needs hosting in Australia? 12:38 * MikeSeth purges 2 Tb of CDN garbage 12:39 < Pebbles5> A think using Singapore server would work fine for Australia 12:41 < Pebbles5> I heard internet in Australia is pretty slow? I will not notice anything /s ;) 12:41 < Pebbles5> *they will not 12:42 < CoJaBo> Largest thing I ever deleted was 382TB 12:42 < CoJaBo> =D 12:42 < Pebbles5> Google's cheapest server in Europe is Belgium 12:44 < Pebbles5> Nobody have servers in Berlin 12:47 < JFDkthx> Pebbles5: huge firewall in berlin 12:50 < humpaxx> What kind of firewall? 12:51 < xe0n> one made of fire 12:51 < humpaxx> The worst kind 12:51 < JFDkthx> arguably 12:52 < xe0n> what you want is a good wonderwall from the 90s 12:53 < Pebbles5> Firewalls have Watergate 12:54 < xe0n> waterwalls 12:54 < Pebbles5> Firegate 12:55 < Pebbles5> When Amazon's Fire Tablets Bend 12:55 < monoxane> Pebbles5 singapore is fine, i use it for my DO droplets 12:55 < monoxane> if you have access to azure they have a DC in sydney which is a bit better 12:55 < monoxane> oh youre talkign about theoretical 12:55 < monoxane> ignore me 12:56 < Pebbles5> monoxane: yep I think Singapore can cover most of Asia? 12:56 < monoxane> yea pretty much 12:57 < Pebbles5> Australia is technically in Asia ;) 12:57 < monoxane> singapore for oceania, germany or austria for eu, somewhere in the US for NA and brazil for SA 12:57 < Pebbles5> I think few servers these days offer Hong Kong and Tokyo 12:58 < xe0n> singapore noodles. 12:58 < xe0n> combo noodles > singapore noodles. 12:58 < xe0n> oyster sauce 12:58 < Pebbles5> I think lots of people use Netherlands for EU 12:59 < xe0n> because the servers have HIGH bandwidth? 12:59 < monoxane> heh 12:59 < xe0n> baked bandwidth 12:59 < JFDkthx> fucking mother fucker 12:59 < JFDkthx> i fucking hate oracle 13:00 < JFDkthx> i hate thier servers 13:00 < humpaxx> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be10d5Ztt1s Where can iget one of these shirts? 13:00 <+layer-eight> * humpaxx → YouTube → Day in the Life of a SysAdmin Episode 8: Neighborhood Support → ⚘ 28,211 ↑ 174 ↓ 7 ✍ 42 13:00 < JFDkthx> i hate their fucking licensing 13:00 < humpaxx> oh sorry forgot the time, 0:54 13:00 < JFDkthx> i hate thier "oh you're on the ilom, prove it by toggling this switch" 13:00 < Pebbles5> IBM is better than Oracle /S 13:01 < JFDkthx> mother fucker the dc is 2 minutes away 13:01 < JFDkthx> by the time i walk fucking over there 13:01 < JFDkthx> the login has expired 13:01 < JFDkthx> you piece of fucking garbage 13:01 < Pebbles5> humpaxx: imgur? 13:01 < JFDkthx> fuck 13:05 < humpaxx> Pebbles5: sec 13:06 < humpaxx> Pebbles5: https://imgur.com/a/m2OfDco 13:06 <+layer-eight> * humpaxx → IMGUR Album → a few seconds ago → 1 Image → ⚘ 0 13:10 < JFDkthx> fucking friday the 13th 13:10 < Pebbles5> Lol 13:10 < JFDkthx> i think i have a cold. 13:10 < Pebbles5> humpaxx: they probably custom made it? 13:11 < JFDkthx> and i have a supermicro thats beeping at me, that is no longer under warranty 13:12 < humpaxx> JFDkthx: Ok just go office space on it 13:13 < humpaxx> Office space printer scene 13:13 < humpaxx> .yt office space printer scene 13:13 < humpaxx> layer-eight: stop slacking and youtube that for me 13:14 < humpaxx> Stupid bot. Im just gonna go do actual work stuff instead. 13:25 < JFDkthx> `yt office space printer scene 13:25 < JFDkthx> fuck you layer8 13:25 < JFDkthx> MiLLERBOSS: reenable `yt 13:25 < vavkamil> in nginx one can set "always" after add_header to include it on error pages such as 5**, is there any way to append "always" to all headers globally? 13:26 < JFDkthx> top level add_header in your nginx config? 13:27 < vavkamil> I must manually add "always" to each header, looking for something that will activate it for each of them 13:30 < MikeSeth> printers are an outrage 13:30 < Pebbles5> RMS thought the same, that's why he started the GNU project /S 13:30 < MikeSeth> well 13:31 < MikeSeth> RMS wrote emacs 13:31 < MikeSeth> all sins are forgiven 13:32 < humpaxx> Having to train my new coworker is pants 13:33 < MikeSeth> i uh 13:33 < MikeSeth> okay 13:33 < humpaxx> Mostly because he lacks any kind of work experience 13:34 < humpaxx> MikeSeth: Vim is better than emacs 13:34 < MikeSeth> GAS VIM USERS 13:34 < Pebbles5> There we go ;) 13:34 < humpaxx> Speaking of out experience too as i have never used emacs 13:34 < MikeSeth> EDITOR WAR NOW. 13:36 < Pebbles5> Kids these days use VS Code 13:36 < monoxane> MikeSeth nano all the way :P 13:43 < humpaxx> Real men write on paper and then scan that 13:43 < humpaxx> and then use OCR to import the text 13:43 < monoxane> OCR makes me angry 13:43 < monoxane> cos i had to deal with it once and it just wouldnt fucking work 13:44 < humpaxx> Has anyone here set up a custom UEFI pxe enviroment? 13:44 < Pebbles5> https://xkcd.com/378/ 13:44 <+layer-eight> * Pebbles5 → xkcd: Real Programmers 13:45 < humpaxx> Got my memtest and stuff booting from normal PXE but the UEFI stuff needs grub2 and shims and stuff nad i havent really gotten it to work, yet 14:07 < ejsf_> just use a 5v battery and some wires into the usb port, and time the short circuiting to simulate keypresses 14:07 < ejsf_> thats how you write code 14:07 < ejsf_> xd 14:14 < asimon> Good morning my friends 14:14 < MikeSeth> "I was not logout" 14:14 < MikeSeth> - user 14:14 < ny0x> morning 14:16 < asimon> Damn this Friday is gonna be real slow 14:16 < asimon> I can feel it in my bones 14:16 < humpaxx> Me too 14:16 < ny0x> I have maintenance scheduled for a production DB at 8PM. 14:16 < Pebbles5> What is keybase? And why do people use it? 14:16 < ny0x> On a Friday.. and its the 13th 14:17 < humpaxx> its still only 14:17 here so i still have 2½ more hours to go through 14:22 < onecrankyguy> mornin 14:23 < threwahway> who wants to sell me bitcoinzzzz 14:25 < asimon> `value btc 14:25 < asimon> Useless 14:25 < onecrankyguy> about tree-fiddy 14:28 < onecrankyguy> so, we pushed full bore through with Hyper-V now and got rid of Vmware. But fricken A, managing it with Ansible SUCKS 14:28 < threwahway> ugh i wish i didnt need it or could just buy monero instead >< 14:29 < threwahway> why are you using ansible to manage hyper-v? 14:29 < McDonaldsWiFi> Happy --r--r--r friday! 14:29 < ny0x> buying bitcoins to pay for that ransomware demand? 14:29 < onecrankyguy> we use Ansible to manage everything else, so we want to keep the same toolset 14:29 < threwahway> yeah lets say that ny0x 14:34 < threwahway> what great fucking money this is. you need a reputation to get it! 14:34 < threwahway> /s 14:35 < Nightcinder> thanks barracuda 14:35 < Nightcinder> Energize Updates subscription HAS EXPIRED 14:35 < Nightcinder> e x p i r e d 14:37 < threwahway> barracuda exists to soak up expenditure $$$ from people with more money than sense >< 14:41 < JFDkthx> fuck i forgot to eat 14:41 < McDonaldsWiFi> JFDkthx: hi 14:44 < Nightcinder> threwahway: we use two barracuda services 14:44 < Nightcinder> we had three 14:44 < Nightcinder> we use the spam filter and the archiver 14:44 < humpaxx> :( 14:44 < threwahway> better than backup... 14:44 < Nightcinder> the archiver is actually fairly nice 14:44 < humpaxx> Someone came by the store with their harddrive that they suspected was broken since it had been making sounds recently and now wasn´t readable 14:45 < Nightcinder> did it have their life story on it 14:45 < humpaxx> He had opened the drive up to see if the read arm was stuck since according to what he had read that happens sometimes 14:45 < threwahway> i wrote them a 4 paragraph hate mail a couple years ago and they implemented a few of my suggestions and wanted to "sit down with me". i told them unless they were going to offer a job i had better things to do >< 14:45 < threwahway> so garbage 14:46 < Nightcinder> lol 14:46 < Nightcinder> 4 paragraph 14:46 < Nightcinder> big boi 14:46 < threwahway> i knoooooo 14:46 < Nightcinder> but anyway 14:46 < Nightcinder> the archiver works for what i want it to do 14:46 < Nightcinder> we had a 1TB exchange server for like 200 users 14:46 < Nightcinder> it was getting a bit ridic 14:48 < threwahway> only 1tb huh?? 14:48 < threwahway> :P 14:48 < humpaxx> Thats like 5 gigabyte per user 14:49 < humpaxx> If my math is good enough 14:51 < ravioli> who are you threwahway 14:52 < threwahway> an enigma 14:55 <@ravioli> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 14:59 < asimon> I'm not clicking on that 14:59 < asimon> Layer-eight hasn't told me it isn't a rickroll 14:59 < JFDkthx> McDonaldsWiFi: yahmez 14:59 < JFDkthx> finish school yet 15:03 < Nightcinder> got an on-call call at 3am 15:03 < Nightcinder> they called me with their personal phone 15:03 < Nightcinder> why the fuck would i answer that? 15:03 < Nightcinder> it wasn't even something IT related 15:03 < misspwn_> good morning! 15:03 < misspwn_> what was it Nightcinder ? 15:03 < JFDkthx> Nightcinder: two hour minumum 15:04 < JFDkthx> i would take the call and charge accordingly 15:04 < Nightcinder> we have machines on the production line 15:04 < Nightcinder> JFDkthx: can't, i'm salary 15:04 < Nightcinder> and one of the machines had an issue, except the issue was hardware not software 15:04 < Nightcinder> maintenance told them to call IT 15:04 < JFDkthx> i would take the call and then count it as two hours on my timecard 15:04 < Nightcinder> i don't have a timecard? 15:04 < JFDkthx> then who gaf 15:04 < Nightcinder> i didn't wake up for it 15:04 < JFDkthx> take the call and not show up 15:05 < Nightcinder> they called me from their personal phone 15:05 < Nightcinder> it did not pass through DND 15:05 < Nightcinder> only the company line does 15:05 < asimon> kill them 15:05 < Casteil> do you at least get some sort of extra pay for being "on call" at 3am? 15:06 < Nightcinder> no 15:07 <@Code_Man65> You may rejoice, for Friday has arrived 15:07 < hxcsp> on call sucks 15:08 < FenJai> Does anyone here use git to push updates to a wordpress site ? 15:10 < abakedapplepie> uhhhhh 15:10 < threwahway> lol 15:10 < abakedapplepie> why would you do that 15:10 < threwahway> why wouldnt you? 15:10 < abakedapplepie> well because almost everything about wordpress has something in the database 15:11 < abakedapplepie> you cant really make a whole lot of changes from code and expect them on the web 15:11 < threwahway> lets assume FenJai is talking about templates or something and not changing posts or something 15:12 < abakedapplepie> i mean, existing codebase changes wqould be fine 15:12 < abakedapplepie> i guess 15:12 < FenJai> Well the situation is this. HR want to be able to edit the company website to post stuff on there more frequently. At the moment everything is hard coded PHP so WP was the next best option as its more user friendly 15:13 < abakedapplepie> ok 15:13 < FenJai> If changes are in git, I can rollback a fucked up update fairly easy. Does WP have the same thing ? 15:13 < abakedapplepie> yes 15:13 < abakedapplepie> youre talking content changes, not functionality changes 15:13 < abakedapplepie> correct 15:13 < FenJai> Yes 15:13 < abakedapplepie> all content types have revisions you can diff 15:13 < abakedapplepie> there is also a "trash" 15:14 < abakedapplepie> maybe not all content types 15:14 < threwahway> dude if you were just going to type all copy into the static files why did you even use WP in the first place LOL 15:14 < abakedapplepie> not attachments 15:14 < abakedapplepie> threwahway: hes switching to wp 15:14 < abakedapplepie> right now its monolithic 15:14 < threwahway> thank god 15:15 < FenJai> What about backups ? Can the WP be exported somewhere so if the host dies, it can be brought back up quickly ? 15:15 < threwahway> thats all your db 15:15 < abakedapplepie> just like any other php/sql webapp 15:15 < abakedapplepie> there are plugins to backup for you with destinations like ftp, scp, s3 15:15 < abakedapplepie> but you can just automate it however you want 15:15 < FenJai> Grand so 15:15 < abakedapplepie> grab the files, grab the db 15:16 < threwahway> but even then, if its built with any sort of popular dynamic web framework there's probably a way to build a content management system 15:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> TFW your first paycheck is fucked up 15:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> -.- 15:16 < threwahway> make a big deal yo 15:16 < McDonaldsWiFi> yeah they are going to fix it but you that shit takes forever lol 15:18 < Nightcinder> oh boy 15:18 < Nightcinder> FREENODE LIVE 15:18 < programmerq> When I was in high school working at a grocery store I went to cash my weekly paycheck like normal and was told I had already picked it up. 15:18 < programmerq> so I started bugging the person in charge of paychecks like every other day 15:18 < programmerq> and she was getting super pissed at me 15:19 < programmerq> head manager overheard her ranting about it and accusing me of cashing it and forgetting and he took over 15:19 < programmerq> turns out another employee went to pick up his and they gave him mine. 15:19 < programmerq> and then he didn't give the money back when he realized the mistake 15:19 < programmerq> looking back I should have raised a lot more hell 15:19 < humpaxx> programmerq: Wow dick move 15:20 < programmerq> but I was just happy to get an envelope of my 14 hours at $5.85 worth of wage (minus taxes and union dues... fuck unions) 15:21 < Nightcinder> lol our maintenance staff let the only person who handled tickets go 15:21 < Nightcinder> and the only other person who knew how to handle them at all retired last month 15:21 < Nightcinder> there's now 308 open tickets 15:24 <@ravioli> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 15:25 < JFDkthx> its friday friday 15:25 < JFDkthx> gotta quit work on friday 15:28 < JollyRoger`> Thank god it's Friday. 15:28 < JollyRoger`> Nightcinder: oh good golly. 15:28 < Nightcinder> yep 15:30 < JollyRoger`> 308 tickets and no way to handle them... Sometimes I think management should rotate between management and production so the managers don't fall too far behind and get stuck in the "Old Ways Of Thinking" mentality. 15:31 < Nightcinder> JollyRoger`: well the person who forced moving to this facilitydude system got fired before it went into place 15:31 < JollyRoger`> On the other hand I get the impression that that would just give some managers a hubristic false sense of experience. 15:31 < JollyRoger`> Oh wow. 15:34 < deww> Nightcinder: way to go 15:35 < JollyRoger`> Holy crap. So the whole place has been stuck up Schitt Creek without a paddle! 15:35 <@ravioli> anyone really good with google want a research project? 15:36 <@ravioli> i want to know, approximately, how many toads are in indiana. 15:36 < JollyRoger`> Sorry. I'm not great with search engines :( 15:37 < Nightcinder> well when we need something done 15:37 < Nightcinder> we go straight to the head of maintenance or our 'IT' maintenance guy 15:38 < asimon> ravioli: It that an interview question you got 15:39 <@ravioli> my coworker said there are "tons of toads" in her home state of indiana 15:39 <@ravioli> and i was like "how many tons?" 15:39 <@ravioli> and i wanna find out now but i can't find any good numbers 15:40 <@JollyRgrs> ravioli: you should ask dude that runs xkcd 15:40 < JFDkthx> Indiana Amphibian Monitoring Program (IN AMP) 15:40 <@JollyRgrs> he can figure out weird stuff like that 15:40 < JFDkthx> The INAMP program has been suspended. 15:40 < JFDkthx> F ravioli 15:40 <@JollyRgrs> The WINAMP program has also been suspended :( 15:40 < DomLS3> WINAMP was my first porn viewing experience 15:40 < JFDkthx> same 15:41 < JFDkthx> besides the static channels 15:41 < DomLS3> I ordered playboy on my mom's directv account one night lol 15:41 < DomLS3> bill showed up and she was like wtf? 15:41 < JFDkthx> was it werf it 15:41 < DomLS3> yuh 15:41 < JFDkthx> did you blame it on ur dad 15:41 < DomLS3> I told her I had no idea about it 15:42 < DomLS3> she called directv and they came out to look at the box and everything... I had unpugged the phone cord from it prior to... so they took it off the account 15:42 < JFDkthx> ravioli: https://encompass.eku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1051&context=etd 15:44 < abakedapplepie> datsa frog notta toad 15:44 <@ravioli> i've learned today that they're the same thing 15:45 <@ravioli> i've learned a lot about frogs today 15:45 < darkscrypt> ravioli: why are you reading that? 15:45 <@ravioli> i've also learned that no one apparently can guess a number of even the total frog population worldwide since we don't even know all the species that probably exist 15:45 <@ravioli> darkscrypt: read up 15:46 < darkscrypt> actually ravioli i just read up... i'm even more confused. you just took on this research project just because? 15:46 < darkscrypt> ravioli: is this like the xkcd what-if stuff? 15:46 <@ravioli> it's not so much a research project as it is i had this question like a half hour ago and was curious if i can answer it 15:47 <@ravioli> i'm gonna give up here soon tho 15:47 < darkscrypt> ravioli: you are weird... i like you. 15:47 < abakedapplepie> i threw 10 minutes at the gargler 15:47 <@ravioli> :* 15:47 < abakedapplepie> didnt find much 15:47 < abakedapplepie> the INAMP project seems to be the tree to bark up 15:47 < JFDkthx> but it was cancelled 15:47 < abakedapplepie> but there doesnt seem to be any data associated with the project 15:47 < JFDkthx> see above 15:47 < abakedapplepie> and most of the pages are down 15:47 <@ravioli> yeah 15:48 < abakedapplepie> JFDkthx: it was still active for at least a year 15:48 < abakedapplepie> and had volunteers bushwahckin for toads 15:48 <@ravioli> it seems like everyone knows that frog population is declining, and they even give percentages of their populations going down... but i can't find a total anywhere. 15:48 < abakedapplepie> yeah i found that too 15:48 < abakedapplepie> 3.9% 15:48 < abakedapplepie> OF WHAT?! 15:48 < JFDkthx> toads to frogs 15:48 < JFDkthx> in relations to birds and bees 15:49 < ebol4> wait frogs and toads are the same thing? 15:49 <@ravioli> yeah 15:49 <@ravioli> well, kinda 15:50 <@ravioli> the difference is just the name 15:50 <@ravioli> a bullfrog is a frog because it has the word frog in it 15:51 < JollyRoger`> I thought toads live in dry environments and frogs live in the wet? Or is that not really true? 15:52 <@ravioli> http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0064347 15:52 < ebol4> i'd think they both need to get wet to prevent drying out 15:52 < JFDkthx> lol 15:52 < JFDkthx> what a profound statement 15:55 < JFDkthx> also, just a quick reminder 15:55 < JFDkthx> fuck oracle 15:55 < ebol4> you can't fuck the oracle it is forbidden 15:56 < Nightcinder> fuck it hard 15:56 <@ravioli> i think the answer is going to probably just have to be "more than a dozen" 16:00 < abakedapplepie> frogs have mostly smooth skin, toads have mostly not 16:00 < abakedapplepie> frogs tend to hop toads tend to walk 16:01 < abakedapplepie> probably because theyre fatasses 16:01 < mrWhiteMD> welcome to sysadmin chat ) 16:02 < Pebbles5> anyone tried Vivaldi Browser? 16:03 <+TuxedoJack> Only when I'm at the Four Seasons 16:04 < felda> ravioli want to play Obwivion wiff me? https://i.redd.it/vdtc3i1sun911.jpg 16:05 < abakedapplepie> Pebbles5: i did a long time ago 16:06 < Pebbles5> abakedapplepie: what do you think about it? 16:09 <@ravioli> is there an automated answering system in the world that hasn't had their menu options change recently? 16:10 < JFDkthx> ravioli: pls change motd to #reddit-frogchat 16:10 < ebol4> they probably just did a focus group and found that that was the only way to actually get people to listen to the options 16:11 < JFDkthx> JOKES ON THEM 16:11 < JFDkthx> i press 9 until i get a people 16:11 <@mistiry> no 16:11 <@mistiry> please listen carefully 16:11 < JFDkthx> corn266: u play diablo? 16:11 <@mistiry> as the menu options have changed 16:11 < corn266> Is it friday yet 16:11 < corn266> JFDkthx, which? 16:11 < corn266> 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16:11 < JFDkthx> 2 16:11 < corn266> Not in a very long time 16:11 < JFDkthx> new season for path of diablo started today 16:13 < DomLS3> alright dickheads 16:13 < DomLS3> ITS FRIDAYY 16:13 < JFDkthx> mistiry: is it friday 16:13 < Nightcinder> FRODAY 16:13 < JFDkthx> frogday 16:13 < JFDkthx> frogs gay 16:15 < munsking> Hello 16:15 < Pebbles5> the thing I don't like about Brave Browser desktop is that it enables Tor by default... 16:15 <@ravioli> hello, Pebbles5. 16:16 < Pebbles5> ravioli: hey 16:16 < munsking> anyone ever had a monitor that doesn't recognise input anymore? i've tried different cables, different outputs, different inputs, my other 2 monitors work fine with them 16:16 < corn266> Damn JFDkthx I'll make an alarm for it after work, it looks pretty cool 16:17 <+TuxedoJack> Tier 1s and 2s skipped a helpdesk ticket 16:17 <+TuxedoJack> Amazing 16:17 <+TuxedoJack> "User reports that when he types in his password to his application, the computer locks" 16:17 <+TuxedoJack> So, anyone care to guess what that was? 16:17 < corn266> he pressed ctrl+l instead of enter 16:17 <+TuxedoJack> Stuck Windows key 16:17 <@ravioli> nice 16:17 <+TuxedoJack> 48 goddamn minutes in queue because the fuckers couldn't be arsed to look 16:17 <@ravioli> munsking: sounds like a bad monitor 16:18 < Tzunamii> lol 16:19 < munsking> ravioli: weirdest thing is that it worked fine up to a week ago, now i did get a new motherboard, cpu and ram, but the monitors are plugged into the graphics card 16:20 <@ravioli> have you tried this monitor with other computers? 16:21 < munsking> ravioli: that's what i'm going to try next 16:21 < dragonfleas> How many patch revisions back to you guys go on your Hyper-v hosts? (if you have them) 16:21 < narziss> and have you reset the monitor ? 16:21 < felda> sorry mistiry but I put you on ignore >_> 16:22 < munsking> narziss: how can i reset a monitor? i'd look at the manual but i can't find it anywhere :/ 16:26 < Pebbles5> what the minimum RAM requirements for Debian? 16:26 < ekaj_> `bofh 16:26 < Pebbles5> *Debian Stretch 16:27 < felda> GODDAMN I LOVE THICC OATMEAL 16:27 * Ottomite is ready to kill ATT….. 16:27 < Ottomite> 1 week of no phone service…… 16:27 * Ottomite looks over his SLA 16:28 < narziss> PhilTorrecillascB_a#3rB#4u3jxEy 16:28 < Pebbles5> Twitter really need to get its shit together, pretty much no username is available and all squatted by inactive users... 16:29 < Ottomite> who the hell has an areo wide outage for a week 16:29 < Ottomite> area* 16:29 < Pebbles5> Twitter should just remove inactive user accounts 16:31 < Ottomite> Pebbles5: I agree 16:31 < narziss> I dont have my shit together. I just autotyped an uid into my bash window. 16:31 < narziss> geez dude 16:33 < JFDkthx> Ottomite: ur legally allowed to leave if att doesnt have their shit back on after 15 days 16:33 < narziss> munsking: check the menu... scroll through all that cruft for it. 16:33 < JFDkthx> munsking: windows? 16:34 < Ottomite> JFDkthx: working on a replacement system. Ordering Voip Phones and switching over to that. 16:34 < Ottomite> It was in the plans just not this soon. 16:34 < munsking> narziss: can't enter the menu, monitor goes to standby right away, no response from any button except power 16:34 < narziss> Ah that thing is pooched. 16:34 < munsking> JFDkthx: no cursing please 16:34 < munsking> narziss: nooooo 16:34 < JFDkthx> munsking: if it's windows, and you have a green card. go to the nvidia menu where you can change resolutions on monitors. 16:35 < JFDkthx> should be a checkbox for each monitor 16:35 < JFDkthx> make sure the checkboxes are checked. 16:35 < munsking> JFDkthx: i'm not on windows, xrandr recognises all monitors with correct resolutions, monitor just doesn't respond to the input 16:35 < JFDkthx> ah 16:42 < Pebbles5> somebody put U2 in the list of best Rock bands of all time, yikes! 16:42 < munsking> ok, monitors borked, doesn't work with other pc either 16:46 < int0x1C8> throw it out the window 16:47 < Hatter> U2 stinks 16:48 <@mistiry> JFDkthx: idk is it friday? 16:48 <@mistiry> felda: unignore plz 16:48 <@mistiry> felda|: unignore plz 16:49 < felda|> I did unignore 16:49 < felda|> just put a pip on 16:49 <@mistiry> not i gotta change my spam 16:49 <@mistiry> now* 16:49 < felda|> lmao 16:50 < bmurt> random question... has anyone pre-ordered battlefield v on xbox? 16:50 <@mistiry> felda: lol 16:50 < felda> lmao bruh 16:50 < narziss> bmurt: why pre-order? 16:50 < felda> DrGibby| had to bring the pip down 16:51 <+DrGibby|> PIP PIP PIP PIP PIP PIP PIP 16:51 < narziss> pre-pay for a game thatll be broke and won't play the same after a few updates? 16:51 < bmurt> i pre-ordered bc i'm a fan of the battlefield games 16:51 < bmurt> we're not talking about pubg narziss 16:51 < narziss> oh i am a fan of battlefield series. 16:51 < narziss> since bf1942. 16:51 < narziss> yet, i recognize bf1 to be a shitshow 16:51 < technonerd> Pre order a game that dies when a new release comes out 16:52 < narziss> bmurt: do you know if bfv will have silly gun skins? 16:52 < bmurt> most likely. hopefully not as goofy as CoD 16:52 < bmurt> bf1942 was a great game 16:53 <@killdash9> how can it not? Money gotta be made somewhere 16:53 < bmurt> i miss flying :( 16:53 < narziss> the skin stuff is narcissistic and not in line with the game. 16:53 < bmurt> el alamein 16:53 < narziss> give us guns not skins. 16:53 <@killdash9> people won't pay actual development costs of AAA games so publishers make it up elsewhere 16:54 < narziss> bmurt: is el alamein the first map theyll release? 16:54 <@killdash9> and people won't stand for buying guns that give and different advantage. So, you get Hello Kitty sinds for your Garand 16:54 < narziss> gah.. playing el alamein again will be great. id play bf1942 for 11 hours between 12 hour shifts when i was a tape archivist 16:55 < narziss> on the third day i was walking into the tape racks 16:59 < bmurt> narziss: no, not saying that. just flashing back to my bf1942 days 17:00 < bmurt> i'm just trying to figure out how to play the xbox one open beta for bf5 if it's starting 17:00 < bmurt> started* 17:01 < narziss> ah 17:01 < Alternity> Friday the 13th! 17:01 < Alternity> who's excited 17:01 < humpaxx> Hmm 17:02 < humpaxx> I just discovered the camera system hasn´t been recording stuff for like over 2 weeks because all the cameras decided they needed new IPs 17:03 < humpaxx> And we only discovered this because i wanted to know how two strangers got in while my coworker was alone :| 17:03 < vavkamil> you have DHCP enabled for cameras? 17:03 < humpaxx> Well its 5:05pm so i got all weekend to figure it out 17:04 < humpaxx> vavkamil: Seems whoever set them up didnt bother setting static IPs... So yes 17:04 < humpaxx> This is also being fixed. :) 17:04 < int0x1C8> hurrrrr 17:04 < humpaxx> int0x1C8: durrrrrrr 17:04 < humpaxx> Anyways, talk later 17:04 < Pebbles5> I was watching a video about why learning everything and trying to do everything perfectly is a waste of time. 17:05 < int0x1C8> never let perfect be the enemy of good enough 17:05 < asimon> idk who was asking about a dark theme for Office 17:05 < Pebbles5> so many people and companies are super successful with half baked products. 17:05 < asimon> but here's something https://www.reddit.com/r/OneNote/comments/71mv34/onenote_dark_theme_success/ 17:06 < corn266> idk why it's so difficult for my coworker to add my pubkey to their ssh server 17:07 < Pebbles5> maybe they don't trust you? /S 17:07 < Pebbles5> corn266: ^ 17:07 < corn266> it was their idea in the first place 17:10 < narziss> need to reboottttt 17:10 < narziss> this aint running on screen so brb 17:27 <@ravioli> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 17:28 < JFDkthx> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 17:28 <+layer-eight> * JFDkthx → ravioli → YouTube → Rebecca Black - Friday → ⚘ 123,163,169 ↑ 850,201 ↓ 3,231,465 ✍ 846,395 17:28 <@ravioli> :| 17:28 < JFDkthx> NEW IT 17:28 < JFDkthx> you cant fool me 17:29 < Pebbles5> I was wondering how Debian service would work with 512MB RAM 17:30 < Pebbles5> s/service/server 17:30 <+layer-eight> [SED Pebbles5] I was wondering how Debian server would work with 512MB RAM 17:32 < JFDkthx> probably fine 17:33 < Pebbles5> For example CentOS 7 needs 1GB minimum 17:33 < JFDkthx> is that for core? 17:35 < corn266> Woo! Finally got that comfy 6TB /home drive 17:35 < javi404> Pebbles5: core can get away with less I think. 17:35 < JFDkthx> Pebbles5: https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch03s04.html.en 17:35 <+layer-eight> * JFDkthx → 3.4. Meeting Minimum Hardware Requirements 17:35 < JFDkthx> ur fine 17:45 < technonerd> I am pretty fine, thanks bby 17:51 < Casteil> any of you guys work for companies doing the "open office space" bullshit? 17:51 < Alternity> when you get 4 out of 5 on a review and you ask what you can improve and they say 'you're doing perfect' smh 17:52 < Casteil> "You're doing perfect, we just can't give you a 5 because it's unrealistic!" 17:53 < narziss> the doing perfect reviews are lies. 17:54 < narziss> are you seeing this on glassdoor or internal stuff? 17:54 < narziss> my company has some terrible Glassdoor reviews. 17:54 < scwizard> dude not my week 17:54 < narziss> eh 17:54 < scwizard> i got in early to work on wendsday because i couldn't sleep 17:54 < scwizard> so i get home, then head to sleep around like 11 (should have been earlier but...) 17:55 < narziss> stressed about work insomnia? 17:55 < scwizard> and that's when my sinuses finally decide to drain 17:55 < narziss> sounds gross but ok. 17:55 < narziss> and thats not a good thing? 17:55 < scwizard> so I couldn't fall asleep at all because i had to spend the next several hours coughing up the sinus headache i had all day wendsday 17:55 < scwizard> my projects are so behind 17:55 < narziss> ah. well, it is friday now. 17:56 < scwizard> i had a 2 day week last week because holiday 17:56 < scwizard> and a 2 day week this week because of a cold 17:56 < narziss> you're murican arent you 17:56 < scwizard> yeah 17:56 < narziss> i envy your 4th of july 5 day weekends. 17:56 < JFDkthx> happy friday the 13th u fucks 17:56 < JFDkthx> im going home 17:57 < scwizard> for purple mountains majesty above the fruited plains! 17:58 < felda> DrGibby| you think you could program rebeccablack to kick on mass spam? 17:58 <+DrGibby|> its not my bot 17:58 < felda> she should not be abused (ಥ﹏ಥ) 17:58 <+DrGibby|> I know buddy 17:58 < JFDkthx> fuck u felda 17:58 < JFDkthx> get over it 17:59 < felda|> SHE IS OUR PRECIOUS STAR YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH THIS 17:59 < JFDkthx> try me 17:59 < JFDkthx> bet i wont 17:59 < onecrankyguy> i feel sick, I should go home 17:59 < felda|> JFDkthx I'm gonna report you to Freenode and get you Klined 17:59 < JFDkthx> felda|: i've already been klined 18:00 < JFDkthx> i said hatter was sexually harrassing me 18:00 < hxcsp> is the website up yet 18:00 < JFDkthx> and sygwin klined me 18:00 < hxcsp> no 18:00 < hxcsp> felda what are you doing 18:00 < ekaj_> `bofh 18:00 <+layer-eight> You must be identified with NickServ to use the bofh command ekaj_ 18:01 < hxcsp> `bofh 18:01 <+layer-eight> BOFH Bad user karma. 18:01 < felda|> hxcsp just got my dell r710 setup with hyperv 2016, opnsense vm, and pihole vm 18:01 < narziss> what bofh command 18:01 < narziss> ehhhh 18:01 < ekaj_> someone fix that I am identified :( 18:01 < hxcsp> felda|: i dont see webserver anywhere in there 18:01 < felda|> tonight I'll work on ubuntu server vm to hold my LAMP stack 18:01 < hxcsp> if i see you on steam tonight instead of working on the website. all hell will break loose. 18:01 < JFDkthx> hxcsp: u know hes going to be playing skyrim 18:01 < felda|> actually you won't see me streaming 18:02 < felda|> because I have DnD tonight 18:02 < hxcsp> felda|: oh so you were already lying 18:02 < felda|> yeah 18:02 < hxcsp> JFDkthx: i know right 18:02 < felda|> I were 18:02 < felda|> listen tho 18:02 < hxcsp> NO EXCUSES 18:02 < felda|> skyrim with the big tiddies mods 18:02 < felda|> how can I ignore it 18:02 < JFDkthx> every mod has big tooters 18:02 < ekaj_> the tiggest of bitties 18:02 < narziss> umm......... can we setup a #reddit-sysadmin dnd party? 18:03 < felda|> Roll20.net is pretty decent for DnD 18:03 < felda|> That or tabletop simulator 18:03 < narziss> yeah. i suggest we create a whoard. 18:03 < JFDkthx> fantasygrounds best table 18:03 < narziss> a blend of whore and hoard. 18:03 < narziss> party will be way too small a term to accomodate us. 18:03 < scwizard> JFDkthx: i heard good thinsg 18:03 < narziss> i havent played ina while so i cant be dm. 18:04 < narziss> fantasygrounds looks good. 18:05 < estranger> wait you can do DnD in tabletop simulator? 18:06 < estranger> man i should get the old crew back together 18:10 < Sousapro> you can do anything in tabletop simulator 18:10 < Sousapro> It's pretty awesome 18:10 < Sousapro> have they added VR support to it yet? 18:10 < Sousapro> I haven't played with it in forever 18:10 < estranger> Sousapro, yes they have 18:10 < Sousapro> that's awesome 18:10 < estranger> i think i have ti but never tried it 18:16 < felda|> oooooh shiet boys 18:16 < corn266> felda| grep pfsense 18:16 < felda> Deputy Attorney General announces the US Government finds Russians 100% did hack us lmao 18:16 <+DrGibby|> link pls 18:16 < corn266> ayyy lmao 18:16 <+DrGibby|> maybe not here 18:16 < estranger> #fakeNews 18:17 < felda> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8P7Y8yncDA live stream 18:17 <+layer-eight> * felda → YouTube → WATCH LIVE: Deputy Atty. Gen. Rosenstein makes law enforcement announcement at news briefing → ⚘ 480 ↑ 44 ↓ 4 ✍ 0 18:17 < felda> basically they used spear phishing to steal data 18:17 < felda> all the hackers were found to be working for GRU which is Russian intelligence 18:17 < estranger> a group of russians, or a group sanctioned by the russian govt? 18:17 < estranger> there ya go 18:18 < estranger> im sure we've hacked Russia too 18:18 < estranger> hell we hacked Israel didnt we and we like them 18:19 <+DrGibby|> we hack everyone 18:19 <+DrGibby|> everyone hacks us 18:20 < silentfury> can't hack if you've got an inside man *taps temple* 18:20 < estranger> this is why I wear my tin foil hat and jock strap 18:20 < felda> wowee wasn't even hackers working FOR gru 18:20 < felda> it was actual GRU agents 18:20 < felda> neato 18:21 < felda> also slammed cryptocurrency 18:21 < felda> > used bitcoins to pay for services and servers 18:22 < estranger> #fakeNews ! just the man trying to kiss the big banks ass! 18:24 < vinrock> should i get a chimichanga for lunch or pozole 18:25 < silentfury> chimichanga 18:25 < silentfury> deadpool approved 18:25 < estranger> both sounds good.. id go chimi I think 18:25 < vinrock> word 18:26 < Pebbles5> How is the Ant man 2 movie? 18:26 < scwizard> i'm gonna skip lunch 18:26 < scwizard> and get a big ass burger for happy hour 18:27 < felda> ooof the comments on the youtube live stream 18:27 < felda> "the jews did this" 18:27 < Pebbles5> .......... 18:27 < scwizard> felda: ever been to /pol/ 18:27 < felda> yeah lol 18:27 < felda> I've seen worse on reddit 18:27 < scwizard> so u know what kinda politics ppl have 18:27 < scwizard> when they're anonymous 18:27 <+DrGibby|> here is the indictment if you care to read: https://www.justice.gov/file/1080281/download 18:27 <+layer-eight> * DrGibby| → APPLICATION/PDF Document, 6,990,384 bytes 18:28 < Pebbles5> YouTube live chat is a abomination anyways 18:28 < vinrock> the (((comments))) on RT's website are always pretty... uh 18:28 < vinrock> yeah 18:28 < Pebbles5> You can hardly read anything.... 18:29 < vinrock> i like how ty chat is just insane 18:29 < vinrock> er 18:29 < vinrock> yt 18:29 < scwizard> vinrock: both the alt right and actual russians are pretty antisemtic 18:29 < Pebbles5> This site have the best comment section https://arstechnica.com/ 18:29 <+layer-eight> * Pebbles5 → Ars Technica 18:29 < vinrock> i dont think the 'alt righ' even exists 18:29 < vinrock> its like a boogeyman 18:30 < scwizard> it depends on how you define it 18:30 < vinrock> which is the hard part 18:30 < vinrock> wtf is it actually supposed to be 18:30 < scwizard> yeah 18:30 < corn266> d-d-d-did you say b-b-b-boogeyman? 18:30 < scwizard> there's def people out there who want a white ethnostate, but there were ppl like that before the 2016 election too